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ODDS AND ENDS. (From Late Europan Papers.)

The C/iHuh of England Journal says, that ale-house keepers in the West Riding of Yorkshire were, prior to 1 083, required to take the sacrament as h qualification to obtain a liccnt>o. The report re«d at a meet* ing of the Law Association, established in JBl7i«»how< thut since that period £lb,n 0 has been distributed among the widows and iamilien of member* of the profession.— —Her Majesty, says the Cambridge A( f ~ vertiscr, by moving to mid Iro, not only gives ammultis to trade, but actually wmlewashes ncr dominions. Nuisances tiiat have enjoyed a louse of centu rica disappear at the mere prospect uud anticipation of a royal visit — John Reeve was accosted in the Kensington road by an eldiily female, with a small bottle of gin in her hand : " Pray, sir, I beg your pardon, is this t tie way to the woikliome?" John gave her a look of cleiical dignity, and pointing to the bjttlc, gravely said, " No, ma'am, but that is.*'— Tliero are now in France 11,660 refugees ; of these 0,272 are Spanuuds, 4,006 Poles, GC4 Italians, and 178 Germans; 4,718 receive relief. At (he rejoicings in Homo on the anniversary of the amnesty grunted by Piui IX , 1,500 musical amateurs executed under the balcony of the Qiurinal a monster anthem in honor of the great deliverer —A. clergyman of a country village desired bib clerk to give notice that there would he no set vice in the afterno m, uit he was going to officiate for another cleigyman." The clerk, at boon as the service was ended, called out. " I am desired to give n itice I hat there will be no service this afternoon, as Mr. L is goinjC wfinhiny with another clergyman.'' — A man in New York turned bis son out of doori lately became he would'»t p.iv him haute rent : — a striking instance, any 9 the Philadelphia Spirit, oi pay -rental affection — Hi' number ot slaves who have escaped fiom the Unittd States to Canada, within the list fifteen years, is estimated at 15,01)0, — The population of Paris and the Pau'iouigs. is upward* of 980,000, besides 70,000 forcignc s, of whom upwards of 25,000 are E •ghsh.— The bricks charged annually with duty in England and Scotland alone (in Ireland there it no duty on bricks) are upwards of 150,000,000, yielding a revenue of .£141,000. The malt-tux alone yields a net duly of .£5,000,000 ; paper yields a net duty of jf7,000,00J ; soap yields upwards of XJ'JSO,OOO;X J 'J50,000; and British spirits upwards of X' 5,000,00, 000,00 >.—lt. — It has been resolved, on the motion of Sir Cullen E. Smilh, that females be admitted mi'mbcm of the British organization of the Evangelical Alliance at Edinburgh ; but they are not to be allowed to speak or act on committees. — A. letter writer from Vera Cruz says, " The shells 'nm our mortars, bu. sting in every direction, scattered death and destruction within the city ; and it U fair to presume that the rounl sliot from our batteii s had an equally hupp;/ effect. 11 — iEichines commending Phillip of Maced m a* a jovial man that would drink fieely, Dtnioith'nes nniwered, that thii was a tf.>od quality in a sponge, but not in a kin 1?.1 ?.— • " Who," asks the Quarterly Review, were the curliest advocates for paying the Irinli prieuts ; George the 111. and Henry Ad.lisun— thu steadiest bulwaiki of the Protestant cause." — In 1828 the quantity of caoiuhouc exported from Brazil did not exceed 20,00()lbs ; out, in 1845-6, it amounted to upwards of B')B,oodlbs., besides 415,953 pairs of shoei. — The foundation of the first German C itholic church ever built in PniMia has been laid at L"igm z> in Silesia. — The value of French, e»gs ex iorte,d to England bus been almost equal to that of French Win 'B—one8 — one of these trades being free, and the other fettered. In 18'I5 the oflidial value of wines of France exported to England was 5,365,000f. ; that of eggs, 4,4Bo,o(Jof.