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The oontinnanoo of tho Bjor war may bo asorlbod wholly to tho untruthful state* mont* mado bw tho loAtUra to indaoo their followers to koop in tho field. To thoio who enjoy tho ptivilogo of reading the daily proas ib may appear abraugo that mon oould bo an civilly milled, bub it maib bo remembered that tho majority of tho Boer* nrd illiterate mon, with no knowlodio of whufc ii transpiring in tho world. Thoy boo no nowipapora, and lion 1 nothing from rellublo Hourooi. Thoy movo nboub tho country out oQ from all communication with tho outtido world, and it is easy fur a Do Wob, a lijtha, a Dolu'oy, or a Stoyn, to induoo thorn to bcliovo that tho Puropoan Power* will fntorvmo, or that Mr Bryau # if ho is olootod to tho Presidency of tho Unlbod Stfttoi, will pkoo them In tho* position thoy oooupiod boforo President Rrug<jr itimod hit famous ultimatum, and miulo war against tho Empira of Groat Britain. Ab tho proiont tnomont o&oh Boor commando only lenowo that ib la boing ohasod all ovor tho country ; bud it is oarofully deprived of tho opportunity of learning that oaoh and ovcry other commando is in tho position of having to out nud run from overy position it fcakos up. Thoir knowledge of the war io limltod to thoir own unforounato position, And to tho lying atorlea of viotorioa by other Boor commando*. Thoro is no means of letting thorn know that Euro no ban no intoution of taking any notice of thorn, and that Mr Bryan'a oaudidaturo in hopoloss ; rr that thoro is general demoralisation and flight amongifc tho Boa-a all ovor (South Africa, It appoara that oaoh Boor commando will havo to bo run down and c»p« tumd boforo thoy .will loam tho truth, and that may tako somo tms yok. 'J he moit morciful mothod of impresblig a lomon upon them would bo to roafc tho rocstloitraut with greater tovority. In the interests of thoio who havo surrendered andaro willing to ao« oopb tho position harahor moaiuroi will havo to bo pub in furoo to toaoh thoao in tho field that thoir opposition la now that of froobooters) and nob of loldicn of tho dofunct rcpublioi, Jimmy Governor, tho notorious murderer, hai boon or.pturod, Tho entrioa for tho Timaui Show numbor 774 this yoar, against 830 latfe year, a dooroaio ot 05, Tho sucooßßful tondoror for tho oarrlngo of tho rra'l* from tho poit ofQoo to tho itation was Mi' W. J. Uili, and not Messrs Hill an 1 Maokay. Tho annunl mooting of tho Sfxponny Oothlng Club will be hold in tho roum ohoßi room to-morrow, at 4, o'olook. Subio ibors, at well vi working mombors, are aoked to bo prosont A largo numbor of pooplo nfliomblod at tho Railway Station on Saturday ovening to woloomo tho Hon. T. Y. Duncan baok to Uamaru, but tho Miniitfr, wo nro in« for mod, loft the train ab Fukouri, Tho followiog woro tho ohipmonts of grain and ptoduoo fiom Lyttolton for tho vrock ondod Friday : 1307 ski oati/ 809 sko wheat, 890 iki attd 1044 baga flour, 349 sk« bran , 100 skMharpij 3040 ok» potatooi, 65 iks barloy. (Tho not'-wostor, whioh had blown for a oonplo of dayij and mndo iho land fit bo go on bo, ohangod on Sunday morning to tho float h, and yoitorday ohauged again to tho norih-east, bringing with ib heavy nhoworo of rain, Our Gabion thh morning give a good dotvl oi Information regarding fighting in South Afrioa. Tho fighting la ai donporato Mit wai fivo or lix montho ago. Tho tfoora nro down on the frontier* of Oapo Colony, and itrong moaiuros will evidently havo to bo enforced