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STEAM TO TIMARU, AKAROA, AND LYTTELTON. TPHE S. 8. BANKS PENINSULA ** will leave for the above port* on FRIDAY at 12 o'clock (Midnight), Ukiug Cargo and Passengers. Fur Freight or Passage apply to J. AND T. MEEK, _________ Agents.

PALMEHSTON AND SHAG VALLEY JOCKEY CLUB'S ANNUAL RACE MEETING WILL BE lIBLD ON TUESDAY, 11th MARCH, 1800. Under the Dunediu Jockey Club Rules. President : Vice-President : R. Kwino, Esq. J. Kvkkkst, Esq. Judge : Timekeeper ; Mk W. Little. Mr J. M. Sutubklanp. Starter : Handicappor : MrJ. Evbrest. Mr G. Dowse. Hon. Secretary : Mr J. T. Gwynnk. PROGRAMME.


TIT ONEY TO LEND In sums of from £100 to £10,000, at Lowest Current Rate* of Interest. HENRY CONNELL |~ am a CASH BUYER of PERENNIAL RYEGRASS, COCKSFOOT, PEAS, TARES, Etc. HENRY CONNELL. NEW ADVERTISEMENT*. FINANCIAL AGENT. BILLS or PROMISSORY NOTES DISCOUNTED on the Shortest Notice MONEY ADVANCED en Persona Se curity. All kinds of Financial Businm Transacted with Strict Confidence. J. MOSS, Thames street, Oamam. J29 rHE OAMARU MILLING COMPANY have STORAGE SPACE for 10,000 Sacks of Grain, which will be let on reasonable terms. G. M ALDRJCH. February Ist, 1890. fyl

MAH>KNPLATJS,of2S»ovB. limile. Second horse, 5 soys from the Stake. Weight for age. For horses that have never won au advertised prize exoeeding 10 soys. Entrance, 1 soy. Palmerston Cup, of 40 sovb. 1£ mile. Second home, 5 soys from the Stake. Nomination, 1 soy. Acceptance, 1 soy. Handicap Timk Trot, of 35 sovb. 3 milea. Second horse, 5 soys from the Stake. No weight under 11 stone. Nomination, 1 soy. Acceptance, 15s. District Handicap, of 35 soys. 1 mile. Second horse, 5 boys from the Stake. Noa.inatlou, 1 soy. Acceptance, 15a. Siiao. Vallky Handicap, of 35 nova. 1$ mile. Second horse, 5 soys from the Stake. The winner of the Palmerston Cup to carry 101b penalty. Nomination, 1 soy. Acceptance, 15a. Novel Handicap, of 30 soys. 1 mile. The winner to be sold by auction, the whol* of the proceeds to go to the fuuds of the Club. Nomination, 1 boy. Acceptance, 10s. CoNbOLATIOK HANDICAP, of 20 SOYS. 1 mile. For all beaten horset. Post entry, 1 soy. Second horse, 5 soys from Stake. District Hack Sellino Rack, of 15 soys. 1 mile. The winner to be sold for 10 boys, any surplus to go to the funds of the Club. No weight under 10 stone. Post entry, 15a. DATES OF NOMINATIONS, WEIGHTS, AND ACCEPTANCES. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17th, at 7 30 p.m. Nominations for Palmerston Cup, 1 sov f ; Trot, 1 soy ; District Handicap, 1 soy ; Shag Valley Handicap, 1 soy ; Novel Handioup, I soy. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24th, Weights for'iandicapa declared. MONDAY MARCH 3rd, at 7.30 p.m. Acceptances — Palmerston Cup, 1 boy ; Trot, 15b ; District Handicap, 15s ; Shag Valley Handicap, 15s; Novel Handicap, 10a. Entry for Maiden Plate, 1 soy. District means the Waihemo, Waikouaiti, Waitaki, and Mauiototo Counties. Nomination* for Trot and District Handicaps to be accompanied with Pedigree (if auy) and previous performances of the horse. All Nominations and Acceptances, with the requisite fees, must be addressed to the Hon. Secretary, not Inter that the hour and date mentioned; and no nomination, acceptance, etc., will be received on any pre ten co whatever after the time stated, or without being accompanied with the necessary amount In cash.

T FNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF U NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED). FOR DUNEDIN3rhes.s. BEAUTIFUL STAR leaves Oamaru for Dunedin Wharf, direct every Wednesday and Saturday at 3 p.m. FOR GREYMOUTH, via Timaru, Lyttolton, Wellington— A steamer early. FOII AUCKLAND, via Timaru, Napier, Gisborno, and Tauranga— A steamer curly. FOR ONEHUNGA, culling at and taking passengers and cargo for Timaru, Lyttelton, Nelson, ana New Plymouth — The s.s. MAHINAPUA, early. FOR WESTPORT, calling at and taking passengers and cargo for Timaru, Lyttelton, Wellington, Nelson, and Westport — A steamer early. FOR SYDNEY, via Lyttelton and Wellington — A steamer early. Note.— Passengers and cargo booked to all Now Zea at ports, and the principal ports of Aust also, by Orient Line and San Francisco s vice, through, to or from London. H. AITKEN, Agent. OrriOE : Itohen Street, Oamaru.

