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Tnis confessions and exposures of tho past fow days havo made it mmifestly clear that Captain Dreyfun was tho victim of a diabolical corn-piracy. First, the fumi larity of Major Jfisterhazy'e handwriting to that of aoino of the lotters that appeared during tho tri J suggested that they woro as likoly to have boon writ' on by this man of disreputable oharno^or as by Captain Droyfuo ; but tho French pooplo, and especially tho leaders of tho army, woro determined to make an oxarnplo of anyone suspected of soiling information to Germany. 1 Captain Dreyfus was a Jew, and as suspicion pointed to him what could bo more natural than that he should bo condemned, especially when tho iiuapioion was afborwards substantiated by declarations by Major Eatorhuzy and Miniofcors of tho Republic 1 A strong prejudice exists against the Jews, undthe excitable tfronoh pooplo woro curled away in the whirl of popular fooling, and Captain Dreytus was condemned in a trial fchab disgraced civilisation. JIo was oon demnod unheard, and on evidence fchab tho Courb refused to make him acquainted with. Ifl tho seoond piaoe, Mio confession of Colonel Henri, and his subsequent ouicido, establishes tho innocence ot the man who was condemned to wtpotual banishment, and a lingering death in one of the worst olimatos In the world. Tho hope of tho recovery of Alsico and Lorraine has been builb up on the cflectivoness of the army, and tho suggestion fchab some of those in command havo been in the pay of tho enemy was feared to bo enough to cuiso another revolution in Franc?. This was the reason for tho seorot trial, and the almost savago punish • ment of tho man supposed to bo guilty. That tho disclosures should affect tho stability of tho French Ministry is the»oforo nob to bo wondered at, for it takea very little to cause a human earthquake in Franco.

Aft St. Pnul'fl Church to-morrow ovoning tho Riv. R. Jr Porter will preach a sermon to young men, the subjoot boing "Manliness." There being no oases to hour at the regular Hupromo Oourb uibtitips oti Tuoedtiy grand jui'orn txnd common jurors uro disohurgod from attondivnco. Muild Jfor Auatrmlia, Tnsnwnift, Ooylon, Indiii, Ohitm, Jupun, and Sfcraic« Settle- ! meats, also Continent of Europe and United Kingdom, close ud Auokland on Monday, tho 5th instant , at 3 p. m. i Tho New Zealand Lonn and Mercantile Agency Corapuny, limited, imro reaeivocj

