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Monthly Commercial Record.

March )7, Messrs Jones & Co. sold by auction the property of Heme Bay. There was a good attendance, and bidding moderate. Thirty eight lots were disposed of at from ss. 9d. to 11s. (id. per foot; the rest were withdrawn. The total amount realised was ,£‘B74 12s. March 20. Messrs, Jones and Co. held an extensive sale of groceries, &c,, at their Mart, Brunswick Buildings, The attendance was large and bidding good. Finest English imported congou fetched 2s per lb; fine congou, * Zephyr/ Is lid per lb; ditto “John Stevedson, ” 2s Gd per lb; ditto “Marie VVilhemina,” 2s Id per lb; dark Mauritius sugar, 4d per lb; Nor hj Wilis and Cheddar cheese, to 13d per lb; loaf sugar, 7|d per lb: crushed loaf, Gid ; half-pint salad oil (Crosse and Blackwall), 9s Gd to Ids Gd ; pints ditto ditto, 17s; pints castor oil, 11s Gd ; half ditto ditto, 8a G1 ; half boxes sundries, 12s 3d to 12* Gd per dozen ; capers, 9s Gd to 10s per dozen; hair oil, 8s per dozen; vinegar, 12s 31 per dozen; Colman’s starch, s£d to 5f d per lb ; thumb blue, lid; blacking, 4s 8s 4d and 13*; sugar candy, Bsd per lb; Bell and Bltck’s vestas, 15s Gd ; red herrings, firkins, 15s Gd; ditto, barrels, 31s; ling j fish, s<l per lb ; acid, 2s Gd per lb ; round oatmeal, 2d ; per lb; pint pickles, 18s 9d per dozen; quart ditto, Jasper { dozen; para (fin candle-, 17Jd per lb; currants, 5d to sid per lb; j American pails, 22s per dozen; lobster, 11s 9d per dozen; j Manilla cigars, 82s to 87s Gd per 1000; mustard, half-pound, I 8s 3d. per dozen; Auckland soap, 35s Gi; hops. Is per lb; | candles. Price’s No. 1, IGd to lG£d per lb; vinegar l*Gd; ditto i Champion’s No, 24, 2* Id ; rice, 4d to 4|4; salt, £*3 10s Id to | £3 15s per ton ; N■ ■. I Company's sugar, sgd to ssd per To; Y sugar, 4|d per lb; Mauiitius crystals, s|d to 5$ t per lb ; Java rice, 3|d per lb, Mr. Alfred Buckland reports that during the present month cattle of all descriptions have arrived more plentifully to the market. Best fat cattle, principally from the outside ru!i=, have been received in g »od order, and have fully maintained previous price*. Second quality are something easier in price; aged oxen bringing from .£]6 to £'22 each; 3-year olds from £l4 to £IS. Cows, from £,*l3 to £*lß. Heifers, from £*lo to £l3. The cargo of cows and heifers by the Abeona average l £*l4 ss, each. The oxen by the Heron £i7» the cows, £*l2 j each. Grown store chile are easier in price, at least 15% per ! bead, than during the previous fortnight, cow; bringing ftom | £*B to £TI each; steers, £*9 to £*ll each. Hand-fed calves j and yearlings are offering plentifully, and realize extreme i prices; 8 months’ old calves bring from £*3 10 to £*4 s*. each ; I 12 to 18 months old, £*s 10s to £'B each. Dairy cows are scarce an I in demand, those of good quality bringing from : £l6 to £l!) each. Good working bollocks are enquired for, j and none offering. The sheep market has been barely sup. j plied with stock, and prices have lisen. Best fat wethers i selling as high a* 48*. eacii; ewe* from 32-. to 50 s, each; but the greater pa*t of the sheep brought forward for the fat ewes are of inferior quality. Store sheep are improving in price, weiher hoggets bring from 18-', to 24% each. Ewes, ]<)to [ 24-. each. Lambs, 14-. to IBs. Few breeding ewes