QHAW, SAVILL, AND ALBION COMPANY (LIMITED). Tho 100 Al Iron Clipper Ship D U N E L> I N, 1250 Tons Rkoistkk, Ahthuk F. Robkkts, Master, Is now on the loading berth for LONDON DIRECT, and is expected to SAIL on MARCH 10tu. Cargo now being received at Messrs John Mill un.l Company's Store. This well-known shin has SPLENDID PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION, and being a refrigerator, the saloon table is furnished with Fresh Meat throughout the passage. For full particulars regarding freight or passage uuphr to LLNTOTT, SKEET, AND CO., Or to NATIONAL .VORTGAGK AND AGENCY COMPAM' OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED), f r6 Loading Agents, Tyne street. ARTIN'S PORTRAIT ROOMS, THiUIS BTBIKT, OAHIBU. TTNIVERSAL HOTEL, Maokggan street %J (next Dunedin Saleyards)— Visitors will find Good Accommodation ; Board and Lodging, Ll per week.— Mrs A. Pavlktitch, Proprietress. jy2B

GREAT SALE BOOTS AND SHOES. D MOLLIToN & CO. 1 D Thirteenth GREAT ANNUAL CLEABING"^AI OF BOOTS AND BHOEP, Will commence on SATURDAY NEK' Ist MARCH, and will continue for ONE MONTH. Thousands of Pairs of Boots and Shoes. Real Genuine Bargains. Goods all New. Best Quality. Exceedingly Cheap. RiMiMsn: ONE MONTH OSLY.

, Programmes on applicaticn. j. tT Wynne, Hon. Sec. y\ R FLEMING Hab Resumed Practice In his old Offices, WAITAKI BUILDING 3 Consultations from 9 to 10 a.m., Fkee. jyll WANTED KNOWN.-The Operative Bakers will supply Cooks for the country.— G. Mkldrom, Secretary.

WILLIAM RICKETTS for WATCH REPAIRS; tbirty-fiv* years' experience All Watch Repairs executed by himself. nr9 TO TOURISTS AND TRAVELLERS. T H. MILLIGAN AND CO. *J • Are offering a Splendid Lot of PORTMANTEAUS (ALL SIZES), CHEAP; Also— OXFORD, REGATTA, and WHITE SHIRTS, from 4s 9d to . Extra Fine Assortment of Fawn, Smoke, Brown, and Black FELT HATS, From 2s 6d to 10s 6d. New Silk Handkerchiefs, Collars, Scarvds, Ties, Merino and Cotton Hosiery in Beautiful Designs and Colors.

IN BANKRUPTCY. In re Johnston Brothers. HPENDERS are incited for the CART1 AGE of 14,000 bushbls of Wheal (more or less), at per ton, from the Bluff Paddock to Oamaru Stores. Tenders close at my oilice on THURSDAY, the 27th INST., at NOON. Oamaru, 22nd February, 1890. E. A. ATKINSON, fy2s Deputy Assignee. NOTICE.

READ! READ! READ XT?* J. A. SANDERSON, THAMES STREET, OAMARU, The Cheapest Ironmonger in North Otago, has just landed ex ships Dunedin, Korfarahire, and Rimutaka, A FURTHER LARGE STOCK of the following goods • Fenders Paints Fire Irons Oils Bedsteads Plough Line Lamps Manilla Rope Cooking Stoves Looks, Nolls Heating Stoves Hinges, Screws RegUter Grates Brassfoundery " Cutlery Sash Line Electro Plate Sash Pullies Door Mats Chalk Brushware Lamp Black Holloware Vegetable Black Tinware Copper Boilers Tools Galvanised Boilora Garden Spades Enamolled Boilers Garden Forks Buckets Churns Anvils Milk Dishes Bellows Milk Buckets Files Corrugated Iron. And STIL * CONTINUES to SKLL at DUNEDIN PRICES, and DEFIES COMPETITION. Come and Inspect the LARGEST, MOST VARIED, and BEST SELECTED BTOCK OF Furnishing, Builders' and General Ironmongery, ever Imported into Oamaru. VT7" J. A. QANDKRSON, THE|CHB{APEST IRONMONGER street,] OAMARU 3

THE BRIDGE across the Kakanui *- River on the Main South Road at Maheno is CLOSED againse Dray Traffic, on account of repairs, until further notice. JAS. MARTIN, County Clerk. Feb. 22, 1890. 60 FIRST PRIZES 60 Awarded in Australia alone in Two Years. Competing against the leading machines. THE DEERING ALL-STEEL TWINE BINDER. SEE THE NKW~MAIN GEAR AND CHAIN DRIVE. Only Machine to gain full number of r oints for Hill-side work at last Oamara Trial.

