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Received July 21, at 12, -10 a.m. London, July 12. The Yorkshire regiment has returned to Portsmouth, leaving a small party to assist the Guards in then duties. Madame Melba secured a great t iuttiph in. Esmeralda, all members of the lloyal Family being present, Madame Melba will visit St. Petersburg in the whiter and America during the exhibition. The Cricket match between Etou and Harrow was drawn, owing to rain. Stanley is slowly recovering from an attack of gastritis. Four hundred and fifty postmen who were dismissed accuse tho Union of having deceived them, and assert they will not rejoin if they manage to secure reinstatement. The Bishop of Limerick, replying to Mr Dillons brutal attack in the House of Commons, retorts that Mr Dillon has been collecting ostensibly for the relief of tho -evicted tenants while he and his party .still occupy safo and profitable employment, and that the attack was provoked, because tho exposure of their conduct closed the pockets of sympathizers. It is believed that France will abandon her rights in Newfoundland for pecuniary or territorial compensation. Private telegrams from Chili ruport that a state of anarchy and bloodshed continues there. London, July 15. Burkc's bottling business is being concerted into a company with a capital of LBOO,OOO. Mr Gladstone is recovering his health. Telegraph clerks are to receive increase in pay, and the amount .set apart will be L 200.000 annually. Two hundred of the otlicials in the Central Oflice will not, however, receive any increase owing to their refusal to work overtime. The Captain and elevon of the crew of tho ship M cropo lauded at Deal, the vessel's cargo having iired spontaneously near Buenos Ayres. The crew took to the boat"', and were rescued (in a previous cable message the ship's name was given as Mirage). Tho Merope was bound to Wellington. Stanley is .still weak, Mr Sandford Klein ing, C.E., the distinguished engineer of Canada, has written a letter to Lord ICnutsford stating that L 51,000 subsidy or a guarantee will suflice with Canada's help to establish a Pacific cable which he asserts will provido lowor rates than under existing lines. Tho following have been selected to represent All England in tho match with tho Australians, commencing on the 21st : W. G. Grace, W. W. Head, M'Gregor, Shrewsbury, Gunn, Peel, Attwoll, (Jlyett, Briggi, Lohmann, and Maurice Read. At the wool auctions there was keen competition, but tho prices were unchanged. The sales close on the 14th. Tho number of bales carried forward is 100,000, and it is estimated the number available for the September series, including old stocks, is 250,000. Bank of New Zealand shares are quoted at L8 6s. Three months bills are quoted at \\ per cent. Tho Chambor of Commerce has petitioned the House of Lords to ro- j ject the Directors' Liability Bill until |

iho measure has been fully considered. The Earl of Iloseberry has resigned his position us Chairman of the London County Council. Jt is considered certain that Sir .John Lubbock, vicechairman, will be appointed to bucceed him. Mr J. C. Williamson, of the firm of Williamson, Garner, and Musgrove, is negotiating with Sarah Bernhardt for an Australian tour. The Heligoland Cession Bill has passed the House of Lords. Pahis, July 15. An insane chemist tired a blank cartridge at President Carnot to-day. Berlin, July 15. Germany is unlikely Jo ratify tho Sugar C nvention be£ojJ*August Ist. Washington, July 13. The Silver Bill provides for the purchase of four and a-half million ounces of silver monthly at a price nob exceeding a dollar for .'3G£ grains. A Bill introduced into the Senate allows cargo vessels over 500 tons 30 cents per ton for every 1000 miles sailed during 10 years, and subsidises lirst-class mail steamers G dollars per mile ; second-class, 13 dollars ; thirdclass, U dollars ; and fourth-class, 1 dollar for every outward voyage. The minimum period of contracts \ to be o years. Guatemala, July 15. The State of San Salvador has massed 20,000 troops on the Guatemala frontier. Caiko, July 15. The principal Soundan tribes have revolted againel) the rule of the aiahdi.

