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Tho usual fortnightly meeting of fcho Municipal Council took place on Thursday evening at the Council Chambers. Present — Ilia Worship tho Mayor, Crs. Franco, Ashcroft, Luke, Bee, Aitken, Page, and Waddoll. Tho minutes of the previous meeting wero read and confirmed. Mr H. Connell was elected Assessor for tho ensuing year, at a salary of L40 per annum. There were two other applicants, viz., Alessrs Hewitt and Grenfell, tho former at L15 per annum and tho latter at L40. It was resolved " That the completion of tho works mentioned in the notico of motion of Cr. Page bo referred to tho consideration of tho Public Committee." The report of tho Town Survoyor was brought up find read, and referred to the Works Committee. The report was as follows : — To His Worship the Mayor and Town Council. Gentlemen,— I havo tho liouor to lepoit (as requested) upon a system of di .linage for the Town of Oamaru, north side of the Cieek. I beg, tbeiefore, to lay before you a plan, with all the pimcipnl swamps plotted thereon and divided into sections, marked A, B, C and D. In Section A, I would suggest that a drain be cut from tho Main North Trunk ilo.vd in tho town belt to the beach, which would drain all that portion or aiea of the township north of Tient-stieet ; also, Main North Road from Muddy Creek ; incariiug out which I should think the Government would bo willing to pay their share of the expenses, seeing it will benefit both paitics. In Section B, I havo shown on the plan by dotted lines, the position of a ruain chain or sewer in NenStreet, which is the most natural position and easiest made, either as a permanent or temporaiy woik. This drain would take tho water fiom all that area between Trent and Toriidge streets, also a great poition of tho wateished from tho hills. On Section C, I have sbown by dotted lines in TTskstreet the best position for another main drain or sower. This drain would take the water from all that aiea between Torridgo and Doe streets, but not so laige as that in Neil-street. In both cases it will neoessitito alteiations in Thames-street and the building of culveits. That section maiked D may be chained to tho Creek by way of Edon and Severn sti-eets — except some bad swamps in the neighborhood of Coquet stieet and on the Esplanade, which may be chained to fche boach at a little cost. I beg also to state that wells may be sunk to advantage anywhere in tbo neighborhood of Heed street, if necessary. There are a few lagoons which lie very low, and can- j not be taken away by suiface-diains — such .is those in Blocks 9 and 10, 23 and probably 19, buf tho gi eater portion may be diained ; and means should bo adopted to prevent thorn filling again with stoun-w.itei, by cutting smface-diains, and theiehy diieeting the water into the stieet lines, wheio piactic.iblo. ; In older to accomplish this, I hereby respectfully recommend the following woiks to be done : 1st. An open diain fiom the beach to the big swamp in Nenstreet, with a toadway founcd on the Esplanade where most convenient. This would l el ievo all those pi operties situated in Blocks 10, 11 and 12 ; also, Blocks 18 and 19, by letting out thoso swamps into Non-stieot, and take its natuial pomso to tho big swamp, thence by drain to the beach. 2nd. Tho foimafcion of TJskstreet from Reed-street to Thames-street, and cutting a drain sufficiently deep to let out the water fiom those swamps in and about Reed-ati eet. Also, the foiming of Heed stieet at the junction of Usk-street. This work, as well as 2s o. 1, is most inipoi cant, as at piesent there can bo no tiaffic. 3rd. At tho junction of CJsk and Humber streets an open drain to the beach, as indicated by dotted lines, with covered roadway if necessary. 4th. The foimation of Uibble-street from Reed to Thames street. In xefeience to this I beg to state that the work lately done in Eeed-streot will necessitate the forming of a portiou of llibblc-stieefc, as the drainage is now thrown into the street aud cannot get away. 5th. At the coiner of Coquet <\ud Humber stieets an open diain to tho beach. 6th. SSui face-drains to bo cut in Heed, Aln, Trent. Nen, E\o, and Eden stieots, or wherever it may bo found most piacticable, to pievent storm watei from flowing into those low places. The probable cost I estimate to be about L350. I lemain, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, M. Gkenfell, Town Surveyor. September 17th, 1868. The Clerk read tho following Report of tho Public Works Committee : —

