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The imports of wool during the past week have been on a very extensive scale, viz. : f>6G tales from tue Oij'e, 220 from Hamburgh, MO from Port Philip, 43 0 fioin Sydney, and 800 from various other quartets. Tub l>tt«t (juttlitifH of English urn! Colonial woils arc in stendy r. quest by private contruct, but the ialciior l<u-<li» a"J a ""U inquiry. The bcrics of wool nolei, almost wholly of Colonial growih, whicn cummemed on the 10th of Au;uit brought to a termination on the 3Ut. Fcamres of hirgular interest were displayed at these salc.B, foreign buyers cowpt-tiDg atrongly with our own dealers and

imumfaetureiM, hut not u- i Lh any lemarkabh' Mice.Chs. Thp stocks of colonial staple are shoir. Tin; sa'e 100 ms wore emwded onrh day. l ; rom th? irost comet s wees, we aic HuisudviT'l ns lo the commencement, progtesi, and result ol those Miles :—: — " The total quantity !>ioi<»lit foiwitd c ii,is(cd of 1 1,41 i bales of Austrian, 8 1 OK Im'cs o( I'oit UhiUin, U.") 70 Cape of Good Hope, 2220 Van Dicmen's Lam!. 1f)7 7 South Austral >v, I^s Kast im', and 42 New Zealand. Total 20, 150 Laics, or inthci* pcihapb ovor by a tew bales. '• Tii- low mill middle quaHlic-. of the various iTistiictu wee fieely taLcn at the closing pi ires of List sales, and tin* line Hocks of Austiali.i and Tort Phillip as well us lambs' wool, were in incused donnmd, and more ilun supported the then piopoitionato highci l aics. In comparison with the piecedirv/ <=enes ol's.'iles this ce,u.or, ami hiking the state of tin- money m;uk< t into account, the tlsull may be considered siilisfaclory, mid the npholdtnA of tin prices under the stvcie pressure hy \\w ti^buit gs of money, nugm-d favourably for future im|iiov ( mcnt. " Although theie were BO.m* food wools, tln> fbrkn ol Sydney and I'oil I'lullip gen -nilly shewed delerior.ition. the A. A. Co. (the Australian Ajrriail'uial Company'h) being the. only flocks fully kepi up to the old iimik- l'heie is no iinpiovement in the Ur.ulfoid Trade, nmPthe demand for combing wool w s consequently vcrv'slick ; fortunately tlicre was not a large qtinntity. The purchases on Coninental arc wit have not been so < xtcivsive as in tltc last July vales." The following comments are worth notice : — It is satisfactory lo find that, although so large a quantity of colonial wool has been disposed of (t>ny about 60,000 hales; within the last four months, pi in. eipally lor home conbum;>uon, a greatev fall m the piicea under existing cuvumstnncca has not taken place, which prove* the sou id and healthy state of the wool'cn manufacture. The great bu'k hi.Vmgnow buen sold, with v ly small stocks of foreign wool on hand, combined vriUi the ccitninty of n good harteßt, it is confidently expected Ronv> improvement in puce, gcncruUy, will be cipcrienced at the next public sales. Coi reeled prices lire these : S yi li lcy __S u pcrior (IjcUb 2s 2d to 2s C)\ 1 ; good to first rateilockx, Is9/,d to 2a lid; average to good, la 5d to Is Bd. n , Van Diemen'a Land.— Good to first rato flocks, la s^l to 1r lOd ; average to good, Is 3d to Is sd. Tort Phillip.— Good to first rate fio-ks, la b4-db 4 -d to 1b Ud ; avcinge to good, U 5d to Is Bd. South Australian —Good to firatiate flocks, 18 2^d to Is 4J ; nvcraßC to good, Is Id to Is 2(1. Swan River— lid to Is 3id. t , New Average, 1b Id lo U 2d ; inferior, Bld to Ib. „ . . „,, Cape.— Superior, Is G.I to Is 7d ; good flocks. Is to Is 'lo I ; nvcrn^c to good, Is Id to Is 3d. Eabt India.— White, b ood, 8d to 9J ; fair, d, l d to 7 ,'.! ; yellow, 5d to I\A t grey an-i low, 3d to i\d. Tallow.— Merchants tueiuore duposcdto sell, but the trade continue to pui chase with much caut.on. The stock is much larger than that of last year, ami prices several sh»llin<?s hii-hci. P. Y. C. on the ipat is dull of sale, at 1G» 9d to 47s for n.w from the scale, and 45s 9d to 40s for oM. For delivery, in the last three months there are fice sellers at 45s 9d to 40s but no buyers aic to be met with, Soap tallow is >i«'c inquired after, and parcel* may be hud at 3d to Gd under the prices of last Friday. All other kinds ot foicign and colonial tallo.v remain dull of sale at i further reduced prices.— Ariivnls this week arc 211b casks. Town-made is moic abundant, and is obtainable on rut her lower terms ; prune melted, in smull parcels, 47s to 47s 3d per cwfc., nett cash. § I Tub Cohn TiiAWis —The continued large importation), of Foreign gram, with the consequent decline in prices, though a cheering pi ospect for the consumer, nfford but small hopes at piosent cither for the farmer, or for the maintenance of commcicial stability, l^ach week adds to the list of defaulted, and each addition to the impoitatiom adds to the heavy amount of liabilities—while the inevitable bacrificc of the greater J portion of tlie Foreign supplies, in order to meet the demands of creditor*, must have a constdeiably depreciating effect upon the mai kut value. The demand for gold for export has diminished, but this aiises from the inability of the debtors to obtain it, and many Hritish merchants who foi mealy prided thcmbclvoti upon their hde'ity in meeting their engagements, muht now submit to tic humiliation of compounding for the claims upon them. This is one of the fiuits of the much laudtd Free trade system.— Jb.

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New Zealander, Volume 3, Issue 173, 26 January 1848, Page 2

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Extracts. New Zealander, Volume 3, Issue 173, 26 January 1848, Page 2

Extracts. New Zealander, Volume 3, Issue 173, 26 January 1848, Page 2