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i m i TheMiglityHealer [RfcCIISTKBKD.J Tho following preparations fteooived a First Claw Award at tbo Now Zoaland and i outh Heao Exhibition. When this Ointment in Kept in tho house, other ointments, lotions, or lini mints aro not required It is tho only pintmont known whioh can bo tuod internally or cxtornttlJy. It io perfootly clean in use and , a guaranteed euro for ; Blotohcß, Pimples, , I Ohappod Hands, Chilblains, Craokod Nipples, j Rngworm Boils, Inflammation of the cvob, Festering Soros and Uloors, Earache, Baroa, and Scalds, Jrritatio<j of tho Skin, Bad Leg", Soifttfeo, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Sprains, Mutnps, Sore Throat, Pains in th*- Chest or Sido Tender or sweaty Feot, etc. Many who bad boon BLIND or CRIPPLKM now blew the time tney commenced the o»o of Bed Cross Ointment, Tho Aiigbty Healer. j TESTIMONIALS , MR JOHN WALDIK, Harbor Masfcor, The lilnJ, says -For four yoars my fyeo were" in a stato of inflammation. Your j Ointmont has ourcd mo completely and I fool ( ft S r MAmiEW BMKATOBT South J lunedin, writes-aly wifo BuflEoroJ great ] aoony from hor ey«. Sb« was almost blind, and for tho lout au mouths had her oven wrapped up in cloths, Sho was three months in Donedln Hospital without benefit Jlcr oaso seemed hopolcßfl, and «he hardly cared ivhat became of her, «he aufltirod such pain. As a lost rcaourco she came to you, ana you \ K ayo her the Red Croos Oiotmont. lo hor r iroat aurprlflc, after uiing it only four daya ] she wa« able to take tho olotho from her _ even, and, after having used only one small box, »he U now, thanK God quite well. I know Othera who havo roooived tho Bame b °MR' WILLIAM NORMAN, carpenter, Melbourne, wrltei-Pleaae Bond four large boxo« o! yont wonderful Rod Cross Ointmont. Wo can get nothing hko it here. If you remember, it ourod my little girl a cars after years of dootoring had failed. That was when we lived in Dunodin. /ipnl,* MR J. H. PASCOE, Mounted Police, Timwu. writes- For ChUUains, Red Cross Ointmont is infallib o. I havo used it for these last Hvo years, and am very glad to hear that you havo extended it» usetulneao 'to tho neighboring colonies, January 4, MR A. BURDEN, Waiter. Grand Hotel, writos-Tho annoyance and pain I Buffered from tender and sweaty feet no ono can tell. I tried all »ort» of remedies without benefit. Rod Cross Ointmont cured at onoe. ' My wifo was unable to Buckle our two nr«t children on account of sore and oraoked nipples. Using Red Cross Ointment, our last ohild was suoklod without any inconvenience. How thankful wo were you may guess. „r . . , . MR, HAMER, seaman, say a - Whilst cleaning a shell 1 accidentally oat my forehead and poisoned tho blood. My face became covered with one oomplote Boab, and the pain and irritation was agonising. AU < kinds of treatment were tried, and 1 was nearly frantic. My wife bought a box of your Rod Croaa Ointment. I got relief at onoe on using it ; the scab came away, ana I was well in four days, and a complete surprise to tho dootor. This Ointment oan bo had from any Chemist or Storekeeper, Prieo ... .~ Is Cd, 2a 6d, and 4s 6d, ; RED CEOSS "ELIXIR. [kkoistkiibd] The Great Purifier and Soother of Ine System, Banishes pain, and eradicatea tho germs of disease 1 Specially Prepared for use with Rod Cross Ointmont and Pills, and should bo used in all Skin Complaints, Swelling, I leers, Chronio Rheumatism, Boils, Scrofulous Inflwnma. tiOD, Indolent Tumors, Erysipelas, Dyspepsia, Epileptic Fitu, Liver Coinplaintß, Dieoase of the Kidneys, Deafneso, Laraoho, Singing in tho Ears, Old sores, etc., etc. Price of Red Cross Elixir, 3a per Bottle. Four bottles sent, , carriage paid, to any Railway Station, gSold by all chemist* and atorokoepera,.

RED CROSS PILLS. [uEOISTKRKD] Have borne the teat of moro than a Hundred Years. They aro small, not round, but oval or oblong in shape. Thia übapo ia moid Ba«y To Swallow than the round onos, whioh, with, many persona, invariable a tick in the throat They aro not coated, there* fore are Easily Dissolved in tho stomaoh. They are Purely Herbal in oharaoter, ana mav 'be takon by children as well an adultn. Tho Red Cross Pills Givo and Preserve Health, and may bo taken in all Dweaaoa of tho Blood, B adder, Kidneyu, Bowels, > Stomach, and Digcmtivo Organs, the Heart , and Wervw, the Generative ]?nnotion« of either ccx, Skin Diseaaeß, i-'iloa, Asthma Coldi, Cheat Affections, etc. Sold Everywhere. prloop rIoo <|f 1b 3d and 2a 3d. TO SINGIisTPUBUO^AKmW, and Othera suffering A^nobial and Throftt^ceotions. ' BED CROSS PREPAIU'IION OK miSHMO^S ou CARRAGEEN Ib held in universal esteem bb surpaeaing «U other make* having a »imilar n*me. Jhe , curative properties aro three times those of any other. ' for the RED GR'o&S, and see that you got it. Take no other, as i "is not only more pleaaant, bnt mor6 bonefloia1 ' Sold Everywhere p rice 1b 3d and 2a 3d. *"fhTabovo Ked Croso Rennodios arp soJf byallohomiats and storekeepers. Mr 0 Ir- Sutton, Oamaru, always ft stock on hand for tho aupply of merchants.

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 776, 19 July 1890, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 776, 19 July 1890, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 776, 19 July 1890, Page 1