tho following oablo from tholr London oflfloO) dated 31st August : " TMlow— Market has a downward tondenoy. Zmiand Homp— -Market atomdior ; modium is worth, o.i.f., L21 nor ton, December- January utoinnor bill of lading. (Lwb quotation wan L20)." At tho Council mooting last evening, au n lottcr was about to bo read regarding tho lighting of tho town, a councillor interposed that ho did not think that tho nutter should bo publiuhod. At prosonb tho information wns only for tho use of tho council. He was m favor of matters thab wore being referred, to committees for report nob being reported on at al'. Tho lettor was road, but was nob of muoii public intorost. It ia said that Sir Maurioo O'Rorko Jofb for Auokland in order to Have a oabinot disruption. Ho was opposed to tho inoluiion of Mr John M'Konzio'a gridiron in Hansard, tind tho only poaaiblo aolution of tho diilioulty was to loavo on an extended vioit. Mr Soddon ia fiighteued out of his lifo loot eomo of thoso days his iiory colloaguo nhould actually rosigu and go into Opposition, and i« prep-trod to do anything for poaco. Tlio Minietor for Lands now bossos tho " Bobs " with u rod of iron. A four-roomed houso in Luno sbroot, tho property of Mia Mary Diunwgtou, was doatroyod by fire early this morning. Mrs Dinnioglou loft for Ardgowan yesterday, Inr eon olooping in Iho houao. When ho retired laet night he lot'o a small fire in one of tho rooms, and it is suppoaod tho destruction of tho housQ was duo to bhiB. Thoro i» an insurance in tho i'heonix Oflioe, but the amount could nob bo obtainod. 'Iho Brigade wore promptly on tho apot, bub bho absence of water on tho hill, and tho rapidity with which tho building was consumod, lofb little that they could do. Thoro was a fair attendance ab the Pukouti Hall on Thursday night on the oc ousion of a miscellaneous concert being given by tho Wesley Choir and friends. '1'he items wore well rondorod, uud tho audionco gave abundant ovidonce of their appreoiation. In addition to tho chorus, those taking part wcro : Misses Bouwiclr, Volnon, N. Sinclair, Ferona, and Common ; Messrs Sponoo, Every, and Gronfell. Mr Robert M'Dowall (liaoliarg^d tho duties of oloou-» tionist, and with moat ot tho motnborH had tj submit to a recnll. Tho Kov. J. Ward was in the chair, and Mr Flamank conducted, while Miss Olivor played the accompaniments. While some cattle wore boing landed from a etearner at Mangiwlwrp, iu tho north of Auckland, one night last week, one of thorn, a bull, got louae, and wildly ouroerod round tho neighborhood of the wharf, until tho light in the bar-room of tho Manguwhare Hotel attracted its attention. U theu madly charged iu at the open door, and one mau ilicre just managed in time to olimb up tho iron bars aoroya tho window and ascape tho beast'a hot us. In coining in, somehow, the bull closod the door as it outered, and thoro boiug no meaua of gobtiug out, it attempted to jump tho bar counter, and f tiled to do so, but In tho attempt Bwopt glasses, bottles, etc., in all direction**. Finally the door wan opened, and tho bull withdrew. Tho Dargavillo corrospondonb of tho Auckland Herald, who rolatou tho incidouf, declares that tho method of landing tin* cittlo was cruel. The Auckland lilnv says that tho ceremony of launching and christening the new oil launch built) by C. and W. Bailey to the order of tho Auckland Naval /\rtil!ory Volunteer Company will tako placo next Wednesday afternoon, tho Coun'esa of SeaGold having promised to perform the chastening. Tho now launch is to be named tho "Alert." Tho craft ia well finished and Hubstantiully built, under Go vornment aupoi vision, and measures 47fb (jin in length. She is fitted with a lG-horao power oil engine and a thi'oo-bladed propeller, and is oxpooted to attain a t')n-kuob Bpeed. Tho launch will cost fully LGOO when finally delivered to the company, and tho Auckland Navala are to be congratulated on thoir energy in obtaining such a handy and convenient littlo vessel for conveyance to drill and other purposes. 'Iho Daily Tunes' Wellington correspondent writes : Keforring to the gridirouing and the Hansard map to night, Mr Pirani asked why tho Minister for Lauds Jid not put in a map of the gridirouing which his triond Mr Bullmi, of Kaikoura accomplished. Why did he nob got) a map ot tho gridironint; on tho banks of tho Ciarouco River 'I Thnro could bo nothing worse than tint. Tho Government wero now buying up land there that had boon gridironod to enable tho worst of their Crown lands to bo uobtlod, but this did nob suit thoir book, because the gontlcmau concerned was a man who, according to one tnombor, should bo patronised by tho Government. Yot this nun was gob' ing n good share of Crown lundtf, though ho was ono of tho moab notorious gridironers we huvo had in iho uolony. Tho railway employees hold their annual social iu St. Luko's Hall on Thursday night Tho abtondauco was large, and fully 50 coup'03 took part iu tho dancing that formed tho ptinoipal feature of the evening's enjoyment. Tho band of Moasrs Blue aud Muldrum nuppliod thomusio, MessraSIowey and M'Nab wore oapablo M.C 'a, and the tutoring was iu tho hands of Messrs Milli* g'iti and Bond, and left nothing to be desired. Tho success of tho social was evidenced by tho oujoymonb of all who pirtioU pated. Occasion was taken to muko a presentation of a hanolsome writiug desk aud gold Boart pin to Mr Archibald, who has been promotod to tho position of drivor ab Invercargill. Mr Smith, locomotive forotnan, mado tho presentation, and in doing so said tho gifts wcro a testimony to the esteem iu which Mr Arohibald w*$ hold by his fellow employees. Mr Arohibald made a suitablo aoknowlodgtnenb of the luminous shown in tho presentation. Dr Emily B. Kydnr, who recently jjavo hoalth lootureu in Uamaru, roooivediv aamplo of the Broad mado by Misssiw \V. Smyth and Co., and in writing to that firm says . " I you very kindly for tho oamplo of whole wheatrtinoal breftd which you sent for lnspoobion* I ahowud it to thu lvdiea ab my lecture yesterday (Tuouduy) *fii6/noon, nd aou 'ratulatod thorn on bnin ablo to obtain broad thab is doairablo. I s&ttt treasure iu rooommon-Mng your whole wticab-moal bread to all thoso OedirW liio; oujijhly good and nutritious b'aad. You are ab perfect libortv to pub 1 '<ih th a A Groat Clearing Sale of BootB and Shoos hao jusb oommenced at tho Now Zealand Boot Supply Company's Branch Storo, TluimoB street. Wo havo decided to c'our tho wholo of our stock at a. groat aaerifieo, for one rnonbh only Men's, Women's, Boys' and bids' Boots and Shoos, at wholesale price. Many linoa of Ladies' Lace and Strap Shoooat 10 poraenbovor.'cost. Womou'.-i Slippers, from Is per pair : Children's, from 9d ; Gents' K.G, Boots, sown, weio 22s, now 10s Gd. Remember : this oloaring sale wil> lasb for one month only. Como early, tn many of the lines »ro limited in quantity. Wo caunoi enumorato lines, but thoro ino dozens of bargains for all kinds of buyorb Note tho addro^i— N,Z. Boot Suri'LY Co , opposito Poab Oflico. S.S. Rakaia.— This steamer hao jusl arrived with tin first ahipmonb of our Ivcw Season's Goods, compriaing Prints, Galatoas, Oountorpanos, Towels, Toilot Covers, Doormats, Muslins, OrotonnoB, Umbrollus, Hosiery, Gloves, Tablingu, Table Napkin?, Apronings, Madapolams, otc, etc. Thoso will be opened and marked off ab once, and roady for inspecbion.— Clayton, Gardinek AN)> Co., Standard Houso. Wo have just oponod a splendid assortment of Towels, all sizes, and all priooE*, from 6d to 10s Gd. Also, a few B^th Mats. As we arc determined to givo our oustomoi'8 the full udvantage of these linos, wo havo marked thorn ab ;v figure that must effect u speedy cloarance. Inspection invited. Pmnmosb's Drapory Establishment, Thames atreot. OKAMKGJJLAIN'S COUGJI REMEDY HUl'EUlOR TO ANY OTHBU. Goo. B. Socord, tho woll-known contractor of Towandn, N. Y., Bays ; " I havo used Ohamberlain'a Cough Remedy in my family for a long time, and have found it superior to any other, Doc Julo by IS. Lank, Chowiit, ORtniru.

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9301, 3 September 1898, Page 2

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THE DREYFUS CASE, North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9301, 3 September 1898, Page 2

THE DREYFUS CASE, North Otago Times, Volume XXXVI, Issue 9301, 3 September 1898, Page 2