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North Otago Times. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1884.

The usual monthly meeting of the Osmaru mutual improvement association takeo place in the Atheuceum hall to-night, wken Mr Peattie, tho president, will read a. paper on 11 Reading," with illustrative readings. The members and all their friends are invited.

.„• At Maheno where Mr Haynea was expected to be largely supported, the poP'ug was — M'Ke. zie, 47 ; Haynes, 21.

On Fiday evening a conjerfc and danco will bo held in the Otepopo school in aid of the school fut d. It is aome time aince there was a public entertainment a(; Otepopo, and this fact, combined with the object for which the coucerfc and danco is to be given, should drat? together a la ge audience.

Sir Goorgo Grey saya he "ianofc mixed up in opposition to Sir Julius Vogel, and bears him no ill will."

The Wanganui Herald roporta that durinej the last few months upwards of 100 casks of New butter have been Bent to London. Eaoh cask contains from 90Ibt^ 1001b rollf, ueatly packed in muslin. During the voyago the caska were kept in re-

frigeratiug eh am bora at a temperature of 38 degrees. The buttor is considered by the tn>de to ba of good q-inlity, though a little talt. It haß been selling in Leadenhall Market at 103s per cwt, or lid por lb.

Tho Sydney correspondent of the Melbourne Argus talegraphhs : "A terrible accident occurred on the night of the 12bh inst. on tho Guadagai railway works, by which three children, aged two. threa, and five yearo, their lives. The parent 3, who live in a tent near the railway works, were spending Saturday night at Coota* mundra, leaving the children in bed. Shortly after they returned the tent caught fire, and the childien were burnt to death before they could be rescued. The bodies were terribly charred."

At the nomination for Thorndon, Dr ISewmnn, in returning thanks for hia unopposed election, said that a conundrum was being propounded in Auckland to the following effect : Why is it likely that Sir George Grey, upon Ins taking hi 3 seat in parliament next teasion will resemble a Manx cat ? Dr Newman did not interpret the riddle, but left it to bs Inferred ihat lha Knight of Kawau would find h'mself in tbe same posiiion, aa to a caudal appendage, a^ the harmless, necessary cat of tLe Isle of Man, In the Dbfcrict Court '.t Christchurch on Saturday, in the cisc of tho New Zea'and Grain Agency v. Hedley. for wrongful distraint on lind held by A.Wilson on Soadown, judgment waa given for defendant with costs. Plaintiff -j' chief contention was thab clause 35 of the Property Laws Consolidation Act", ISB3, abolishes tenancies from year te year, founded on payment of rent merely, and plantiffV counsel argued that payment of rent was the only evidence of tenancy. There waa

some evidence of agreement to lease, and

Judge Ward took this into account. His f-fonor spoke strongly on tho action of the consolidating commia<jioa in interloping new enactments into acts bupposedto bo mere condensations of old laws. Mr Or mend, who ha^ just been elected for Napier, considers that the chief causo of fault ln^ss in the management of th« colonial

railways is the want of (sufficient discretionary powera being givea to tha loc il manager?. Referring to this, tho New Zealand Times says : " s Ye have long since ascortainod, or fmoied that we havo ascernained, by enquiry from experts, that this iB really the cause of the defects complained of, The constant reference of matters of mere detail to Wel!ini»tou, causes much needless delay, annoyance, and expense, and au alteration should bo made, We cannot see why the local managers should not have the same nowers of management within their own districts as are given, for instance, by banking companies to their local managers, provided the latter aie competent mon." K. H. Hazelton recently opened the large Indian mound reir Cartersville, Ga. A layer of very heavy flagstone covered a deep vault in which found the skeleton of a man Sft 2in in height, surrounded by seven other

skeletons, apparently tho3o of very young parsons. The giant evidently had been a king, as his head was enciroled with a copper crown. Hl3 hair, back as jet, reached to

his waist, bit he hart no whiskers. Tho bottom of tho vault had first been covered with a thick matting of reida ami dry graE3, ovor which were spread the skin 3of aome wild animal. The underside of the stones covering the grave are filled with deeply-carved incripfcioa3. If it is «ver possible to decipher these, Mr Hazelton thiuks he will have something reliable ia regard to prehistoric maa ia America.

An interesting figure in Washington toclety is tb.3 deaf-mute wife of Professor Alexander Graham Bell, tho telephone inventor. ' ' Professor an 1 Mrs Bell are frequently ssen at large receptions. At such times he never leaves hia wife's side, but holds her har.d within his own, and she looks up in hi 3 face with child-iike confidence aa lie introduces sfcrcigers to her. She, from the motion of his lipi, understands the nr.nie and repents it in low, well modulated to^es. Mrs Bell' 3 articulation is not that of a natural voice, but she readily understands all the remaika addressed to her, and makes suitable replie3. She h»s a shy manner, and doubtless feels diffident alout u^iu" her newly acquire t faculty, but gain 3 confidence through the protecting watchfulness of her husband."