Received July 21, at 3.30 a.m. London, July 16. Gambia will probably be ceded to franco in exchange for Newfoundland. The report that Sir M. Hicks-Bench will .succeed Lord Carrington a.s Governor of Now South Wales is nob true. Major Skinner, Now Zealand Volunteers, in his shooting for tho Queen's pri/,e at Wimbledon, undo 20 at 200 yards ; and Walker, of Queensland, 25. A select committee directs attention to the large amount of evidence in favor of protection for the Home hop industry. The agreement between Enghnd and Portugal is almost concluded. It includes tho intenutiotialisutiou of the Zambesi. Portugal receives 800,000 square miles from Angola to the Upper Zambesi, and England takes the country from the Upper Zambesi to Kw.isaar, including the Shire district. Portugal retains the district from Kwassar to the coast. Tho War Office in trying a number of the mutinous Guards. Bank of New Zealand shares, new issue, L8 10s : old, LG 10s. Lord Salisbury has informed Mr Blaino, Secretary of State for tho United States, that if America deals summarily with tho British sealers in Behring Sea Great Britain will protect what she claims to bo a common highway. The New Zealand Shipping Company have confirmed the reduction of capital. London, July J6. Viscount Deorhurst oflers to pay his creditors JOs in tho S> at once, and giro security for the balance. Mr Parnell .surprised his nupportors by advising Mr Balfour to npply the thirtytlireo million pounds under tho Irish Land Purchase Bill to secure the occupation and ownership of land instead of reducing rents. He stated that at present the money was going to graziers in Conmught and Minister, and implied that if Mr Balfour acted on his suggestion he would then accord tho measure his support. Ho also suggested the immediate formation of a Board of Arbitration to deal with tho Plan of Campaign estimates. Mr Balfour replied that as yet ho wab unable to discuss the Irish Land Purcliaso Bill, but that lie was much impressed with Mr Parnell's suggestion, Tho Doalc Companies are now complaining of tho result of the strike movement last year, as their expenses have been greatly increased and this has caused a most serious hindrance to business. They also complain that laborers only obey the orders of tho Unions when it suits them to do so. London, July 14. The Bishop of Limorick has accused Mr. John Dillon of securing his roleaso from prison by raising a miserable whino about ill-health, and of sneaking to tho Austrilian colonies until the scorm had .Mown over. Tho New Zealand Loan and Trust Company declare a dividend of 10 per ci>nt\ The Times says that tho floating of; tho Assets Compuiy has removed a feeling of anxiety regarding tho future of the Bank of Now Zealand. Major Oeorge will join the Board pf Assets Company on behulf of the Bank. Mr GLidst-oue has boon attacked with a stomach affection. Dr Jeftrieo, of New South Wales, lus accepted the p intorate of tho new Congreuatioual College at Hunpstead. A largo strike «f tubo makers has taken place in Staffordshire.'ANTiNorxi:;, July 14 A fire broke out in this city, and before fcho flames could bo subdued ')()!) houses lnd been burnt to tho ground. Washington, July 14. Tho Senate has parsed tho Mails Subsidy Bill (the provisions of which «re of a very liberal character) and bounties for tho promotion of the .ship-building industry. A terrible cyolono passed over Minnobota County, and tho death roll numbois about 200. Tho greater part of L-iko City was razed, and scores of townsfolk perished. London, J uly 14. Competition at the wool sales to-day was very keen. Merino, except very faulty .scoured, realised prices fully on a par with thoso ruling at tho cleso of la^fc sales, and in many instances fetched higher prices, Crossbred, 1 } had an upward tendency. London, July 17. There is good demand for kauri gum. Stocks aro small, and consequently prices arc improving. v Fine Auckland hemp i.s quoted at L 22 10s ; fair lo medium Wellington, Ll9. New Ze heavy oats are quoted at 28s Od ; oidinary, 225. Wool still remains unchangod. I^g\y Zeilaud mutton, 4h\ ; lamb, 5.U1. Beef— hindquarters, 3,fd ; forequarters, 2d. London, July 19. At tho unvoiliug of tho Dalloy memorial in St. Paul's Cathedral there was a large attendance. Earl Itoscbory said that those desiring a closer union of tho component paitsof the Empire muM, regard this first memorial of a colonist in the metropolitan cathedral as marking a now milestono in the' path of Imperial Federation, consecrated in sympathy and reverence to the memory of one who was not only a colonial Minister but an Imperial statesman. Tho memorial is in tho crypt next to that of Sir Edmund Burke, near and clo>>o to those of Lords Nelson and Collingwood. It is an excellent portrait in Carrara nrirble, with grey nmble ni«nildin«s. Sergeant -iiovan, of Adelaide, scored 57 in the first two wngos for .the Queen*

