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SPECIALLY AUTHORISED WHOLESALE AGENTS FOB NEW ZEALAND, MESSRS P. HAYMAN AND CO., DUNEDIN, CHRISTOHURCH, WELLINGTON, AND AUCKLAND," Who carry a ompleto st ck of H. E. Kucielmann and Co. 'a Standard Herbal Magnotio flomedion. Theno unrivalled Ilorbol Modioino 1 } aro universally acknowJ'c cd to bo tho beat in tho world They aro quito difforont to all othors known being o olutol unsurpassed iv thoir universal excellence, Tfaoy aro abaolufcoly epcoifio for those complaints for which they aro specially rroi parod, and aro frco from poisons and all mineral drugs, and aro quito pleasant to take. The Balsam ot Paradise: For all Lung and Throat Diseases, such a« BronchitKJAalhma, Wheeziug, Coughs, Colds, Fog Foyer, Soro Throat from tbo Luogß, Tightness on tho Chest, Inflammation of the Lungs, Collapse of tho Air Colls, Induration of Lungs, Congestion of Lunge, oto., o'jo. It h tho only medicine known to mankindthijt, will completely euro Consumption in ita early stages. It is composed of ohoieo fruito, flower needs, gums, balsams, and hcrba. It renovates and fattens tho weakest constitution, aliko of young or old. Wo sold OVEJ*- ONE MILLION BOTTLES during tho first fivo yoarn that wo introduced this marvellous and clcpant remedy, and that, too, WITHOUT ANY ADVERTISING- WHATEVER. It is ex. coedingly pleasant to tasfco, aud ciuies an immediato improvement iv all who tako It. Sold in bottleu at 2n (')<">, 4% Oh and 10g. SEND FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE HANDBOOK, Post fice to any addreen on tho Planet, which fully describes tbeao wondcrfu remedial and thoir u;ic» '"IUK BOOM OK THE COMING CENTURY," H. E. Kugelmann's Electric Essence. If. E. Kugictnans Electric Essence, ---m oxtcnal remedy for all pains or aches Nothiug like this has over been known, and nothing olso will ever equal it. If you havo a rheumatism or gouty pain that you do not care about, obtain a bot*lo of this Electric Eononco and it will make you happy, Use it for sprained backs, kneo joints, all swellings, dropsy, back acho, soiatica, neuralgia, woak spines, lumbago, contractions, lameness crampu, quinsy, mumps, diphtheria, croup, and for all pains and aches. Never bo without it for anako bito, and all bitod of iusecta or stings, and or burun, cuts, and scalds Sold in bottloa only at Ih 6d snd 7a. H. E. Kugelmann's Eye ointment and Anodyne Emolient. This Is undoubtudly tho finest produot of the century. An immediato euro for chilblains and froat bite*. Nothing known can comparo with this Ointment for its marvellous excellence, elegance of combination, aud superior effectiveness. It will euro all eye diseases, as Sun Blight Sandy Bliyht, Watery Blight. Matter or Humory Blight, Inflammation of Eyes and Lidn, Chronic Ophthalmia, and all and Every Eyo Dis* eaao ; and as well it is tho bo9t and nicest thing possible for Fly-bito, Mosquito Bites or Stings of Scorpions, Contipcdea, Spiders, etc., and for Soro Throats, Coughs, Mumps, Quinsy, oto. It i« simply Bpleudid. All weak and nervous persona nbould uso it to rub well in down tho Spino and on tho Stomach. Wo guarantee that all who use thia onco will uovcr bo without it. Road Descriptive Handbook for further notice. This ointment usually cureg blight in a few hours, aluo whitlow b and boiia aud painful breasts in two or threo hours, Sold only in jara at 2a 6 I and 5s oaoh. H. E. Kugelmann's Herbal Magnetic Ointment. This unrivalled Herbal product is undoubtedly tho best ointment over elaborated for curing old uores, bad lego, ulcers, fistulee, pilcn, blending piles, eruptions of tho skin, broken chilblains, cuts, wounds, ote, etc., otc. In jars at Is, Is 9d, 2a 6d, and 5-j eaoh. H. E. Kuglomanu's Children's Vital Essence — b'or all tho ailments of infancy aud childhood, A real ohildrci/s friend. t"'ee our handbook, Trioo, 3s (id to 5s per bottle. The Herbal Magnetic Tonic Liver and Stomach Restorer. For all liver complaints, billiousnegs, jaundice, congested liver, enlarged liver and spleen, langour, drowsiness, pains between tho shoulders, chronic indigestion and all stomach complaints, heartburn, flatulency sour stomach, vomiting of food, losa of appetite, sick headache, nervoubiiess, nervous debiiity, prostration, end tho convalescing etagea of or acuto ditioaneo. Read our Descriptivo Handbook for all information relating to this Hplondid modicino, Sold in bottleß at 5a and 10s each The Natural Electric Blood Purifier. This medicino has no equal for all blood skin diseases, perfectly frco from mercury, arsenic, and all mineral drugs, and does not contain any sarsaparilla or yollow dook. Never fails to cure tho worst forms of sornfula, pcurvy, eczema, itch, ulcera, abccsaoß; uoro U'gß and breasts, cancer, lupus, physical debility, d< j cay of bones, wasting and withering, aud all dieeasea haviDg their origin in tho blood. It work wonders in every case without exception, - Sco Handbook. Prices, 4s Gd, (In Grt, and 12i 6d each jttlo, The Fluid Herbal Life. This is tho roul of pltint«, and abaoluto spocilio for chronic Deuralg'a, faceacho, tooth* ache, tic dolorcaux, sv/ollen face, gumboil and earache, It can bo completely rolied upon to cure quickly aud pouuanently any of fcheao troubles. See Handbook. Price, 1b 9d and 3s per bottle. The Herbal Magnetic Liver Pills. Thcso Pills are unrivalled, and superior to all othera for liver troubles, billiousneis, coativoueag, giddiuoßß, iudigootion, wind, and heartburn, 'tney are composed sololy of tho vital properties ofborb?, aro coated and taotoless. In glasn "bottles at Is, Is 9d, and 3s oaoh. Thcso should bo kept iv every house, as they are a auro ouro for numberless ills, SOLE PROPRIETOR : H £• KUGELMANN AND COManufacturers of Eleui>u u and Proprietor^ Medicines, DjMtillrre of E^aontial Oils and Medioinil Liquorj oto., etc., 4th Avenue, New York City, U.S.A. Australian Head Ollico and Warohouso : 172 and 174 William-atroot Moibouruo, Victoria. Plantations and reducing tfitablisbitiout at "Mount Paradise," Gembrood, Gippsland, Don t fail to read our Deucnptivo Handoook. Mailed froo to i>jiy addreaa or may bo had upon application. Local Agonta. - Chemists : Douum i,vo (Jo. ; J. R, ScwKiit, Morchant« :A, J, S, Headland, W. Bkk, E. A. ATJCIN!^o^, "<. Davidson. The Above Id Full Stock of tho Standard Herbal Magnetic goods, for tho Oamara Dintrict.

