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Business Notices.

T\ R. ROBERTS - L ' CELEBRATED OINTMENT, CALLED •• THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND, Is confidently recommended to tho Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every description j a certain remedy for ulceratod legs, burns, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in tho face, soro and inflamed eyes, sore heads, soro bronsts. piles. It also ontiroly removes the 'qul smell arising from canoor. Sold in pots, 13Jd, 2s Odd, 4s Od, lls, and 22s each; and his PILULE ANTI-SCROPHUL/ti, OR ALTERATIVE PILLS, Proved by moro than sixty years' exporionco to be one of the best medicines for puryifying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. They form a mild and suporior family aporiont, which may be taken at all times without confinement or change of diot. Sold in boxes, at 13Jd, 2s 2d, 4s Gd, lls, and 22s each. Prepared only by BEACH AND BARNICOTT, Bridport, Dorset, England, and sold by all medicine vondora.

SANDER AND SONS EUCALYPTI EXTRACT, Under tho distinguished patronage of His Majesty tho King of Italy, at llomo, ac cording to communication rocoivod from tho Oonsul-Gonoral for Italy at Melbourne, upon instructions from tho Minister for Foroigu Affairs, dated 14th March, 1878. Tho Extract of tho Eucalyptus Globulus, manufactured solely by Messrs Sander and Sons, Sandhurst, recommonds itsolf by tho following declaration and testimonials : Epitomo of declaration mado boforo Moritz Colin, J.P., on tho 17th Octobor, 1877, at Sandhurst : Throo modioal gontlomon had attended tho son of Mr Raabo, of lronlmrk, for nine weeks, aud declared that amputation of tho leg injured by an axe was absolutely necessary. At this juncturo Mr Raabo called on Messrs Sander and Sons, procuring some of their Extract of tho Eucalyptus Globulus, and by tho application ot the same ho had tho satisfaction of sooing his son within a fortnight out of all danger, and ho has now quito recovered. Brief extracts from tho Bondigo Evoning News : Mr Giosohin, residing near Sydonham Gardens, had a very severe cold in November, could scarcely breatho, and could get no relief, Cured aftor throo applications of tho extract. Tho same gentleman suffered eight years from rupture, and all medical skill provod ineffectual in giving roliof. Curoct aftor taking extract internally for six months. A man having his arm bruisod sovoioly at a orushmg maohino, in Long Gully, appliod tho extract, and tho accident did not oven necessitate as much as an interruption in his attendance at work, Mrs Woppner, in Colbinabbin (Runny* mode) informed tho manufacturers that tho extract applied twico restored hoalth to her daughter, cloven years of age, who had boon rushed and trampled upon by a oow. In November Mrs Reeves, from tho Rifioman's Arms, Back Creok, brought information of a cure of delirium caused by sunstroko, which took place in tho family of Mr Ryan, butcher, of Back Crook. Tho wifo of Mr Fiokol suffered in bond of tho knoo from a swelling whioh 1 formed a lump of considerable size, disabling her from attending to any work. She romovod tho swelling completely by a continued application of the extract. Tho Donald Times, of Ist December, 1877, states : Last weak the oldest boy of Mr Moigan awoko in tho night orying with ear-ache. The extract was appliod, aud tho httlo follow was ourod and asleep in ton minutes,

BAILIE AND HUMPHREY, Oamaru. au6 THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIME LONG oxporionco has provod thoso famous rcmodios to bo most offeotual in curing either the dangerous maladies or tho slightor complaints which aro moro particularly incidental to tho lifo of a minor, or to thoso living in tho bush. Occasional aosos of thoso Pills will guard tho system against thoso ovils whioh so often bosct tho human race, viz. .•—coughs, colds, and all disorders of tho livor and stomach— tho frequent fororunnors of fever, dysoutory eliarrhooa, and cholera, Is tho most effeotual remedy for old soros, wounds, ulcers, rheumatism, and all skin disoosoB ; in faot, when used according to tho printed directions, it novor fails to ouro aliko doep and suporfioial ailmonts. Thoso medioines may be obtainod from all respeotablo Druggists and Storekoopors throughout tho oivilised world, with roctions for use in almost overy languago. They aro only prepared by the Propriotor, Thomas Holloway, 533, Oxford stroc London, Boware of Counterfeits thai may •manata from th* UntUA R|**a«


Gkntlkmen, — I am yot alivo, thanks to Holloway'a Pills. Not wishing to booomo ono of the residents of tho Profossors intended Lunatio Asylum new boing erected in England, I lately bought a box of Holloway's Pills, took thorn at intervals, and re fi ainccl from tho "flowing Bowl," anil Richard's himself Again. Holloway's Pilla and Ointment are largely used in Bermuda, and that account*, in my opinion, for the longovity of its inhabitants. I fool quite assured, however, that Professor Holloway is and has been ono of the greatest bonefactors to tho human raco that has ever lived, and that hi* name will be handod down to posterity whon tho names of our bravest manslayora are forgotten, Strange to say that we, in different ways, strive to acquire the art of killing, but our own preservation we take little heod of, I have lived in Bormuda 26 yearn, and in that time havo inquired of soldiers how they havo preserved their health so well; tho answor ha* Ronorally been, "By not going to the Army Doctor, but by using the Fills and Ointment, ' By using the above, I am now found at my Hermitage to be looking much younger and more healthy than you have seen mo for years.

Youra, J. W. ODDY, TncKEii Town, Bkrmuda, [Formerly Soo. to tho Duko of Brunswick] The "Bonnud»Timo«", 10th May, 1879

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North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2404, 22 January 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2404, 22 January 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 8 North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2404, 22 January 1880, Page 4