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'■•■lit-!)V« Lit'.'.-"■'■"! '■■ setond|oiiiy) that ■ haß>oV'|e||iQi(^ o ;;iwropdc|s^ ' 'syot hosp j -#r'o)ij&^^^ ■ (sou,; a picture [ty ; ,iJßhing;;^ ;.M .has al|;.t,lm^:.|t ; iph |d ; /to.; fetter,-; tho .ground.;-, Thr poking.o||he npr^ ; ;pf :> % *fjs^ , ; iv;^k§-jbac.k. l jgjßfca.ilcd' a Tha-IjOjXos , ; ii{iye- u Vpct\ ,reba'i?Uitaied,; and; a, number:; effected. |q the; " '--thfi.-.sup;,'. : -PP r ;Assoei.^.tiptt ; ' deserves |or ; . it^calers '. .flpV.P,W n - .tfty'i. e :;^ a '!. m .' •;A.SBoelati6u,B|ioii]d not haye.qhc. of'tlie ,iirelticst/.^iindi,.most; -complete : ..slibvy.: ■grounds; % ; : thc ADoniiiiiqH, ; . ; iwd .fipns^; '(jiient thereon<one of -the.'..'best'shows; outside-,.tlie,more.metropolitan eeiitros;.' .' * Tjiu - Show ,\cßt e'rtlaj': \vas. a .success';: , -'5,9.;. s ,9.;. .^ r 't. c^»,v.VA lt J',franUy..;3peaking,-. ; jt. was disappointing :Thcre .haye/b|<m' many; .;diffieu)iira in the- way,.Jnit'surely, a' ;disMe(., )j ke. \Vaimhte. har'bours v 'ciiou'gh. .progressive peqpk. to ,bop!)t, along the ! tSWw-hy .entering and. exhibiting, their.i [entries, ,tlian : was ijie. case..yesterday. not ,Uncnrfor,a fqiy- enthusiast?,, .who ; cntcre(j,l\\o.o; freely injthc .various : which Jhej. had, tii o. rii i\t orifi 1;' the'AssQciatipu jvpuld jim had jt. dour iirogramine ; .to submit.;•. ■■:', r i ,w' • ■ ; ;* Of of the Show pne, (tgo^hjghiy.' tous had cvo.ry l ' thing at" his fiiifjors' cn<ls, and he was; ' Siii|jpoijtc(l,' '.by. irlpjii ofofficials. [ ' The 'e'ipcdiencyijwitb :whteh '{hi- judging; , proceeded' "was -'Very' "marked/ and jtlic' jmjgfiS.and and jiiiarshalfi pan-not, he ioo con- \,, ', ? .'.. ■-,'.■ ;"' " ...The entries last year constituted "a 'record,.and compared-with them this year's' showed 'ji: iiiarked; falling-buy totalling 450 as against.s-iS. f is;— ■'.'•" '■'{'■'*'.»■■ "•••■- '-' ' ';f ;;

1918 1914, -■' Sheep ;v.. ; ;..114 - 96 : ,Cattle .... M :iO. :. ; Draught horseUli ,81 ; Xigh)::horses; 93 .97 • ;Cgbs;etc,:.. '65 .#>• ; ; : Pigs : ...... ,'l2 .-In •■ "Oipgs ;.-..... !«■ •13 •' ..Prodtiefl (dairy ■/'■ ■■'•' •; £ > home-made) SI . . (11

/The sheep pens were. disappointin|. ..There,, .were some capital. siJiiWts in several : oreefla, but'";'''the" cbmpetittori,' should, havo been much-greater in such di^nct U\ J. G/A,;,Rudden-', iilau! \ sehojped; -the jVool;: and aria 'Border > •peicestcrs-tliereHv'as little-cbmp'etition Against. Mr 11, Voss. Mr P. W. Borne ■was the only ( - exhibitor {in rSouthdownSji somev rather J' ; nice j; shccp\:- shown, i Competition in. thq. ■jCorricrlal.ej :was "di-i vided/between Mesjsrs Richards and; •UuddenlclaUj but the exhibits were very uneven^Mr tNprtouj Francis iwa's the'' .principal prizctaker:: in. icrbssbreds:. and | lat'S) aiul: he had several: good pens/ ■the lambs show" wore, qwing: to the /season, no doubt, scarcely uploshow Sample. All round tlic caitle^la'ss^ 1 .Wougli meagre in number —was a good • one, /Again there/was evidence of a %xj season,' but/the quality was- in: the blasts, .shown, r Mr.': J. ,11;4 Milne's: /Eileen -"'Queen, tlie.p,hiimpibn cow .(Jcr■sej);.in:'milk; was scyenl:

