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Business Notices.

AXY G R N IS LIFE. ALTHOUGH the modern Materia Medic* inolui's many valuable remedies for hum in nflliofions, it is a mutter of certainly that in nil (meet where the animal vitality is fuiiing, Photphorui is decidedly superior to every other remedy at prt'iont known. It will work effects such, its nothing else, will produoo, and it possesses the grout advantago of nob oausing, when iti vie it rolinquithed, tho ■lightest reaction or depression. Tli© question naturally presents itielf, " Why it so valuable an element 10 little regarded and so seldom prescribed P " The only answer which oan be given is : — That a certain difficulty lias ♦men found in to preparing it tlmt its nrtion may be kept under perfect control. Hitli rto it hut been used in almond nn<] olivo oil*, in sulphuric etlier, in rectified alcohol, in chloroform, and in several other substances ; but however valuable it has been found in all tho hitherto known methods of its preparation, certain irregular results have been experienced, which have led physicians to neglect it. for general purposes, and to employ it only in extreme cases, and after every other remedy lias failed. But a chemical process has now been discovered, by wliioh its invaluiiblo action on the* human system may be realised without any of those drawbacks wliioh previous modes ?f administration have invariably produced. «®" OAU I lON. — PHOSPHORUS is sometimes sold In the form of Pills and Loeengps ; is should bo generally known that every form whoro solid pautiolbs of Phosphorus ure in combination is dangerous, ft is therefore necessary that the publio should bo cautioned against the use of any preparation of Phosphorus not perfootly soluble in water. Protected by Royal Letters Patent, Dated October 11th, 1869. Undur Distinguished Patronagp. DR BRIGUT'S PHOSPHODYNE OZONIO OXTGEN). The New Curative Agent, and only Reliable Remedy for Nervous and Liver Complaints. Multitudes of People nro hopelessly suffering from Debility, Nervous and Liver Complaints, Depression of Spirits, Hypoohondria, Timidity , Indigestion, Failure of Hearing, Sight, and Memory, Lassitude, Want of Power, &0., whote oases admit of a permanent ou.-e by the new remedy of PHOSPHODYNE (Ozonio Oxygen), which at once allays all irritation and excitement, imparts newenorpy snd lifo to the enfeebled constitution, and rapidly cutes every stage of these hitherto inouruble and distressing maladies. DR. BRIGHT' S PHOSPHODYNE IS BOLD ONLT In cases at 10s 6d by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the Globe. Full directions for use, in tho English, French, Gorman, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Daniih, Turkish, Persian, Hindustani, Madraese, Bengalee, Chinese, and Japanese Languages, accompany euoh case. $§J~Caution. — The large and increasing demand for J)r Bright's Phosphodyno bus lod to soveral imitations under similar names ; purchasers of this modmno should therofnro be careful to observe that the words "Dr Bright's Phosphodyno" aio blown in tho bottio, and that tho direction! for use avo printed in all tho langmgos ns above, without which none can possibly bo genuine. Kvory op so bears tho Trade Mark unc Signature of Patentee. * # * Important Caution — Boware of Piraoy and a spurious imitation. Wholesale Agents for New Zealand — KEMPIHORNB, PROSSKR, & CO., Dunedin and Auckland. Wholesalo Agents for Victoria— Felton, Grimwado and Co., Melbourne. Wholesalo Agents for South Australia— F. H. Fuulding and Co., Adelaide. Wholesale Agents for New South Wales — Elliott Uros., Sydney. Wholesale Agents for Queensland — Berkley and Taylor, Brisbane. dell PUBLIC NOTICE.

rimis IS TO CERTIFY that I, A JAMES 0. AYBR, of Lowell, Mass., am the Inventor nnd Manufacturer of "Ayers Cherry Pectoral," "Ayer'i Cathartic Pi.U," •' Ayer's Compound Extract Sarsaparilla," " Ayer's Hair Vi^or," and " Ayer's Ague Cure." That each and every one of these compounds or remodies forwarded by mo to Australia and Now Zealand is especially manufactured for Henri J. Hart, of Melbourne, Australia, in a peculiar manner, to adupt it to these markets, and preserve it for these climatei and the voyage : That they tre especially and peoulianly prepared and different from any other compound by me. (Signed) JAMES 0. AVER. Sworn to before a Notary Public, and atteited to by tho British Consul iv Boston. CAUTION. P fIIYMAN AND 00. Are no longer AGENTS for DR. J. 0. AYE R'S CELEBRATED MEDICINES Which nre expressly and peculiarly prepared DIFFERENT TO ALL OTHERS, And have ENGRAVED on the WRAPPERS the name of HENRI J. HART. GENERAL AGENT FOR AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. Purchasers of Ayer's Medioinos are respectfully tohcitod to carefully inspect tho wrappers before purchasii ;», and reject as spurious all that are not as above desoribed. AVER'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. On* of the most effective Alteratives evor produced for Purifying the Blood and invigorating the s}stem, and tho Cure of Scrofula, Ulcers, Humours, Corruptions, Blotches, Ery•ipelas, nnd all skin diseases. Affections of tho Heart, Liver, &c, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Rheumatism, General Debility, and Femule Dividers. The above being purely a medicine, and not a bevrrage, one bottle is far more efficacious than any Sarsaparilla hitherto offered the public. AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. An Anodyne Expectorant and reliable Antidote ior Consumption, Colds, Coughs. Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croups and all Pulmonary Diseases. AYEK'S HAIR VIGOR. BKSTOUING TUB NATURAL VITALITY ANT> COLOR OF THR HAIR. Is not a Dye, nor does it possess any coloring matter or offensive substance whatever, neither will it soil the most delicate fabric, but is an agreeable dressing to the hnir, promote! its luxuriant growth, giving it richness and beauty, removes Baldness, nnd invariably .•estoios FACRD OB GREY HAIR to its original colour. The above elegant preparation* hare long been strongly recommended by the Medical Profession, and command a world-wide reputation, winch is uufßcient guarantee of their utility and genuineness. Ayrr's Almannes, containing instructions for the treatment of all classes of diseases, may be had gratis on application. Sole Wholesale Agents for New Zealand — KEMPTHOKNK. PROSSER, \ CO.. Wholesale Druggists, Stationers, Commission mid Geueial Merchants, Dnnedin and Auckland. Wellington : Fulton, Unmw<tdo, & Oo ail 22

ONE BOX OF CI.AltKh'S B 41 PILLS IS wan anted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs, in ettlier tex, acquired or constitutional, Qrarcl and Puint in the Back. Sold in Boxes, 4«. 6d. caoh ,bj

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North Otago Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 1867, 20 April 1878, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 North Otago Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 1867, 20 April 1878, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 North Otago Times, Volume XXVI, Issue 1867, 20 April 1878, Page 4