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North Otago Times.

In tho North (Hugo District no paper paya so much for oablo und tologruphio narviooa ooinbincl.


THE FAR EAST. Oiiinuhk polibloB are liko a gamo of htdo-»ml-8oek—ono day they nro within grosp. ing distance, tho noxb d»y they are good. no89 only know* where 5 one month ib h a triumph of Russian diplomacy, tho noxt Great Britain is on tho usoondum, and Lord Salisbury la complimented on h?a natuto statesmanship tmd brilliant aohiovomonts. At tho prosonb junoboro thoro ia more th'Ut considerable diilioulty ■ In tolling how tho throe nations— China, Russia, and Great Britain — stand rol.itivoly to e«ch other. Our diplomatic triumph consisted in tho disman lomout of tlint construction of rascality Li Hung Ohang, and in tho handing over by fcho Chinese Government of tho light to float a loan fora railway lino between Tientsin and NlouofomiR to tho Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. Russia's triumph was <•'« tlw olIlcr ll<uu1 > l0 « 00U « n S °* txictly the samo right to botWf with tho . further assurance btiat bho would luvo a say In tho construction of any railways that might homado Into tho Yang-tpze Valley. It oceins that tho astute Chinaman-— not beli.g fu'ly persuaded which country to loan heaviest; on—hud nob aotua'ly i\iUflod a troaty with either. Tho wi y heathen bat back and waited for Groat Britain and Russia to sottlo that point fo? themsolvop, Ho didn't mind holding their hats and thoir coats whilo thoy sottlod tho question of who was to force all this capiinl on him tor rnikay con etiuction. His was uti indiffu'out attitude llo could bo happy with oithor dear clmrmtr, if the 'tothor dear ohnrmor wero aw.'y. Iudood to tlie ordina-1'y critical observer it seemed that tho triumph ot diplomacy rested with Ohina, tvi'd not with Gro»t Bulain or liumia. Ah Sin waq p ying ono oil against the other, ind oven now they have nob de oided lite point of who ia to tide while tho other w .Ikn Li Hung Olnng, who is suapectud ut having hud his p»Ims thickly annointed with Russia's monoy, was lately tin own out of oflico and degraded. This wno iifctribut^d to tho action of Sir Olaudo MaoD >n>ld in insisting on the assurance of certain favomblo condiiions to Groat B itain. M. PavIcW, the R'lssian Charge d'Aff.uros, was abnut thu mine time transforrod to tho capital at (J nu, and ovoryihing, jwlntr \ to U10 Britir.h ind of tho soa-Kiw being pormanont'y up, while that of tho Muscovite wa- Bupjxmd to bo permanently down. But 1 ho kaleidoscopic p<litic9 of Ohina have UBsunnd anothor phase, Tho old Empress of Ohiiv* has again taken oluigo of tho hi*lf imbtcilo who is supposed to rale China under tho high-sounding title of tho Son of Hoaven, ai.d Li Hung Cluing h expected to bo reins ated in his foimcr posi'ion. This Indicates a rovoraal of tl v o prosent policy, and a return to that wh'oh littfi tho Jlusoian end of the sea saw high in iho air. Tho Teung-H-Yainon, as at present ootistituttd, had given indioHionB of a desire to institatfl bonrlicidl reform j in tho country, but if Li Hung Chang roturns to p'lwor tlieHO will find no place in the policy of Ohina till (hia enemy of honosty is gathered to his fftthois. Tho end of the gMvo aspuo'/of tho Chinese quesiion U not yet roaoh d unless there is some truth in the suitement cabled a fow <lays ago that Russia and G eat B it i 1 lud arrived at an un^oi standing on the ques'ion of their roBpective li^hfs and privilegon in Chin 1 . If f.iu'h an understanding hwbgen arrived ab tho action of tho Empress of Ohina,or of Li Hung Clung, could bo treated will) indifferonco of Rus-ia wore a Power that could bo trusted to adhoro to troatlos or understandings. After Count Muravein's admission Hub it is diplomat u to lie, and honest to admit it, wo can expect little straightforwardness from a country that is ruled by such ram,