regarding ratals and oath'brcakora. Thoro aro risks in gold mining as in ovorything olse. An old sottlor, aikod if ho had ovor ventured into tho lottery of drodgtng, laid ho had not, but ho had onco tnkon ftharos in a company oallod tho Nil Doxperfludum. Ho hal minagod to gob tho nil, and wao thon waiting for tho doaporandum, Probably by this timo ho has got both. Messrs Daigoty aad Company, Li mi tod, havo roooivod tho following cable mouago from thalr London oflloo, undor date 25tli instant: "bhoop hkins—Bloco our last telogram prloci of combing morino akim aro lower by \\ por Ib, orotsbrod boing at par to \\ per Ib lowor, whiio olothing U un- j ohßugod." I'rovioua to hia doparturo for Ohrl»t« ohuroh, a largo numbor of tbo frionds of Mr Hubert Mitchell intend to give him a public farewell. 'J his will tako plaoo in tho ft tar and Gartor Hotol at 8 o'olook to.night, and thowo who aro interested aro invitod to at-* tond. Ny Mitoholl leaveß bo-morrow for Ohristohuroh. Jn another oolumn will be found an ad* vortisomonb rogardlng tho ViotorU linuronoo Company, Llmitod, for whioh Moß«rs Dalgoty «<nd Co, h»va boon Appointed priui cipal agonto for North Otago. Tho roputntoa of Mr Jamco ltdgar, tho goooral maoagor, io in itsoK an assuranoo Lhab oliontk' intorosto will bo rospootodi Tho other d»y (lays tho Po»t) ft Wolllngton lady.wao waited upon by a woman who offorod her two yards of whab pnrportod to bo plllow-lftoo— tiho pillow itiolf was ostontatiously displ*yod — and »old it to hor ab Ci. Tho purohaior has linoo taken her bargain to a druper, who prooounood it to bo an inferior imitation of Maltaso laoo, worth only 4Jd a yard 1 , Tho new pleoo of railway lino aoroaa Thamos ntrest wao oomplotod yostorday, and ono of tho hoavioot onginos was run over tho bridge and lino to tott thorn, Tho old lino aoroaa tho strrot will bo liftod to beyond tho oattlo ttop9< All tho rooords, booki. do,, in tho old oflloo wero removed yoatcrday to tho now > ail way station, nn-1 tcday tho trains will depart) from and arrlvo at tho now station. Tho following will roproionb tho Turf ka Orlokob Olub in thoir matoh 'againab tho Waitatti Boyo' High Sohool Onokot Club, on ThttC6da.y> ai Tak«ro Park, play to oommonco nt 2.80 sharp: B, Booth, !)• Dowar, T. Glbb (oaptain), R. Meldrum, A, Nhlno, G. Todd, a. Cottroll, S. Dolg, G. Kcar, 8. M 11s, and IT. Buthorland : omoreonoios—l. ICoar, B, Bulsb, and W. Dawar. Tho above aro rtquoatod to praobioo on Monday night. Mr W, H. 8. Roberta wil} repoat his leo-< turn on M M«rly Oamaru " in Vfotloy Ohuroh on Wodnosday ovening noxb Ab 7.30. On tho ooonslon of his first dollvory of tho loo* t»ro, lasb weok, thoro was a largo attondauoo, still many could not bo proaonb on account of thu tompoiluoumoaa of the cvoning. To moot tho strongly expromod dooiro of many old Qamaruviauo and othon it is therefore to boropoatod, Many who heard it boforo will be glad to hoar it again, on aodounfc of ito groat intoroib, As on the jfh'Jb oooasion admission will bo freo, but a collootlon will bo taken up to defray ex. ponies, A mooting of tho Toancrakl feohool Oommitteo was hold on Friday ovontyg, at whioh It wa« dooldod «o forirard a rosolu^ tlon to Mr Golding and Miss Ralston, tho toaohors, congratulating thorn upon tho good rosulta of tho rodent examination. It was Also dooldod to aiktho corporation of tho Ngapara, Windaor, And We»tou Sohool Commitbooß in arranging for aohlldron'a

