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The. annual meeting of members of the Chamber of Commerce Was held in the Athenaeum Hall last evening' The chair was occupied by the VicePresident, Mr J. Maitland Jones, and Hicrc was a limited attendance. The Chairman apologised for the absence (if the I'rcsidcnt, Mr W' H, Roso, who was unfortunately confined to his houso by sickness, though lit

(Mr Jones) was glad to say that Mr Rose was now improving in health. The secrcliuy, Mr C, W. Cooke, read the minutes of the last annual meeting, and of the adjourned mcetr ing of a fortnight ago, which were conlirme;!. . . '

The Chairman then declared the result of- the election for officers.. 1-Ie was sorry that a greater number of nominations had not been received, ami that they had not tho interest attached to a ballot. The election of officers had resulted as follows: President, Mr J. Maitland Jones; vicepresident, Mr K. \V. Moiison; commit' tce-rMcssrs W. H, Upac, It. Milligan, W. ll' Meek, A. Frascr,.W. Jardine, C, E, Morris, and W. 11. Steenson; auditor, Mr F. C. Stubbs, The balance-sheet showed Pat whereas the credit balance at the beginning of the year was '£2B cs id, at the end of the year it was £3O ibs ud.

The report was then read by tlio President., in the following terms: The Committee of the Oamanl Chamber cf Commerce, in presenting theit! second annual report, are pleased to think that the usefulness of the institution, foreshadowed in the first' report,' l\oen fully sustained, as evidence of which' fact they beg to direct members' attew tlon to the many important matters dealt with during tho year just eniled. Meetings.— I These have been more 'numerous than usual, and much valuable time has been .devoted to the business of the Chamlier by your ; Committee. In addition to the ordinary monthly meetings of the Committee, thrco speolals, one general meeting of tho Chamber, four retailers' sifb-commlttce meetings, two holiday sub-conunittco meetings, and •thirteen meetings in. connection: with the New Zealand International Exhibition have been held,,which it must be admit, ted is a rather full programme for busy roe&. 1

Tho following is a record' of attendances at the' eleven ordinary monthly meetings of the Committee, viz.: Messrs HofiO' 9, MilligWn 5, Jraser 8, Monson 7,

Alums 9, Joneb 10, Meek 8. JanlineiJleenfaon 11. ' '

lliu principal matters which cainc Refold your Committee during thenar arc us follows: ■ Acces.i; to the New Wliurf, —The con.'itiuction of tlicnow whari at the mole tendered ncccsMiiv the consideration of a coiWcntent .cioi'Sing over. the railway line; and : your Prc&idesit, acting- in'conjunction with' the Mayor,- tho Chairmen of thii Harbor Board am! of the Waitaki•County - Council,-.waited upon ' the ttlght' Honorable - the Premier, and later upon tho Hon, the M nister for Railways, djuring their visits tj> Oamaru, with tho result although a direct crossing, at' the foot ot Wansbeck' street, which they strongly advocated, was refused, a crossat the rear of the-Elevator was granted.' the Harbor Board will in duo course have the necessary, road formed, connecting ltchcn street with ■ the now wharf.

Rai.way Matters,-The 'questions of obtaining more reliable weights ol produce from tlie Hallway Department, and tlie consigning ol empty wagons to fainors for loading, passed on to tlio Committee from last, year, rwnaln very much In statu (jw, 'm Dfifwlirtsnl cannot mo its v/ay to mate m di»W' in lliefr exl/sllug In ite mmtiino, No doubt some solution ot tfie dlillcultics v/IM at pirnl pwM Ik Kiaiitliijj 11l lII® mueli to (fesif«l tfr lorn will m ol tlm fays f« iomA.A matte ol /iist to m producers of llils illstffci is to me* meat liiaUKiirabl by >j(m Cmmike, in the direction of oblmiiM a wimim in the present lilgli cht)f. lot ilAihfft (A grain (iirlnclpaJly) Itrn lII# torn §itl' Ings to the breakv/gtcr, Ho lu ite l)i> partment hau to mate any eoncession, hut the help of other CfiwMs of Commerce has been enlisted, a#d your Committee liopo that the cotnblned effort may result in some reduction belli/, obtained before next (jraln season etnn& round/