j Wo have had to hold over Parliamentary now?, etc., till Monduy. Mails for Ohathum Hando, per iOWw, oloso at Lyttelton on Saturday, Oo'obor 1st, at 8 p.m. Thoro is no nowa from General Kitohoncr ab Ifaeho'la, but a rather startling cable with reference to Chinese afluira rouohud us lust night, Tho chess match, Oumaru against) tho Ohmtohuroh Club, begins thia evening at 0 o'clock. Tho early Bbarb ia nude so thftb tho games may bo oomp'oted. A gentleman who died at Surbiton (Now youth Wftlos), rooontly, woighod 35 stone. It took 18 men to lift; tho coifiu, which woighod throe-yuartoJia of u, ton, Tho subjects of tho Rov, J, Porter's pormons to morrow will bo-— Morning, (l PfOgroieivo ltovelatiou," and in 'ho evening, "Almost, bub nob ftltogothor, a Christian." Maila for Australii, Tasmania, Ceylon, India, Ohiuo, Japan, Biraita Sottloinoutti, Eurtp', and X)nitocl Kingdom j also Norfolk Ialantl, and l^ijt, por Mararoa, o'o^o at I Auckland, on Monday, 26th ins r ., at 4 p.m. Some four months ago n quautlty of croam waB shipped from Wydnoy to London. According to udvioaa reooivod, tl»o croam nrrivod ab its dostinabiou in fairly goo I condition, It is intended in tho near future te muko a ttimilar oxnorimental Mliptnont from Quooneland, Iho Municipal Council of Perth ( VVphIom Australia) has dcoidod to proceed with tho raising of an 1*30,000 loan. Tho loin will bo ropayablo in 30 years, and boar interest at) 4 por cent. Sixty thousand of ihe amount) will bo tpont on road?, L10,000 on wood paving, and LBOOO.oaoh on packs and footpatli3, Tho Rov, J«mos MaoOoll, from Soofcland, will preaoh a Qfielio eormon in Sfr» l P*ul'« Church to-morrow, Rt 2 p.m. To those I who lnvo few opportunities of hearing thoir i mother tongue spoken from tho pulpit, tho ' oooasion should bo largely availed of, A collection will bo made for travelling expound, Ihe sohools having atarfced aj/aia, the oadob corps are la military working ordor. | Tho Girlt' H'gh Sohool had thoir usual drill yestordfty afternoon, and. it wae well Attended, lomo pratty movementa being I gone through. It li well to nee (Mention glysn to these drill olaises. the work, being wndwlw to Vh<? UoaUU 9t both B9X^>

