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Social Gossip

By Christabel

WHAT odd tilings one leads in i lie new spa pels now and then ' A Socieh journal m S\ dne\ , latch announced the tact that Lady Blank was seuoush ill and was eing nursed b\ hei Mstei , and tliat her ti lends were cxtiemeh anxious about the It reminds one ot the man who rang up tor a Wellington medico, and said M\ motliei-in-law is at death's dooi and I leh on jon to pull hei thiough '" » •* * The fortunate guests who weie united to the da.nee gn en by Mis John Holmes, of Onental Bay," on Tluusda\ e\enmg last week, spent a mot en i o\,ible t.nne Tlie Bn\ which is ah\J\s loielv was stall moie beautiful m the clear moonlight, and the wcw fiom the gaiden w a.s an entiancmg one. Mis Holmes' 1 evidence l.s moie than usualK suitable for a dance, and the flooi, which I heai was laid expiessh foi dancing, was peifect The ballioom was lavish! \ decorated with mellow ehivsanthemums and ti ailing fo'hage ( hrvsaiiMiomums ferns weie also chiefh used m the table decorations * * * Oui hostess lecened in a handsome gown of black biocade, and as assisted bv hei daughtei who was mettily attned in a soft white silk diess Amongst the mam guests I noticed Mr*. Fannar. m finite silk, with diapings ot loyelv Maltese lace on bodice and skirt Mrs De Ca.stio, m black satin Mrs New all black silk Miss N New all, a piettv cream fiock Miss Butt, white silk Mivs Wix. becoming white silk dress Miss D. Wix, blue silk da,mtily trimmed with chiffon Miss E hlhott soft white silk fiock * * • Miss H Gibbes also woie white Miss Macintosh looked \eiy nice in. black satin with a large rod ehou. Miss M Macintosh had on a white silk frock Tlie Misses Foster wOl c pink , Miss Ida Willis, a piottv white muslin, with lace and insertion Miss, Vera AVilhs also looked exceeding well in. a soft white muslin frock Miss E. Ward, black sill: and Maltese lace Miss Lulu Kwen. beautiful h-m sertioned musdin the Misses Faimar, pale blue silk di esses * * * The Misfces, Gili weie m black silk, w ith transparent sleeves. Miss Hannah was in black silk Miss Wheeler also looked well in black Miss Runcie's wlute silk frock was sweet," and Miss Hoirti Runcie wore a dainty fulled white muslin Miss De Castro was in blue Miss Hackwoith, white Miss Biewer a piefrt\ gown Miss O. Mills, black Miss X Mills, in white * * • Amongst the men were Messis. Bridge, Brewei, Wix, Macintosh, Taylor. Gill, Raw son, Johnson, Bhindell, Dodd, Nancairow, Robertson, Paisley, P\e-Smith, Gibbes, Francis, Campbell, and Anderson * • • The students of the Victoria College are giving themselves a small euchre party and dance next week. * • • Miss A. (Nannie) Parker, eldest daughter of Mr. Robert Parker, Wellington, was one of the successful applicants for a teachership in the Boer concentration camps, and leaves shortly for Africa She has received a presents tion fiom her pupils, with whom she was very populai . Mr. and Mrs Tlsclall left last week for Sydney, en loute for England, wheie they will spend some months. * * • Mrs. AntaJJ, of Napier, has been \ lsitmg Wellington. Miss Heath, also from Napier, is at present staving here. * * * The engagement has been announced of Mi.s& Winnie Royds, Invercargill, to Mr. J. Hea-dinan. * * * Dr. and Mrs. Valintme intend living at the Hutt in the future, and have taken a pretty house in that locality. I hear that Mr. Maughan Barnett has taken Dr. Yalintine's. house. * * • Miss Bathaan, B A., who has resigned her position on the staff of the Nelson Girls' College to accept one at the Girls' High. School, Wellington, arrives this week.

