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The monthly meeting of the Oamaru harbor bourd waa held yesterday in the harbor chambers, whon there wero present Messrs Sutnpter (chairman), Shrimski, Finch, Brown, Menlove, Procter, Lane, Borri«, Todd, and the Hon. H. J. Millor.

The minutes of the previous mooting were confirmed, and the outward correspondones read and approved. The standing commirtae reported as follows with recard to their interview with tha representatives of Messrs Briscoe and Co, contractors for tho dredge :

Mr M'Neil stated that he was glad to have an opportunity of laying hia side of the question before the committee. Theenjjiaeer (Mr M'Gregor) hai put it aa strong as he could for the board in reporting on thß aocounts, aud while giving Mr M'Gregor credit for having reported on tha acoounts in the way he conceived it to be his duty to do, he thought it was harsh and unjust to his firm. Tie weuld not into the question of the original specification at this juncture, »a be had sought tho intorviow with tho committee with a view to an amicable settlement of the matter, but would just state that should the matter require to go to court, tho whole question of the original gpecification would have to be opened up. In fact, ha had been advised that the specfioation would not be binding in equity upon them or upon anyone — that it was no contract, having been drawn for a much i more [expensivo dredge, and tho stand his ' firm would have to take would be that it was no contract on that ground. Mr M'Gregor, in preparing his statsmeat of the accounts, had charged against his firm a good many items which he thought should not have been charged. He had charged repairs, whioh he (Mr M'Neil) hold should come under the head of tear and wear and had referred to a sum of L 250 which it was never intended should bo charged, and for a pump, which ha would refer to furthsr oa. vvhen Mr Davidson found that he could uofc go on with the dredge at tho money stated in the contract he wired to Mr Conyors, and thore wero soma negotiations between members of the board and with tho engineer, the result of which was that instead of throwing up the contract they were inclined to go on with it. He could at anyratc show the committoa that Mr M'Gregor had assisted Mr Cooyars to droffe a telegram to Mr Davidson ; that page 17 of the ganaral conditions should be adhered to, and that any useless expenditure should ba omitted. (Mr M'Ndll hero quoted the draft of a telegram dated 8-6-81, as follows: "Generally follow pago 17, omit uselessly expensive details.") This induced Mr Davidson to modify the contract, and on tho assumption that something extra (he believed about LI OOO was mentioned) would be allowed, the work had been proceedsd with, and it was on the assumption that this was in good faith that Mossr3 Briscoe and Cj. had decided to *ako up the contract and finish the work. With reference to the L 250 ho could assure tho committee that his firm had nob anticipated that thi3 would be deducted. He had inquired and ascertained that the sum of LSOO in tho same clausofor the Otago harbor Board's dredge 222 had not, been deducted from the contractor's account ; but he could assure the committee that numarous extras had Jaeen dane to tho drelja while in coune of construction. L 232 had dqqu paid to Messrs Kinnear and Imrie for extras. Mr M'Gregor had made them do a great doal of extras, amounting ia all \o L7OO or LBOO. Ho made them do all he could, whether ifc w»3 in the spccificatioca or not, With reference to the pump, Messr3 Briscoe and Co. had some correr. pondenoo with tho makers of tha dredge, who replied that as the dredge was constructed a centrifugal pump would ba useless, and theraforo it waa one of the thing? omitted under the telegram of th« Bth June, 1881, also referred to. Many things wcra specified in the original specification intended for the large drodgo which would be useless in the Progress ; for instance, two boiler 3 were specified, and therefore tha board might a« well call vpon Messrs) Briscoe and Co, to supply a pair of boilers aa woll as a centrifugal pump. (Mr M'Neil hera explained tho use of the pump on board tho bii? dredge 222.) He also stated that tho dredge waa taken over after suitable an 1 ? fair trials in Dunerlin harbor, aud any defective parts or omissions would have been seen to at that time had ifc been deemed requisite. Ha held tint Briscoe and Co. should not be called upon to aupply a now set of pins, as they belonged to fair tear and wear, and they aad othor parts of the dradge were taken over as finished, Unless tho part 3 wero broken through defects, they should not be renewed at Briscoe and Co.'a expense. Measra Briscoe and Co. nover allowed the matter of extra cost to influence fcham in getting on with the work and completing the tame, Mr M'Grogor, the board's engineer, stated that he was quite willing to confirm what Mr M'Neil had onid about drafting a trlogram. Mr Oonyers had consulted him, And stated that tho poople at home oon•idercd some of the tliags ia the specification uselc33 and expansive, and ho was present while a telogram was drafted to be «ent to Mr I)avidson, to omit any uselessly expensive details, and ha could state that; nothing uselessly expensive was provided, tbore basing no luxuries in the dredge. The pump would mt be required for the same purposes as on No 222, but would bo nseful for other pin poses, «uch as washing down tha decks and sides, He would not call the pump a uselessly expsnsive datail. Mr M'Neil and Mr Trueman retired.