plftdo to bo ogrood upon— to ttiko phoo owrly id Dooombor, Tho chairman of tho oom* mittoo hat nwolvod (ho offti' of ft fino fhgatftfl for tho eohosl grounds, and it only reouiron tho flag to aomploto tho outfii Iho iflig.fcuff will bo tho gift of aa Ka(l«ld rosidont,' aud tho donor of tho flag will bo gladly wolcomod. A fltrtuigo ending to ft looal fontablpn happouod tho othor night («tvy» tho Hastin^n correspondent of tho Napier Telograph). For «omo wooki past It has boon Muirl a ghoit wa« about, cnpeotall/ aeoming to bo on th« look out for females to frighten thorn. A roiidon!) in tho ntroct was doteritiinod to oottlo tho mattor, ghost or no ghost, and two of hU ootu did sentry-go, duro onough tho (apparonbly) uiionrtnly vUltant mado its appoaranoo. Ono of thorn olonod with tho apparation, Ho olung round ltd nook all h« knew, It proved to bo » marriod woman, living oloio by. Iti who only fair, however, to say that her han« band doolaros thai hin wifo'i appoaranoo on tho oooation was an aooidontal ono, and had nothing to do with tho pro vl jus appearuncos oomplalnod of, At tho Maglstrato'B Court yosterJay, beforo Maj.r Koddoll, H.M., Klohard Mulo»hy a vory old offonaor, wan charged undor tho Prl«ot« Aot, 188!), with oonvoroing with prtaonors undergoing sontenoo ia tho Oamaru polioo gaol. 110 ploadod guilty, Sorgoanfc o'GVy who p oaooufd, nad that ou tho 24th tho nojiiHotl wont into tho look-up < ffioo aid had a osnvoiaation with a prlsouor namod Watson, who ho asked to aooompany htm into tho country whon dlaohargod on tho2oth» and thab ho wonld pnoaro bUn* kots for film. Tho gaoler thoncamoon tho »oouo and uokod aoousod what ho who doing, Ho mid ho wonbod to oooSorgonnt O'Grndy, and immodiatly loft tho promltoi. Tho gaolor aubicquontly ' ascortalnod what tho convocation was which took phoo, and laid an information tn whioh a watr*nt w»i >»»uod. Wfttaon nnd a piiionor namod Thomas Lako, also undorgoing sonte-noe, vvoro oxaminod. A long list of provloua oonviotioun woro proved agaiustaoou.od, who mtdotho oxoasoth»t ho wonb to tho gaol to obtain worlr. 110 was oonviotod and Hontonoad to ono month in Dunodin Gaol. Joioph Konoh, all»» OookmyJoo, wai aon< vlotad audflnod Ci for draakonnoso, Tho railway rogulatioan aro liko tho laws of tho Modo! »nd Poriians—nover to bo varied or b'rokoa. A roiidont of Itho Oamaru diotrtot was Invited to attend tho Elloimoro show an a Judgo, and was told to tako out his tiokot for Dnniandel, ai ho, tlong with othor judges, would bo met at that station and drivon to tho fthow ground tut Looston. Judgos' tiokot*, howover, oouM only bo iaeuod for Lorotou, although tho train r«aohing th»b phoo would tako him to his domination on tho night of tho show. Judges from other plaota woro troatod in tho aamo way. Thuy thcroforo had to pay tho ox ra faro to Dumandel, A Ohtistohuroh Go^ vornmont jiapor hits hard at tho absurdity of snoh a regulation! although wo aro not Inolinod, liko it, to put all tho blamo on tho ■tationmaitorj, Xhoy hftvo thoir priutod initruobions, and wo do nob eup< poio thoy aro nllowod any htitado in tuoh mattori. If thoy had boon thoy would no doubt havo exoroliod it, /grioultaral dhow oommibtoos do not know ai muoh an oommittooo of jookoy olubij wlio oan ftlw»y« attain thoir objoot. 