a|ii.-> nun; iiuiuij utiiciiurn imii ; jaithojaglit good'j)f-theii<,kiri(l./;v ; ; a: champion stallion, Momentum, had oil Stewartson,; a prbmis h in| sire,' annexing' lirst and'championsliip,-;-. ,The jirdgc'had .eb'nsidernble/diffieiilty .in placing -the ,marc's ehampipiisliip, .but .finally Lady the :bluc :ribbon « a likely-lQokjngilaughter; ■ Thh haiikvcy ;clas?es occupied -TOich public iittPiitiouj and soriie -useful animals were parade. 'Almost the same "might I :;be' said-'of the/?cobs/jind Iponics; '■ which;were really -a mediocre hi; two clie'stnuts of.J.-F. CpQney.'were ..i.ii.a < pick : pL.the buneh,' iindjecred' well, lii pigs.Berkshires:and *Devbns evoked no competition,. and this section and -fliat {of jShcpp ;dogs,;;Wci:o- pboi/' dairy-, : j)rodiiee was shown .was,' of spiendid quality;' bd : it was surprising-to 'jjiptp ..tliepauoity of-, entries. y ..This re: mark '< also- applies'- to "tlie/honioproditcp and pupils' cookery classes, which ;werc good, but drtaihly deserving' ;of-'better support.;..'.':./ : ;'.'. ; /' . ; :/r l i : ".' Following is the,prize list:— ' .■^.■^.■ff/i-^EP;--- B ;'' ;•.. .'.'. Judges—Purebred classes, .Mr L. i; : \ j:BJackly;;^Rnkaia); crossbred and ;'.-■;;fit classes.Jtr; ; W; Anderson•(Ash-- -. r-'-|" t :;; ■■■ ■ ■ 11,-.,-.'--••■'■-I 1 ,-.,-.' --••■'■-i H a '-»V-:'. M'-.-.i ■! ' '.-■' /l)«rtbn),.'' : '■: • ':/''■:;' -'•• •■-••■■/ English : Leiccsters.-/-Ram, over' 18 mimtiis: ; tf/G> ; B|d(3eii|!lair!;l : jinil}2.' : Ram,.'lß months-arid'under: J.'G. A. Buddenkiavl; 1,; 2/and 3,! .Ram,; 18 months ;or tmder-.^sh'p'/nj.igt^Qcjptier)r-J/G;'Avßuddenklati, 1; 2and 3./! wUh lamb'.at.fopt,;under; 30' months: 18; nioritiis or; ; 2 soss !iindM.^sjio&|ift^||^:o'ctobe'rJ G,; - mpri ths', (not; ; to: have; been >;hojise"d ,6r/coyere<l)': r;brSinder: ilv ,4jiw<»;/l8 i^monti^ ::^'vi'r;v:.-,;,: ■--,■.','■;:;>; •<.. _pr::_undcr'{not ;tp;,hayc/bflen'^ -ccrVered):: A; GarianMandl