The engagement lias boon announced oi Miss Voi a. Tiegeai, only dauglitoi ot Mi. Edwaid Tiegeai Csecieta.i\ ot the Dopaitment of Laboui), Wellington, to Mi H C'olhngton Swan, ot Masteitoii, Waniai apa. # * * Anotliei engagement latel\ announced is that ot Mi^s Nellie Heath, one ot liawke's Bay's most populai girls to Mi T Dent, the well-known cncketei, who lias been h>i some time on the stafl oi the Bank of New South Wales Xapiei. and has been latch transiei led to S-\ dne\ Mi- Peic\ Curtis Mi'-s Cuitis and Mi A W. W Cuiti'- ot Wellinaton, aio smMwline; a lio!ida\ in the Manawatn distnrt # » * In\ ltaitioms ha\ c been issued b\ the committee ot the Alexaudia Home toi a tea to be gnen theie on Tlmrsda\ novt * * ■* The agents ot the Athenic h.wv issued imitations foi nn At Home on boa id to-i Thin <-da\ Ist Ma\ . (Coiitiiutt'tl <>)i piK/r 11 !

The stall-holders and assistants of the New Zealand stall at the Empire Bazaar woie entertained at afternoon tea, on Saturday last, by Mrs. Chapman, Lower Hutt. A brake was v>ro\ided, aaid a enjoyable chive out made the dainty tea provided on arrival, most acceptable. Even' description of sweet was provided foi us, the delicious fruit salads being especially enjoyed. The house was ohanningh decorated but the beautifully laid-out grounds were most fascinating, and tempted one to roam about. The artificial lake and piettv fountain weie much admired. * ♦ • Mirs. C'haipm>an receded in a ciwrn chiffon robe, over silk, with lovely Biooklvn lace, and an embroidered s k belt and collai Mrs T G Maoarthy was much 'admired in a nav\ taaloimade with a smart straw toque, with blue rosette and quill Mrs Siegncf w ore a handsome "black dres* and i thiee-(|uarter coat, and pictuie hat. Mrs. Riggs, a smart oaracul coatee, dark skirt, and scarlet hat Miss We\bourne, a blue silk blouse, dark sknt and black hat Miss Macdonald, a scarlet silk blouse, lace yoke, black sknt, and pictuio hat * * » Mrs. Bradey, black tailoi-made, and close toque, Miss Williams, Eton gown, white vest, and picture hat Miss Maginnitv, a dark skirt, panne v . et blouse, and pretty toreador hat Miss E. Maginmty, a dark coat and skirt, and large black hat, Mrs. W. Russell, a tailor-made gown and sables, and a, Tvide-bnmmed hat , Miss Ma,v Rane. a dark go -.n, and hat with tips « • * During the afternoon pmg-pong was played, and selections given on the Aeolian by Mr Harrison, were giea.tly enjoyed, especially the 'Tannhausei March. Miss K. Maginmt\ sang gloriously Mrs. Riggs' songs were also much enjoyed Mrs and Mr Chapman spared no trouble to give their guests a thoroughly enjoyable outing •with the result that it was ciuite dark before the farewells were said. • * • The eagerly looked for first meet ot the hunting "season took place on Apnl 20th at Carnarvon, one of the happiest hunting grounds of Rangitikei. There was a. splendid muster of huntsmem, but. the ladies who followed numbered only two— Mrs. Riddifoid and Miss Nancy Wilson, both excellent hoi sew omen and keen. • * * The hunt was thoroughly en]o\ed, and will be one of the best of the 3 ear. A splendid luncheon was provided by the host, Mr. Tom McKenzie, and his charming wife and daughter, aaid when the tired huntsmen letuined after the chase afternoon tea was dispensed. I noticed there Mr. D J. Riddiford (Master), Dr. Watson. Messrs H. and N. Wilson, Colonel Goring, Messrs Ossie Johnston, D. and "W Scott, Maurice, and A. Riggie and amongst the ladies, Mis D J Riddiford, Miss N Wilson, Mrs J Bull, Mrs. McKelvie, Mrs. T. Scott. Miss Bailey and otheis * * •* " Mis. H B. Mason, the well-known teacher oi dancing, opened hei sea^oii with a mofet delightful ball, oa Fnda.\ . 18th Apnl. The interior of the private hall was artisticajlj decorated, and x he hangings, drapmgs, and Chinese 'anteins, combined with the handsome dresses ot the ladies, made a staking picture Amount those u resent weio -Miss Gieenfield, in a handsome gown of white, silk, with bodice* and slee\ es of sequin net Mrs. Pudney, in white silk and pearl passementene Mi^s Robinson, white mushn., lace insertion . Miss E Robinson, white. MissG Robinson, white lawn embroidered Miss Le Blanche, black satin, with handsome let and steel trimming Miss H LeBlanche, black satin, the bodice being trimmed with chiffon and brilliant ornaments Mis. E Wilson, white brocaded satin, handsome pearl tnmming Miss, L Smith lemon satin relieved with chiffon. • * * Miss Thompson wore a white silk gown, trimmed with laoe Miss Kddv A\hite Indian mushn, trimmed with blue velvet Miss Urquhart, damt\ white muslin lace liitertion Miss Reade white muslin Mrs. Rogers, pale heliotrope brocade Miss Eagle, white cashmere tucked, white satin tnmmmg Miss Simmonds, white silk bodice, tucked, and prettily trimmed with peail passementerie, white Cashmere sknt trimmed with white satin . Miss Hildreth. white cashmere, Miss H. J Hildreth, white silk and lace Miss Devonport handsome white satin gown profue>eil\ trimmed with sparkling pas^rmentene, brilliants in haai Miss Cooper, black glace^ silk point lac<^ bertha.. Miss Gylesi woi-o cream cashmeie iclieved with con'onation red velvet Mis<^ Keirsliaw, blue flowered mushn de lame Mrs Gyles black velvet, trimmed with pearls 'Miss Philpot white silk Mrs. Major, black merveillenx, trimmed with

