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Pressure on our space compels us to hold over our Wanganui Correspondent’s letter, Cape news, Police, and other local matter. The Christy’s Minstrels announce that the.y will appear at the Odd Fellows’ Hull this evening with an entire change of programme. The annual examination of pupils of the Hebrew School will take place at the Mechanics’ Institute, this day, at half-past two p.m. Pupils’ friends are invited to attend. The time for receiving tenders for conveyance to England of the 40tb Regiment, Ac, Is extended until noon on the day following the arrival at Auckland of the Sydney mail steamer, due on the 22nd instant. The Epsom Course will be open for training from this date, until furthef notice, between the hours of from to »nm ,md 4 to 7 p.m. Messrs. Holmes have a now steamer on the stocks at their ship-building yard, North Shore. The new vessel is to be of nearly the same dimensions as the * Enterprise.’ YV'e have been furnished with a very fair sample of ll.vx, prepared from a leaf of New Zealand flax, cut from the Government Domain. Mr. Thos. Collins, of Wakoficldstreot, prepared this sample, without chemicals, by a simple process of his own.] At the Supreme Court on Wednesday, one of those summoned as a juryman came forward when his name was called, and asked his Honor to excuse his attendance, as he had no means to support himself in Auckland during the sitting of the Court. Ills Honor said lie could do nothing in the matter. The same request had been made last session, but lie bad no power to take any action.

During the hearing of a civil case, at the Resident Magistrate’s Court, on Weddnesday, a man named Archibald Nesbitt, who was somewhat the worse for drink, made an indelicate observation respecting the subject of the action, and was ordered by the Bench to be locked up until 3 o’clock in order to sober him. Ho was then brought before his Worship, and fined £5 or seven days’ imprisonment. Mr. Joseph announces that he has received instructions from the Collector of 11. M. C ustoms to offer for side, by public auction, on Thursday next, at the Queenstreet Wharf, the well-known clipper-built schooner ‘ St. Hilda.’—The schooner 1 Banshee,’ 70 tons register, lying in the Manukau Harbour, in thorough repair, and ready for sen, wiil also bo sold by auction, bv order of the mortgagee, by Messrs. Jones and Co., on Tuesday, the 3rd proximo. We perceive that to-morrow (Sunday) at 10 o’clock the church of St. Francis of Hales, in the Catholic Cemetery, Symondsstreet, will be solemnly blessed by the Rjrdit Rev. Dr. Pompallier, Bishop of Auckland. On that occasion there will be a pontifi ail high mass, and a pastoral instruction by his Lordship. In the evening, at 5 o’clock, there will bo pontifical vespers and benediction of the blessed sacrament by his Lordship. After each service a collection will he made for liquidating the debt which still remains on the

church. The races anti festivities at the Wade on St. Patrick's Day passed off satisfactorily. The races were held on Mr. Kelly’s ground. The first event, the race for the maiden plate, was won Mr. M. Kelly jun.’s Chain. The second event was a foot race between five Europeans and two Maoris, and was won cleverly by Wilson* (Maori). The race excited considerable interest, and caused a second trial of speed between Wilson (Maori) and McGuire (European), the best European runner, but tbe former was again victorious. The third event, a horse race, was won by Mr. 11. Dacre s C m Phoebe easily. Christy’s Minstrels appeared before a good house, at the Odd Fellows’ Hall, on Thursday evening. The programme was varied and attractive, and composed of some of the best selections of minstrelsy, for which this troup are so famous. “ I long for my home,” by Mr, Iluinfurd, and “Be kind to tbe loved ones,” by Mr. Melvyn, were tbe gems of the evening's entertainment, and merited the applause so liberally bestowed upon them. Last evening these talented artistes appeared at the new hall at Otahuhu, in consequence of which the Odd Fellows’ Hull was closed.

On tliis (.lay (Saturday) the favourite racehorse Nuuia, the property of Captain Fisher, ■will be offered for sale by auction, by Mr. Alfred Cuckland, at the Ilaymarket saleyards. 'Flic pedigree and racing capabilities of this well-known racer are too well known to lovers of the turf to need recapitulation here, and we fully anticipate a very satisfactory price will bo realized.

