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Social Gossip

By Christabel.

I MUST gi\e you a few moie paiticuJais about tlie pretty wedding ot Miss Martha McKeirow to Mr. K. L. Bui nes. Last week it was only possible to clash oft the leading points so as to catch the press, winch, like time and tide, waits for ao woman. The bride wore a beautiful gown of cieam satin, the bodice being m a boleio, and trimmed with beautiful applique lace, flowers, and tucked silk yoke, and the sleeves beung of jmffed chiffon. She aJso wore the orthodox veil and orange blossoms, and carried a beautiful shower bouquet of w lute flow ers. Miss McLean, ot Dunedin (cousin of the bride), who was the chief bridesmaid, wore a handsome white cloth costume, strapped with white glace, and a pretty white hat The two younger maids (Miss Mary Seaton and Miss Madge Burnes) were dressed m soft, white silk, trimmed with lace and insertion, and large white Leghorn hat«, and all carried mast beautiful shower 'niquets of scarlet cactus dahlias, w;th maiden-hair and scarlet satin ribbon. Mr. George Burnes, of ImercaieiU, brother of the bridegroom, acted as best main, and the groomsmen were Mr. C. Trrmnell and O. X ember. * # * The bride's going-away dress was ot sage^-green frieze, trimmed with white satin, and cieam lace, with pretty toque to match. The wedding breakfast was served in the dining-room, when the usual toasts were proposed in neat speeches, and duly honoured. Mrs. McKerrow, mother of the bride, wore a handsome gown of black satin, trimmed with jet, and a black toque with a touch of heliotrope. Amongst the guests, who numbered about seventy, I noticed • Mrs. Chas. J. Johnston, in a grey silk, the skirt being slashed with pink glace silk, and the bodice trimmed with a fichu of fine old lace, Mrs. Harry Burnes, blue foulard, tiimmed with beautiful lace, and black toque , Mrs. Buoholz, pretty costume of green canvas cloth, trimmed with cream insertion and green toque. * * » Miss Winnie Ehott wore a grey costume, and pretty pink hat; Miss Tregear, handsome black Eton coat and skirt, strapped with glace bands, blue and silver toque, Mrs. Abbott, black cloth costume, dainty toque of heliotrope chiffon, Mrs. Hickson, black and white eoait and skirt, with bonnet en suite Miss Scully, purple strapped costume- and heliotrope toque. * » » The wedding presents, which were numerous, formed a \ cry choice and charming collection. I understand that the hapDv pair are spending their honeymoon in the Wanganui district. * * * Miss Spieis, who won the ladies' rifle match at the Federal prize-firing meeting at Oamaru in 1896, is the heroine of qiute a little romance. It seems that she was engaged to Mr. John McCormack, of Roxburgh, who left New Zealand for America five years ago, promising to send for his sweetheart when he had established himself. He settled down at Dawson City, where he now holds a responsible position, and true to his word, he sent for the girl of his choice towards the end of lafet year. Miss Spiers left New Zealand bv the Aorangi, and, on the 31&t December last, she was married at Vancouver, immediately on her arrival, to the faithful McCormack. » • * Mr. Henry T. Norton, the well-known boat-builder, of Waterloo Quay, was ma,rried on the 12th ultimo to Miss Florence Margaret Matthews. The wedding took place at the Primitive Methodist church, in Sydney-street, and was solemnised by the Rev. G. H Mann. The bride looked very pretty in a becoming costume of tucked grey voile, trimmed with white satin and silk lace. She wore thei customary bridal veil, and carried a shower bouquet of white roses and maiden-hair fern » # ■» Miss Nellie Norton (sister of the bridegroom) was the chief bridesmaid, the other maids being Miss Ruby Ho"wotrtih and Miss Daisy Mason (cousins of the bride) They wore tucked white silk dresses, and carried shower bouquet of pink roses and tiger lilies. Mr. Albert Daniel acted as best man, and Mr. George Norton was groomsman.