TAILORING AS USUAL A Thial RjssrzcrruiiLr Solicited. J. H. MILLIGAN AND CO., Thames Strut. I^OUND — Skwkll's Pulmonic Cough M. Mixture the Best Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing, and all other Lung Complaint* tending to Consumption. Price 2a 6d, at J. R. Sewkll's, late H. J. Edwards. IF YOU suffer from Nervous Debility, Heartburn, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Foul Breath, or Liver Complaint, Sewkll's Family Aperient and Liver Pills, in boxes. Is 6d and 2s 6d. FT OOTH ACHE, Toothache — Odontalgic X. cures the worst aching tooth instantaneously. Is, at Sewkll's, Chemist, Thames street. Try it. Teeth Extracted. 1 1 'HE American Corn and Bunion Ex1. tractor is without doubt the best Cure for Bunions and Corns. Cures without pain. Only 1«, at Skwkll's, late H. J. Edwards. NB-. PHYSICIAN'S Prescriptions and • Family Receipts dispensed with the greatest care from the purest of drugs. Sunday hours fi-om 9 till 11 a.m. and 6 till 10 p.m., at both shops. NOTE address.— J. R. Skwell, Chemist, etc., new shop on the Bridge, Thames street, and late H. J. Edwards' shop. — Telephone No. 52. jy3o

Also, THE De LAVAL'S CREAM SEPARATORS (As Been working at Dunedin Exhibition). Full particulars from GEORGE R. HISLOP, yl2 Agent. r^t r e~y~ TaTl~ey coal. GREATEST DBMAND IN NEW ZEALAND, 3000 tons Sold Weekly. For THRESHING PURPOSES Unequalled in the Colonies. Used by Government Railways all over New Zealand. 30,000 Tons Shipped Yearly to the Nev Zealand Snipping Company*! Mail bteainern. Albo a very economical HOUSEHOLD COAL. Can bf had from all Coal Dealers, and at Special Rates when Discharging. J. AND T. MEEK, nr7 Agents. WANTED KNOWN ~tbaT~MB~R. WOOD, of Timaru, violin tutor, visits Oamaru, and has a vacancy for two more pupils.— Apply this Office. VALVOLINE ! VALVOLINE ! A GREAT WANT SUPPLIED.

GRAIN SEASON, 1890. WE are in a position to offer Fatmers in this district STORAGE ACCOMMODATION for their Grain on most favorable terms, and will make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES if required on all grain and produce placed in our hands FOR SALE IN THE COLONIES or for SHIPMENT TO LONDON. Having BRANCHES and CORRESPON DENTS throughout New Zealand and the Australian Colonies, we are in receipt regularly of complete market reports and advices, besides which 'we will have all through the season COMMAND OF SHIPPING SPACE TO LONDON, where our Head Office is located, and we are prepared to handle CONSIGNMENTS entrusted to our care to best possible advantage. We are therefore able to offer farmers UNRIVALLED FACILITIES for th* disposal of their produce. FROZEN MUTTON~and DAIRY PRODUCE also has our special attention, our London office being in constant touch j with some of the largest meat and produce ' salesmen in that market MONEY TO LEND on FREEHOLD SECURITIES at Lowest Current Rates of Interest. CORNSACKS, Seambg-twine, Bindertwine, and I*ll station and farm requisites supplied on shortest notice. INDENTS in Horn* and Foreign Markets EXECUTED ON THE MOST FAVOUR ABLE TERMS. NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY CO. OF NEW ZEALAND (LIMITED), W. H. ROSE, jyll Maosgir.

/TTHE nature of Valvoline is such that it JL imparts to the bearings a Bright Carbonised Appearance, which absolutely stops tho wear of the metal by its continued application ; and, as it does not oxidise and dry away like seed, lard, sperm, or mixed oils, it is a more Economical Lubricator. No cleuning of Machinery with kerosene or other gum-dioßolvers is required af tor Valvoline has thoroughly removed the oil previously used. Teßtß made by the Steven's Institute of Technology on " Friction Oil Testers," pronounce Valvoline to be the only mineral oil which tested superior to sperm or Lard Oils ; it wore longer without heating, relieving friction better, etc. Valvoline Oil will case-harden and will preserve the Metal, and furnish more Lubrication for the money than any other oil, a fact that is confirmed by the testimony of numerous mauter mechanics. May be obtained in 4-gallon tins at the following brie* : Machinery Oil, 4s 6d per gallon. LJNXOTT, 5KEE1, 4,130., Tyjrt SUto, Owflaru.


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North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 6976, 27 February 1890, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 6976, 27 February 1890, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIV, Issue 6976, 27 February 1890, Page 3