READ I MARK ! LEARN AND DON'T ALLOW VQU&SELF TO Bii DUPED BY FALM'J ' EPRESENTA'JIONS BY CUNNING CRAFTY ADVENrUIIERS. /-pHE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF 1 THE AGE NEITHER I OCTOBS hOR QUACKS have ever discovered a treatment equal to SLESINGER'S KHEUMATIU BALSAM For the euro, and almost instant relief, of Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Ticdoloveux, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sprains or Painn of any kind from muacuhr or m*rvoui affections. Thousands have testified to that effect. Soo pamphlots, Mr Slcßin^cr, having practised his profession ao Veterinary Surgeon ii\ different parts of the world, and the last 30 y<"Wj, iv Victoria and F"w Zealand, h a sufficient proof of tbo good qualities of his HORSE, CATTLE, and DOG MEDICINES. The prioo ot oach i» very low, and ho would recommend every owner of animals, especially of horeuo, to keep some by them, tspeci•illy his colic, or gripo drink. Embrocation, condition, and Worm Powders, Hoof Oil, Blister and Grease Ointmont : the latter is a Certain Cork Foh Cow's Sokk Tkats— sco oirculara; alno hie infallible Infcttnicr Powdow, and Mango Ointment for COWS AR& SUBJECT to Parturient o. Milk Fovor, which can be prevented or cured by u»<3d Sloainger'u Cow Drenches, They njrer fail. Sloamger'a Friar's Balsam, made from the ; rcoipo ot tho original Friar, the inventor, is j superior to any other. •— dold by all reopoot' \ able ohuiiiS' a Una medicine vendors through I out tho Loiuiy. | Every article has full direotiiiuo how to \ uno it. I Bowaro of fmitationo, an flomo unprincipled ■ scouudrela arc trying to piB3 off tho rubbish i for tho genuino. Soo that my uamo aud i 'S.S. TEADE MiRK V.S, in attached to each article £100 roward will bo paid to proof loading to tho conviction of uuyono oooutorfeiting my Trado Mack, S. Vctorinury Surgeon, Dnnodio {_ji

