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■. i■ «i • USTW'S LIST. ' I The following cat no. tj list (No GGI) ws .ssucd on Satur laj • J 'J lie imuiLS of next 1 1* cm are glvon in parenthesis. AJI the tii* n are, private* .ov tioo[i«r» unless otlie stated. . KILLED IN ACTION. Reported killed hi action:— ENGINEERS., .. . August 25. ; Bobb, Hugh (Mrs June Ifobl), liel.nn!, mother). Previously reported missing, believed' wounded and prisoner of war; now reported killed in action:— RIFLE BRIGADE. February 3. Sneddon, Alexander D. .(Jas. Sneddon, Dunedin,' father), DIED OF WOUNDS,Reported died of wounds':— RIFLE BRIGADE. No date given. Flutey, Alfred (G, Flutey,, Otaki railway'po3t office, father). August 26, MeCullotigh, James Alexander (J. A^ McCullough, Rieearton, father). . Mangos, "William (Mrs M. Mangos, Westport). Previously reported missing, now reported luissiiu;, believed prisoner of war:— RIFLE BRIGADE. August (J. 'Gray, William Arthur, Lieutenant (S. Gray, Ellamorc, Mt. Eden).

WOUNDED. HEADQUARTERS INFANTRY, ' '*' August 22. Forbes, Win. (Mrs J. Pair, Scotland, sister). ARTILLERY. Aligns;' 2,'!. Cell, C. 11. (Mrs A. Geil, ''.Velliiigton, inollicr). Wilkinson, Clarence finiv (Mr J. A. Wilkinson, Nelson, father)'.- fJ f.§, ENGINEERS.- '*'""*'.' August 17, o 'Neil, Daniel (Mr E. Mater, address not stated), August 2L N Davis, Walter Ramsay (Mr W. J, Davis, Haveloi-k North, father). • August 22. ■ t.'iitliliei't, John .Berry, Lan.'i'-C'orporal (ill's 11 M, Gardiner, Wellington,

sister). August 23. ' Duke, Win.-Harry. R., Lance-Corporal (Mrs E. E. Drake, Filleul street, Duneiliu, mother). . Pickering, Win., Lance-Corporal (Mr F. I'ickerhig, Ifendersoii, father). August 18. Scott, Albert' Ernest (Mrs E, Scott, Otaliuliu, mother). August 20. Douglas, Gorjlpn Alfred (Mr J. E, Douglas, Oriehunga, father), Hilliam, Aubrey Wirth (Mr J. J. HilHam, Grey Lynn, father). Patchelt, Ernest George (Mrs E. Palclie't, England, mother). Robins, -Albert Claude C. (Mrs A, E. Itobius, Moiint Eden). August 21.

Baldwin, Stanley Herbert (Mr E. Baldwin, Northern Wniroa, father). Canne'.l, John Costain (Mr .1. Ciuuicll, Jsle of Man, father). Casey, Mnvan (Mrs M, Casey, Hamilton, mother). Dnie, (Mrs E. Dale, Dover, Tasmania, mother). Fleming, Duncan Clifford (Mr J. Fleming, Cheviot, father).

Hansen/Ivan Boy (Mrs J. T. Hansen, Dargaville, mother). Hughes, Raymond Alexander, LaneeCorponl (Mr .1. D. Hughes,. I'alea, father). i Prcscott, Henry (Mr A. Prcscott, Upper Vincent street, Auckland, cousin). Bliodes, Arthur George (Mr F. Bhodes, Wanganui, father). Skipper, Charles Herbert (Mrs M. G. Skipper, Minnehaha avenue, Auckland, wife). Stacey, Donald Edward, Servant (Mr ' .1. Stacey, England, father). Thompson, Bobt. .Tas., Corporal (Mr B, Thompson, Birkenhead, father). Wylie, Bonahl Keitli, Corporal (Mrs B. K. Wylie, Milford, wife). 'August 22, Ellis, Win., Lance-Corporal (Mrs E, B, Nelly, Shannon, mother). Ecid, Arthur (Mrs C. Beid, Duncan street, llunedin, mother). • August 24. Fnrber, Patrick (Mr A. P. Furbor, Wellington, father). ' Hall, Phillip (Mr C, G. Hall, Ponsonbv, . father). AVcJ.ibc.rley, Ernest Charles, Sergeant (Mr C H. AVebberlcy,- Newmarket, father). . * -J'

August 25. ■ Danzoy, Jack (Mrs M, Hose, Grafton, Jiilithcr). f ■ ' ■ WELLINGTON INFANTHY. August 14. Oates, "Richard (Mr E, B' Dates, AJfreil'lon, 'father). Augjist IS. Aitken, Wm. James Murray (Mr G. Aitken, "Wcalport, father),August 19. niacki Sydney Morrison (Mr A. Black, Awakiuo, father), .._... Burt, Philip George "(Mrs M. Burt, Featherston, mother). Cumming, Gordon (Captain W. Cumiiiing, Gisborne, father)', I'nziickerley, Edgar Alfred (Mr M. I'azackcrley, Ida Bay, Tasmania,.