After some consideration of Mr M 'Neil's statements and arguments, the committee resolved to hear Mr M'Ne l's proposals as to a basis of settlement, and to suggest Ik it ko should pay for all the repairs and part of the value of the pump as psr statement prepared hy the engineer, say a paymsnt in full of L 1350.

Mr M'Neil, on being re-admitted, stated that he could not accept a asttlement ou that basis, but would bo prepared to put the sum at L 1483, and then he would be sacrificing much, as the firm of which he was a member Ind already lost ov^r L3OOO on the dredge, and a deeira co ayoid litigation led him to make tho concGSshn.

It waa eventually decided that Mr M'Neil would leave the mattor with the Board to fix the sum at the amount stated, i.e., LI4S3 or L 1439.

Mr M'Neil said he thought that considering tha whole circumstance* of tho case thej r would agree to the former figures, but should the Board decide against them he would acc«pt the lesser figure.

Mr M'Neil than retired, Uesolved — " That tha tfoird be recommended to pay to Messrs Bridcoa and Co* the sum of L 1439 in settlement of the claims on account of the dredge."

In reply to questions, the engineer explained that m tho original contract, conditions L 250 had been inserted to provide fcr extras. The board could deduct this sum. from the value of the authorised flxtra works, but he doubted if Messrs Davidson and Oonyers lof fc tho L 250 when the tender waa reduced to Lj.2,000 ; and Messrs Briscoe's now oontract specified tho lump sum of L 12,000 and ho thought it would hardly be fair to deduct the L 250. L 228 had been paid for the maintenance of the dredge during the 90 days, and deducted from Messrs Briscoo and Co. As regards the pump the engineer estimated its cost at Ll5O, and had deducted that aura. In reply to Mr Shrimjki as to why he had not included any of these allowances in his original certificate, the engineer stated that he was not in a position to make aDy allowances till the board had considered tho matter,

The Hon. Mr Miller moved, seconded by Mr Menlove — "That the report be Adopted, and that the sum of L 1439 as a lump sum in final settlement for tho

dredge be paid to Messrs Briscoe and Co."

Some discussion ensued on the matter, during which Mr Shrimakt mada a strong protest against tho board paying any monoy to Messrs Briacoo beyond that certified by the engineer. He moved, as an amendment, that the sum of LIOB9 3a 2d, aa per the final report of Mr M'Gregor, the board's engineer, and certificate of thß 17th November inst., be paid to Messrs Briscoe and Co. as full payment of all charges in connection witn the dredge.

The following ia the certificate referred

to: I have the honor to report that the ninety full working days specified for the maintenance of the dredge expired at the end of Octobsr, aud, in accordance with clauses 108 and 109, general conditions of contract, £ havo prepared tho final certificate, showing the bnlanco due to Mossra firiicoe and Co. on all accounts connected with tho dredge. Prom tho detailed account attached, you will observe that tho sum of L 221 Is 8d haa been charged against the work performed on tie dredge, which, in my opinion, cornel fairly under the maintenance clauses of tho contract. I have also piepared a statement of accounts showing the amount expended to date by the board (in addition to the sum charged for maintenance) for alterations to machinery, supplying spare gear, and providing other articles not originally furnished with the dredge. The latter amount includes the alterations to the winches, and renewing bottom tumbler with new bosses, and alterations to lower end of bucket ladder — now being carried out by the board. And now that tha timo haa arrived for dealing with the final adjustment of accounts in connection with tha dredge contract, ifc is my duty to point out to the board that clause 74 of tha specification provides for the supply of one of Grwynae's contrifugal pumping engines, capable of digcharpting 180 cubic feet par minute, with a lift of 20 feet, provided with all the neceßsary fittings for washing the shoots. This pump and fittings have nob beon supplied, although I w«J fcold they were ordered from England aoma time ago. The value, as near as I can estimate from Gwynne'a catalogue of prices, would^. not bo less than Ll5O, fitted up on board t^P r prodge as specified, and this sum I haYo accordingly attached. I havo also to call your attention to clause 93, general conditions, which stipulates that the contractor is to includo in the gross sum | a sum of L 250 for axfcras. This sum I have deducted from tho value of authorised extra works.

With referenco to tho bevillad gearing and pinions that are speciGsd to be of malle* able cast-iron or steel, a3 directed, but which arc only mido of iron, it ia difficult to esti« mite what tha filterationa would cost now, because aU the wheels and pinions so specified, would require to be impoited from England, and the loss cauied by the delay I cinnot put a money value on, with any degree of accuracy. I oan, howevsr. stata thit tha board has suffered considerable losi by stopping the dredga and waiting for ra. newal3 of wheels and pinions that should have been mado of malleable cist-irou or steal.

I heraby certify that Messrs Briscoo and Co, have completed the works contemplatod by the agreement for the building of tha Oamaru dredge, with the following oicep« tions, namely :

Ist. One of Gwynne's centrifugal pump* ing engines mentioned in clause 74 has not baon supplied nor fitted on board as sped* fiad.

2nd. Bevilled gearing and pinions which are specified to be of malleable cast iron or steel, have been made of ordinary cait iron.