The hone\ moon was spent in tlie Kraitea, district (Feilding), the hi ides ti a^ oiling costume consisting, of \ iolct satin doth tiimmod with tucked white satin, white clufton toque, with ostnch feathoi and black \eh et Ahs Bamngton Wateis (sistoi ot IM i Fiank D\ei) who lias become engaged to Mr Crisp, of Gisborne. is a lecent anival, and" an accomplished pianist. She was ai pupil of Homi Kowahki, and h is lately made a successful toui of the Noith Island. It is said that hei musical lepertone consists of almost two hundred piece*, winch she pLn s rntnelv fiom mcmoiv. * * * Mr. Aithur Mowlem, sohcitoi, of Auckland, a «on of Mi Fied Mowlem ot Palmeiston North, wa.s manied at Napior the other da-\ to the onh daughter of the Rev C E Beecioft. * * * A pretty wedding took place at St Mary of the Angels church on Easter Monday, when Miss Margaiet O'Bnen, voungeit daughter of the late Mi John O'Bnen, was marned, by the Rev. Father O'Shea, to Mr Frank Macmahon, only son of the late Mr. James Macmahon. The bride looked chaimmg in a dress of cream fieuied lustie, tastefully trimmed with silk and chiffon, with toque to match, and she caii icd a show ci bouquet * # * The bndesmaids wcie the Misses O'Bnen and Macmahon (sisteis of the bnde and bridegroom). They were dressed in lavender dresses, ti mimed with cream silk and black chiffon toques, and they carried bouquets. They also wore gold brooches, the gift of the bridegroom. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr T. O'Bnen. Mr. J Keishaw was the best man. There wrie fifty guests pio«ent at the wedding breakfast, which was served m capital style at Maw son's 100ms. The wedding presents were numerous and handsome * * * Captain J. Gethin Hughes, D.S.O , who ha/s been appointed caotam-adjut-ant to the Tenth Contingent, spent a day or two in Napier last week, bidding good-bye to his people', who leside there, and was <n\en a hearty farew T ell bv his many admirers. I join with his many friends in wishing this plucky and popular officer kia ora" and plenty of work. * * ♦ Mrs. John McVay, wife of the Mayor of Napier, has been paving a short visit to her sister, Mrs. North, of Petone, whose son, Mr. Sidney North, of the First and Seventh Contingents, has just died in Africa of enteric fever. * * * The engagement has just been announced of M:ss Watt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J H. Coleman, Napier, to Mr. Baden-Powell, brother of the Mafeking hero Miss Watt, who has been in England for some months, has lately visited Mrs. Baden-Powell, who lives just out. of London, and while there became engaged to her son, who is a clever solicitor. * » * Another engagement lately announced is that of Miss Standish, Napier, to MiFrank Williams, of Gisborne, and son of the Bishop of Waiapu. * * * Miss F. Shavle-Geoige, who has been visitme Mrs. Cuitis, Wellington, ietumed last week to Auckland. Miss Ada Curtis has accompanied hei for a Vlfeat . * * * Mr. and Mis. Robieson (Napier) stayed foi a few days at the Empire Hotel en route for Auckland, where they will join the boat for America * * * Miss Witldop (Wellington), who is visiting Miss Guy (Dannevirke) has been spending a few days in. Napier. * * # Miss Edith Bendall (Wellington) is visiting Napier. * ♦ * Mrs and Miss Comford (Namei) have leturned from Auckland. * * • The Open Tournament, held on the Napier courts dining Easter week, was a great success in every way The weather was peifect, and both pla\ers and onlookers enioved themsehes immensely. There was great excitement o\er many of the matches, especially those in which the Maori players pla-\ed an important part. Amongst the many visitors to the courts, I noticed Lady Whifamore, in a handsome black gown and black bonnet, with touches of pink. Mrs. Pharazyn was also in black. Mrs. Steadman was wearing a beautifullymade English gown, of biscuit-coloured cloth, trimmed with ivory guipure, with a hat of Wedgw T ood blue and pai asol to match. * ♦ * Mrs. Dixon looked well in black and white, with a black hat. Mrs. Tanner was in black. Mrs. Bowen wore a white silk blouse-, pique skirt, and smart (Continued on pnqe 12.)