father).- . (loymour, Ernest, Lancc-Scvgcant (Mr J. W. Goymour, Hamilton, brother). Itili'hie, David Win. (Miss J. Eitchic, liawova, sister). August 20. '"iainsfoid, Harrison (Mrs J. Hartley, Cumberland 1 , England, sister). torpor, Joseph Wm. (Mrs J. W. Hop- • ■ p. 1 !', Clavevillc, wife). •Innsi'ii, Ole Scverln (Mr A, Davis, i'a|ea). ' - ... - •- Join's, James (Mr J. Hickoy., Innlia)'. M'Mill.™,, George (MrsM'MiJltm, Canterbury, mother).

n'csb, Robert (Mrs M, Ness) Mnkomako, I ' mother), < i ,' jncll, Jaincs Edward (Mrs A, T. Sncll, Wellington, wife). Stanley, P. A,, Lauce-Corporal (Mrs A. Stanley, Wellington, mother). Wilkio, Thoa. Edward (Mrs A. Wilkic, Ng\ere, wife), , August 21. Baker, William (Mr J. Baker, Canada, brother). Barugh, Bernard (Mr W. Barugh, York, England, father). ~ Brooking, '•Arjhur \Kcnncdyj Sergeant Mrs 11.- A. Brooking, LowerJ Federal street,-Auckland, wife). Bussey, Percy (Mrs E. M. C. Bussey, Taihape, wife"). Bry-no, Joseph (Mr J, Byrne,-Ireland, father). < Cameron, Kenneth' (Mr* D, Cameron, Frascrtown, father). Carley, Joseph Vincent (Mary Alice Carley, Morrinsville). Casey,'Wm. Andrew (Mrs P. Casey, Grcymouth, mother). " Foster, Albert Francis (Mrs S. Foster, Wanganui, mother). Gill, William James, Lanco-Covporal ..(Mr W.-J. Gill, Castel, Guernsey, Channel Islands, father). Harrington, George Reginald (Mr G, 11, Harrington, Gleynn, father), Hill, Rowland Lawrence (Mrs R. Hill, Gishornc, mother). Humphries, Reginald Cyprian, Corporal (Mr 11. Humphries, Tahntai, father). King, Samuel Leonard (Mrs E, L. King,, Mastcrton, wife). Mahoney, Frank, Lnncc-Corporal (Mrs E. Kelly, Eldcrslie, sister). i.Marshnll, Richard Andrew (Mrs F. 11. ' Marshall, Wanganui, wife). Morris, Evan (Mr J. Morris, Manaia, brother). Qninn, John (Mrs J, Qiiinn, Wellington, wife). Russell, Joseph (Mrs A. Russell, Leithfield, mother). Tyo, William Reginald (Mr 4 J. Tyc, England, father). Williiuns, Albert Charles (Mr H. Williams, Gisbomo, father). August 22. Smith, Sydney Edward, Lance-Corporal (Mr 'i\ L. Smith, Auckland, father). August 211, Johnson, Lawrence Roy (Mr C. Johnson, Hawera, father). August 24. Brown, James (Mr W. Brown, Frankton)! CANTERBURY INFANTRY. August 19. Brcml'ord, Walter Win. (Mrs'E. Brcmford, Carlton street, iChristchurch, mother). Hartley, Ernest Everard (Mr A. M. Hartley, Melbourne, brother). Sjienco, Henry Daniel (Mrs iJ. 11, "Siicnee, Cliristclmrcli, mother). August 22, Attwcll, Arthur Joseph (Mrs V. Altwell, Waimate, mother). Herve, Jules Marie (Mrs E. R, Herve, Hokianga), Melton, James Robert, Lance-Corporal (Mrs J. Melton, Morvrn, mother), Mimro, Colin George (Mrs G. A, Monro, Wanganui, mother), Pluck, Henry James (Mrs C. Pluck, Rakaia, mother), Stuart, Win. John Robert (Mr F, Kettlewell, Ruanui), Timins, Arthur Victor (Mrs J.„Timms, Kaikoura, wife). August 23. Dennis, Charles Edward, Corporal (Mr C. E. Dennis, Melbourne, father). August 2-1, Austin, Richard Sidney (Mr S, Austin, Rceftoii, brother),

OTAGO INFANTBY. I August 24. Dalgcty, Algernon Elmslic (Mr F, Dalgoty, Aramoho, father), TTuntc-r, Thomas (Mr T. Hunter, Glenham, faiherl; TUPLE Mli'iADE. August 13. Newman, Leonard Mark (Mrs B, E, Newman, Sydenham, wife).