Messrs lfioming and Hodloy yesterday offorod tho Ioa«os of two properties on behalf of tho Woiluki High School Board of Governors, whon thoy fouu-1 purohiwora ins fallows : Sootion 05, block 5, Oimarodlatriot", 39 acres ?. roods 4 polos, valuation r 3 , upanb tttinuttl rontal 10a poraore- Mr W. M'K'idy, nt tho upsot. J-VoUon 1 of 07, block 4, Oimaru district, '.V) aorop, valuation L23 8* 9 J, upaot annual rental Us por aero— Mr Ooorgo Campbell, ab 12a por aoro. lit do Mufcour ia to leoturo in Woqloy Churoh on Thursday ovouing next*, Sopbembor 29, on lita roconb " Journoyings, Voy*g« ings, and Homo Kxoorioncos." Tho leoturo is to bo illustrated by pictures taken by tho dootor himeolf, who is skilful in his use of tho cainora. Tho piotutoa aro to be thrown on the canvas with bho aid of Messrs Cobt-j-o'l and Krasoi'd oxy-hydrogon limoUgh'. Tho popularity of tho dootor ob a lecturer, tho interesb of tho Bubjoob, and the small olrnrgo for admission (sixpence) will, wo hovo no doubt, onauro a full building. The lecture i« lo bo tjivon in oonnootion with bho recently-formed Gladabono Library and Debating Society. Tho following aro tho amounts of sustontation fund collected in this dintriob during tho pant 12 months by tho ProHbytorian church^: 81-. Paul's, iM2 8j; Columbo, LIGOIh; Otopopo, Kalcanui, a-»d M ihono, M82 la 10d ; Palmornton, L150 10s Od ; Papakaio, LI 84 5a (H ; Uppor Wnitoki, 1 152Ci ; WuintokH, Ll75Cs»d. MrCoorgo Bruoo, in tho Ch<h hn Outlook, who publishes an elaborate table, givoa eorno particulars as to tho workiug of the fund, whioh shows that bK Paul's received no aBBistanoo from tho gonoral fund, Oolumba to tho oxtonb of la 9d, Otapopo, Kakanui, and Muheno nothing, Palmoraton, la 9d, P.tpakaio 1 21 la 9d, Upper Waitaki L21 la 9J, Waiareka In ( JJ. Tno Marino Board of Fjdney found that tho Chilian bat quo Afcicama, whioh foundered nitor Ieaviug Newcastle, and drowned moat of her crew, was seaworthy, Thi Bulletin thought otherwise, and ui»id it ; consequently tho owners mod tho pipor for libol, andaSydnoy jny ban jtwb endorsed tho papor'a strictures by a vordiob for defenlanti, In bho cmueo of tho tiial Captain K'bo, pxrb own -r and oommaudor of tho baiquo AIoobUb, «aid he know thn Ataoama on the coasti of Ohlli botwoen 1890 and 1894, After unloading a oa g» of BJkltpotio aho was engaged iu tho timbar trado botwtonPugot Sound and Valparaiso. Tho prfiot'oo was to "go io Pugot Sound in bvlla'jt an I iloat down to V ilpiraivj on hot 'timber." Ho oxp'aiued that tins mount tlub ib waB necessary to keep tho pumps poing conti mounly whon laden with timber. Tho Ataoam v waa laid up for oomo montha in 1834, and bhon lud to bo pumpol every d»y to koop tho water down. She was offerod for sale for J)000 Chilian dollars, cquivinlont to L1I50 KugltBh money. 11 » went on board for 'ho purposo of buying hor, bub oatno to bho conclusion that ib would costi more bo ropair hor than she w^s worth. Tho monthly mootiug of the Council of tho Acolimttt ation iJooioty wao hold last night] whon there wore prcsout- Moasra Jkuoo (ii the chair), O. Jones, T. Jo les, SinoUir, 0 ivor, Mitchell, Clou, l)c do Lautour, and M'tokintoali (ieo.). Tho minutes woro read and oontirmod. Mr T. Y. Duncan wroto aeking for aoveral photo* graphs of the tiout taken at iho fishing bee last BOftBon for distiibutiou. Mr Dunoui also «aid thcio would I o itroug ol jootjon to a olauso being pub in tin Act iixiug a lioeuHO foo for shooting native game On the motion of Mr Mituholl it was de2ldod to rccommond tho Government to iix tho llihing aoAbon for touch and peioh for ooitvin Btio«ns" and ponds in tho cltebriofc t) bogiu on tho let of Fobruary and extend to tho J{ ' st of uguub in each your. It was pointed out by Dr do Luitour that the proper aouaou was as above, and not a« ii waa proposed to m<lre it by tho B.ll now before Parliament. Ib was deoidod t > wnto to Messrs Shrubsolo nnd Rityhi'J of rod and gun, and tho Westminster Aquarium resj.ejtivoly thanking thorn for tho interest they lud tikon in tho exhibition of tho trout sent Homo by tho Soc'ety. Other formal business waa trantactod. To tho agriouUiuiab a new implomenb is something of interest, and especially an implomonb that economics labor and oxpcdilos work. Theio aro claimed for tho tSpalding-Kobina' rotary disc plough, for which tlio Now Zoalaud Loau and Moroanti'e Agoucy Oomptny arc tho local agon* a. One of those imp'ometits was on viow at tho stores of tho Company, Harbor utroot, yeatorday, nnd waa inspootod by both intorested and disinteicjtod apccla'ora. Wo may Btato that tho plough will remain Ihoro oa exhibition for somo duyn, and practical mon will bo able to form an cstimato from its appoaranco what ib is cipablo of accomplishing. Yet without a trial thia may not be onliroly aatiettiotoiy, and taking advantage of tho ploughing match being held ab Pupukaio uoxt Thursday a public trial will bo given of tho p'ough. Tho principal foaturi' of tho plough ia that in one draw it will cover a width of four furrows, and thus ab one operation do tho work of two double fu ro-ve. This is the recommendation tint will bo pib to the tost on Thursday, and if thia ia BUitlictoiy tho coat of ploughing will oxporionco a revolutioi St 1 el dies take tho place of shares and mould.boarda, and tho implement n so btrongly bii't that ib will got through woik th'u an oidi.iaiy p'ough could nob approach. Hard ground and soft ground aro (faulty amonablo to its operations, in the letter the discs being kept frco by scrapers Allthooporathns of tin mtchioo aro under tho control of thodrivor, who Ins no trouble in manipulating all its movable parts lo omlb tho soil it is working iu. Iu many kinds of laud harrowiog is unnoces sary beforo putUng in Beod. To givo a teohnioal description of tho imp'emeub ia unnecessary, but nnny improvements on tho preientHVj cm of p'oughing are oluimod i>t it. Io turns up tho aubsoi>, and turns down weed a or rubbish, and it ii o uimod for ib tint ib has introlucod a more economioil Byatem of ploughing than flny iinplemonb yet iutioluoxl. Farmers should inspoot b, both ab tho company's atorcs and ab the tiiil. Thco was a very good house lasb evening atSt Luko'd Puuday sohool for tho entertiininont whioh wa« promised on behilf of the school funds. Archdeacon Gould was in tho ohair. Tho firub part of the programme consisted of a number of items given by tho children and toachors. The piano ovorturo waa played by MiaseB Spain and UobiuEon, and tho Bong "The Gift" nio^ly sung by Miss Edwanle, preceded a very pretty character representation of tho four soasons by tho children of the sohoo 1 , who woro appropriately and tuatcfully drcBBod. An action song by aomo of tho girls of tho Sunday school was aluo voiy offeotivo and watmly npp'audod ; in faot tho appreciation of thoso proaout fore /cry tflort bo p'ease waa frequently shown by ho »rty npplauso. Tho Indian club is always a pretty exorcise, and looked oven more so lasb night as dono by somo of tho git la. Tho choir boya ionderod one or two plantation HongB in a most entertaining way ; tho difl'oront pieoea wont with spirit; aud woro evidently much to Iho la* to of tho audionco. A recitation by vir A J.Olowea,and the song " Aufcwjr,' byMias Raugor, woro thoothor itom3 ia tho ficub pait. Tho second part of tho programino oonaiated of a produobion of the oomoAiotba tho " Area B«llo," whioh proved vory iutorosting, and rather amusiog. The parts were taken in a mmuor bhab indicated o%r«ful rehearsal and histrionic ability by each of tho ohnvaotcrB, TIiobo were taken by Miaa Adair (Mr« Orokor), Miss L. Boonobb (Penolope), Mr V Fraor (Pabohor), Mr A, J. Olowea ('£ wot), und Mr J. Pattorgon ( Walker Chalks). Of tho vuoooos of tho pioco, no far an tho hoarora woro oonoornod, thoro could ba no doubt whatever, and every ilfcuation oreally was thoroughly appreciated, An overture by Mlsado Lftmborb opotiod the second p«t. Ih 1 * Buocoaa of tho ptogratnmo w*a us HfttUfaotory a« will bo tho addition to tho Sunday 'Ohool'u inoomo for tho year. An busy ao beo» wt tho P.^lvthoiinio opining now goods for Spring iud Bummer boakOUB, Kow Print«i New Dross Goodt, New MllHnery, Floweii, Laooi. Ribbons, Crlovcs, NqvcIUw in Um CollMc^ylfi, J