are coming I forward, and there is a settled enquiry for them, those sold have brought from 22-. to 295. each. The horse market is bare of stock, particulaily draught animal-, and sales are effected more ic.dily than a short time since, good animals, either for draught or the saddle, arc in request, Messrs Styak A: Hunter report that for fat cattle prices continue high, and there is no perceptable liberation since last week Good quality is scarce We s-Id bullocks at £‘ll JOs to £lB 17'. Gd.; cows, x 10 5:. to £*ls; calves, £l 5-. to £3 3 . Fat sheep and lambs, Comparing prices with quality, rate equally high with beef, and supplie* of first quality are difficult to obtain. We quote sheep ai 3*»s. Gd. to 40s Gd.; lambs, 25-, to 2Gp, Gd, Dairy and store stock are offered so sparingly and of such iudiff.-rent quality, that it is difficult to indicate by quoting prices the general state of the market for this cl «s*. We sold steers at from £*B 17% fid, to £ 11; cows, £<i 10% io to £lO 5-. : a lot of two-year-old steers, £8 15% to £*9 l7s. tid ; heiler.-, £7 15--. to i’B 5%; dairy cow>, £*;() 10% to £To*. A good many store sheep came to hand, but, without exception, of inferior quality. They fetched 15% 91. to 20% A large lot of lambs sold for l?-», A considerable number of fat and store pigs sold at reinune alive prices. The Bishop’s property realized at Jones & Co.’s sale on Mar. 31, the sum of £6917 I*. 2d. The highest price realized was fc College street, 06s. per fool, the lowest Sf. Mary’s Road, 17- 1 per foot. The water frontages brought 40s per foot. Th quantity of Lind was 11£ acre?, averaging over £*Gl7 P er acre, the 56 allotments on the town side of College street, viz.; I. allotments on College street, 9 allotments on Sr. Mary’s lloa; and 36 allotments in the paddock, realized £2823 or £705 pc*

serf. Con-idering die season of the year and the cxstx<>*rffvz. I uid £«M, altogether this sale has passed off most sa'R>S»ar*w4»f; and clearly proves that Fieemao’s Bay is rapidly ri«w-.-»t-Vonr-, estimation of the public. Upwards of 26 allotments w-trre •wftufdrawn at the sale, which have since been sold at W|Jv .slw* • When the roads are made and the present iroprtrwwwocc, finished, no doubt Freeman’s Bay may safely be tjv.,rtsss2:K upwards of £I,OOO per acce. AUCKLAND PRICES CURRENT. Thursday, April 2nd, 1860. £ s. d. •_> ai>. SPIRITS (in bond)— Brandy, Marteil’s dark, per gallon ~0 Id 6 TO> 3f 13f ti “ Uni'cd Vinyard, pale, ditto . 012 6 “ Pale, per dozen 113 II 3. • <’>> Rum, B. P., I(t—l2 0.p., p’r gallon ~0 3 0 ; .V isK “ ;■(! 0.p., ditto 0 4 0 lte»T ‘■-fcAN.s Geneva, J DKZ, or Key, 4 gal. per case 0 14 0 FfSa “ Half-cases, each 0 !> 0 hj ¥ Old Tom, white, in bulk, per gtllon . () 2 0 > "575. “ Booth's, per dozen . ... (I ID 0' £'*’s.l' .SiH Whisky, Scotch, white, pec gallon ..0 5 0 11 Case, per dozen 012 6 t-V»• WINES (in bond)— Port, per gallon 0 7 6 0« Mf*Sherry, ditto 0 7 b’ T-fi. «R Champagne, Jacquesson’s, per dozen . 2 0 0 1 > * “ Ordinary to good, ditto . 1 10 0 i F *■ Claret 0 17 0 * -4; 1:5 ALE & BEER (duly paid)— Ale, Bass’ No. 3, per hhd. ...... 9 0 0 » “ Allsopp's No. 3, ditto 9 0 0 J .'I “ Dawson’s, ditto 3 0 0 A d' “ Mairian’s No. 3, ditto 7 10 0 7 d '• “ Worthington & Robinson’s, ditto . 8 0 0 ’• '■ “ London and Colonial Co.’s, ditto . 8 0 0 S.? ,8' “ Younger’s Edinburgh, ditto ... 