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A WOMB'S ?VKPKHINGB AND 1 ' aRATITUDF. j A VOI(Jk FROM AUSTRIA; ■ Near thn village ot ZiHinjrdorf, In Lower Austria, Hrt* lurit Ha««, an tnteUigvat and iadnatrunw wmitan, wt>ooe story of physical stiff ering and final relief, v related by henelf, ucf iotenat to - Bn^luh *om«n, M I ni employed." the my*, "in the work of a Urff* farnihonM. Overwork btou^ht on «>ck he*d*eh» followed by a dmthlr faintin* and •iekneai of the ttomica, until I wu uiiaM* to retain either food or ailak. Ivu compelled to t»k» to my - Kd for M>t.ra weeks. Getting » httk l«tt«r from re«t mad qtniet, I tcu^Et to do some work j hut wtw, «yon takrn with h p*iiu iv my aids which iv «. utll» ulilf d,-*;ui»"l to »pre»d o»«r i toy whoie lodv, «nn »hroM)c«l in *r*ry limb Ihis V.i 4 icuawtid hy a ffonjfb and ahorto«f«l/ Weath, b u L« fipuljv I cotita not wjw, and I took to my bwj lur thr jtecom', and. aa I thought, for the la*t time. ll y fneucla told me that mr | time had ntarlv come, ami th&( I could not lire i onge r than nhr'u the tree* put on their rrmm otw m«r« Tb«to 1 liappentsl to get one of 4h* pampjJfl^ _. J.ltuaJ it, umd my d««r ■ TTKtOiWrSF^SF^mc aTott!-- of Seigrli .^jrup, WhiT f-'t elcuJy •emrding to directions, uul 1 ajfr j»o » \*ktv tho whole of it befor* I f«lt a grant fiur tbe better. Jkly laat illness begau fcfc Joae 3rd, 1882, and continued to August no, when I be^sn to take the Syrup. Very tv». a aiuld do a little light work. The cough left mo, and I wan no more troubled in breathing. Kow lam perfectly cured. And oh, ho* «Li.ppy ]am ! 1 cannot express gr*Utude ecuu^b tcr Seiicel's syrup. Now I must f tell you tuxt too doctors in our district dis- ' tributoo c.kiiitt>{lts cautioning people against th* * medicliij, '.c«ling them it would do them no 1 gooa, »u9 «« s ny were thereby influenced to rde«i"-« -t>^ s*»igel pamphlets; but now, whta « »> ~->d is to be found, it is kept h*ke a relk. ''*»•« urn |»r*6«rved are borrowed to read, and / - i - »ot mine for six mik-i around our district. sj"*ftt «u<ri9 come 18 miles to get me to buy the x>«*-"«- >i for them, knowing that it ourrd me, »--"'-« is« «ure to gut the right kind. I know a wotuAii -»•<> wats looking like death, and'wbc told ci- -...-•-«<» wa» n» help for her, that she bad ocwi »-ti wsveral doctors, but none oould help is«. 1 told her of Scigol's syrup, and wrote ti>« d»rno down for her that sh« migh. s make utt »*irtiko. She CBok my advice And the byrup, «ra uuw nhe is in perfect he&l Ji, and the Eeople Aiound its ate aixi«x«d The medirane as made such progress in oar neighborhood that people say they don't want the doctor any more, but they take tha syrup. Sufferet from gout who were confiuod to their bed and mulil Vint-ilVy move a fiu^er, have been curei bj it. There is a girl m our district who caught » coltl by going through water, and was i» tied tivo yaars with costireness and rheum^t'6 pains, and had to have an attendant to watch by her. There wan not a doctor in the surrounding districts to whom her mother had not applied to relieve h< r child, but every ono crosat'd tutLU»«tv«« and said they could not help her. SV«y«r the littlo bell raug which is rung in Ovt M*c« when somebody id dead, we thought jULtty jtt was for her, but seigel's S>rup aija tuiu m%ved her life, and now she is as healthy tv Hut body, goes to church, and