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« MJINO'S CjWUIT QALT, All Functional Derangements of tho t o Temporary 00/igoßtion arising from Alconolio Bovorageii ; Errors in Diet— Eating or Drokin, BillionaneDfl, Sick Headache, GiddiriCH' Op prossion or Feeling of Molanoholy ; Smiting Heartburn, Sou*nens oC tho Stomach, CoiiHtipiition ThiJot Rhoumatiam and Gout ; Soa fcSiokno/iu, linpuro Blood, Itching, pottle Rnub, or } any Over-acid mate of tho Blood; Skin Euiptions, Boild, Dipthoim, tho of foots of Moiouml PoisonH ; nt tlio Commencement of I'ovorn of all kinda ; Monsles and Chicken Pox — EHO'B " FRUIT SALT ' in tho Simplest and Beatromody known. w -I I; . tv-w 1 * v\\c AW /fill ! IONGEVITY Or r lifo complete in all iin otagos ii on tho wholo dcairablo but oxtremoly raro. But a wn-f obnorvanco of tho dimple lawn cf nature will rofloom tho oD«orvor« from tho hell of many ailments to the parndiao of a oleaumublo oxist-mco, and conduct thorn through lifo silently y^tlv, and aoronoly to its far oil torminatiou Is this Death ? Droadod 'hing How boautiful thou art ! HAVK A ttVIiKN OLD AGE-I USB jk,NO'» " FKUIT SALT." A HONG OF aiIATIrUDE. vt an r.a.A. o» manrx tjcabh or aoh. '|!JIESE v/ordflft wino Phynioian iiftid : " Stomach'u a in.iutor all ahonld dread. Oppose hi» laws— for death proparo Obey thorn— health will triumph there I With gratoful thanks I hail thy namo, Eno ! and strive to givo it fame. Your " Salt-of- Fruit " oan bring mo orbo, And givo mo comfort whon I ploano^ By true aporiont, ntrong or mild, To calm n nmn or Hootho a ohild; | Aid nature witliout force or atrain dtreugt.uou Jionrt, livor, lung, aod brain, Alukotho puloo noitbur astnorulow, Iho Howl heat not too high nor lo\? Bo bringing honltb, r.t littlo coiit Restoring what ncgloct had loat; To Eno's Salt I owo a dobt, Th gratoful mind ay not forget With rhyme that d^bt, in part Experio7ico teaching to any. II Nogleot not tho body, npon which tho wholo earthly oxintonco doponds, inform youiaolf of what la benofioial and what is puruioious to it." ' "EXCITEMENT," IfBVJSR Sli COIiD w<th HIGH TEMPER AT UiiJi and QUICK l'UL^.", •>r SUiiDEi-'i EMERGE NO Y, DSB EMO'S FRUIT tf/YLT, an itnporativo hygealo nood. It koop» the blood puro, provuntH foveru >>jid aoute inil.nnmatory diseaaoa, mmuvos tho injurious oifocta of oxcitomont, stimuLiat,.', narcoticf), such as alcohol, tobacco, tea, cotlo<, by natural muanu ; thus rovtorca the uorvouu ayutom to ifcu normal condition, by prevontinf{ tho groat danger of poisoned blood and ovor corobral activity, *looplosmoa,i, irritability worry, &o, THE BB3T ANTIDOTE FOR EXCITEMENT, WANT OF BLEEP, ETC., HALF-DOZtiN OYSTERS (woll ohowed) two or throo tiuioa ft day, and ENO' FRUIT HALT evory foir hoiwi. HEADAOHE /iflD DISORDERED STOMAOII — " Aitor oulfonng for nearly« btUf years from oovoro hoadacho and diaordorod I'tomayh, and after trying almost ovcrythutK and npouuing much money without finding any boneht, 1 wna rocoaimondod by a frioud to try ywur I'RUIT SALT, and boforo I hud fiuwhod one bottle k found Jt dolog me :\ gre«U dual of good, aud now I am restored to my usual hoaltl ; and othors I know that have triod it havo n«.t enjoyed uuch good i ilth for years. Youru moattiuly, Robxbx jiVMVHBiBS, PoHt-Otiico, I>cr/r»fford." IMPORTANT TO TRAVEL! ERS AND ALL LEAVING HOME FOR A OUA.NUK.— " Wo have for tho last four yoarj used jour FUUJT WALT during »overal important duivoy i-iXpoditiouH in the i^Jalay PoniUMuL*, Hmm, uml Cambodia, and hayo Undoubtodly J.ouvod voiy great btmofit from it, In one instance only win one of our party uttackod with Fever during that period, and that happened aftor our aupidy of FRUIT SALT had run out. When making long marches under tho powerful raya of a vertical sun, or travelling through nwampyr distriota, wo havo used tho FiIUIT B/iLT two or throo timoßaday. The FRUIT bAL/ acts .m a gentlo aponont, keeps tho blood 000 l and healthy, and wardu oil foyer. M r » have pleasure in voluntarily testifyiug to tlio valuo of your preparation, und our liriu belief in lfcn ofUcacy. We novor go into tho jungle without t, and have alao it tw othora, —Youra truly, Commander A. J. Loviut>, F.R.G.S, Hia Siamoso Miijeaty's Hvdrographer , E. 0. DAvrDaoir, Suponut«p jnt tfmnioao GovernmeuL Tolographn. Ban k ok, Siara, May 1«83.— J 0. Kno, hsq., London. CAUTION— LegaI Right,! »ro protected in overy civiliued country. tho foiJowius In the Supromo Court of Sydney Pl.i.W ,) An appoal from a docrea of Wir \>'. Manum^ perpetually rootrainmg tbu Dofondint (llv^i from lelling n frututulont imitation of Eiwh Fruit Salt, and giving heavy damage* to tin: Vlaiutilf, has, bfter a mout exhauntivo trial ot two day*' dniation boon unammouiily diswinsod with costs.— 4 Sydney Mornmj? Horuld," November 20th, idtJs. Examine onuh bottlo, and hoo th«t t*"' O*p»ul« iumarked JBiNO'S i''iiUl'l SAL'!'* V.'itl) out it you hftvo boen nupousd on hrv, woi-.tiJiw lifli4»tton. HOU> «Y ALL ObfJtMLSia. PREPA.RBD ONLY AT ENO'3 FRU II' AL L' WOKKS tOMERJY HTttEfii', I UNOON • >}" WQ'd VArjßiV'jt

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 776, 19 July 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 776, 19 July 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 776, 19 July 1890, Page 1