August 10, Erriugtori, John, Lance-C'orpttal (Mrs 11 Errington. England', fatherj. August 17. [ Peryer, Cecil Albert (Mr W. Peryer, Gisbonie, father). August 20, Shine, Cecil Bertie, Lance-Corporal (Mrs ('. Shine, Ponsonby). ■ August 21. Fonseca, John (Mrs B. Fonseea,' Timaru, mother). Leahy, James Kennedy (Mr J. J. Leahy, Lceslon, father), Pike, Joseph James, Corporal (Mr J, J. Pike, Otahuhu, father), DIVISIONAL EMPLOYMENT COM-

PANY, August 22, Walker, Albert Stanley (Mrs A. C: Walker, Melbourne, mother). MAOEI CONTINGENT. August 20, ' Paracnc, Maramte (Bakahora Paraone, Baukakoro, Opotiki), To Olni, .Hare (Baiha Te Oliu, Mango•iiui, wife), August 21. Pera, Paui (Pera Karaui, Waevengaahika), August 25. Te Pone, James William, Corporal (Mr J. W. Tepene, Otago Heads, father),' Te Bcwa, Moihana (Be Bcwa, AVaimana, father). Wounded accidentally:— 'ENGINEERS. August HI,

Fowke, Alfred Gordon (Mrs E. E. Fowke, Sydenham, inotliei). AUCKLAND JXFANTHY. August 23. Anderson, John (Mrs Anderson, England, wife). WELLINGTON INFANTHY. ' August !), Mcßride, James (E. Mcßridc, Belfast, Ireland, father), EIFLE BEIGADE, ' -August IS, • .

Wishart, Sydney Beamish (G V W. Wish an', London,, father), Wounded, embarked for Englaml:-

, WELLINGTON INFANTRY, August 21. I Ilowat, "James (Mrs J. .Hdwat, Petoiic, mother), • . ■ . Wounded, admitted to hospital:— WELLINGTON INFANTItY.;v .• ; August. 8. : ' Munro, Benjamin, Corppral ' (Mrs,. J, ,y.. Munro, Franktou. Junction, [ wife). ..

August IG. Fly, Maurice Herbert (Mrs A. Fly, 1 Mnstertou, mother). August 20. Duffey, John Joseph (Mrs A. Clemeti, Ohakunc). ' Jones, Joshua Alfred, Corporal (J. Jones, Mokau). August 2-1. Collin, Bertie Eustace, Corporal (J. P. Collin, Takapau, father), Price, Edward (Miss E. Price, Ongaruu, . sister). CANTERBURY INFANTRY, August 10, Thomas, Harold Willougliby (Mrs B. Thomas, Woolston, wife), August JO. Ferris, Robert (T. Ferris, England, father). . August 21. Williams, George, Lance-Sergeant (Mrs V, 11. Williams, Hast Wive, mother). TUPLE BRIGADE. August 1,1, Rowlands. Reginald Edward (E. Rowlands, Toliomarn, father). August 17. Anderson, Karl (111. Kalvin, Ohakunc). Duggan, Chas. (Mrs M. Coe,;, London, sister). Wounded, and admitted to hsopital, now rejoined unit:— CANTERBURY INFANTRY. August 10.

Robb, William James (Mrs L. Robb, Doylestou, mother). Wounded slightly, remaining with unit:— ENGINEERS. Judd, Raymond Hector (J. Judd, Lower Hutt, father), , .. WELLINGTON INFANTRY. ~ August 19. Darbin, Henry James (Mrs E, Domett, Msrton, aunt),

OTAGO INFANTRY. ' August 14, Whale, Augustus Henry, Lance-Corporal (Mrs J, K. Whale, Timaru, mother). August 25. Lindsay, Erie Fanthorpe (Mrs C. E. Lindsay, Berhampore, mother). EIFLE BRIGADE. . August 17. Dynes, David iMi." M, Dyne:', Taliinni). MAOfil f'i)NT!.\(iK.\'T. 11. Matchacri, Jtawaiki (Ilatehacri, Rotoma, father), August 20. Baagg, John (John Baagg, Halfmcon Bay, father). August 25, Rankin, Albert llepi, Sergeant (Hone Ngapua, Kaikohe, gramlfatherj. Smilli, .William, Sergeant (Bichard Smith, Koluikohu, father), Previously yeported wounded, now reported not wounded:—

AUCKLAND INFANTRY. Clark, Joseph Lucas (Esther,A, Clark,

Mannsell parade, Auckland). Lomas, Arthur Thomas (Mrs 8. J, Lomas, Pcnsonby). WELLINGTON INFANTRY. Cullen, Thomas Laurence-(Frances allien, Ilatai'ai), -Tones, William (Mrs ft J, Jones, mother), Tingle, Lancelot James (Mrs L. J, Tingle, Rolorua, wife), / MAORI CONTINGENT. I'oulawera, James (Tlfcnras Jiini Poutawera, Te Kuili, brother). Toitoi, Ilimtu (Toitoi Jlaki, Malakana Island, -father).

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North Otago Times, Volume CVI, Issue 13975, 10 September 1917, Page 2

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ROLL OF HONOUR. North Otago Times, Volume CVI, Issue 13975, 10 September 1917, Page 2

ROLL OF HONOUR. North Otago Times, Volume CVI, Issue 13975, 10 September 1917, Page 2