'Iho absurdity of tho rogulation io mado moro appuront by tho oiroumutanoo tkab ib would hftvo oompollod ovory judgoto start) on hi« jour* noy a day oiulior than was noooiiftry, if ho wishod to obtain t he advantago of vho oheap railway faroi. Tlio Oamaru Woollon Ifaotory ha» turned out a Saddlo l',vood la varloun aliadoa of whioh wo aro lolling Trouion mado to moauiro at 16s Cd ; yuite, Cs<, Wo call flpocial attontion to this lino and confidently recommond it, Wo aro alto miking mole* ■kin trouoora to menouro for 10* fld, and D.nim Nuita to monsuro for Ha CJ. Wo hokfo a largo itook of sofo tiilk otrlpod shirt*, suitablo for Oriolcot, Oyling, l1onni»,l 1 onni», oto k) ranging in prioo from 3i lid.— W. and R. Sooir. A f tor a vory busy throo gwooks wo havo now oomplotod tho opening of our now goods for spring and oummor vvoar. The display at tho 1-OLYMOHNio this soason id larger than over, and oomprisoi tho latosb fcehioni in all doparlmonti, In our dross depart* meat wo havo eomo nloo shados in French voilo cloths, poplin?, nrmuro' cloUis, sergov, tennis 010 ho, alpacas, and lustron, nnd our priooi v<\ngo from ll^d to Oi (id por yard. Our stock of plaia and flgurod blaok luilm iivo'y oxtonoivo, and tho valuo is really won-lorful- lo3d, Is Gd, la (hi, 2s, 2i 3d, 2a fld, 2) 0 1, 3s Gd, 3a lid, 4s Oil up. Now prints, from 2.JJ to OJ, New printod and plain piquofl, drill*, linonobtoi, zophyiv, ginghams, and cambrics in groat variety, from 6|d to li 3d. Gahtoas and pandoras, unsurpassed for hard wojtr, and oolors war* rantod, from 52 1 do 10£ d, Call and boo our millinory dopartmont— a magniGoonfc didplay of all tho latest fashions. Tno Polytkohnio, tho favorito Uoady Monoy Dr«* pcra. Doa'b bo " ponny wioo and pound foollih " in tho eolootion of your drapory and olothing. Ohoip goods do not always mean economy, bub you will oavo monoy ovorytimo you buy from uc Our motto' is " Quality a» woll as ohoapaoos," Wo aro now showing atl tho no woo 0 nnd daiotlost novelties for aommor woar. A vory largo aelcotion of prints and printod Nainsook*, at P^d, OJd, and 9J J ; gingham*, zophoro, musiiiP) and crupuni, at OJJ, 7i'l, 8J /, and < 0^1 ; grenadines, drills, and piquon, at 7icJ, O^d, Is, and Is 4 id, A lovoly aisortmont of blouse Bilks, silk and laoo tlos, glovos, ribbons, ounihadov, ooraot*, triinmjJ aud un'rimmo'J millinory, etc, oto,, at Pjsnnosß'a Cash Drapory ISstablhhmont, Thamoi ntroob. Wo bog to announoo that our groat charing nalo will poiitlvely oloio on Boptotnbor 21; and would atrongly adviso anyono uoSulrin X drapory, oto,, to favor us with a call urprioos aro dosporatoly low, and will continue to bo bo only ontil that dato. Soo horo, Only a few loft. Laiioo' Kid Gloves (4 clasps), woro 6s Gd, being ttlighbly spotted will noil for Is and Is Gd, Kid Glovea (4 buttons) woro 2«lld, now 1« lid; Lndlos Cashmcro Hoso, Od nor pair;, from la Gd ; Nook JMUlnp>, Id por yard ; Ladioo' Oapoi, a fow lofe, from 4s lid, Gotten Shirting*, 3sd up, Fltinnelottos from 2^ii; do'iblo width nhnttinge, from 9Jd ; T*blo Damask, from 10^d ; Art Mu-lin from 2|Ji ; Silouius, strong mako, from I%A GaUtuaifromOd. Kcmotnbor our ktook U $ood, and, at tho rnaoub piiooa, is woll worth impootion. Ooumry ordorj aooompantod by cash will reooivo prompt And oaroful attontion at L. h, Tbmpbko'h, Oaflh Draper, Thamoi and Woar otrodKj '

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 9775, 29 October 1900, Page 2

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MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1900. North Otago Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 9775, 29 October 1900, Page 2

MONDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1900. North Otago Times, Volume XXXV, Issue 9775, 29 October 1900, Page 2