Toloplionio Communication with thincditi.—At the present time telephonic communication with Dunedln can only, be had from about 9 o'clock on Saturday (lights to 9,30 on Sunday mornings, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays.; also at intervals dur ng the night. It is idesiraWc that regular communication be established. There is all day communication from Dunedln to Hampden and trom Hampden to Oamaru, so that it only requires an extra through wire- to ailoKl the necessary iaoilitics. South African Trade-When the Government advertised tor tenders for a steam sirvico between this colony and South Africa, your Committee communicated with the Hon. the . Minister for Commerce, requesting him to provide lor Oamaru being made a port of call for tho sltfalmers, and this ho promised to do. Unfortunately tho proposed service has not so tar been arranged. Local Wool Sales. —Your Couiuuttco made very strong representations to the Wool Buyers' Association in the hope cf inducing them to include OanWu in their next season's list of buying centres, hut your Committee regret that for tbo present at any rata tho negotiations have bcon fruitless. ' Educaitional.-Your Committee havo pleasure in recording that tho Chamber's first medal for proficiency in commercial subjects, donated to the Waitaki Boys' High' School, was won by Edward Puttick, a resident of tho distrct, who lus since been appointed to & position in tho civil service. Your Committee also, in recognition of the valuable work undertaken by the Technical Classes Association, made a grant of £5. to its funds. Standard Samples of Gram.—Consideration was given to the question of adopting a system of standard samples of gjrain gjrown in this district, and 1 it was decided to adopt ("lades each season, so as to conic into line with other cu< porting centres. Harbor M&tters.-Dredgiiig lor the accommodation of the lai'Rcr steamers ami the construction of the new wharf on tho molo have ffOno on satisfactorily, and it is honed that within a few months from this date tho port will once Wo bo open (or tho Home traders.- ! Lajid Sctttcmcnt.'-Yout Committee note with satisfaction the extension ol the Government's land settlement policy in this district during the' past year Tho settlement of the Waitaki Plains Station (Steward Settlement) will, they hope, provo successful. Two other pro-, pcrties (Totara and Corriedale) have been acquired, hut- do not come into possession of tho Government until next yc&r« Scale ot Commercial Chareps.—Your Committee halve been busily engaged inendeavoring to fix a scale of commercial flu for the district, which they hope mxy yet bo arranged so as to ensure uniformity libtween South Canterbury, Duncdin, and North Otago districts. They express the hope that tho now Committee will take up this important matter without delay. „. • • ~ Timaru Chamber of Ccinmcrce.-Your Committee note with satisfaction that Timaru have emulated Oamaru's cntetprise by forming a Chamber ot Commerce, and ttwy take this opportunity ol offering the new Chamber their congratulations, and wish them a successful ca'Retailers' iSulr-committcc.-In the interests of tho tradesmen of the town your Committee deemed it wlso to appoint a i special sub-committee to deal 'with matters directly affecting thoir businesses. This sub-commisttec consists of Messrs A. 1 Fraser, J. M. Brown, IWbt. Brown, Jno. 1 Bulleid, Wm. Bee, J. E. Hood, E. 0. I Lane, J. M'Diarmid, R. Milligan, Win. Waddcll, and Jno. Taylor, The matters dealt with were special holidays, donations to bazaars, eto., retail sales made by representatives of wholesale houses, and the collecting of doubtful debts. It is confidently anticipated that the. subcommittee's work will the effect of restricting customs, wleh in somo instan- ■ ees proved unfair,and burdensome to tho traders in town, The outcome of tho • sub-committee's deliberations on tho doubtful debt business is that an arrangement has been made with tho Retailers' Tradp I'rqtcctiou Association ol 1 Dunedin to be represent# hero, Mr P. 1 W. Ongloy, solicitor, act/jpg as the Association's representative. Members of tho i .Chamber of Commerce may become meni- : bors of tho Trade Protection Associat on for the reduced fee of £1 Is per annum (tho ordinary buhsoription being £1 10s. The New Zealand International Exlobl-tion.-In order that the North Otaßo " district miglht bo properly represented at ! the forthcoming International-Exhibition at Christohurch, your Committee took . the matter up, and invited Mr G, S, , Munro, one of the Commissioners, to at- ' tend a publio meeting, at which tho project was fully discussed, and it was de. elded that the district proyitlc a special 1 bay; A •general advisory committee representing tho various interests In tho ■district/was appointed, the Chamber being represented thereon by your Committee, and your President was elected chairman. 'A very, considerable amount of work has been done, but your Committee are somewhat disappointed ait tho lack of enthusiasm displayed, by tlio business men ol the district. Ttio local' bodies havo voted funds towaffd the cost of tho North Otago bay, tho Waitaki' County Council heading the list by a very generous donation of '£100.; Oamaru Borough Council, '£2o; the Oamaru Harbor Board, .£2O; the North Ota'go Agricultural anil Pasltoral . Assertion, £2o'; totai '£l6o, which it is estimated will cover the cost of this district exhibit, arid "there is yet time for looal manufacturers and others to rise to tho occasion, awl make tho venture a good advertisement for North' Otago< Conference ol Chamliera.'-During the Exhibition season o, conference ol Chamfers of Commerce will ■ tate place in Chrlstpjiurch, and'your Committee havo signified their attention to be represent" cd thereat. _. [