can work cveu iuthe fields. Everybody was astonished whou io-sy saw her out, knowing how tunny jesuw iU aild b«en in l>e>l. To-day »h« adda her graiUudt; to mine for God's mercies and ►jeig»-i'» •jrui)." Maria Haas. Tho people of Xn o land speak counriniug the r above. fa AFTEII M~Y YEARS| &B f " Wbilitle.le-Wood», uoarCborely, ; " December 26tb, 1883 "Dear Sir, — Mother H^iyl's m>dicine sells exeee.lin^ly well with v?, all that try it highly in lU favor, We a case of a yuung huly that had Icen troublod. mauy years with pains after eating. She UjIU as tbo pains were entirely takun a*ay after a fow doses of your niwiicin«,— -Your* vculy, AFTER SEVUIAL YEAR 3 btokis Ferry, January yth, 1884. " Qentlomon,— 1 have used Seigol's Syrup for eeveral yetin, and Ibave found it a moit efficacious rumotfy lof layer complaint* and general debility, and 1 alwnyi keep sume by me, and cannot speak to highly in ltd praise. — I rejoin, yours truly, Harriet Kiko. Aimnt SIXTEEN YEARS. " 95, at<t ßlvvV, Worksop, Notts, •' iJeceiubcr itoth, 1683. " GeiiUßDien.— lt Li with tho greatest uf plea sure 1 awxwM my testiruony ns to the elßeucy oi Moth ex ■'i.-Js Syrup. My wife, wiip Ixas sufferer* «■ -<n *«alte byspopsia for over sixteen years, »- '^u-ifcctly better through the solo help of yout ojrap. I have spent pounds in metliniueß fro*-, doctoia-in fact, 1 began to think she w«s* ucurablo, uutil your marrellous luodiciHO wj tidd. — I reiuaiu, jooia thankfully. " Alfred Ford, THE EH S HAVE BKEN WONDERWUL pensary, Dukinfiold, " May 3ru\ 1884. " Der* ' -» wjjpy to inform you that tho silo i < tap and Pills iucreases here continually, at tural of 1113' customers spa*k of having doxi *ou more beuotit from the u»o of these than noui »oy other m> diciue. In somo instances the etf«cU have be«u wondeiful.^ Vouis very respectfully, '*_i'ro_ Edwm Eastwood, J.B; HMACINTO H'B OKN£ BA !• AQKNCY. Tyno B^rco;, t;*msru, servants CareiulUy and e*nt tc ail putta on tne anortob. uutlco, he«mea aiiHo «tup^ned, L»m<!, Smioa, »ud V^iu*tioo», and all ■^t-ncy basinets „*UM»o;sa uuutiauntiAuy «od with a..l good aeoanuea taken up at ooue; •"aceo low to suit tne uuiea. dr26 ■"- (Umitsd) SVDMKY, 1 -AT ANil STOKE SIOCK GitAJJf AHif shODU^ii B&UKKRd, LIBERAL ADVAN«Jks made on Consiga. uienfs, AUCIIvJN bALJJIS of Grain held Swio* every week. * ACCOUNT SaL^o iUindered {Promptly \ f\ uO*DSB ROUGH A CO. (tiMrrßD), -**' v vrOO4 GaAIN BKO JLKriS, feYDJNfSY, K.S.W., Allow Three Months Pn* Storage on grain consigned for tude, make Liberal Cash adraooss at Banlc rate of iotortsti R— Jl— tv ««rrioss advaotage, and Pay proooedi ozm I we«£ »itcr date of fa* . U£UK»£i MAIDEN, mrtt LoosU Manag«r4 Ci.. K3 AND CO • COLONIAL UKaCHANTS, Bank Balidingi, Peokham, l^ondon, S. E. lndcjMt dMuuead uo. ths most Fa7orabi Certut i^w«« ijbu»x Credits or Produce FacJJlW*"- **~ Jr«<ruii{ ft^ian6« the totten 20 ' yen. ,_. ,r|44C «txp«neiioe. baying i'rinoipalj Fare Yea.s' Manager f Thomae Adaff- *itid Co,, LI oil ted, London. Rsfjrcnoa t Colonial Bank, 79 Lomb* rtroet, iO tf

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North Otago Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 6536, 29 December 1887, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 6536, 29 December 1887, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 North Otago Times, Volume XXXIII, Issue 6536, 29 December 1887, Page 1