8 0 0 S 4 is-* “ Jeffrey’s Edinburgh, ditto.... 8 0 0 > * ; W* “ Bass’ Bottled, quarts, per dozen .011 6 Cl* Ar “ Allsopp s ditto, ditto ..... 01! 0 ‘ 0. tea “ Marzetti’s ditto, ditto 0 110 A I- d-c “ Jeffrey's Edit'., stone bottles, ditto 0 12 I* i* Porter, Taylor s, per hhd 6 0 0 ■>- 0-‘ “ Crown Breweiy, Lincoln, ditto. 6 0 0 <S J' “ Bridges’, per dozen . .... 010 8 -? ->!. “ Blood. Wolf & Co.’s, ditto . . till O' t» V dW “ Roxby, ditto ....... 010 0 O tt Y- <•’ Barclay .V Perkins’, ditto . . . oil G vh' J. ■ Marzetli’s. ditto Oil 0 V-.1 “ Poi ter .V Co.’s, ditto .... Oil 6 ffjrt-. *r TOBACCO & CIGARS, &c. (in bond)— Tobacco, Negrohcad, per lb 0 4 0 -'> t l ,. 3 s . •* Cavendish, ditto 02 0' 0A- %’ Cigars, Manila, No. 2, per 1000 ... 3 2 0 A' E-’ Or •‘ Havannah Manilas 3 0 0 | OILMEN’S STORES & GROCERIES— Arrowroot, South Sea, per lb 11 0 3 { Sago, pearl white, ditto 0 0 34. 3' 13- i I Blue, Coleman’s thumb, ditto .... I) 011 Candles, Price’s patent sperm, ditto .013 !■’ 1 “ Neva, ditto if’ At- ;iFruits, apples, dried, ditto 0 0 7j Almonds, Jordon, ditto Old Currants, ditto 0 0 5 T fv Pie Fruits, assorted, per dozen ... 010 0 ’ 'F ■*« Prunes, imperial, per U> 0 1 ; azwi'az. Raisins, muscatel, ditto 10 o ’■> f <V- “ Eleme, ditto 0 0 6J; St’ .8 .5 . Mustard, J-lb., per dozen 0 9 0 C* -ft*' r ' " in bulk, per lb 0 10 . ;>:~ Split Peas, ditto 0 0 2 fit Oatmeal, per 117 0Peatl Barley, ditto 115 O' i.7S «>/ Rice, Java, ditto 14 0 „• m. }■' “ Patna, ditto 16 0 V V 77 Hams and Bacon, English, peril). ..01 0 *■ Reef. Sydney, per tierce 210 O ' 3T SN i !- * Cheese, English, per lb 0 10- s■" * 5? Herrings, white, per J-barrei .... 1 8 0 I- ' '3b v ic red, ditto I 10 0 T AX' “ in tins, per tin 02 S ■ H ; ’ .’w"-?'' Sardines, in J-tins, per dozen .... 0 11 6 * “ in J-tins, ditto 07 6 *XLobsters, in lb. tins, per doz 0 11 0 Cr Al': !!•* Salmon, ditto 0 1!) 0 ® 'if'' 6e* Matches, vestas, per gross 0 13 0 *> ft t.V" Soda, crystals, per ton 8 0 0 2*'’ ft■ '3 ' Blacking, bottle, per gross 2-8 0 S’ 3k “ tins, ditto 2 4 0 S 4-, i--v Spices, Cinnamon, per lb 0 2 6 % Ad S' l ' “ Cloves, ditto 0 10 S '■ “ Nutmegs, ditto 0 2 6 (S>- A “ Ginger, bleached, ditto ... 0 1 0 (> 5 C-’*-<f rf brown, ditto ~,.0 0 6 £s (1' >s4■ “ Pepper, white, ditto 0 10 O “ “ black, ditto 00 7' Sk ‘C W Pickles, quarts, por dozen 0 16 0 O J!5 = H “ pint-, ditto 0 116 <#2l6 frr' Salad Oil, pints, ditto 0 18 0 tXJfS 'iE-- “ 4-pints, ditto 0 It) 6 <J-NfU-'JEC Sauces, assorted, 4-pints, ditto .... 0 7 0 ft lye- g*' Salt, Liverpool, coarse or dairy, per ton 3 15 0 4*. '£> £»! »■• “ fine, ditto 4 0 0 4- <3* “ jars, per dozen 0 12 0 ft>aS£:tf6.’ Soa(i, Casey’s best, per ton 28 0 0 Eff' if ' 'i'f “ “ common, ditto .... 24 0 0 2*s- Of' 1* “ Sydney, ditto 35 0 0 g',' ’i y ; ’ Starch, Colman’s, per lb 0 I) 5J ik IK Jl"> Vinegar, Hill, Evans & Co.’s, per gal. ,026 ft - - “ quarts, por dozen 0 10 6 W AT.'r ivJ SUGAR (duly paid)— Loaf, per lb 0 0 tfj O 4*> Crushed Lump, ditto 0 0 64 O' lV> Company’s Crystals, per ton . . . .58 0 0 .vie O" -5 Pieces, No. 1, ditto 49 0 0 S9* : “ No. 2, ditto 47 0 0 4f: V.'-Sh Mauritius Crystals, ditto 49 0 p heavy ' Bastards, ditto 49 0 0 43» grFine Counter, ditto Manila, refined, ditto Sugarltouse Molasses, per cwt 2 0 O' 32’Ok.■ 0i4.TE\ & COFFEE (duty paid)— Congou, good, per chest 8 10 0 IfleUS'-flfnft- “ J chest 4 10 0 c; f “ catty box, ISJlbs 1 15 I) 2' -t. 