Membership and Finance.—lt will bo sejn on referring to tho balance-sheet that your Committco is retiring from oifico leave tie finances in a healthy cqh« dition, there h'einj funds in hand amountto £39 ISs Bd, as against £2B 6s 4d on 31st March, 1905, It is. inevitable that some members ' who joined tho Chamber at Its inception, perhaps to hip to establish it. should drop out, nevertheless your Committee regret that such Is tho case, for- out. membership. is 15, less than it was a year ago. They arc of opinion that the community is

large enough and' the Institution import< ant enough to warrant the expectation lliat tluso vacant places will speedily be filled. Our present membership is 53. : Thanhs.-IJfo Committee tlesuc to tiiany ■ the locnr press for thc ; reports they" have putdlshcd'fioni.timo to time of meetings correspondence. etc.; the Government) De-- ■ partmciiis which. haVo fo'rwartlctl iutcre>st-J nig publications,-: mil the Borough Coun- ■ cil for the use ol a room for meetings occasionally. " Conclusion;—ln' conclusion ' your Com- ' mittco L'XjiresS tlio hope that the ibusiness People of Oamaru, in whose interests the Chamber: of; Commcrco largely • exists will conlo into closet touch with thd 1 work, aiid give Ho incoming Committee n ■ support In carrying out their work, .

w. H, m?,. , '' President; ' I lie Ualiniaii prui'Dcdcd to read the addrcis prepaied by Alt Hose for, the wcuslon, in wnicli the. latter: proposed to move, the adoption ol tlio Hciercnec wm made at the (Mbcl lo tlie fad that the heat and burden of tlie conduct ola Hairs were still home by virtually tlie few committeemen who «cl the Chamber going, EttJ&rglne oil the report, Mr Rose suggested that tticy (jhould advocate im railage torn town «Winp to the htenkmtef oh gtaln which lias teen Miled to stores, so io place it on tte am looting as " pf/i eonsiffi&t direst Imn ite mnitp ifa minted OMi, Wj, tkt tte Kawiy Uepart- & wMmtte pM out of ifie pt tew Mfag M ik bwdwM], lM cum mi oi (k fe (wltwt, fe -m omimnty of htitig- w&mss of Im <MjM Ufw . te thousands ot tisiim (hi- ffosJd visit ChtkUkfch, nA k ttoped ihzt Increased fcatfmiasm wild be felt in the pr&Ject. The shipping trade ol llic pott showed an ificrcaM,. particularly in the export of lamb carcases, arid the Government valuations showed large increases in the value of land in the country and property in the town, factors doubtless contributed to by llic high prices of produce, Satisfaction was expressed at the continued prosperity of the colony, aiid at the magnificent victory won for the cause of frectradc in the Old Country, where also trade Was buoyant.

