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SPECIALLY AUTHHlsiDWfl^Lfcf AGENTS FOR NEW ZEALAND. MESSRS P. HAYMAN AND CO., DUNEDIN, CHRISTCBURCH, WELLINGTON, AND AUCKLAND - S!?odiw y a ° mPIOtO " fc ° k ° f H ' F " KVOFjmAm and Co<>l! a *«<iwd Herbal Magnotio { Thooo unrivalled Herbal Medioinoß aro univomlly aoknow'* c rd to bo tho best in tho world Thoy aro quito different to all othora known boing o olutel unaum-isaed in their umvcnal oxceHenco, uuouijm«i3Bu Tboy are absolutely specific for those complaint* for whioh they aro unooiallv nre* pared, and &to froo from poisons and all mineral drugs, and aro quito ploav,nt to talco. The Balsam of Paradise: For all Lung and Throat Diseases, from tl,?Kr°i ifc T 1"""'1 """' ™f^< Cj °l lP t' V ' ''• F °* Fover ' Soro Throat, from tho Lu-igo, fighlnoHD on <ho Chert, Inllami., ,',^ *t the Luhps, ColWuo of tho Air Colin, I.cmr^on of Lungs, Congestion of Lunfla, etc., 0,0. It 111 theWnly raodWnJ 3"° ™ank.nd that will oompUrtely ou,o Conation in it 3 w Iy .tago 7 ft?. £T tta t^lT, fruit "-fl^ or /.r^. ««'»«. tolMiiw. -wl herb*. It ™ovato 8 and fJtonn BOTTLFS dnrin?^" IT "V ?:0 ° f yo ? n « ° r ol<l< Wo ool<! OVER ONE MILLION S «i L Jlfc>d °"°B thofiratbyo yoaw tbafc wo ii-trodncod thin marvoUour, Rm l oleuant remedy and that, too, WITHOUT ANY ADVKBTISIiVG WHATEVER. It in ex. STdL gI L&^,K: oTunS:, 8 " imrn ° oiHtO lniproVo^ Qt iD allwh ° tak ° lt ' SEND FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE HANDBOOK, L°dthoTru 8 8 e a « ny addroMonthoPlau^ which fully deaoriboa theso wonderfu rcmodiog TT ' 4 ' f ?J B °O M 0^ THE COMING CENTURY," — w vv . E ' Electric Essence, Wn»v w i ; L *i? 1 ° nB t CCtri °. E " 0DC ' J '— >(n( n external remedy for all pain^ or aohos. Nothing hko this Imb over boon known, and nothing olso will over equal it. If yon havo a rhou,nr,t,«m or gouty pß , n that you do not care about, obtain a faittle of th^EhoM! Esßonoeand it will make you happy. U«e it for B praiucd baokv, kneo joints, all bwSK lings, dropsy, baok aoho, i-oiatica, neuralgia, woak S pinoB, lumbago, contract fona , W do» 1 cramp,, qum«r, mump., diphtheria, croup, andSor all painn and aoh efl . Novor bo siiTnta&iSrirs s\s u™ of inscota or BtiDg °' and or ■»»•• cuts > «* «"• H. B. Kugelmann's Eye ointment and Anodyne Emolient. This la undoubtodly tho finest Pharmaceutical product of tho century. An immediate euro for clnlblains and froatbito,. Nothing known can compare with thiXtment for ita marvellous oxcollonco, ole ? snco of combination, and superior offcct.vcncss. It will ouro B llflyodißoa«e%aBSun lilighfc Sandy Blight. Watery Blight. Matter or Humory Blight, Inflammation of Eyes and Lida, Chronic Ophthalmia, and all and Every Eve £11 oano ; ami ao well it in tho boit a-.d nicoat thing P on»ib!o for Fly-bito, Mosquito Bitoa or atmga of Scorpion*, Con ,podo 8 , Spiders, etc., and for Soro Throats, Coughe, Mump/ Quinsy etc. It ,« mrnply oplondid. All weak and nervous persons Bnould «» it to rS lt'A,t° wkhout S" 0 ° nd 0Q th ° StOnMWh - W ° gUarante ° thataU Who «e?W- Lo JriS \ Road Doßoriptivo Handbook for further notice. Thin ointment usually euros blight onlViTj^aK^ St oL a h! d boil Band P^ fUl brCS ' {5 iD tW ° ° r th - = ' SS H. B. Kugelmann's Herbal Magnetic Ointment. '^Thia unrivalled Hrrbal product h undoubtedly tho best ointment over ohboratcd for , curing old bowb, ba.) lc gß| ulcera, fiatulos, piles, blooding p.lca, rruptions of the sk n , broken chilblains, outo. wounds, etc, ere., etc. In jars at Is Is Qd 2« M .jr ' h 1 ... K.K«gW. Ciyldron'o Vital E-Boncn-WallSie ailm Lt, ofinftoyld Sd! hood. A real ohildren'B fnond. See our handbook. Price, 0« Od to 5« per bottle The Herbal Magnetic Tonic Li^er and Stomach Restorer. For all hvor comphintu, billiouine B a, jaundice, congcatod livor, enlarged liver and opleon langour, droxvcinoßH, pa.n, between tho H houldcr«, chronic in^igeation and all stomach complaints, heartburn, flatulency oourntomacb, vomiting of food, loss of appetito 5r upuS diJ'ttPM rVOabaO ° 8 ' Mt>rVoUB d ° bliifcy ' P ro3trat^n. s«d the couvaleeoing atagoo of roirirboSS^lnonS 0 " f ° r °" inf ° rm3tion reI * tS * 8 t0 thiß °* l ™ m medici -' The Natural Klectric Blood Purifier. Thiß medioino has no equal for all blood »kin dweasoi., perfectly froo from mercury, araomc, at d all n.ineial drugs, and doen not contain any BMnapwiila or yellow dock Never faila to euro tho worn forms of Borofula, Bcurvy, eczema, itch, ulcow, »beo WOT ? eoro legfl and breasto cancer lupus phyaical debility, decay of bonw, waging and Wl thcring, and u 11 . diaeaßos hiving their origin in the blood. It work wonders in every caao without oxcoption. - Sco Handbook. Prices. 4a G.I, (h Gil, and )2i 6d each jttlo The Fluid Herbal life. Thit jib tho roul of plinto, and abioluto npecifio for ohronio ncuralgSa, faccachn, toothnohe, tie do orcaux, wwollen faco, gumboil and earache. It can bo completely roliod ucon to euro quickly and permanently any of theso troubles. Sco Handbook. Price, Is Od and 3s per bottle. The Herbal Magnetic Liver Pills. Those PUJa aro nnnvallod, and fiupuiior to all othrra for liver troubles, billiouenoau. coßtjvonoss, guldihoeß, indication, wind, and Jicartburn. 't lu-y aro comt osed eololy of the vital 1 of herb. ar.j coatod aud tastolrsa. In g!^ bottles at la, 1b Od, and 8« each. Iheso Bhould be kept in ovory hnune. as thoy aro a oaro euro for numberless ills SOLE PROPRIETOKS : H E. KUGELJVIANN AND CO. Manufacturers of Klec« iv and Proprietor). Medicines, Distillors of Essential Oils and Modicum! Liquora etc., etc.. 4th Avenue, New York City USA Australian Head Office and Warohoubo : 172 and 174 WiUwm-Btroet Melbourne, Victoria. Hantat.ona and reducing C Blabli> bmontat "Mount Paradise," Gombrood, Ginpsland. Don 1; fail to m.d our Beacnptivo Handoook. Mailed froo to «ny addrora or may bo had upon application. Local Agents— Chomißti: Dodds avd Co.; J. R. Sewbll. Merchants: A. J. S Hkauland, W. Bek, E. A. Atkinson, 5,. Davidson. The Above Id Full Stock of tho Standard Herbal Maguotlo goods, for tho Oamaru xxtotrjcti