i'ttouJofeoMcovpftp M^M#iiSfc s&i^e^ : 6ye> mbbtlisi is|ici)aj:4 ; 'jsfs« A|Sud|enl(lnjt, 2 lkinb lkinb iai^,f ; '$ G^jE^de'nkla.u, Iklitu'irv ''••:'' ; <- of,; three^'oß,sbrwl' c^es;j;4;tgot^ .offi't!';|\nlfb^d^ JJds)'wUJi Jamb! iNpiitbu' Franeis „1 ■• aiid, 2.-, v Tiio'; Ganterbiury :FrqzeiJ::Mcat;Gp.;giye^^pecialiprices of, £2 Js,.firstof'threes crossbred;,.4-topth;;upwardfi,vwith, lijiiib at foolptipeciai. entrysvNorton Francis |, ;)V.;,;Brpwu;^., ,?cn of :t.!ircc>rossbrpd cwes,;.2-tooth,i.aH' ii? ;! pen, same breed, 1 .isuitaljlo'-fflr breeding fat lanibs: jirds. Pcn ( of noJt~less Ihnn 5 erpssbrel! wethers, for,..rlmtelie^■' ,puribVes:' ?.'%; Bprrio.],. Norton Fraiicis fi,-|r,. Leonard.ji,r.;-Pen not IcsHjinn. t) .crossbred :owes, : for buteliers' •purposes; Norton Francis 1, H.. Ruddenklau iand X., Pcn:of 15 wet hers, mid upwJnrdH, fdr.'.frjifeziiig. jiurpdscs: Norton Francis 1, 11, .Ruddenklau Pen of 5 sheep, ewes ,oV wethers, 2-tooth and under,ior freezing purposes;!. Garland J, Norton j>aricis 2. J)ie.Cliristelin'reli jroa't. • C 0.,. 'Lt((.,, special, prize, • one 'ton Islington fertiliser, value .£s,' for best pen .of ;5 wethers 'or maid on ewes, suitabio'for freeing,purposes, judges, to Jako jntq.coiisidpratjpn ,llio : skin' and carcase,; special;.entry: Norton Francis : }.' I Pen of ,5 'fat iiiinbs, Down'crpss,weight 'not to . excccit. 851)): Norton Francis. 1. . 5 fat..iamb's,'(iuy pljicr cross, weiglit, not to nxceed 851 li: Eng|ebrecht 1, H,'Ailnjitt'2.;: The 'Natibij.ilt'Jlortgageand Agency Co. givo special pmel: first; £2 Is," and Mrs 'W. M, "llamjlton gives.special prize, second !£l';.:ls,'for'best pbii of 5 fat lambi, weight riot to : execod 851b, special entry: Norton .Francis 1, "E. 'II. Englcbreclit 2. Pwi of 5 fat lambs, any ■breed, any weight: 11. Allnntt 1, ■ If. .Saunders 2.

'K' ' " . CATTLE. Judge—A. Silcock (Aahburton). Shorthorns.— in milk, any ng.r. Meyers.and Jones 1. Cow, dry,•any age: J. .Gray; I,..Meyers and Jones 2.' .vAyishii'.es.—Bull, calved since. July 1, I9 ; l3:, Z.l,Cousins. 1, ; Cow, : in milk, sny age: Z..Cousins 1, 117.Ruddohklnu £ ijieifeiv calved since" July 1, '11)12: ll.Rudiienkiaul. ,V Jerseys.—Biill, : 3 years arid upWnnls: 11. Saunders' Advance 'rand champion, 11, Silver Ring 2. ; Bull, :cali#since July 1; ]9l3: : J;' 11,- Milne 'h General French 1. milk, any ajje: .Ji;it^filße''s,3Gilcen-.(5ue c ijn -knnd cjiauipioni, ll,'Saiinders';Silver!Queen i) :IL Saunders'lLittle Mary III; 3, 'Cow, dry, any, Saunders' Little Mary 11, 1. ; Heifer, calved since. July 1, Ml2: J.;;;li> Milne's Betty Bine 1, If.' SaundersV Little; Mary IV. 2. Heifer, waived .since July 1, 1913: J. 11. Milne lftt,'Saunders a. :•';•;

