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Oamaru Weslcyan Church.

WESLEYAN CHURCH ANNIVERSARYrnHE ANNIVERSARY SERVICES of the JL abovo Church will bo proaohod on tho 25th Ax'BIIp, — in tho Morning, at 1 1 o'clook j in tho Evoning, at hulf-paBt 0— by THE RlfiV. WILLIAM LEE; And in tho Afternoon, at hnlf-pnst 2 o'clock, by ME. HJDNltY FLAMANK. On tho following Trrus»AV, THE ANNIVERSARY TEA MEETING Will be- hold, in THE VOLUNTEER EALL. Doors opon nt G o'clook. Tea to commonco ut halfpaot 0 o'clock prcciaoly. After which, Addrcaees will bo dolivorod by eoToral Ministors nnd Contloinon j and at intorvals a selection of Mubio will bo bung by tho Choir. *#* TickotH (2b. Gd. each) to bo obtaiuod from MoBsro Hood & Sherman, Shritneki & Mosa, J, and W. Boo, A. J. S. Headland, Alex. Morton, Booth Brothers, Lrmo (Chomiot), aud Members of Committoo.

Dnuedin Advertisements.

WHEELER'S ADVEKTISING AGENCY. T) T. WHEELER, ii. COLLECTOR, ADVERTISING AND 0 BNEBAL COMMISSION AO HNT, STAVl'OItD-STXtL'LT, DUNIIDIN. Advcrlisemonts I'ocetved for ovory Nowspapor in tho Colony. Crown Giunta Uplifted and Rcgistorod. Land Bought and Sold. Wasto Laud Sales Attended. * # * Noto tho Address — WHEHLKR'S ADVERTISING AGENCY, Sta Fi'Onn-bTitKKJ , Dunhoin. OTAGO TIMBER YARD AND STEAM SAW MILLS. rmxcES-fcxiuiKT souxn, dukebin. FINDLAY AND GILMOUR beg to intimate to tho inhabitanta of Dunodin and Up-Country Histriets Unit they havo comuiauood business iu tho abovo, and having inado arrangements for a constant supply of Timbor for Building and Wheelwright purposoa, tho public eau roly on having thoir oidoro attondod to with doBpatoh, and ut prices that will givo oatialuutiou. ON HAND-NEW ZEALAND TIMBER, All oortu and sizes. Flooring/! and G,flxlJ Do, do, G x 1 Do, do, (5 x J Do, do, 0 x J Sholviug nnd Luinbor Also, an assortmont of Doors, SiiBhce, ArchitravoB, Mouldings, Skirtings Ridging, NmIh, &c. English and Scotch Tron Also, just rocoivod, a Cargo of Hardwood, ox Froo Trador, up to 11 x 8. Also, juBt landing, ox Joannu, a Cargo of Kauri, largo sizes, up to 1G xA2. Also, just lauding, ox Swordh'sh, a Cargo of Hardwood, all eizoa ; Hobart Town Split Posts and Rails ; Fivo and Six Fcot Palings j Battens, Shin/jlos, and Dray Shafts. %* All ordorB dolivorod to any part of tho City at tho lowest ratOB. FINDLAY & GILMOUR, Princoe-Btroot South, Dunodin,

II/TONEY TO LEND, in various 6iiuis, on Froohold Security. Apply, by lottor, to WM. JOHNSTON, Solicitor, Duncdin. * # * Expedition guaranteed. %*

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO CAPTAINS AND SHIPOWNERS. BORWICK'S BAKING POWDER makes bread light and digcstiblo in a fow minutca without standing to ri3O as with yeast. Pastry and Puddings Bhould novor bo mado without it, no it renders them light and easy of digoBtion, and oaves buttor and eggs. T.ESTI31OHIA13 :— BORWICK'S " Pauama, Now Zealand, and Australian Royal Mail Stcam&hip Kaikoura. " May 28th, 18G7. "Mtt. BomvroK.— Dear Sir,~Uaving been chief pabti'y-ccok at tho Royal Hotel, Syduoy, for tho period of oighteon months, and for tho hist silicon mouths pabtry-cook and bakor on bonvd tho abovo ship, I have groat plonsuro in recommending your Unking Powder to the notice of tho public. During tho abovo periods I havo constantly usod_ it, and considor it (ho best preparation of tho kind that cvor camo undor my notice— -I havo tho honor to remain, jours truly, " Rich vud Adams." BAKING "IlavingtriedBORWICK'SBAKING POWDER, wo considor it invaluablo, especially in passonger and emigrant ships, as it makes broad and pastry light and digosliblo, elleeting a groat Having iu tiino and labor, as tho bread i8 prepai'ed iu u few minutos, instead of tho ordinary slow procobs of fcrmoutation by yeast. Captnin'B Niuao. Ship. JuniCB 0. Gibbon ... Barquo King Oscar. JobIi. G. Grango ... >, Rccorco. John II. Chiton ... „ Sorata. W. P. Hammond ... >, Princess Bcautrico. J. Ii. Brown ... Brig Miss Kihnanuoggo. James Buttry ... „ Hopeful. p' 0 W D K II. Sold by all Cheraiits, Druggists, and Storekeepers throughout tho Colonies, aud wholesalo at tho Manufactory, ChiBwcll-Btrcot, London. May bo had from any Londou Houeo.

T ADIES' INVITATION CIRCULARS, JLJ neatly printed, on fiij>t-elaas> paper, at tho OAMARU TIMES OHico.

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North Otago Times, Volume XII, Issue 408, 23 April 1869, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 North Otago Times, Volume XII, Issue 408, 23 April 1869, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 North Otago Times, Volume XII, Issue 408, 23 April 1869, Page 4