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Hooolved March 4, at 0.15 a.m. Pa^is, IVIa'oh 3. M. Dupay in 'ends to a«k tho Court of Cassation to doolaro tho formal connoo- j fcion of tho pitriotlo nod othor leagues with tho Dreyfus agitation illegal proparatory to their dissolution. Madrid, March J3. Gonoral Toral, tho Spanish oommandor, is inoaroorntod in a military prieon, RwaUiog brlftl foi 1 Burrondoring Santiago do Ouba ho tho Araorioana. IIono Kong, March 3. Haesia has forbidden Jowo to roaldo at Poi'B Arthur and T-*lionwau Bay,

Roooivod March 4, ab 0 40 a m. London, March 3 Tho Ffnoh Govornmoufc Ima oonsonbed to allow Brlfeiwh oxportu to oondaob oxporimonlifl in wirolosa telegraphy botwoon Folkoatono and Boulogno.

Rroolvod March 4, afc 0 45 a.m. London, March 3. Arrlvod — Tokoft.

Rocoivod March 4, at 10.60 a.m. Paris, March 3. 'Jiho Paria nowBpapor In Libro Parolo In InoittoR tho Fconoh tin insult Qaoon Vioboria whon ftho vi'hUr Nid». i

Roooivod March 4, nb 11.25 aim. Calcutta, March 3. A, foroo nndor Oaptuin Koppol, of tho Ruy«I Sootoh Fuailiora, atuokod tho Ohainlcmnlo t'rlbostnon, who vvoro raiding bhu Kutram Valloy, and destroyed nine vlllrtflfOEj Thoy oapturod 100 prioonora and 3000 oattlo. London, March '6, M. do Sbiol, llvw»ian AmbaflHHdor In Enpfland, and a mombur of tho Ruusion Privy Oounoil, aHslHted by ProfeBsor F. Mftrtonf), bho woll-kuown international luHhori'y, will roprononb Russia ab tho Q'/At'n Pa.iooOonfor»not). Mr W. T. Stoad has nbandonod his propoaod British pilgrima^o to tho Mutoponn oapitfiln in aupporb of tho Oon« foronoo, foatlng an unBympithobic rcoop» lion,

Koooivod Maroh G, afa 4,45 p.m. London, March 2. In tho Houso of Commons Mr Brod. riok aifttod that Groab Britain had ro» monsbrabod wllh America rolfttivo to bhn Horiouo o0oob of tho Bill making Hawaii an Amerioan Customs district. Iu bho IIouso of L'trds u resolution of Lord Kiunnird, who had Ukon an aoivo part in tho anti-ritualistic oruoado, producod a strong debate against habitual oonfeaalon. Lord Salisbuty said hu proforrod bho opon confession box of tbo ohurch to a aoorob intorviovr in tho voubry If tho pooplo, especially women, wished to oonfoas to mon Parliament was poworlosn to prevent it, Tho Promior promised to obtain statistics flhowIng tho number of confessional boxoa in uao in churches. Viknna, Maroh 4, Auabria rogards tho wholesale conversions to Protestantism as a, disloyal raancouvro, and Btopa aro b9ing takon to pat t> atop to (ho praotico Paris, March 4, Tho criminal chamber of tho Court of Cassation has dooidod thab Oolonel Picqaarb and Lobloia ahonld bo tried civilly for forging tho potto bloti and communi* oating thp dossiers ; also, that Picquarb is amonablo to oourc martial for certain matters regarding tho carrier pigoon sorvine. M. ,Fttllioriofl haa boon oleofced Presidonb of tho Senate insucooasion to M. Loabob. Manila, March 4, General Obis holds 1500 insurgents as prisonors. New York, Maroh 4. Admiral Dowey is likely to bo appointed Governor Gonoral of tho Phtlppinos, Radyard Kipling fa now onr of dangor, Koooivod March 5, ab 5 p.m. London, March 4. Oalverr, a Victorian, aeoared a eoab in bho Cambridge oiglit-ourod crow. Mr Lo Broton, a brother of Mrg L%nffbry, haa obbainod a dlvoroo, Lord Grantley being tho co-respondent. Tho petitioner is ft barriabor by profoasion, Tho nowapapora aupnorting Lord Salisbury domand thab China respoct tho railway loan. Paris, March 4, Daring tho journoy to Oaanos, tho Prinoo of Wales had half an hour's cordial intorviow with Pcesidonb Loubob. Tho Prlnco also visited the buildings in coarse of erection for tho 1900' oxhibifclon; including tho oolonial pavilions, And made an inepootion in a motor oar. M, Lookroy, Ministor ot Marino, has ordered tho construction of bwo submarine bouts, subscribed for through tho nowftpapor Lo Matin. 1 JRoaiK, Maroh 4. Tho Popo ia so much improved tint ho is able to wribo epigrams and chaff his phyaioiana, Berlin, March 4. The appointment of Prinoo Honry to saporsedo Admiral Diodriohs on bhe China sbation was imdo with a view of stopping American ebriobures upon Admiral Diodrioh in oonnootion with his attitude at cho Philippines.

Roccivod Miroh 6, ab 1 a.m. Washington, March 5. thoolosoofthoHoesionintheHoaso of lloprosontativoa, an outburst of patriotism occurred, and mombora sang * My Country " to tho tnno of •• God Savo tho Qaeon." Many wero moved to toare, and others waved flags nnd aang " Aald L»ngSyne"aud "Tho Rod, White and Blue." Ohoore woro glvon for tho army and navy* Tho aesalon oloaod by tho singing of tho Doxology. Prior to closing tho eossion Ooogrose votod a million dollars for tho purpose of carrying out invofl* bigtttions with rogard to tho Isthmian - Canal routes. Ib postponed for oonsidorntion the Niouaguan eohomo, and did not pass tho proposed shipping subsidy, Oon> gross votod funds for tho contraction of throo armorod and six protoo od oruiaora, and throo battleships. Tho \roto for tho proposod Hawaii cabio was disapproved from tho osttmatea.

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9409, 6 March 1899, Page 2

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HOME AND FOREIGN NEWS By Electric Telegraph.— Copyright. (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9409, 6 March 1899, Page 2

HOME AND FOREIGN NEWS By Electric Telegraph.— Copyright. (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9409, 6 March 1899, Page 2