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The bite of the rattlesnake is *Imoit always fat -1 to mw. Yot thla snake n never affootod by tho injection of ita own poison into iti own blood, neith r whoo enraged ib bltca itself nor when it« venom isinjeotedby artificial means to test the question. Speaking on the Utter poln' D • 8. Weir Mitoholl, an expert on snake polion, says : *' I ha*e over and over again triei this fxpftrim nt, but in no oav have I «een death result. Why thould bo ? ' Dr Mitcholl further eftye: "Tho many noxious compounds man curie* in bia liver and gaatrio glands (the stomaoh) are f ul >f they ent n r the blood in any largo amount There is soarae y «n organ in a y man's body which is not a possiblo souroo of poison to him. Hmall dosos are constantly passing into aud out of his blood. The question ii whothor ho oan get rid of it as fust as it accumulate* " AlludiDg to death by rheumatism, gout, and kidney disease, an eminent London physioian says : " Thus min U poisoned by tho product* of his own body." Now lot us oite a paoiago from a man's expsrienco as related by him c f. The timo extend* ovi r a per od from Maro\ 1888, to May, 1889, moro than a yean Ho says i " My head mod to wh'rl around, and I bud frequent bouts of faiutuess and gid dinoes ; and at rnich times 1 used to fiv 1 down, no nutter wnere I was. This would i occur two or throo times a day. For three | weeks I wm confined to my bed, I grew gradually weaker and weaker, and loat a deal of sleep. I felt \ror«9 tired in tho morniug than when I went to bed. After a whilo 1 became nervous, and my legs trembled and shook under ma to suoh a degree that I feared to walk out 1 had great ptiin in my kidneys, and tho seoretion whioh 1 voided from them was thick and yellow as tho yolk of an egg. Month af cer month passed and I failed more »nd more, and could hardly crawl about. " J had « doctor attending me, hat hit medicines did not benefit mo. He s»'d my liver and kidney* wero in a bad way, and that he nevor saw feoretions passed in suoh a state. After treating me nix months, he told me tint raedioino cou'd do no moro for me and advised me to go to • hospital. I went to the Peterborough Qospital, but got worst while there. Tho hospital dootors refused to tell me what ailed me. Having spont two monthi thero, I got anxious and ruti'-ned to my homo utterly disheartened, I continued to send to the hospital for medioinet, whioh I took for threo monthi longer, I was now so emancntod that my friends who oamo to see mo said I would novcr get well. " In this oonditlon I oontinued until May, 1889, when one day an umbrella vendor oallod at my house, and. seeing how ill I was, said his wife had beon cured of a serious illnoBs by Mother Soigel's Curative Syrup. lie opoko so earnestly of it that I determined to try it. After taking the Syrup for ton days 1 felt in better spirits ; my food og'eed with me, and from that time I giined strength duly. Persevering with it, I was soon able to return to my work fti healthy and itrong as ever. 8'nco thon I havo be«n in the best of health. You are at liberty to publish the above faots, and I will gladly reply to any inquiries — Yours truly (Si ned), Rkad Welfahk, lUms.y, St, Mary'i, Hunt*, February 18ih, 1892.' No brief oormnent can do justice to this remarkable oaiw. What tho public needs to know and to remember is this— Mr We fare's wholo system was poisoned by the products of m torpid and Inaotive digestion. Theeo had entered his blood, as Dr Mitohell dcsoribci. The nervous system waa disordered and half paralysed j henoe tho fa ntness and falling flti. Rattlesnake poiion kills by paralysing the norvos whioh actuate the lungs ; ic kdls by luffoofttion. lluniau poison, arising from indigestion and dyspepiia, always operates ia the same direction, causing asthma in its worst forma. It then attacks tho hoart and kidneys, causing the state of things Mr VVelf iro mentions. Nothing more noxious, or, in tho end, surely fatal exists in any poisonous reptile Any yet poople trifla with the disease I and dootors seem not to undorstjnd it. Mother Soigols Curative Syrup cures by stimulating thn kidneys, ikin, «nd bowels, and toning the gastric glands, v\ ho, then, is man's most doidly enemy ? Careles* and ignor nt nnn himself. U«o the remedy whoa the eirliest symptoms appear.

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8003, 16 June 1894, Page 4

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SNAKE POISON AND HUMAN POISON. North Otago Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8003, 16 June 1894, Page 4

SNAKE POISON AND HUMAN POISON. North Otago Times, Volume XXXVII, Issue 8003, 16 June 1894, Page 4