Habits, etc. A splendid Assoitmonb. OaII aud boo thorn. No one preaaol to buy. S. q . Rakaia. - This steamer bus juub arrived with Iho fiiet shlpmont of our Now Season u Goods, comprising Prints, GaUtoas, Couutorp<uien, Towels, Toilet Covers, Doormats, Muslins, Cro'ouuos, Umbrellas, ' Hos'ory, Gloves, Wing*, Table Napkin*, Aproningp, Madupoluns, oto., oto these will bo opened and lnulcid off at o >co, and ready for inBpeo"or\— OfiWrov Gardinbu and Co., Standard lloaae. 'J'o tho resident* of thia (list nob wo beg to intimate thab wo slull ooutinuo to aoll tho balance of our fS' ook u»j auction pr'ces. Tliia is an uoiquo opportunity of scouring sound roliab'.o arapory at ridiculously low p'icos for cash. Pjjnuomb's Drapery EatAblish inouh. Childron'a Linos in Boots, Shootf, and Slippers, a 6p3ciultj\ Remember thia is tholasb fortmghb. Wo ctiunot onum Mfco liooe, but) thero are dozens ol bvrgtuns for all kinda of buyers lie t>uro and oj.I1 ou-ly. -New /Jbuano Boot Slitly Com* i'ANV, Thames street. Don't miss this opuortunity of securing a Vdir of Boots ivb n Great) Koduotion from tho usual soiling prico. New lino of Watertight Bluohors, pegged, 9j 6d. All ladies aud gentlomou's line goods musb bo clearod at any sacrifice. -Nkw Zkal^nu Boot vuj?i'liY fcTOUB, Thamoa street. Dr Emily )J. Ryder, who recently gavo health Iootiu-os in Uamaru, received a sample of bho Broal mado by Messhs \V. Smyth and Co,, and in writing to that firm says . 11 1 thank you very kindly for the s^mplo of wholo wheat-meal broad which you sent for lnspooblon. I showed it to thu hdio'j at my leoturo yesterday (Tuesday) ifuitnoou, nd «on Tatulatnd tbnm on bnin ablo to obtain bread that is dosiiublo. 1 .ahh vicaauro in reoommoD^ing your vriioie waoib'tnockl bread to all thoso d"dirlj I thoroughly good aud nutritious b'j.i'l. You are nb perfect Ubortv to pub' Ah t.h i

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9301, 24 September 1898, Page 2

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North Otago Times. North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9301, 24 September 1898, Page 2

North Otago Times. North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9301, 24 September 1898, Page 2