READ ! MARK ! LEARN AND DON'T ALLOW VOUriSELF TO Bb DUPED BY FAL^E MOPRESENTA'LIONS BY CUNNING CRrtFJT >■ D VENTURERS. 'PHB GREATEST DISCOVERY OF A THE AGE NEITHER I OOTOKS NOR QUACKS havo over ilifcovcred i trratmont equal to SLESINGFR'S iiHEUMATIC BALSAM For tho euro, and almoat incunft relief, of Rheumatism, Goitf, Sciatica, Ticloloruux, Neuralgia, Lumbago, t-pr.-ina or Pains of any kind from mufcuhr or nervous affectiono. Thousands havo teutiGed to that elTect. Soo pamphlota. Mr Slesiuger, having practised hia profes«ton aa Veterinary Surgeon in difforont parts cf the world, and tho last 3G years, in Victoria and New Zcahnd, is a eufficiont proof of tho good qualities of hio HORSE, CATTLE, andDOG MEDICINES. I Tho price ol each ia very low, and ho would recommend ovory owner of animate, especially of horsoa, to koep some by thorn, especially his colic, or gripo drink. Embrocation, couditiou, and Worm Powdore, Hoof Oil, Blister and Grcaao Ointment ; the htfcor ia a Cj'ktain Cuke For Cow's Soue Tjsais - hpo oirculara ; alao hia infallible Dttun^er Powdorß, anil Maugo Ointment for COWS ARE SUBJECT to Parturient o. Milk Fovor, which can bo prevented or cured by u^d Slcainger's Cow Drenches, They uj or fail, Sleeiugor's Friar b Balnam, mado from tho recipe of tho original Friar, tho inventor, is superior to my other.— Sold # by all renpecftnblo cb(,nntif*i,ua medicine vendora through out tho (joicuy, Every articlo hao fnll direction how to uso it. Bowaro of 'mitationo, an somo unprincipled ecoundrcla aro trying to pans off tho rubbish for tho gonuino, Sco that my uamo and ! ;S,S. TRADE MAJRK V.B, ia attached to caob article, £100 reward will bo paid to proof le.-njfirg to tho conviction of anyono counterfeiting my Trado Mark, S. UES-NGER, Veterinary Surg'-on, Dnnndio '

COOKS FOOT.J ' HPHE Undersigned will bo plossod to Bubmit Samples, with quotation*, on application by lottei or telegram. Attontion ia respectfully directed to tho SUPERIOR GERMINATING POWER OF BANKS PENINSULA SEED, duo to tho peculiar suitability of tho «oi and olimato to the growth of COCKSFOOT IN ITS PERFECTION Parcels, largo or small, to euit purfhasorn who will obligo by ufcatinfl probable number of sacks required, thoreby enabling submia elon ot sample from parcel sufficiently largo to oxoouto order compioto from ia>/ic lot Sacks may bo takon at netting i'Oib. ORDER DIREOT FROM THE DISTRIC I' THUS ENSURING F RJE SHEST SEEDS, AND TIIKREFO/tB OF GREATEST GERMINATING POWER Dolivory given, if required, into railway trucks at any Port. \ W. H. HENNING. Wharf Store, Akaroa] jyl

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 776, 19 July 1890, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 776, 19 July 1890, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 776, 19 July 1890, Page 4