Tho value of the first item I estimate at Ll5O, and deduct that sum accordingly, but the valae of tho Becond is difficult to esti« mate, inasmuch as malleable cast iron or steel wheels of the dimensions required can« not be procured ia the colony, Subject to any deductions which may ba made. in reapect of item No, 2, I certify that M>ssrs Brisooo and Co. are entitled to re* ceivo the sum of LIOB9 3s 2d sterling, this being the final balanoe due on account of original contract, aparo gear, authorised extra works, and supplying stores for Oamaru dredge, and making a total of L12.G05 9j 2d certified for. The motion waa curried. The engineer's report was read aa follows :

I have the honor to submit the following roport on the progress of tho harbor works now under construction :

Breakwater.— The wrnle of the repairs to the crave road havo bean completed, and ia doing so three cracked monolilha, caused hy settlement of the foundation blocks, havo been cut out, and replaced by new ooncreto built in situ from the foundation blocks to the top of tha breakwater. The work ha? been made very solid and substantial throughout, with tha exception of the two or three last monoliths at the le-tward end of the breakwater, and these I propose to laavo as they ara until the pier-head ia fiaished, The contractor is now making preparations to complete the large monolith at tha pier-head, and will take advantage of every opportunity whon the sea, is smooth enough to carry on work there.

Mole. — The mole has uoiv advanced over 1200 feee from starting point, and is closely pitched up on both slopei to tha tip-head, The large proportion of spoil brought dowa from previous Wast 3 has bsen nearly all cleared away from the face of the quarry, A new tunnel has been drivon about 30 feat in geod rock, and ia intended to bo fired simultaneously with a shaft sunk from tho top of tho hill to a depth of GO foot. It is expected that a large proportion of stoaa suitable for the construction of thg male will be got from thin part jf tha quarry than from any former blasting operations, and judging from the appearance of the facs, this expectation should be realised,

Wharf — The contractors arc making fair progress with the curvod approach, 13 piers being dri/en; but in consequence of tha non-arrival of the second cargo of iron-bark timber, pile-driving had to be stopped for about a week at the beginning of this month, To keep the con tractors g<*i*ng aud push on tlje work, I forwarded hjm Dunedin 24 pilei and the top wnlliDg3 for viaductj and since then there has been no stoppage I am informed tho vessel sailed on the 12th inst. with the bahnco of the timber for the wharf, and I shall be #Ud to see the cargo landed hero, for the difficulty of procuring iron-bark is groatly increasing in consequence of tha largo demand for various pnblio works in tho other colonies a3 woll as New Zealand,

Dredge. — On tho 17th inst. I submitted to a committee of tho board report, fin&L afcrtificate, and adjustment of accountsjietweea Messrs BriHcoe and Co and tho bovird. Gil the 13th inst the berth at Maclmdrew wharf was dredged to a depth of jfejgjit 6 inohes, and tho dredge theu stopp^jTor. repairs and alterations. Two days wera lost by wet weather, but the repairs and alterotions weia fiaished on tho 28ch, and since then two loads of spoil have been lifted from the berth at Macaadrew wharf, The alterations to the winches and bucket* ladder greatij improve the efficiency of tho dredge for working ia stiff clay, and when her bottom ia eleanei and painted good work should be performed in dredging at the site of the new dsep- water wharf, She resumes work thoro to-day, and will continue dredging ua M the graving dock at Port Ghalmpra can be got for docking htr, which will occupy three days from date of laa?ing Oarnaiii, I have received a letter from the mole contractors with refereuce to the discharge of sewage and fbod-water on to the reclaimed ground, a copy of which I eubmit for tha board's consideration. The wator referred to should ba oonducted in a drain, and d'scharged clear ef the habor ou tho north Bide of tha molo.

The contractors for tha mole wrote as 'ollows :

We have to inform you that there is a continual flow of water from tha o»maru street! over the ground being reclaimed by us near the railway station, which is doing considar* able damage, and, if not stopped, will en. danger tho engiue shed creeled at tha end of the mole. Will you have the goodness to draw the board's attention to this, so that a

remtdy may he provided either by It or the municipal authorities.

The tender of Messrs Orr and Smith for coal was ncaeplod at 27s 6d.

Accounts Amounting to L 3020 14i 5d were passed for payment.

A letter wni received from the dredge master, giving a distinot denial to tho statement mndt by the hnrborraastor with rognrd to tho disposal of spoil from the dradge in a letter received ut laet meeting, and it was resolved that tho mat tor referred to be left to bti dealt with by the chairman.

Mr Shrimgki tabled the following notice of motion : " That all sub-committees bo dispensed with from tho beginning of the n«w year, and that all matters should be finally «otU«d by tho board, oxcept in oases for which special appointments may b* made." The board then rose.

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North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 3490, 1 December 1883, Page 2

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HARBOR BOARD. North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 3490, 1 December 1883, Page 2

HARBOR BOARD. North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 3490, 1 December 1883, Page 2