OOVERXMCNT LIFE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. LOANS ON MORTCACE. TTIJIOM time to timo d limited poitloß of the JO fitudi) i■> li-ut ou fii.H moityiiijo of fiooholj? netiritj, \>ith ojition of lopiiyiiiout by fixed in* Btaluionta, biuoad over 12, 15, oi 20 j^nrs. HaK-jpuilv Pa'.rnont for etvt-li jUIOO. Period of Loau — X b. d, TvilifyoMa .m ... 6 4 7 I'ljtern years ... ... D 8 9 Tvbunly jo.ns „. ... 4 13 8 TiO.ui 1 , iop ivublo by mrtalinonts \\lv>icby princiji'l and niti'io't aie both hqiii't.uo'l withiu a t,i\eii tiiL>f>, uid ou teiuih ol a njo-t l.t,\ouiiU)!o eh m, •( ni, inosotttuiiirkod tid\iuitaycn to pottlcn ILIIti OtlllJ) „ 'J'lic buiroucr uiay, bofoio th" oxpiry of tbo full jH'iiod, ludcein Mio lonti, w il i <>t "■without no'icc.n'i ti'inw v luoli ("v;i bo t "»'"< ■ ti 1 iiwl at Mu» ollico, oi at.uiv ot iliij ollios 1 " in uii-j j'ui'i'i tiPunt, wJtCH ,il'O fullll , nf .llipll C 'It'll c.i.l In*. 1 ttUU"3d. ]'oi lull p ii'ii ttliu 1 as to loaii<- , !>i>)y tf^ f bo IJuhil uud lii.uicb OJJk'O3 flii'l io t Oil, iv . 1-. W. t'KANJ\L\MJ. I\U J] C'oinini.iOUi'i'l (tovl. AclUiuft

THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES! I'prsons suflcring from weak or debilitated constitution* «iil discover that by the use of tlii', wonderful medicine tIiTP is " Heilth for all." Tlie blood is the fountain o5 lif<\ and its purity tan be maintained by the use of thess IMb. Sm SAMUEL BAKER, iv Ills work entitled " 'I he Nile Tributaries in Abyssinia,*} !• i}s, " I ordered the dragomin Mahomet to inform th# " F.»kcy tint I %vas a Doctor, jnd that I hid the best " medium's at the service of the sick, uith advice sjratis* *' In a short time I lml many applicant,, to whom I " scrvrd ottt a quantity pr 'Wolfoway's Fills. These ar<» 1 *' most useful to anesplorcr, is posses-ing unmistakable *' inr>;aiive properties they treAte an uituctuablc effee* •'upon the patient, which satibfic> him of their valu/* SIMPLE, SAPE, AND CERTAIN! \t a certain remedy for bad Icqs, bad breast*, an^ ulccr.ttions of all kinds. It acts miraculously in hcaltna iil< orations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting an| subduing all lnilamnntwns. Mil. J. T. COOPER, in his nrcutit of hU c\traordin iry travcu p» Ohinij tnibhshfd in 1871, says—" I had v,ith me a qiuntitfi "of Ilolloway's Ointment. I pave borne to the pcoplij, " and nothing could c\cecd their gratitude ; and, m cor* 41 sequui' c, mtlk, fo«K, butter, and horse-feed poured " 111 ur>jn us, until .it List i tca-spoonlul of Ointment " was j towl jnd any iniantity of pea.*, lli» " demand became so great »iaf I was obliged to lock up "tile sm »'l remaining stock." Sold by all Chenu^ts jnd Mcdianc Veodor 1 thioUjj^i Out tlw \Vgrld.

COCKSFOOT. r JPHE Undersigned will bo pleuod to ■"- oubnrit Simplos, with quotations, on application by lottoi or tolegram. Attention is respectfully directed to tho SUPERIOR GERMINATING POWER OF BANKS PENINSULA SEED, duo to tho peculiar suitability of the uoi ond climato to tho growth of COCKSFOOT IN ITS PERFECTION, Parcels, large or small, to suit purohason who will obligo by r,titing probable numbor of sacks required, thereby enabling uubmis oion ol sample from parcel sufficiently largo to exocuto order complete from u.ijio 10l Sacks may bo taken at ucttiug 901b, ORDER DIRECT FROM THE DISTRICT Tiiua en«ujuno FiRjE SBBST SEEDS, AND THKBBFOUB OP GREATEST OERMINATIN3 POWER Dolivcry given, if required, into railway trucks at any Port, W. H. HENNING. ; Wharf Storo, Akaroa Jyl

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North Otago Times, Issue 778, 22 July 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 North Otago Times, Issue 778, 22 July 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 North Otago Times, Issue 778, 22 July 1890, Page 4