To His "Worship tho Mayor and Councillois. GENTLEMEN, — Your Committee have ordeied the Surveyor to have the stuff brought fiom the aitesian well and put upon the footpaths, also that tho channelling be put in older. They have instructed the Surveyor to fence in the well and cover it securely. Your Committee recommend the Council to instruct the Surveyor to complete the airangements with Air Allan as to Manure Depot, and to call for tendei s for the removal of lubbish from the place hitherto used as a Manure Depot. Also that the tender of Mr Holmea for tho leaso of Quarry "Reserve he accepted, subject to the provisions as to fencing, &c, stated m the adveitisement. They have instructed the Suiveyoi to complete tho culvert ciossing Itchen and Tees-streets. They lecommecd that instead of mei ely u&ing washers, bolts be used in the construction of tho footways at tho biidgo in Thames-stieet, and that plates of non be extended the whole longth of tho budge. "Sour Committee lecommend tho acceptance of Mr Rutherford's tender for quai ry, subject to the usual payment of ahalf-yeai's lentin advance, and that he bo infoimed that Jones claims rubble quarried by him«elf, and that lie aiiauge with Jones as to its lemoval. Your Committee recommend the acceptance of T. Jones' tender for tho quairy lately leased by Everitt. It; was resolved, on tho motion of Cr. Waddcll — " That the debris Ironi the artesian well be left where it now lies, (or use upon the ;;cljaecut streets, and that material bo fetched from the Jetty Road to complete the footpaths in Tyne-street." Those portions of the Report reforiing to the Manure Depot and tho Bridge were adopted. It was resolved that the tender for Quarry Reserve, No 59, bo not accepted. On the motion of Or. Bee, seconded by Cr. Luke, it was resolved, " That Mr llutherford's tender for Quarry Reserve be accepted, subject to payment of a half-year's rent, in advance, within mi days from date. If not so paid, fresh tenders to be called." Ateo, that tho tender of T. Jones, for the Quarry Keeerve lately occupied by T Everitt, bo accepted, at a rental of L4 per anunm. The Finance Committee's .report was brought up and adopted. Tho applications of Mr James White for permission to construct a dram, of Mr J. Spencf, with reference to a drain in Severn-street, cutting off access to his premises ; of Mr Ilassell, to fix an hydr vulic ram at a point in tho Public Gardens Reserve, and to lay the necessary supply and discharge pipes ; and of Messrs Cargills find M'Lcan, for permission to lay down a paved crossing, were referred to the Works Committee. Cr. Aitken moved, "That tho Surveyor bo instructed, assisted by some competent engincor, to report on the best and cheapest plan for turning tho creuk at the Lagoon, and reclaiming the roud washed away by the February floods, at tho Landing Place." Also, " That the Public Works Comniitteo draw up a report on the necessity of the work, such roport to be laid before His Honor the Superintendent and the Executive, respectfully requesting them to authorise the vtork to bo proceeded with at once." Cr. Bee seconded the motion. After somo discussion the matter was referred to the Works Comniitteo. -* The report of tl e Triijjector of Nuisances, was also referred to the Works Committee, Tho following notices of motion were banded in : Cr. Beo to move, " That a drain be cut at the corner of Wharf-street and Wausbeck-strect." " That the Inspector of Nuisances bo instructed to impound cattle, and that he receive one-fourth of tho fines." Certain accounts were then passed for payment, and the Council adjourned.

Large discoveries of coal hare been made in KuBiia. The mines of ono district alone are, according to the St. Petersburg journal, " Golos," capable of •upplying annually 400,000 tons for 150 to 200 years. Since I86d< thore have been surveyed m the valley of the Don 44 beds, the aggregate quantity of which is estimated at more than 18,000,000,000 tons.

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North Otago Times, Volume XI, Issue 348, 22 September 1868, Page 3

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MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING. North Otago Times, Volume XI, Issue 348, 22 September 1868, Page 3

MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETING. North Otago Times, Volume XI, Issue 348, 22 September 1868, Page 3