Mr J. M. Brown said the report left little to say. The Committee hail worked very actively during the year, though ho was sorry it was not getting larger support. Tlic man ner in which the Committee took' in hand the representation of- the district at the exhibition was!proof of their desiroto servo the district well. He hoped they would continue tlicii; efforts, and with as much usefulness to the. community as in the past. He seconded the adoption of the report,

The report was then adopted.

Mr,lUrown remarked wMih regret that the report should disclose a declino in the mcmbei ship. He had heard the statement-made that, thj memDership feo of £iis was too high. Tlioso gentlemen seemed to feel that, while wiliing to give £i is for the first year, they regarded-. the amount as too higjh thereafter. With these statements Mr Brown did not necessarily, agree,; but he repeated them for 'the consideration of tho committee. The President thanked Mr Brown for what Jic had said," Their expenses were not small, though they were as carefully regarded as possible. 'Tho Articles 06 Association iteed tho amount of the subscription. Mr Brown regarded the attendance at the meeting as a disgrace to the community, considering tho. efforts of the Committee •It rnjght be worth • while to consider a proposal to admit honorary menders at 10s ed eacn. In"that way. gentlemen might bo en-, couraged to at least support tho Chamber, if not to becomo actively, connected with it The Chamber was doing valuable: wonk tor. the whole district. •

Mr YMdeH said tlic Chamber had lately entered a new sphere in the. way of starting retailer?' committees, which were doing.very necessary, work. If those efforts were continued he believed there would be no necessity next year to t#, about want of support. Sq far the Chamber had nut been a Trades' Chamber, but now. they had . active retailers' committees, who were working for the interests of that Boetion of the community. If they continued on thoso lines they would havu no reason to complain of want of interest or lack of attendance at the annual meeting. There, seemed therefore no reason to consider any alteration in the subscription until at least they were able to sco the result of the new departure, Mr Uooko remarked that theirs was 110 need to feel disappointed a't the slight "decreaso in . the membership. Many people had given £1 is to set the Chamber going in its first year. It was correct that ' the retailers' side of the Chamber's work was receiving moro attention than, in tho past, an<l he anticipated that tho effect wauld be felt in the cns,uing year.

Mr Fraser said h e was not at all disappointed at the number of members, though he was disappointed that tho attendance at the annual meeting was so small. Mr Morris pointed outi that tho balance-sheet showed they could not reduce the subset ption

The Chairman pointed out that tho desire Was to make the Chamber touch and safeguard as far as pos[siblo all trading interests in the-town, lie moved a v oto of thanks to theretiring president for the valuable services he had rendered the' Chamber, Mr Monson, in seconding tho motion, said they had every reason to feel thankful fop the efficient way in which Mr Rose bad carried out bis d,uties,

Tlic motion was agreed to • unanimously. Mr P'raser moved a'vote of (banks io Mr Stiibbs for auditing', the ac-, counts, anil this also/Was sccbrwlod and agreed to. ' . ; • Mr Waddell moved a hcaity vote of thanks to tho retiring officers" ' Mr Brown seconded tlic motion, and it was agreed to. ; • In returning thanks for' tho' expression, i Mr. .Hones ; ftlso.' tefiirneil thanks for the honor, done him in electing hm to the presidency. Ho' asked for the cordial support of the whole .community, in;..: its efforts to have the'distriot represented at tha Christchurch Exhibition. Mr Monsou moved that all. sectional committees lie' reappointed ; witlil powct to aot,-Agreed "to. . The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the ohair.

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North Otago Times, 27 June 1906, Page 2

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OAMARU CHAMBER OF COMMENCE. North Otago Times, 27 June 1906, Page 2

OAMARU CHAMBER OF COMMENCE. North Otago Times, 27 June 1906, Page 2