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Vo you boo that looomoHve ongino stand* Ing on tho uklo traok ? Somothing hao brokon down about it. Xhoro is not a hios of steam from itu valves ; it ia etill and cold hi a dotid wh»lo on a beach ; it can't draw a train; it oan't even movo itaolf. Now, toll me, do yon boliovo that any amount of tinkering and hammering at it would mako It go ? Not; a bit Notning on earth will mako it go oxoept stnam in tho boilor, aud ovoa that won't unions tho ongiuo is In ordor. Everybody hnowa that, you say. Do they ? Thon why don't tboy uot on this principle In ovory oaao w horo it applies ? Horo ia suoh a oaoo Writing oonoorning his wifo, a gontloman nays : ' la tho autumn of 188G my wifo foil into a low, desponding etato through family bereavemeet. Hor uppotito was poor, and no food howovor light, agrood with hor. Aftor oatiag oho had pain and tightness at tho ohest, and a sense of iulnoBS au if swollon around tho waiut, i?ho was inuoh troublod with ilfttulonoo, and hud piin uc tho hoart and palpitation. Ac times »ho was no prostratod that sbo was oonflnod to hor room for days together, uud had beroly strength to movo* * At first »ho oonuultod a dootor at J'"orry | LI II, bub gotbing wormo, sh« wont to «oo a ! phyeioian at Nowoastlo. Tho latter gavo b«r some relief, but still she did not gut hor Btrougth op ; and aftor boing under hid treatment for nix months »ho diiooutlnued going to him. Bettor and woreo, slid continuod to ouiTor for ovor a year, whux eho board of Mother Soigol a Curative Syrup, Sho began taking it, aud noon her appetUo revived and her food gavo hor Btiength. In a tbort titno oho wub qulto a now womau. Sinoithat timo (now nearly twolvo yours ag«) 1 havo always kept thio modioino in tbo hotiBo, und )f any of my family nil any* thing a fow donee puts uu light.—- Yours truly, (Sigucd) doorgo Walkor, Wrooer, oto.« Forry Hill, noar JUurhnm, Ootobor 2b, 1893.' Wo call attoutton oBpeoiaUy to thono words in Mr Walkor'a letter whioh nro prlntod in tho abovo lotted 1'hoy show how fully ho undorotandd whore human itroagth oomoi) from— thubit oornon from dieted food »nd not from any medicines tho dootor or any ono oIbo can give ub. Lot uahavo nomi»take or ooofusien of mind on this important point. For oxamplo, Mr« Walker wsh 111 with indigo ation and dyspepsia. Hor oymptomo ana how oho uuflorcd, hor husband tolls us. J ho diuoaio <!f«troycd hor powor to obtain any b >ength horn food, and Naturo KUoposdod her appetito in urder thai) eho migi.t not ntulce bad woroo by oating what oould only ferment in tho btomauh aud il 1 hor blood with tho i etu'tiug poiaonc Tho only outcome of tuoh n Bt»t>j of thiugo muEit bo p^iri uud woaknees - wdattnoao wlnoh, oontinuod long enough, nniot ond in ubeoluto prostration ono oorUm death. Woll, thon, iibo fuilod to get up hor strong th un<!or tho troutmont of oithor d otor. Why? Simply bjcauso tho uiedioinea they gave hor —whatever they may bavo boon— d d not ouro tho torpid and inflamed utumaoh. If they had curod it then oho would havo got uu hit utrongth oxaotly as oho afterwardB did when sho look Soiffol'a Syrup tiub tho trouble in this : Medicines thnt will do thlo aro raro. If ttio dcotors poBBOHJ thorn tboy would use thorn, and euro people with them, of oontso, yTo<hor Soitfcl'd is ono of thouo rare and effootlvo modioncs, If tbero is anothor as good tho publio hay not yet boen mado noquuinto'l with tho fuot, But oven tbo Syrup does not impart Btrongta } it ia not a 00'O.Wod • tonio; 1 tlaoro is no uuoh thing. It) (tho Syrup) ouieu the dinouae,, drivoD out tho poison, ropairo tho maohlno. Then oomeu tho appotito (all of itaolf } »nd d'geation aud strength. You a: ) tho ordor —tho Bcquonor. \ oh; WolJ, ploaso bear it iu mind. Tho mooh*nio<j sob tho ougino in Older ; thou tho Btokor goto up tho xtoam. And of tho human bud/— tho noblest of all machine*— -Mother Soigol'a Syrup is tho ukillod meohftuio,

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9302, 5 September 1898, Page 4

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A LESSON FOR THE WEAK. North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9302, 5 September 1898, Page 4

A LESSON FOR THE WEAK. North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9302, 5 September 1898, Page 4