In accordance with the resolution of the extraordinary general meeting held on the 20th instant, applications from the present ■harchohlors of the Auckland Gas Company (Limited) will be received at the company’s offices, Queen-street, until the 20th proximo, when the new stock will be apportioned amongthe applicants in the manner fixed by that meeting. The unallotted shares are to be submitted to public competition on the Ist May next.

We understand that the working committee of the bazaar in aid of the Auckland City Mission and Children’s Horne intend holding their bazar during the first week in April; and the committee request that all ladies who may be working for the bazaar will send in their contributions before that period, to the Mission House, Durbam-street, or to any of the undermentioned ladies:—Mrs. Colonel Gamble, Mrs. It. Graham, Mrs. W. Morrin, Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Pbilson, Mrs. J. Morrin, Mrs. Macdonald, Mrs. Cooker, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Bpnnett, Mrs. S. H. Smith, Airs. Edwards, Mrs. Cornford, and Mrs. Cunnlngam.

The half-yearly general meeting of the shareholders of the Auckland Insurance Company took place on Wednesday at noon, at the oflices, Queen-street. I). Nathan, Esq., the president of the' company, occupied the chair, and there were also present about twenty shareholders. The directors’ report was read and adopted, and from which it appeared that a dividend of 10 per cent, per annum was declared, the sum of £730 recommended to be applied to the augmentation of the paid up capital, and 400 added to the reserve fund. The dividend was announced to be payable on and after the 27th inst., at the company’s office. Messrs. J. L Tole and C. Arthur, the retiring auditors, were reelected ; and votes of thanks having been passed to the chairman and directors for their services during the pa->t half-year, the proceedings terminated. A public meeting on Thursday, under the auspices of the Auckland Total Abstinence Society, was held at half-past 7 o'clock in the evening, in the Edwardcsstreet School-room. This was the first general meeting held since this old and useful society was re-established a short time ago. 'The room was decorated with appropriate temperance mottoes. The attendance was numerous and respectable, and the proceedings were of an interesting character. On the motion of Mr. Osmund Lewis, hon. secretary, Mr. French presided, and opened the meeting by giving out for singing a temperance hymn. Several addresses were delivered in advocacy of total abstinence principles, the principal speakers being the chairman, and Messrs, llemus, Pascoe, Brarne, Townley, and Lewis. At the close of the proceedings a number of persons signed the pledge to become total abstainers,

In a Provincial Government Gazette, published on Thursday evening, the Superintendent proclaims : “That for the purpose of the Auckland Municipal Police Act, 1866, the limits of the city or town of Auckland, within which the Act shall come in force shall be as follow; —On the north by the Waitemata harbour, from the Meola stream to the north-west angle of lot No. 38 a of Tamaki farms; on the cast by the eastern boundary of section No. 16 to the north side of the Tamaki road, thence by the north side of the Tamaki road aforesaid to its junction with the road from Remucra to the Great South Road, thence by the eastern side of the said road to its junction with the Great South Road aforesaid ; on the south by the northern side of the Great South Road to its junction with the castron boundary of suburban section No. 11, thence by the eastren boundary of section No. 11, aforesaid to the north-east corner of suburban lot No. 19, thence crossing the Epsom Road to the north-east corner of suburban lot No. 22, of section 10, thence by the eastren boundary of said suburban lot No. 2.5, thence by the southern boundaries of lots Nos. 22, 46 6, 104 a, 134, 139, and 1.54 of section No. 10 aforesaid ; thence by the western boundary of suburban lot No. 1.5.5, of said section No, 10; thence by the southern boundary of farm section No. 170, to its junction with the Meola stream ; on the west side by the Meola stream aforesaid to the Waitemata river.

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New Zealander, Volume XXIV, Issue 2614, 24 March 1866, Page 3

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Untitled New Zealander, Volume XXIV, Issue 2614, 24 March 1866, Page 3

Untitled New Zealander, Volume XXIV, Issue 2614, 24 March 1866, Page 3