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All Functional Derangements 1 of tho to Temporary OoAgestion arising from Alconolio BflvoW* i ; Errors in Wot-fotfap or Dmkin, BilliousßOM, Biok Hoftdacho, Giddinw Op prewlon or Fooling of MoUnoholy: Heartburn, Sourness of tho Stomach, Oonatipa* tton Thint KhoumatUm and Gout ; Soft Sicknow, Impure Blood, itching, Nattlo Hush, or any Oversold tttftto of tho Blood,; Skin JRrnn< tioni, Boiw, Dipthoiiti,thoefloot« of Mercurial PoiiK>n«; at tho Oommonoomont of Fovew of all kinds ; Moa»los and Ohickon Pox— EJt^O'S " FRtTIT SALT 'in tho Simplest »nd Beitromedy known. § y-mk



Or » life comploto in nil its fltagou is on th» irhola dealmblo but oxtromoly rare. But a wino obnervftnco of tho simple laws of naturo will redeem tho obiorvora from tho holl of many ailbunts to tho paradise of a t>loasurablo exiatonoo, ' 4 jonduct them through lifo silontly j'»utly, wid norenoly to iti far off torminfttionIn thin Death T Droadod thing How beautiful thou art I


BY AS f.B.A. O» XIQUTX TXABS OT AO», rpEESE word! a Tflso Phyoioian oaid i "SiomMh't* «A*tor All »h©aM tlroAd. Oppose bin laws— for death prepare Ob«y thorn— health wilTtrlumph thoro 1 "With grateful thanks I hail thy n&mo, Eno I »nd atrivo to give it f amo. Your "Salfc-of "Fruit" can bring mo on o, And giro mo comfort whon I please; By truo aperient, strong or mild, To oftim a man or nootho a child; Aid nature without force or strain Strengtnon heart, ilvor, lung, and brain, Hakoth# pulw noithor aatnoralovr,

Tho blood heat not too high nor low So bringing health, at littlo ooit B«rtorinjf what neglect had lost; To Eno*! Salt I owo a debt, Th grateful mind ay not forget "With rhyme that dobt, in part Experience teaching what to say. ■I.HI

"Neglect not tho body, upon which iho whole earthly , oxiitence dependo, inform yotunolf of what u bonoficial ana what ia pernicious to it." "EXCITEMENT," JPEYERiSH. COLD with 33IGH OPBMPEitATUKE and QUICK PULSIfI, w SUJJdjEN EMEItaKWOY, USB END'S VKVIT BAJJ2, »n imperfttivo hygoala need, It keop* tho blood pare, provonfa fevers Mid acuto inflammatory di«oaso», romovca the injuriotw ofloota of oxoitemont, stimulaotn, narcotics, auch m alcohol, tobacco, ton, ooffoc, by natural mean*; thus rentoroathe norvotiw, nyatorn to ifca normal condition, by preventing the great (knge>r of powonod blood and oSrtr cerebral aotiyity, aleopleeonesa, irritability worry, ho. THE BEHT ANTIDOTE FOX EXCITEMENT. WANT OF BLKE*, ETC., HALF-DOZBN OTSTEBS (well chewed) tvo or tbreo time* a day, and - ■ £ O FBUIT SALT every few hou«. HEADACHE, AAJ> DLtiOHD&LtUD ( STOM A 08..—" Aftor suffering for noarly two-and-a half yoara from oovoro hoadaoho and diu'ordorod atomach, and after trying almoit ovorything imd apenUing muob money without! finding any benefit, 1 wan recommondod by a frioiid to try ' your JfRUIT SALT, and boforo I had finiahed one bottle 1 found it doing mo a great 1 deal of' good, and now 1 am refltr red to my usual health ; and others I know that havo tried it havo na enjoyed auoh good dth for years. Yours moot truly, JttO»*aT Avutwt,t%^ Poot-OHico, Bftrraaford," IMPOKTANT TO TKAVJfiUEUS AND ALL LEAVING HOME JfOti, A OHANQE."We hare for the la«t' foar yeara o«od your' FRUIT SALT during several important Survey Expedition! in tho Malay Peninsula, Siaxd, and Cambodia, and have undoubtedly derived very great benefit from it,, In ono inatanco only was' ono of our party attacked with fever during that period, arid tbat happened after our supply of mvn HALT had run out. When making long marches under the powerful rays ■ of, a vertical ann, or travelling through awampyr cUntric^, we have used tho I'KUJT B ALT two or q timos a day. iheFJ&UIT BALr acts tut itfe aperient, keopn tho blood cool and Lf, and Wards off fovor We have are ia yoluatarily tdstifying to tbo valuo of your preparation, and oar firm belief in' its efficacy* We never go into tho jungle without t, and have ai*o >-ecommondoa it to others, —Yours truly, Commander A. J. homm, Jf,R,O.S,His Siameie Majesty* Hvdrographor: B, O. !DavuhJ6*, SuperinttD >nt Siamese Oorcrnmcnt Telegraph*. Bun icck, SJ*m, May 1f»a.— 3,0. E»o, iuuj,, London, "OAtTTtoN~-Legal llighta aro protected in erwy civilUM country. Kead tho following " In the Supreme Cdurt of Sydney N.9.W.)an »pp«al from a decre« of Sir W. Manning perpetually restraining tbo Defendant (Hogg) from telling a fraudulent imitation of Eno a fruit Salt, and giving heavy damages to the Plaintifl, has, after a most exhaustive trial of two dayr duration been unanimously dismissed with oost«.— • Sydnoy Moraini; Horald," NoT»xab« 26th, 1885. Otoamine each bottlt, and see ttntf th* o»pnl«iatnArkodENO'S^UllSALT' With out it roa havo been imposed on by a wonnlew liniUtion. UOUi BY ALL OEKMIST9. VMBWVDptiLY AT ENO* FEU XT ALT

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 7783, 22 November 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 7783, 22 November 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 7783, 22 November 1890, Page 1