chiffon and sequins, cLuk led iosos m hair , Miss Majoi , w lute casJmieie bodice trimmed \\ ltli lace and glace silk, Jace transparent sleeves Misses Gosne> piett\ floweied muslin frocks, Mis. Gosno\ black, relieved with red glace silk Tiene Mason, white Miss Jolly, dark blue silk. Kxtias weie played b\ liene Mason, Miss Greenfield, and Mis G yles. Mr ai-d Mis Hi nest I/ai d loa\e toi Mos~iel this week. ♦ * » Mrs Phaiazui (Napiei) 1 as issued 111wta.tions foi a laige ball Theie is gictt o\oifr< mont toi no lobs than oisht girls ai c to make thru debut Amongst them is Miss P Williams, meet' of Mis Phaia,,Mi, and foi liei tiit' ball is being gnen. * * * A \ei\ blight and chaiming At Home was gn en b\ Miss Hc\ w ood on Fndav afternoon last, a large numboi of guests being pmsent. The floial decoiations m the different looms woie. loveI\. C'osmeasS and old gold chrysanthemums weie in piofusion and an oxquisrte bowl of pmk Japanese ohenyblo^som aitistieaJlv aiianged on the mantelpiece ot the di aw ing-ioom. was gioitlv admired The time passed most pleasanth. \ ltli puff billiards, ping-pong and music. Tl-.o daintiest of tea, with delicious sandwiches and sw eets was handed round bv the Misses Hen wood. Miss Fhei, and Miss Bendall « * * Miss Heywood looked extiemelv uiett\ m a blouse of eau-do-nil silk, with string insertion and lace yoke and a black satin skirt Miss Kthel He\wood wore a pale blue silk blouse, lace yoke, and smait black skirt Mrs. Kane was in black and w bite Mrs T G Macarthy's lovely gown was of old rose cloth, 'beautifully made the bodice, opening over a shell-pink silk est covered with exquisite lace — tiny gold buttons added a finish — and her hat was of pink mnioi velvet, draped with black lace caught with bunches of tiny white and led curiants * * • Mis Donald Donald (Featherston) woie a black gown, white silk vest, and black pictuie hat. Mrs Wickham's prett\ grey \ ode gow n wa& finished w ith passementerie, and she wore a becoming black hat. Mrs. Andei&on woie a striking gown of dove-gieA cloth with cheriv velvet, and toque to match Miss Skei-rett, a handsome black gown, w ith chinchilla fur, and a touch of tur-quoLse-bluei Miss Julia Skeriett, a smart black and white gown with sable cape, and pictuie ha,t Mrs Fitchett. a handsome black voile, and black hat Alis Beauohamp looked vei\ nice in a daik gow n and st'Jish hat • * * Mis Stuait-Memeath was admned m a dark na\ \ tailoi-matle with a lace collar and black pictuie hat. Mi<Baxter wore a beautiful gown of black silk voile, ovei glace with flounces of black lace, a black and white hat Miss Bnmett gi^ voile gown with handsome ecru "medallions, and a nlateau hat with chemes, Miss Kane wore a tucked giev voile and black hat Misfe How lit" eau-dc-nil voile gown with a large hat Mis MacKwen looked yen handsome in a gown of old low cloth with a black pietuie hat * * Mis Bustowe woie a most becoming sealskin coat black sknt, and scai let toque Miss Dvci looked charming in a pale gieen gown, smartly stiapped and a pretty toque Miss Bendall woie a dark Kton costume light \ est and a touch of turquoise. Miss Olne Kernher looked prett\ in a black sknt and white silk and lace blouse, and dai k hat Mrs Wafers had on a daik tiuior-mnde and black hat Mis. Kei.ibd was in black. Mis D\orwore a handsome black gown and a white bonnet. f. * * I noticed, while passing thiough the D.I (' to-day a iwolt\ m table-conties--\elvot stamped and cut to repiesent flowers, alwens of a laige design—tthaeih weie \on effectne One that was especially admned consisted of a <noup of water lilies. The woik reminded one somewhat of the Poonali p,unt:ng, which at one was a fashionable cia/.c • * * Piogiesw\e Heait>s" is quite Hie most populai toim or amusement now-a-da- s, and it needs not a little cunning" to be successful It js> a capital na\ of enteitaimng and pioduces, great tun Mrs C Izard had a \er\ enjoxabie little evening of this debcnption last Tue&dav and Miss P<«tndgei is having one to-night foi Miss Thomais (C'hiistchuich) \>ho is her guest The cnteitaanment and dance m aid of the Society for Prevention of Cruel ty to Animals proved a great success Miss Newton and hei brother acted capitally in A Morning Call, I '^ and gieatly amused the^ audience Unfoitunateh men weie in the mii i ont\ . but most of the girls managed to enjo\ the evening thoioughly. Kuig's band supplied the music, a,nd the supper was all