Pmo \ Walker, 63 \ Skinner, 47. Lord Knutsford, in answer to n quea* tion in tho House of Lords, said that tlio Govornor of New South Wales would bo appointed as soon as possible. Humor , mentions tho namo of tho Earl of Abor- 1 doen in connection with tho position. Washington, July 14. By the capsizing of an excursion steamer on Lalco Popin, 150 people wore drowned. London, July 14. Tho disturbances in Chili o^urrod amongst men employed in ihu uttrato districts. Despite private advices to tho contrary, the Chilian Government assert that order has been restored. A tender has been accepted to lay a now cablo betwoon Suez and Aden at a ' cost of a quarter of a million. Tremendous thunderstorms severely damargod th(» corn cropa in the South of England, and thobiJlitary camps at Bisley, Aldorshot, wore iloudcd. llomk, July 37. Mia Holiness tho Pope to-day drovo beyond tho precincts of tho Vatican on a visit to a sculptor's studio ' Tho guard of tho Mint presented arms when the Popo passed. A party of Anarchists at Monza stoppod tho Prince of Naples' carriage, and insulted and threatened tho occupants. A force of police promptly dispersed tho mob. Tho Princo has declined to take proceedings against the offenders. Paris, July 17. The French Government havo reasuertod their claims to tho pre-emption of the Congo in preference to Belgium. Vienna, July 17. Tho Emperors of Germany and Austria will meet at Liegnitz in the autumn under pretence of attending tho summer manoeuvres. Constantinople, July 17. Russia has massed a largo forco of troops on the Armenian frontier. Buknos Ayrks, July 17. The situation in tho Argentine Republic and Uruguay shows decided signs of improvement. New York, July 17. A terrible calamity occurred at Lovoland, Ohio. A gunpowdor train exploded in the vicinity of a cartridge factory. The htter became ignited, and 20 of tho omployees wore killed, md 00 sovorely injured. London, July 17. A part of the South Australian Court in the forthcoming Mining Exhibition at Sydenham has boon allotted for a display of New Zealand gold exhibits. The election for tho vacancy for MidDurham resulted in the return of Mr Wilson, a Homo Ruler, who obtained M 69 votes against 3372 obtained by Van© Tompest, Conservative candidate

Kecoived July 21, afc noon. S'r. Johns, July 16. The Newfoundland gunboat Flora fired on a French fishing boat, which was violating tho bait regulations. Tho fishing boat managed to escape without sustain' ing any damage. Tho French warship Miguolon and H.M.S. Comua are investigating the matter. Londom, July 16. Accounts have reached hero of serious riota which broke out at Tarapala, in Upper Peru. Seven thousand rioters defied the authorities and committed depredations, Tho troops wero called out to restore order, and in dispersing th« mob, 40 porsons wore killed. London, July 17, The wool market is excited, and prices for morinos aro five per confc higher than those ruling at tho close of the May series. New Zealand longberriod wheat 375, firm. No. 1 best Scotch pig iron, fo b in Clyde, 45s 3d. Sugar— Gorman boot, 12a 6d, steady. Java, 14s 6d. Tho quantity of wheat and flour afloat for tho Unitod Kingdom is 2,296,000 Quarters; for tho continent, 704,000. 'ho estimated American visible supply is 18,592,000 bushels. Lonlon, July 18 None of tho Australian competitors are included in the 300 who aro left in tho competition for the silver medal at Wimbledon. Tho medal is to bo awarded to tho competitor who makea the highest score in the first sories of tho stagoa for tho Queen's Prizo and Gold Modal, Washington, July 18. It ii proposed that tho portion of the Tariff Bill brought in by Mr M'Kinlay, uhould como into operation on tho Ist of April. Ma mud, July 18. Eight thousand laborers struck work afc Maureea. The rioters threatened to burn the town, but tho military disporsed tho crowd. A number of tho rioters wero wounded.

Received July 21, at 1.20 p.m. London, J uly 19. Colonel Maitland has resigned. Tho trial of the six mutinous guards is proceeding. Tho potato blight is seriously damaging the crop in the South of Ireland. Tho Colonial Courts of the Admiralty Bill has passed the House of Commons. A new rifle, using liquefied carbolic acid gas instead of gunpowder has been tested. It is noiseless and smokeless. The Hon. Edward Stanhopo, Secretary of the War Department, is much impressed with tho new weapon. Tho Hessian fly is injuring the crops at Lincoln. Judge Harrison, in charging a Galloway jury, said ho was astonished that the victims of lawlessness had not had recourse to lynch law. The Duk » of Clarence, eldest son of tho Princo of Wales, has been confined to his bed for several days. The Scotch Courb of Session having j functioned tho action of the Assets Company, the allotment of the latter for proportionate amounts of New Zealand and Australian Land Company's stocks will be issued in a month. Paws, July 19. f An agitation has boon commenced in Franca against M'Kinley'a Tariff Bill. One member of the Chamber of Doputios proposes a general European commercial campaign against Americans. The Superior Council of Agriculturo has recommended an increase of tho French tariO, including a duty on wheat, flour, and oats.