'Ofw Coffee, Java, per lb 0 0 8 4?■- sft “ Manila, ditto 0 0 9 tin' ia«irMETALS— Iron, bar and rod, per ton 13 0 0 iit-. 0. ® . “ hoop, ditto 20 0 0 iv JfJii “ pig, ditto none “ galvanized corrugated, ditto . .40 0 0 4tf* tv ■ Muntz Metal, per lb Oil t» 5! ■ ;S'4 Lead, sheet, per ton (sold by license) . 34 0 0 33 B ■Ft Tin, plates 40 per cent, aimztn.t'.r,:. Hardware and Ironmongery 35 to 50 per et, ■ Spades 50 per cents juitm Holloware 65 per cent.. auW-rasicc.. Nails, Ewbank’s list prices Zinc. Belgian, per lb 00 4J 0 U' PAINTS, oils, &c.— AVhite Lead, per lb ~0 0 4 Q-'t'. Linseed Oil, per gallon 0 6 0 (*’ 71 S') Turps, ditto. . 012 fi . Whiting, per ton 5 10 0 f 1 1> s>* BUILDING MATERIALS— Glass, window, per box, 3rd quality .10 0 ;; /’• its. Slates, countess, per 1000 18 0 0 rJf •v.r.’Jt-* NAVAL S TORES (delivered on board) — Pitch, English, per barrel 3 10 0 R Rosin, ditto none Tar, Stockholm, ditto 5 7 6 ’ 3 ,'Br tr* “ coal, ditto 300 J T*; jf*. Coals, English, per ton 2 0 0 in ir “ A. A. Company’s, ditto .... none “ Walsend, ditto none “ Drury (N. Z.), ditto Jls 0 i. Bs4’<VGunpowder, blasting, per lb 0 14 9’ “ in canister, FFF, per lb. (sold under license) ~040 Cordage, Europe, assorted, per cwt. . . 2 10 0 2 ■ .’.l ty-c Boltrope, ditto, ditto 3 0 0 a ' y. Spunyarn, ditto 3 0 0 3 ;} - ty.. Oakum, ditto 22 0 3. £• s ' Manila, sizes, ditto 3 5 0 jrj, n > Twine, seaming and roping, per lb. . .01 2 a f, - Canvas 0 14 0- I fei M A N U FAC T U RES— Boots and Shoes completely gsmtosaec Fancy Goods supplied Einhenware wanted Grindery • 33 to 40 per err. js*wv »addl-'ry. 23 to 4() Petfumery glutted Clothing seasonable stLH's^ Drapery 35 to 39 per err rjsee stationery dull of sale NEW ZEALAND PRODUCTS— Leather, ki|>, tier lb. ....... 0 1 3 & J.vtSifl “ calf, d ito 0 4 0 &• A; .'ft; “ sole, ditto 0 10 & t lf-7" Timber, kauri boards, per IbO feel . . 0 13 0 « 53- .'A: Scantling, ditto o 13 O O'Ji-rZii Candle-., mould, per lb. 0 0 7" Flour, best, per lot 15 0 0 mill ytticoar “ seconds, ditto 12 0 0 -r Sharps, ditto/ 8 0 0 «» Biscuits, best cabin, per 100 cwt, ... 2 0 0 “ seconds 1 14 0 Wheat, per bushel 0 3 6 O SI ftBarley, d.tto 0 6 0 (P T f-2'- ■ Oats, ..079 ‘J-. 4 V.Va Bran, ditto 0 16 O Z. Si Maize, ditto 0 7 0 tt> Z"' “ cracked 0 7 0 O 71®! Hay, per ton 9 0 0 2i>’ 3-■- Sr*' Bicm, per lb. 0 0 9 &• 1 TVs--Fork, 'alt, ditto 0 0 54 0 -1 3?-, Cheese, ditto ',,. 0 0 9 O tv' Potalors, per ton 6 10 0 7 f- .' a Onions, per lb 0 0 14 O J* f2r_ Black tail, per tun 25 0 o” 2S' A* C"’ Sperm Oil, ditto 68 0 0 last ssl* Bricks, per IOUO 2 10 0 4 S'- s*■ Flax, per ton none Rope, ditto 35 0 0 4O' OWool Lashing, doto 38 0 0 4fX Wool, grease, per lb II o 7j ir Z.:' 1..> “ washed 0 14 » Z. j»“. Kauri Gum, per lon 18 0 0 2f* 0 ■ 0-t THE MILLS. M’HOLKSALE AND RETAIL. Wholksai.k.—Fine Flour £ls, Seconds Xl2, Sharpsj. 4£T« 5 ' per ton, Bran Is 6J, Oats 7*. 6d.crushed. Maize, 7* crushwxRetail.—Fine Flour 17«, Seconds £44 Sharps Ids. jwir.v 100 lbs.. Gran U 9J. Oats Bs,

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New Zealander, Volume XIX, Issue 1834, 2 April 1863, Page 4

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Monthly Commercial Record. New Zealander, Volume XIX, Issue 1834, 2 April 1863, Page 4

Monthly Commercial Record. New Zealander, Volume XIX, Issue 1834, 2 April 1863, Page 4