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By Electric telegraph-Copyright. Per Press Association..

Il3coivod December 2 ', at 8.00 a.m. London, Deoomber 10. Speaking yesterday at tho luncheon of tho Consotvaiivo Uiuoa Confoconco, Lord. Salisbury dec'ared that thoi'o aro niattoi'B still calling for explanation in connection with South Africa, and it may bo that wo shall have to scrutiniso pvci'y atop takon, but that whatever attitude is assumed towards tho past it must bo rojiicnbarod that on tiio issuo of that groat enterprise rests tho glovy and porpotuity of tho d'itlsh JUmpivo. Wo mustspavo no olTofts to achieve ultimate and ccmpleto oi\)wn'nK hucccss in Kottth Africa. Ho also said that tho most pressing social quoifclon of tho day was that of tho ovorcrowded existing stato of affairs ! n certain congested -controa, which was a scandal to civjl'sation, and ou? first duty was to p"ovido adoqiula healthful liappinoss to tho poor. Loid JioboL-ts w'U acrlvo in tho Solent on January 2nd, and upan arrival visits tho Queen at Osborno. Tho thanlro^iving sorvico in St. Paul's Cathedral :lias boon dofovvod until tho end of operations now in progress in South Afc'ca.

Received December 20, at 8.57 a.m. London, December 19, Fui'tiior ariangcnonts avo it) at Lord .Roberts will arrive at Southampton on January 3rd, anil will bo rscoived by tho Prince of Wales and other Koyal porsonagos, and tho army headquarters staff in London, tlionco ho got.* direct to tho Buckingham Palac3 luncheon, Mr Brodrick cabled tho subatanco of tlio ehargo brought by Mr Bryn Hoborts to Lord Kitchenc;-, who roplicl that Mr Hoboi'to story is absolutely without foundation.

Received December 2D, at 0.3 a.m. London, Docombor 19. Ono column of ilio invadoi's is advancing upon Philipstowji in Novthorn Capo Colony, and at tlio same timo Commandant IJortzog advanced with a strong comninndo to noau BurghorHdorp. Sovoro Oghting l)as taken place boLwcon tin British and both Boor commandos ; in oach instanco tho British wero successful, tlio lalcsL l'opoi'L being to tho effect that tho Boor guerillas nro rofcrcaUng towards tho Quango Jlivoi 1 .

llocoivctl Dccomboi' 20, at> '1,50 p.m. London, December It). Jickoll, ono of fcho Now Zealand Rough Uidot's, has accoptotl a coinmis«lon in llio Oarrhon Artilloi'y.

Capetown, December 10. j Sir Gordon Sprigg Ims invited tho Dulco and Duchess of York to visit tho Capo, bolioving tho visjifc would assist in tho pacification of South African troublca. Tho Boors aro wearing mcdalo engraved " Tndopondonco or death." An artillery offlcoe writing from tho front oxprossos regret at tlio roturn of tho first Now South \Valo<? contingent, and dechvros Mat M©y possess ovory qoldiorly quality, aro bravo and dashing, as hard as nails, and only grumbled whon thoy woro long without lighting. Ho add.s that tlioso rotnaining aro equally good. Largo pigeon lofts _ for military purposes aro being established at Aldorshofc, tho Crystal Palace, and olsowhcro.

Rccoiyod Dccoinbor 20, at 10.49 p,m, London, Dccoinbor 20. Six hundred surrenderors, unablo to undorgo transportation havo been transferred to Durban for transport to tho military oamp at Ladysmith. Six hundrod and forty-throo otlior prisoners, inolwllng 10 officers hayo boon deBpatohcd to Coy lon, TJio rocont spurts In Moor onorgy aro attributed to Lord Kitchener's comparativo inaction in awaiting aufflciont mountod troops, al«o to tho vain hopo of suddenly forcing bettor torms from tho British. Tlio Jiills aro st^owii with tho Nortfmmborlftiuls' bi'olcoft rifles. Tho Nortliuntborlands had 50 officers and 08 mon ■wounded and 10 men killed, and it aro still missing. Tho fire was ho deadly fchqt Gonoral Clen|ont« aoandoned Homo fj,minui)ition, Avhiclj tho lioors, supposing to bo hlovos, uu\> llro (o. Aj) oxplonion followed, whiolt killod and wounded many Numerous tributes havo boon paid to tho Now ISouth Wales Modical Corps for thoii- uiaguiiloQUb wovlc luidor a. touvlblo

Kccoivotl Dccombor 21, afc 1.28 a.m. London, Dccombor 20. Mr Krugcr, in doflanco of Hoaufort's wishes, visitoi Amstordam, androcoived an ovation. To is trying to oxcito tho pooplo against tho Government. Tho reports from' the Oap-"iromini-uiiHod I>y olilo'al ci coles in Lw.nion. )l is admitted that sovoral isolated groups of I'oora crossed tlio rivor aouthwards. Commandant Dolaroy, with fifteen hundred mon, is near Gonoral Clements' camp.

Received December 22, at 1.50 a.m. London, December 10. Mr Bryan Roberta, in a lofctor to Tlio Times, apologises, and regrets naming tlio Australians, n^a'nsL whom thoro was no imputation, IJo llnda that tiio Imperial Yeoman's lobtor, which ho quoted, alluded to tho South Afrlcivti colonlaln, not tlio Australians. Tlio Times stigmatises his action as recklessly caroler and blundering in making tlio quotation.

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 9779, 21 December 1900, Page 2

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By Electric telegraph-Copyright. Per Press Association.. North Otago Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 9779, 21 December 1900, Page 2

By Electric telegraph-Copyright. Per Press Association.. North Otago Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 9779, 21 December 1900, Page 2