&t ia\v toque, with turquoise silk. Mis. Moore's prettj gown was of forget-me-not blue voile and Lace, toque to match. Mrs. McLeinon was handsomely gowned in black, and a black chiffon hat. Mrs. Mannenng woie white pique Mrs. A. Kennedy was in black and white Mis Maa-gohonth was wearing black and a heliotrope bonnet , Mrs. Smith, a silk blouse and dark skirt. Mrs. Recce wore black Mis Pawtt, a stylish hoiland frock and black chiffon hat. Mrs Hart. (Hastings) was in brown. Miss Tanner wore a white pique costume with a tuniuoise folded belt. • " • * Mrs. Fenwick (Hastings) wore a black and white gown, and black hat. Miss Balfour looked extremely well in a rose silk blouse, grey voile skirt and pink and grey toque. Miss Widdop (Wellington) wore a stylish hoi land frock and black hat. Miss Guy (Dannevirke) was wearing a P-retty muslin blouse and dark skirt Miss Cattenll, silk blouse and dark skirt Miss W. Cottenll a silk blouse, dark skirt, and ostrich feather ruffle. Miss K. on Dadelzen was much admired m a graceful eown of biscuit vode and a rose belt 7 and a bm nt -straw hat with pink loses. # Miss Hovell looked pretty in a fawn coat dark <=kirt, and becoming hat. Miss Goldsmith wore a dainty muslm. Miss Brandon (Wellington) was in a black and white frock. Miss Hitchmgs wore a white costume and sailor hat Miss McLernon had on a smart white silk ponchee blouse and blue skirt blue and white hat. Miss C McLernon looked i cry smart in a strapped corselet skirt of dark blue voile, with a blue silk blouse, and hat to match. Miss McVay wore a blue Eton o-own with a lace collar, and black hat with roses. Miss M. McVav was wearing a white silk blouse, and cornflourblue, skirt, and pretty hat. The Misses Wilson w ore becoming pique gowns and sailor hats Miss Burke wore a silk blouse, black skirt chiffon ruffle, and hat with pink. Miss E Burke wore a pmk silk blouse, a pretty tucked linen skirt and chiffon ruffle. Miss Sutton had on a white blouse and black sknt Miss Recce was in white pique. * * * The Empire Bazaar, with its pietty attendant) maidens, in their gowns ot dainty blue, and atti active mushn-veil-ed red, closes on Saturday mpht after a most successful season. On Fndav last, Les Cloches dcs Comeville" gave way to exhibitions of the dances characteristic of England Ireland, and Scotland. The tiniest of little people took part in these national dances, which were greatly admned. The popular opera, "Pirates of Penzance," was the attraction for the remaining days ot the bazaar, and was capably acted bv a popular caste. Miss Jennie Sheen again taking the principal girl's part * * * Among those piesent at the Ministerial exhibition ot kinematograph \iews last week, I noticed Lady Ranfrurly, who looked \ cry charming in a giey satin blouse, with applique of cut steel and black silk skirt Lady Constance Knox, a daint\ pink silk blouse and black skirt Lady Eileen Knox, pietty white silk frock, Miss Richmond, who accompanied the Ladies Knox, a handsome black gown. Mrs. Seddon looked well m a handsome gown of black satin Miss Seddon wore a charming blouse of tucked black chiffon, and loveh laco collar Lach Waid wore a pietty blouse of .silk, much tuckod, and dark sknt Mis Walhs, stvhsh blouse of white and black, and black skirt Miss Arkwnght, pretty blouse of -\ellow chiffon, with lace trimmings, dark sknt Mis. Mills was attiied in a gown of black silk. Mis Lough nan looked very mco in a black gown and very pretty grey cloak. Otheis present were Mesdames W Kennedy, Prouse, Beauohamp, Webb, Murrell, Dyer, and Tiapn the Misses Harden Penclci Marehant. Coates Prouse, Mills, Webb and Hannah * * * Lady Ranfuilv and the Ladies Constance and Eileen Knox are just now the guests of the Hon. Mr. and Mrs Arkwnght, at their home near Mai ton. Aftei sta\ing theie, they go on to Auckland, where they will join His Excellency. Thefiilled and flounced skirts aie no longer the fashionable modes, and the new skirt is to be perfectly plain and tight-fitting to just above the knee= when it will curve outwards in graceful folds. It may be strapped and stitched in any design favoured bv the w earer, and should be fully sax yards wide at the foot The much-talkcd-about short, skirt has not vet put in an appearance, nor is it hkeJv to do so. * * * Pretty buttons are the rage at the present moment, and }en ellers are now displaying sets of these covetable novelties, and at very reasonable prices, too. A pretty set in particular I noticed

Mis Monce, of Gie\ mouth (second daughter ot Mr and Mrs. Secklon), is a,t picsent in Wellington, having come up foi the purpose or saving good-b^ o" to the members of liei tanul^ who aie goino' Home foi the coronation. Mi and Mrs Frank Dyer w ill be ot the Planner's pait^ as far as Dm ban * * * Mr Fiank Thomson tia\els with Mi Seddon. m the capacit\ ot pnvate seciotai \ . * * * Mrs. Hanv Rose has 1 etui nod tiom Blenheim, whole she has been sta\mg with lioj Mstois at Voinon Mis and Miss Rose ha\e left Wellington for Auckland wheie the"\ will spend a few weeks with Mrs Houghton befoie lca\ me; for Home. * * * Miss Bcitha Gieenfield joins them m a toitnight and will be of then paitv toi the Homewaid tup b> waj ot Amoiiea. * * * Theie was a cliaimmg wedding dt Ko lunui on Kaster MoiuLr when Mi. I F Rea^ of Mangahao, was mained te Miss M I. Francis, eldest daughtei ot Mi W Fiancis The wedding took place at Lam el Bank, the lesidence ot the bude's parents, and the Re\ . Mi McCa.w conducted the eeiemony. The biide wat> liandsomely diessed in white silk, and carried a beautiful shower bouquet of white astois She was attended b\ tour bridesmaids viz., the Misses ~Rea\ C 2). sisters of the bndegioom, Mis-s Maud Francis, liei own sister, and Miss Mexted, hei cousin, while Mr V I Ward and Mr. Finest Reay were the gioomsmen. After the ceremony, afternoon tea was served on the lawn, a laige company being pie<ent The newly-wedded pair came down to Wellington for their honeymoon. * * * At Masterton on Tuesday, Mr. Frank McGovem of Feilding, and an old Wcl-

