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Tho San Francisco mail arrived by tho express from the north last evening. , Corrected Notico.—Mails for Fiji closo at Auckland, per Rahadi, on Friday, 33tji| inst., at 7 p.m. The committeo of the Oamaru Poultry Society will' meet in Mr Mowbray's rooms on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. .Several local poultry fanciers sent exhibits to the Southland poultry show, to be held at Invercargiil to-day and tomorrow.

Mr J. M. Forrester invites tenders for the erection of the Oamaru Town Ilall and municipal offices, Tenders close on the 25th July,

Messrs A, G. Creagh and T. Watson yesterday nominated Mr 11. P. S. King tor tho vacancy in the Council, causwl by tho resignation of Mr Waddell. Mails for Samoa, Honolulu, America, Continent ot Europe, and UniWl Kingdom, via 'Frisco, close at Auckland, per Sonoma, on Monday, July 9th, at 1 p.m.

The Waita,ki Mounted lUflcs have appointed the following members to act as a Shooting Committee for the company! Sergeant Mauley, Troopers Brooks, Taylor, and Ongley. Tho Rcv ( L. Hudson's lecture on Queens land takes place in Wesley Church this evening ajt 8 o'clock, in which thrilling stories of droughts, cyclones, snakes, alligators, etc,, will he tokl. Tlio women's nursing class of the St. John Ambulance Association will" commcnco the winter session this evening in the Athenaeum Hall 4 8 p.m. Tho men's first-aid class meets next Tuesday evening.

It is said that llto reason iot Iho wthholding ol the extra shilling a day from the railway men is duo to the vote for the puiipose having ton exhausted, anil) that on the meeting of tlie Uotes tin) vote will be continued.

The Waimate Advertiser says that on the representations ot Mr W. Beer, president o! the Waikakahi Settlers Association, the Land and Survey Department intimate that a rebate will he allowed on all rents paid by July 30th. Mr James H. Todd, ot Dunedin, and third son ol the late liov. A. 1), Todd, has (says the Daily Times) accepted tlio position ot general secretary for Australasia of the China Inland Mission at lleHJourne. which became. vacant lately by the dearth ol Mr C. F. Witridge. lie leaves Dunedin about the 14th July. Mr Todd at present occupies tho position ot New Zealand secretary for tire China Inland Mission.

News was received by cable yesterday that Mr B, Sett-Smith, who is in Australia just now, has purchased from Mr Mansi'll, a celebrated Tamilian breeder of Shropshire Down sheep, one yearling ewe, the price being 41 guineas, Mr Seth-Sinith has already spent a considerable amount of money in building up his stud, and he is to be congratulated on his latest purchase. No doubt the amima! will appear in the show riiiß inOamaru and elsewhere in New Zealand before the end olthe year. A ragwort plant lias been growing on the North Road, just bbyond the Town Boundary, but the plant has not shown any signs of spreading.. Isolatett plants of the ragwort have also been seen in other parts of the district, but in no case has its spread teen anything like what is seen in other parts of the colony. Last cvenng Mr James Martin, County Clerk, inspected the plant growing on the road, and the County Council will lie the first to take in hand the eradication of tho weed in this part of Otago, It will deal with the subject today. 1 Owing to the derailment in the tunnel at tho .Urol a portion of the night's goods train from Oamaru to Dunedin early on Tuesday morning the trains between licro and Dunedin were very much delayed yesterday. The early morning goods train from Dunedin did not teach Oamaru tilt tin midllle ot. the laftornoon, and the first express from the south was delayed by an hour and a, half, while that from tto north passed through Oamaru nearly half an hour behind time. The obstruction was cleared as quickly as the conditions would permit, but not before it had deranged tho traffic for tho whole of the day, though the evening trains from the north got through jiretty . well, up to time. " Which exercises the greater influence, Boo'fs or Companions," was the subject for debate at Columba Literary and Debating Society on Moiulay oveiiing, Tho subject was one thatTknt itself to a great amount of argument in favor ot both sides. For Companions Messrs W. W. GiMi, T. Watson, and J. D.' Fergusson spoke; while for Books, Messrs 11. lirown, junr., K. Drown, senr., and A'<toi(. Scott "put in a word. The speakers on tins different sides had any aimounli tol say, and tlie chairman (Kcv. W. Wright) had to keep them to the time allowed to each. After being thoroughly thrashed out tho question was submitted to the members, and ttien liallottcd upon, with the results that Companions carried tho day with a majority ol seven. A splendid attendance ■ of members was present, and all the way home the question was still being discussed. A vote ot thanks to tho leaders and the chair brought a very interesting debate to an end.The ownership ot & dog, which no one seemed to "value very much, but which several people claiimed, occupied the Court for a considerable time yesterday morning. The subject ot notion was described aB a bull-tenter, and it was not long botore the Court discovered him to be a Part cularly Interesting mcmlfcr of the'canine tribe. J 'l had a brother of his," confessed counsel for the 'defence. " Then'l haid tbb father, I suppose,'? said the Magistrate. " A sort of a. family affair/' he added, in a| facetious spirit. Whatever the relations of this particular dog were, however, three witnesses, two WW, ffiitiiM Wi dating