that could be cleaned. A feature was the artistic nature of the piograrnmes, ornamented with etchings of animals. Amongst those present were Mrs. Adams, in a handsome black satin gown. Mis. Maurice Turrell aJso wore black, relieved with red. Mrs. Buchanans gown, of black satin, was finished with lace and blue velvet , Mrs. H. Raw son, black brocade. Mrs. Travers looked well in a pretty satin gown and c luff on flounces Mrs Jack Mills looked spacefill in Mack brocade. Mrs. Hem \ w a>s in a lowly gown of oyster gie\ s.itin Mrs. J Tripe had on white satin and lace Mis. Aithur On. lean's beautiful gown w a.s of black sritiii x-lie-wd with non \acv « * * Mrs. C. Pea ice was in white Miss Miles, black silk . Miss B Miles, black diess, with a ftchu , Miss J. Campbell (Melbourne), A\lnte silk and turquoiseblue Miss MacTavish looked graceful in a gown of pale green silk , Miss Violet Twigg (Napier), pale green satin, with buttercups. Miss G. Reid, a loveh cream satin gown, with chiffon frills. Mi^s M. Simpson also woie a gown of w liite satin . Miss Partridge, blacksatin and point lace , M'ss Thomas (Chnstchurch), a pretty black chiffon gow n Miss Flora Brandon was in amber satin Miss Higginson, black gatin Miss Z. Johnston, black satin, and white lace. Others present were The Misses Colendge, Butt, Harding, Edwin, Atkinson Barron, Chatfield, Tollunst Hahe. Foster, Raw son. Fell, Fitzgerald Sprott, and Richmond. # * * A (|inet, but pretty, wedding was celebrated at the Newtown Methodist church Wellington, on Tuesday, April Bth, when Miss Ethel Hobbs, youngest daughter of Mr. A. E. Hobbs, Prahran, Victoria, was married to the 1 Rev. William Bowie, of Waipawa. The ceremony was performed by the Rpv. George Bond. Many handsome preseaitSr liarve been received bv the oridc and bridegroom accompanied by expresMons of good-will.

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Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 96, 3 May 1902, Page 10

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Social Gossip Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 96, 3 May 1902, Page 10

Social Gossip Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 96, 3 May 1902, Page 10