The special correspondent of the Melbourne Argus thu3 delivers himself en the subject of the unlovely Fijian drink, 11 kciva :" " It is no aecreb that this drink ia prepared by chewing the yangini root, r»cl<lin£r water to fcke residuum, •wkioli is spat fiom the mouth of tho chewer into a bowl, and then strained. Ah thia we were prepared for, but we were quite unprepared for the driaking ceremony. The guests sit down in a row. Tbora were a number cf natives present — ia our case those who had done tho chewing for us. They had beea mßßticjtiug like coivs chewing tho cud for hnlf an hour before. You could hear the crunch of tho root till it gradually dissolved into pulp, and then there wa'a a sound in each mouth like a sucker, followe 1 by the pjection of the aolid root, swelled to twice v% original size by the lingual secretions of tho operator. We ought not to have known this, but our curiosity W/V3 too much for us. so that when we faced the ordeal of tasting the delcctablo stuff nothing bub the assurance that vo would nurcaliy offend our hospitable host aud kostg33 brought the courage of each to the a'ickiag po-nt." The following warning to fcraspjjssQrs appears in a Katal paper, ft deserve 3 a wider publicity: "Warning to hum it me concernt. Missis Chri&tine Ross.w, wldo of Godfried Kosaow, desLed, had promisaet me to go in the bound 3of matrimcuy with me. From anknoing grounds now, she decline to fulfil her promises. In regard to thai, I heard from autorita, that ziirn underhandet game

bin plait behint my bac, from unprmciple fellos, knoiiigl/, given my prpmisaet brido boggy rides aiul promenading 3, proibdly der is were Uia rabbit lais in ilie pepper !

bout to their bennetifc I publicly notify them herewith, keep hands off 1 or prosseoution in lawoffic way will follow I intend to let them not impose -md tramp on me. (Signed) — Fkedeeick BBLLK3." Some p^oiilir»ritieß of spelling and idiom arc obviously due to the fact that Mr Frederick Holler ia 3 Dutchman, and only impsrfocfciy acquainted with the English language. That, however, is a detail, Wen an underhand gamo in being played behind his buck, and unprincipled felJowa, knowingly, entertain his promised bride with buggy rides and promenadfngs, f>von an kuguage may bo f.-u- from choice, and Asr Heller, it mast bo remembered, ia only a Dutchman. The matter of his advertisement is much to be commended. He haß, or believes himself vo have, certain vague but important rights in or over a certain widow, vhich rights are being invaded, and he announces that he means to protect himself in ovory lawful way. Anybody who has been similarly interested tn a widow will readily sympathise with him.

Some idea of the terriblo ravages of smallpox in Madras may bo obtained from tho faofc that during tho month of February and the l~st three weeks of January 1.200 deaths occurred within the municipal limits.

At Vienna a Mormon missionary haa beea sentenced to a month'B imprisonment. He had tried to propagate the Mormon faith, and baptised, it is said, a man and woman in the Danube Canal in such oold weather that the man took to flight and the woman fainted.

An English inventor proposes to use glaso instead of wood and iron in the construction of bridge's. The s»la88 is in blocks, and ia hardened by a special process. The biidge3, It ia claimed, will cost les&, and ba more durable, not being Injured by rust or insects.

Brazil la about to forco the sale of all the property of the monastic orders, except their convents and similar iuotitutions. Tho bishops and clergy sro filing the Rio Janeiro papers with' their protestations »gainot any sale which is not ratiGed by the Vatioan:

A talented lady who advocates " Woman's Rights" waß recently speaking upon the subject, and brought down Hie house with the following argument : : "I have no vote, but my groom has, whoso rout I pay. I havo a great respect for that man in the stables, but I am 9ure if I wore to go to .him and say, ' John, you will fixerci« Uio franchise/ he would reply, ' Please, zcv.rn, which 'orae be that?'"


Catarrh op ann Bladder — Stinging irritation, inflammation, all Kidney and similar complainto, cured by "Bachu-paiba." N. Z. Drug Company, General Agents. Skinny Men. — "Well's Health llenewer" restores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, debility. Moßes, Moss and Co., Sydney, general agenta MiseraeleneS3. — The most wonderful success, in cases where persons are sick or pining away from a condition of miserablenesa that no one knows -what ails them (profitable patients for do jtois), is obtained by the use of Hop Bitters. They begin to cure from the first dobe, and keep It uo until perfect health aud strength is restored Notice.

Mother Swan's Wotm Syrup. — Infallible, tasteless, .harmle^, cathartic ; for feverishnes3, re3tfeb3ues-J, worms, constipation. Is afc druggists. Moaea, Moas, and Co,, Sydney, General

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North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 3708, 23 July 1884, Page 2

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North Otago Times. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1884. North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 3708, 23 July 1884, Page 2

North Otago Times. WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1884. North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 3708, 23 July 1884, Page 2