wcne o-t hlue enamel uitli gold inns, and each tuis decoiatcd with a couple ot tini}' pink loses. A \eij pleasant little dance w-asgnen at Mai ton last Tuesday, bj Mis. T Mowatt>, at lici charming homo, Yoi k Faun The 1 ambling, roomy house, with its. wide \eiandahs, made an ideal place for a dance. The night being waim, botli the \erandahs and gaiden much appieuated. * * * The hostess looked \ei\ ciiaimmg in black satin, with a touch ot lovely Maltose lace Mis. Donmgton wore a much-admired gown of mauve silk Mis. Wilde, a chaaming black satin gown Miss l'jsam, a lo^oh yellow brocade ii>he\e<l with black \ehot Miss Tenniel, piottv pink muslin Miss Wilford (Wellington) a lcnoly eioam brocade * • « Miss Ross was much admued m a charming fiock of white muslin Mi^s R Ross, pink satin gow n Mrs R Fitzherbeit, black net, embioideied handsomely with coloured sequins Mrs Deighton, white frock Miss W. Bett looked nice in white Mrs. C'ruickshank woie a handsome black gown Miss Kirton, picttv tucked dress of pale blue silk . Mrs. Huddlestone (Hunterville) veiy stylish sown of amber satin. Miss Miller wore 1 black a,nd scarlet and Mi«s E. Tennent a pretty frock of blue

hngton College boy, was mariied to Mist, Margaret. Boddington, a daughter vi Mi. J. C. Boddington, of Masterton.. The wedding took place 111 the house, an'd tilie bride, who was given away by her father, wore her travelling gown, which was ot fawn cloth, and a black pictuic hat. She w a>s attended by her sistoas, who wore pretty white silk hocks and carried pretty bouquets. Mi Knox Oilmen-, of Wellington, -\i.-, the best man. .Mr. and Mrs. McGo\crn spending their holiday in Wellington, and are staying at Searl's Hotel. * • * The hist of Miss Koch's assembly dances was held in. the vSydney-street sohoohoom on Wednesday evening. The dance was very successful, there being a "large number present, and the meai were in the majority. The floor was excellent, and altogeithei the affair was most enjoyable. The chaperones weie Mis Tregear, Mrs. Batham, Mrs. Bridge, Mrs Bendall, Mrs. Sajt, and Mrs. Wygood. * • • A great many pretty' dresses were worn, and among the dancing people were Miss Koch, in black . Miss L. white muslin, with pale blue ribbons black \ elvet Miss Tregear, pretty w lute muslin ,™ ith pale blue ribbons : Miss Flo Brandon, lovely frock of old rose silk, with lace sleeves and trimmings Miss Palmer-Clajke, handsome black jot frock , Miss M. Palmer-

Claike, white satin, with silver trimmings, Miss F. Marchant, soft pink gown. • • • Mi&s E. Eliott was much admired in d white muslin frock , Miss I. Barraud, pretty pink dress , Miss Y. Wills, white satin , Miss E. Richardson, soft white silk frock, with turquoise blue chou ; Mie>& G. Richardson, white satin, relieved with red flowers. Miss M. Blundell wore a frock of black voile, with chiffon sleeves, and berthe of white lace , Miss N. Stuart, white cashmere. Miss L. Logan, white muslin, Miss Nell Bath am, a frock of frilled muslin and w lute satin bebe ribbon , Miss Runcie, w hite spotted muslin ; Miss Thomas (Chriktchurch), pretty white frock, with spotted net sleeves and fichu. • * * Miss F. Holt had on pale green satin ; Miss Ecolesfield, black brocade, Miss Spragg, white silk, with blue belt; Miss Mills, black gown . Miss< B. Mills, preittv white silk gown, with black velvet ribbon . Miss M. Foster, pink muslin, with insertion and ribbon velvet; the Misses Travers, black velvet. Miss ft. Watkins, pretty dress of frilled white silk, with crimson chrysanthemums . Miss Wygood, charming gown of white chine silk, with overskirt of Brussels lace and a touch of scarlet on the bodice- Miss Sutton, white. Miss N. Fleming, pale blue mushn ; Miss Wheeler, white brocade. • * * The Hon. C. J. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston, and their family, return to town this week, and will resume possession of their house in Hobson-street. • • • A meeting of the members of the Aoraaigi Hockey Club was arranged for Thursday afternoon, at the residence of the captain, Miss Simpson. A number of new members are to be enrolled, and pla.y will commence shortly.

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Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 93, 12 April 1902, Page 10

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Social Gossip Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 93, 12 April 1902, Page 10

Social Gossip Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 93, 12 April 1902, Page 10