Received July 21, at 1.30 p.m. JUmh, Mny 19. A mother murdered 'her six children by means of charcoal, and attempted to commit suicide. She recovered. Dhuleop Sing is suffering from paralysis in this city, lie has forwarded a petition to Queen Victoria, asking for a pardon. Berlin, July 19. The Dowager Empress Frederick in writing a memoir of her late husband. Count yon Moltke and other generals arc assisting her. Buenos Ayrks, July 19. Merchants and foreign bankers at Monte Video refuse to accept the forced currency for gold payment. The garrison afc Buenos Ayre* aro placed under arms, people fearing a political disturbance. •''•'■ . Knvv York, July 19,. An oxplqsfon Wrecked^ and burnt the pefjtral osc'o of the Westor'n Union telegraph. Many narrow escapes from doath are reported. A terrific rain »torm han been experienced in the Western States. Many deaths are reported from lightning and heat,

Received July 21, at 2 p.m, London, July 19. Th» AMots Company will bo known ac

ilio Now Zealand 75efcato Compfitiy, and everything m oxpoetod to bo arranged during tho wook. Tho capital will bo L 3.170.003. Tho criokob match, .Australians v. Players, was resumod to-day, and rosnltcd in a win for tho Players by livo wiokots. Tho Australians nmdo 101 in their socond innings. Colonol Maitland donies that ho hns resigned. The St. James' Gazotto sayo ho does nob proceed to Natal, as wan stated in some quarters. ' Tho total ruuount of rosorvo in the ! liniik of England i.-i Lll,710,0()0. Tho | proportion of i-ooorvca to liabilities in 34.72. Consols, 00J. New Zealand 4. per cent inscribed stock, 104 j ;3i do, 00J. Obituary— Lydia Bockott. Wool is unchanged. London, July 18. Tho certificate of tho captain of tho s.s. Umbilo, which collided with tho barque Ethol in tho English Channol, has been suaponded for three months. During a storm a pinnacle of tho Ifouso of Lords was struck by lightning, and part of the masonry was detached. Jiulgo (irantham had a narrow eacaupo from tho frilling debris. Tho monthly circular issued by Wostgarth statos that tho Now Zealand Imitates Company has boon formed, and will issue debentures at 5i per cent. Other reports assort that tho proHpeetus is not finally fixed, and that the debentures will be issued at 5 ncr cent,

Received July 21, at 4.30 p.m. London, July 17. Tho Grenadior CJuards Imvo boon ordered to proceed to the Cape, ivnd sail on Tuesday. [t is reported on 'Change- that South Australia will nob require a loim until i) ox b your. Ab tho wool salt's to-d'vy crossbreds wore doar, bub other sorts wore unchanged. In tho llouso of Commons on Monday Hear Admiral Colomb will ask Baron do Worms whether tho Government propose to consult with Canada and tho Australian colonies in connection with establishing a Pacific cable. After tho strong protest mado by tho Marquis of (Salisbury in May last, Mr J, G. Blaino, United States Secretary of State reversed tho policy pursued with regard to Bohoring Straits two years ago. Friction has arisen between Mr Blaino and tho President over tho Behering dispute, and it is probaulo that tho fonnor will resign ofh'co. Buenos Ayjikh, July 17. Tho President of the Argentine liepublic advises tho issue of six million dollars fractional currency. Pketokia, July 17. Groat alarm is felt among the Boom at the jury acquitting Britishers charged with mobbing President Krugor, Morocco, July 37. The rebols woro surprised and crushingly dofoatod at Mount Taquriat. In the army commanded by tho son of tho Sultan h'fty of bho latter's ofiicors were captured and burnt alivo.

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North Otago Times, Issue 778, 22 July 1890, Page 2

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LATEST HOME & FOREIGN NEWS By Electric Telegraph.-Copyright. (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) North Otago Times, Issue 778, 22 July 1890, Page 2

LATEST HOME & FOREIGN NEWS By Electric Telegraph.-Copyright. (PER PRESS ASSOCIATION.) North Otago Times, Issue 778, 22 July 1890, Page 2