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Business Notices.

XT OLLO WAY'S PILLS. FOR a period of thirty years, in every country and olimo (not evon excopting China and Tartary) theso I'ills have established for thomselves a lasting renown, such as no medicine ever onjoyodDoforo ; and nowhoro porhaps, havo thoy^ been more appreciated than by Settlers, Diggors, and Emigrants in tho Australian Colonies.

JTollowai/ f » Pilh are the best remedy known in the world for thefollotoing diseases :—: —

WEAKNESS and Dobility.— How many porsons suffer from debility without know* ing tho causes why thoy aro so feoblo ? la most cases tho stomach is the aggressor, Holloway's pills havo long been famed fo» regulating a disordered stomach and restor. ing its healthy dipostive tone ; they ar« therefore confidently recommonded as a nover-failing remedy in all cases whero the constitution, from any cause has become impaired or weakened.

DISEASES of the Head and Ear.— Those formidable diseases are, unfortunately, of frequent occurrence ; for tho most part they creep on gradually, but may bo prevented by proper precautions. Holloway's pills are tho fcurost preservatives against all dorangomonts of tho brain, and aro tho speediest correctors of irregular circulation. If they bo taken without delay when tingling in tho limbs, drowsiness, or giddiness comes on, the effect will bo marvellous,

FEMALES of all Ages and Classes.— Tho fame of thoso pills is partly based upon the bcnoficial^ffccts thoy have upon the constitutions of females. From tho domestic servant to tho peoress, universal favor is accordod to thorn for thoir invigorating and purifying properties which render them so safe and invaluable in all disorders peculiar to the sex. Obstructions of every kind cither in young personsontcringinto womanhood or approaching the turn of lifo— the most critical period —may be radically romoved by a recourse to tho pills.

INFLUENZA, Diptheria, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds.— ln our changablo climate fow persons escape without colds, soro throats, influenza, dipthoria, or bronchitis, for all of which thoso famous corrective pills may bo taken with tho certainty of effecting a cure. Whilo pills aro oxnolling all impurities from tho body generally, Holloway s Ointment should bo rubbod upon tho chest and throat, it will penetrate tho skin, reduce inflammation, and restore lasting soundness.

ALL DISORDERS affecting tho Liver, Stomach, and Bowels.— Whenover tho stomnch, liver, or bowels aro disordered by high living, climate, over-indulgence, undue exertion, or othor causes, theso fine regulating pills will soon rectify tho evil, and speedily bring back energy, strength and cheerfulness to the framo whore previously all was lasa» tudo, gloom, and dejection .

DESPONDENCY, Low Spirits. T The misery occasioned by disordered digestion is, unfortunately, felt by most porsons. These famous pills should bo taken in appropriate doses to adjust tho disturbed functions. They dispel headache, biliousness, nausea, lowness of spirits, and all similar ailments. A course of theso invaluable purifying pills never fail in removing tho causes of such morbid affections without subjecting tho sufferer to any inconvenience.

Ague, Asthma, Bilious complaints, Blotches on tho skin, Bowel complaints, Colics, Constipation of tho Bowels, Consumption, Dy-sen-try, Dobility, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Female irregularities, Fever of all kinds, Fiti, Gout, Headache, Inflammation, Indigestion, Jaundice, Livor complaints, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Urine, Sore throats, Stone aud gravel, Secondary symtv toms, Scrofula or King's evil, Tumors, Tic-doulouroux, Ulcors, vonoroal affections, Worm of all kinds, sWeaknoss from whatever cause, &c.

Sold at tho establishment of Professor ITolloway, 244 Strand, (next Temple Bar, London) also by all respectable Draggists'and dcalors in medicines throughout tho civilised world at the following prices :—ls: — Is lsd, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, 11s, 22 and 23. There is a considerable saving by taking tho largor sizes. Vory copious dirootiona for tho use aro affixed to oach box.

X>ORWICK'S BAKING POWDER, Is used by thousands of Families, for raising Broad, with half tho trouble, and in a quartor of the time, required with yeast. Borwiok's Baking Powdor, Makes delicious hot digestive tea cakes in a fow minutos, and Norfolk dumplings better than yeast. Borwlck's Baking Powdor, With this articlo small loaves of bread can bo made in a fow minutos, if placed in a quick ovon. Borwick's Baking Powder, Invaluable at the Diggings, and in tho Bush, whero yeast is not to bo got. Borwick's Baking Powdor, Save eggs and buttor in making pudding and pastry, and prevents indigestion. Borwiok's Baking Powdor, As used in the Arctic Expeditions, and by tho Armies in tho Crimea and China, will keop for years in a dry place. Awarded four Gold Medals for excollonco of Quality. Borwick's Baking Powder, Will secure the following important results : — Bread will bo mado cheaper, moro digestive, and in one-fourth tho time ; cakes, puddings, and pastry will bo made light, wholesome, and delicious, with half the usual quantity of Eggs and Buttor, and Flour will be converted into Tea Cakes, Buns, Scones, Norfolk Dumplings, etc., in a few minutos at a t riffling cost. Sold by Storekeepers and Grocers at Id and 2d packets, and 6d and Is Patent Boxos. Wholesale of G. Borwiok and Sons, Chiswell street London. ;


EPP ' S (Breakfast) COCOA.

BY a Thorough Knowledge of tho natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of tho fine properties of wollselected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately-flavored bovorage whioh may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by tho judicious uso of such articles of diet, that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies aro floatin around us, ready to attack whorover there 1 a weak point. Wo may escapo many a fata shaft by keeping ourselves woll fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished framo, — The Civil Servico Gazette.

Made simply with boiling water or milk, Sold only in packets or tins labelled :—: — JAMES EPPS & CO


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North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2402, 20 January 1880, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2402, 20 January 1880, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 North Otago Times, Volume XXVIII, Issue 2402, 20 January 1880, Page 4