Fats:—One fat bullock: Meyers' and Jones; 1 and: 2;iOrie:fat co'w or. heiferMeyers and Jmicsl and % Frasor and M'Leodro'. Pair of fat bullock.-;: Meyers and Jones 1 and 2. Pair of fat cows or heifers any age: Meyers and Jones, i %W%, Frasor and M'Lcod 2. : . ■ '•■■■. ' 'horsed ■■;' Judges:—Males:- Mr W. J.Charters .'. / (Mosgicl) j,feniales: Mr H. E. Finchain (Lc'eston),' ' ■' ' ■'■ Draughts:—Entire, 4 years and ii|Vwaj'ds:-!!. SaundcM/Stqwartson (Mnjov Stewart) 1, A. Dalgleish's: Momentum i?j-J. : Weir's 'Diinurc Drew 3. Entire colt, .2.1 years.:--/Sutherland : and Borrie 'a Baron Deasy:(Barou Graceful) 1 and e, T. Liken's The Squire 2. Colt, yearling: A, Brown's, by Dunurc Drew, 1; H. Meyers', by Duuurc Drew,.3.-' Broo.i jji'mre,* itifoal:' P.'-W. Borrio/s Lndy'Jtow,; enn 1 ..arid c, B. D. Stoffcn's Flora 2. Mnro, dry, 4 yoars• and -upwards: P. W. Borric's Rosebud' I,' A. Brp\vh's Pride': 2, ; :Br : D. Stcffcn's iDar- 1 iirig/' i). -Filly,. .'■ 3■' years "oldt-'vlA.' . \K A. Brown's Flora 2, W;'%. Borrie's Lady Tyvie3, Fijly,. 3 years old: ■P,,W. ! Boi , rie's Lady Ronald }'i A; Biowri 'a Rose 2, A, Brown 'a Daisy .?.' FitlV-yearling: P: W.Bomb 1 and 2j. : A. L Logan 3. ; Entire/with three of ihis progeny: Black's Agitator 1. Brood marc, with tp of her progeny: P. .AY;'' ; Bqrrie.Jj.A,.Brown 2.. Gelding, 4 yeaw old and upwards: A. ißrown'a 'Champ ■I, A; Dalgicish'2'and 3i Gelding, 3 years old'lrAf. Broiv')ii3i;A/L.ogan.;2 and/a. Gelding, two years old: A.' Brovrri- L ' ■ Thproughbrods: (JiiOgo, Mr A. E.Or/ beil):~Maro/.dry,:'3 wards: . : ■-•.-, l '■ " Hrtt^neys:—rfraekhoy atallion, 3 yenH oid'ari'djupwards: A; Slee's Schoolboy l t ,L;Ta|terson'sDiamondjßell 2, Carriage atnllipri,'3 years old and upwards: :Av.T./ rMf,Laucliljn?s Pri(lo. of,?l^^scliUdj^';R^ : Ariamon v yAinißjlt ; ;]iJ;2; : 2i'ycars:' ! old: ,; : Merryboy:, 1/ :Hackney;i|lly;orjge|din ; ft.2 years 01d:,D.Lun'dy; Cochrane.' 2.-Hackney, colt, lGlly, ; or-|e1ding,;yeailing::J.;/T;: Hay 1, G/Loper, fcj Gelding; o> »nare| to 'lsst, -to: be ,: shown iii"saddlo:'and ridden: ' J, B.jßpw' 1! bor I,T. Hobbs2. GeltUng or mnrp]l)C3t; in^d^e^r^§^djji:|fep.|? phttppiej IS ; weight /;c£(rriqr ; ipt!b^ist^top)e[s)ipwii;in r fiddefp;sobi&^ le^hbwXliri^nrTinge^Fr^r^ 3al|in^i||jeil||rßllS

WmSmMmsmm , \ ■■:. - r ß ..iv s li'iiaif-iiSi.VfjV!e*y^rf;^'-j't-w' , i;fi •*'■ ' •- 'l' ; 'Mliuij^ 'fta)';^|qg|™^ laiiss;'%;bb^^^ Tpnvjijuinb^^ Jotii^ Hajnc^po^ Iliad Vt6^0 v bliown' in' tvtip: /ii;, F.' 2,6, Hunt .'a. Jack! 3 f jrarneks,i)otiy, r oyei;; 12 •aiMluniVeivi;* handa, to lie sliovyir In iMniicilcsior'B Dorothy'.lj J-. 'Jlarily- 2 r ; G; ; Manchester ?>. Pair of pbiiicsyji hands anil under; to bo sliowii in trap; : l 3V Cooiicy \Tim and' BosiijK 1.: Poky,; bvor ■} 3j'and under 14:liands ••(in Saddle; nniii. ridden): {W, Browii''s' Tomiiiy v ri' ! ji : ;l^QOiiey> : Tim' 2,.E^B;':Hiirrison ! a:Trixio 11,' v -;'