— During May and June, If>3 prieits and 168 d&icons were ordained for the Church of England. — The Welshman pmnts out the following notice in a country paper : — " A number of deaths are unavoidably postponed," The port of Limeriok is making rapid advances in commeicial importance. In 1841-1815 the shipping which used the lnrbour numbered 585, and their tonnage was 72.6rff> ton*. In UUli-1817, the r.umbei increased to 993, and the tonnage to 141,431 ; bi'hg an increase of b'8,705 tons. — A Parliamentary return gives the cost of the Yeomanry Corps in Great Britain for the year 1816 as £87,918; the number of officers was BU4, and ot uaen 13,818 — Piofessor Wilson bus published a letter diiclaimm; all present connexion with lilachtvood s Magazine. — The Countess of Mornington has advertised m the papers for assiitance to prevent her from going into the workhouse. — The " exigencies of the country" have called forth voluntary ussista ice.— " C. 1 ' has sent the Chancellor of thu Exchequer live pounds to aid him in making bath ends meet.— Seven hundred Jews in Konigsbergh have agreed to tramfer the celebration of their Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. This measure is regarded as a remarkable proof of the tendency felt by the Jews to assimilate themselves to Christians in rehgiou* practices. The Jewg of Offenbach have, in imitation of those of Konigibergh, transferred t'ue celebration of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. — The Ji.uish and Foreign Institute, set on foot and conducted by Mr. J. S. Buckingham, him ceased to exist. Thy cause assigned is want of funds arising from the omission of members to pay up thoir subscriptions. — The gross total revenue of the Island of Mdta for the year 1846 amounted tt> i,103,172, and the total expenditure to XJIX J l 12,597, thus leaving a deficiency of /L coi respondent of the Preston I'd A states, that the first sermon the late Dr. Chalmen ever preached win in tha hc.itcli Chuic.i, Clittpel-lane, Wigan. — I perceive, says a correspondent of ihfi Warning Herald, that y m c*U Mi. Cardwell "a red taper,'* in loi^ettulucssol tlie courfatf ot modern invention. Should you not ralher cull the followers ot Sir Kobe rt 'Peel the " eltti tic band; '"-— " Bagging is a shame to any country," was the saying of Defoe ; "it the beggar be uu unworthy object of charity, il is a t>li<ime thut he should be allowed to beg ; if he be a worthy o'ject of charity, it is a shame thut he should b-j compelled to beg. 1 ' — Among the Hottentots, if a widjw in iriies again, she is obliged to cut off the join, ot a finger tor every husbind she miuries after the lirst $ this shepre-cins to tar new huilund on her wedding dmy, beginning at one of the little (infers. — Oa Monday, June 28, the barometer in Uyde Park stood from 11a. m. tu five p. m., iv 'he Bun, at 101 degrees of Falucnheii-, und in the ihade at 83 degrees. —The American Bible Society last year distributed (12,078 copies of the Bible and Nnr Tei.Ument. — Mdllc. Jenny Lind has beeo engaged l)y Mr. Howard Glover, for two concerts, to lake place at Edinburgh und Glasgow, at the enormous turn oiX'4ooo —A man in Missouri planted some beans late one afternoon, and next morning they were up — Mmius to hi " hens! —A. large quantity o| hoi'dcil sb, (sited and pickled so as to resnuble beef, was lately seizjd at Birmuigliam, in a. hhop winch had longlu 1 nclebmted tor clw.uj) and suvoury meut. — 'It is a sad thing irncu uien havjnuitlier wit enough to »peak well, tuir sense enough to bold their tongues; this is the foundation of all imperiinomv. — Pnncs Albert Wis blaming a luile boy at IStm for not huving learned more at hia u%s. " It'u not my fault, sir," rejihed the dunce, " lor we have a holida/ every t me a new p nice i< burn "—lc" — Ic appears Irom a *tat(!naerit in the. Daily News thut the Tune* cinrges Bs. toy announcing a tl«.ith, the Herald and Chronule Os., and the Daily News Si—Si/tlney Herald.

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New Zealander, Volume 3, Issue 174, 29 January 1848, Page 3

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ODDS AND ENDS. (From Late Europan Papers.) New Zealander, Volume 3, Issue 174, 29 January 1848, Page 3

ODDS AND ENDS. (From Late Europan Papers.) New Zealander, Volume 3, Issue 174, 29 January 1848, Page 3