Wok to MO, and: tlio occupant ,pf the lioncli, were occupied for two lioursin an effort to discover who Ills rightful owner was, alter winch judgment was reserved on a point of) law, a)wi wo,may expect mi inlcircstiiiK deliverance on' the subjcot in a few 'days. On the wholo the dog appears to lie having the best of it; for a while he was accepting canine nutrti incut from two households,<botli under the impression tliat there was no doU Ixt as to', where he was rightfully .entitled to expect it, what'wonder that a do? should wax fat and incroaso in value Minder such conditions,

At tho Magistrate's Court, yesterday, before Major Keddell,' S.M., P. W. GodWill sued Conrad HoaekliKOn for tlie pos*' sesaon of a dog or £B, and. £2 for detention and expenses, Mr appeared for plaintiff, and Mr Newton; for defendant. The evidence for the plaintiff showed that he occupied a house On the North Road, previously occupied' by Mr Blathwayt, who had lelt behind him ai dog, which plaintiff fed and looked after. Subsequently it was given by plalntiil's daughter'to the'defendant,• who-sent- it to Kurow. 'Plaintiff, application for tlicdOg, went to Kurow > and brought

it away, but it was subsequently retained by defendant. For tho defence the evidence was that before Mr Blathwayt left hogavo the dog to Mrs Emerson, a neigh-, iior, who also fed it, believing It to bo hers. SubsffoVently to defendant receiving tho <lO6 from plaintiff's daughter, Mrs Emerson gave it to Miss Godwin, who at transferred tho.evidence of own. ership by letting to defendant. Incidentally the evidence'disclosed that an fidvo l " tisemcnt inserted by plaintiff in the Oamaru Mail occasioned a good deal of feeling between the parties, and caused: the defendant to take advice as to whether the advertisement did not constitute libel. Legal issues were raised on tho ((.ucstion of whether actual del very of a gift was necessary or not, 'and judgment was reserved, n ' •

Messrs Bruce Christie and Co. arc holding a clearing sale to-tlay (Wednesday), tho 27th June, ot first-class dairy cow.s, horses, etc., on account' of Mr John Kennedy, at bis farm, Awamoa (close to the town boundary), when they will offer his specially selected herd. This presents a splendid chance to those wishing to secure some really Rood cows, For particulars sec advertisement;

Mr SWINDLEY, Surgeon Dentist, will visit KUROW on THURSDAY NEXT, 28th inst., and may (bo consulted at Simmons' Hotel;

Real eiderdown (Wilts are now in evidence at Penrose.s Drapery Establishment, They hailing Mado a largo purchase inent. They haveingmadcia.largii purchase from M'tintock's nUid other most reliable makers of quilts, at very low prices, arc therefore prepared to odcr them to their customers at.the. substantial rcduotion of at tot 33 l-3rcl per cent below ordinary prices, G x 5 reversible sateen cretonno covered ciJcrdown ijuilts,' braided, and ventilated, were 30s, now only l"s 9d each; C x 5 floral sateen covered eiderdown quilts, nicely [tilled ami ventilated, spec al value, 25s Cd each; G x 5 frilled reversible eiderdown quilts, with red floral ccntrcpicce aiul gold border, Ms'Cd each; C x 5 eiderdown .quilts, with extra gJjo;l satin aod sateen covering', wore 4Qs, now 30s each; 6 x 5 M'Lintook's frilled eiderdown quilts with latest modern designs, ordinary value 60s, our speciaj prioo 40s 6d; 6x 5 M'Lintock's extra special quality eiderdown quilts, with all satin coverings, were £6, now 85s each. -PENROSE, Cash Draper, For Children's Hacking Cough at Woods' Great Peppermint Curo, Is 64 and 2a 6d per Bottle, Tailor-made Costumes are correct thing for winftr wear, Ladies requiring smart up-to-d»to materials 'and a well-cul garment should call early, and ordor (rom J. H. MILLIGAN AND CO. For children's hacking cough at night, Woods' Great Peppermint Curo, Is 6d and 2s 6d uer bottle.

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North Otago Times, 27 June 1906, Page 2

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North Otago Times. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1906. North Otago Times, 27 June 1906, Page 2

North Otago Times. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1906. North Otago Times, 27 June 1906, Page 2