,■; ■ SHEEP-DOGS. ,': ; Elliott (Glenavy). ; ' ; ' Best smooth-haired:' collio; Se'Qtt.'l, J..;Bnliantyno 2; Ai;Brpwn;.n, • dog: H.' Vpss I,' A. JI, Hoskip : 2| ,rri)enn'iston:;X - Best benrded.c.pllie.jilogi/i/Stpkcs lj .1. Bax-. 'tflr^':'.;':'.'^' I ,'.,'''_'.' • . :.:' ':"■ .';■: ■;■.'-; ■ PIGS. .., ■ . V:'Judge':—Mr• A,'l;- Lrjgfiii (Morvon); Berkshires: T. A. Pearco secured first pii'zos.'i'n.classes for Honr, Sow r Sow mi'olG months, artd SpW-oyor. G nnd unde: 12 : nionths; J)ovon: ; D; Kennedy -was awarded.first'in.classes for' Boar uudor ,0 moiiths,,Sow; under,G: months; overl'l'.mqn'tlty and undor 12. months,, jieii of ), pigs ■under 8 months, and Sow with ."litter I .' Throe ■ porkers: T. A.Pearce 1, W.- Stewart 2. •DAipY, PRODUCE. Judgc:4lltW.;Bee'(oamarn). Two lb. fipsli buttor, in ill) rolls: Mrs M'DoWelll,' Mls« A. A. Ruddcnklaii 2, Jlk?'E. Miles:'!!,. Miss M. Jones h.c. Fancy hiitter (fresh) i 'Miss 1 and B. Two lb. powdered buttor in: 41b rolls: .rMjlss A, : A. Ruddenklau i'Mn-iiijl UereAhh 3, Mi** M. Jones h.c. ■

; SUNIIRIES. . Bacon, smoked: Meyers and Jones 1 and •2/ Bacon,- nn.imok.od: Moyors, and Jortos i and:2.,;.smoked: Meyers and Jones ' : l and;2, MrsEnthorue '■ .1 ,liam3;.:unsmoked: i; Meycrs and Jones 1 and ',s,.■ MrfcEnthornoJ. Thrco homomado loaves: Miss K. Belcher 1, Mrs D. fmti l2,"three home-made loaves (county, only): Mra D.vEnnls ' I'/tyx cakes:• Miss K. Belcher 1. Six girdla scohW Miss K.CBclchor I.'Six gifdle stones (county;only):. Miss E. Brown 1, Miss'ft'll. Bud|enkiaV2. l.'Six oven •scones: Misa ,K.;,' Belcher 1. Six ove.'i scones (county only): ; ' Miss .0. 11. Buddcnklau comb: Mrs :S.,J, Adams 1..- Bbttlo extracted lionoyi" Miss'F.';Elliot I,'. Mrs S. : .1. Adams'2;.: f Colledtipn;honro-mndc pro-duces-Mrs Si. J v Adams'>l.•':' , .'-' ■ rUPILS' COOKERY.

Six oven 'scones: M; Hcrstlot 1, M. Keen % 'M; v Erigiel)recht : 3.; Six girdle aeones: M, Englebrecht 1, M.VKeon .2. •SaiiSflgc ! I?olis/;'lM;'Englebrecht V M. Keen' VEronn' d 'Au'vcrgne .1. ShortIpad: ;M.;'Kceirl, M. 'Englebrecht "2. Fruit pakc.i-M; Keen J, M. Englebrecht 2; Spougo cakc':;:E,d'Auvergno ; l, M. Englebrecht 2/M, Keen 3.' Seed cake: M.;;KftPnii : M.: Englebrecht 2/ .:; competitions; ." Heavy•Wiglitjlunter.-T. Uobb's Kawa Plunger .2, J. B Bowkcr's Bangle' 3.... '■'.'.; ,'■'■ Liglit-Tvoight ,;Hunter.-E. and D. ; ;Konncdy/3,!Landajjhore \ Battleaxo 2, ■•.-. •• "''.•"

..jlii'ntcrv:(owned"b,y member of'Waimate District Hunt)—T, Ilobb's Kn-wa-3, J.ißi, Bbwkorfs;Bnnglo 2. • .". Best Jumpe'r.rrKawa l,,riungcr 2,

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North Otago Times, Volume C, Issue 13135, 6 November 1914, Page 6

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WAIMATE SHOW North Otago Times, Volume C, Issue 13135, 6 November 1914, Page 6

WAIMATE SHOW North Otago Times, Volume C, Issue 13135, 6 November 1914, Page 6