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MANGONUI RUGBY UNION ANNUAL MEETING. The annu i! meeting of the above took place at 1h Library Hall, Kiiui.i, on Saturday wU*', the President Mi. Frank . Banks, presiding. 1 ho*e president were v _- *- J. L. VVi son, C, R. Switzer, Walicrman W. Su'.ituzG. Rickaid. H. Hhtcher. L A. Mi (nt vi and the following dele- j. gatei;—ii u'un;a, A. E. Wagoner and A Him V ( in . ansen, F Bank-; Omni, C. J -E. Barribald, and F Garton ; Victoria-Valley, W. Thompson; Aw | The President, Mr. F. Banks, in preaentwg his re; >rt, said : I have much pleasure s in presenting my report on the seasony football Tin.* County team was in all its , , meuts, being winners on . the home groun# against hangaroa, saccet ling in wresting the Halliwell Cup from liokianga at Rawene and also in definding it in the return match at Kaitaia. Mr. Joe Anderson, Ahipara, was selected ' to play in the trial game for the North , > Auckland learn, but unfortunately was hurt. Only for this mishap, I am quite sure that Mangonui would have had a Blr - worthy representative in the Peninsula repress r talives. I wish to state here that o virg tO the for North Auckland n_>V having seen our men in action they " were not in a p si lion to do this Count} justice in their selection and I would suggest that cur delegates to the North Auckland Union be instructed to ask thabody to either appoint a selector lor the four Northern Counties or else to have a trial match between the Northern and Southern ends of the Peninsula, lfetl certain that we have men ft* to lepresent North Auckland if they came under the eye of the selectors. The class of lootba’d shown in the Cmntv, was not, in m> opinion, any belt r than we have seen in previous seasons. Certainly, the teams were more even, but I suppose it is rathei •s- - much to exoect a big improvement, when we consider the conditions under which the men play, they having to travel long * distances, with no chances of practising together and no coaches. Speaking cf Lk distances, 1 would like to compliment tin m Hohoura teams on the way they fulfide‘their engagernen’s and the place they fi’lcr in |he various competitions Anoihtr f nai / matter I wi>h to touch on, is the gradim * of the playeis. Last season we set up i committee consisting of Messrs. Evans.

f* commtiue c< - Ming or Messrs. c,vms. Berghan and Mawhinney, to grade the r€ men, so that the younger players coming on would get a chance. These gentlemen 1 ! ’j * did excellent woik, but their efforts natu- cc rally stopped many players from getting a 11 game. Seeing that our juniors aie really ( third grade, 1 believe under the circum- la stances the light thing was done and that ’ we chose li t lesser evil. I would lik -o put the l oil owing suggestion -ore the Union which could tx- tested on next year 1( ir too l3le for the present season. My ± suggestion is tins: Cut the senior teams down to for. -, say one from the North, one from Awanui and Lake Ohia, one K from Kaftaid, Pamapuria and the West, w and one from the Eastern Area. The el I fun a junioi ■ »mpetition without restrk g t lions as to weight or age, also a third .’ r grade where the weight and age would both be considered We made a good w bid to help the juniors last season but wc b< must try and woik things so that every man who wants a game can have it. p In conclusion I wish to thank the delegates from the different clubs for the y ' Courteous-way in which they assisted me to carry out the various duties and I have Only to add that I h«pe we will have a most successful season and that officials R and players alike will play the game for s' the games sake. e It is with tinure regret that 1 have to ft n “ u ' 1 -fcp.-Hi tl tit of Mr. Bateman, a ai staunch supporter of Rugby in this County, sc and who kindly acted as our delegate to U • the parent body. Ii The treasurer, Mr. L. A. Mclntosh, pre- 11 tented the financial statement for the year ending 31st March, as follows b PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. f £ s. d. a To Stamps, telegrams 835^ „ Bank charges, cheque books I 5 0 *j n General expenses ... ... 311 10 a Affiliation fees 3 3 0 , „ Expenses referees S , „ Hire meeting room ... 2lj 0 f „ Adverlising and printing ... 5 5 9 tl „ Hon. secretary 10 0 0 r „ Expenses Hokianga trip ... 31 9 It j „ Jerseys w/0 2 IO 0 d „ Football w o 176 „ Medal w o 3 0 r , „ Expens-s Winngatoi rep. match 5 16 6 J „ Expenses Hoki.nja rtp. match 9 6 2 g „ Expenses delegates to Houhora 12 0 0 F » Caps 7-aside 3 M 8 * „ Balance to capital a:count 22 II 4 *' ______ c 131 8 II l By Affiliation fees 22 I 0 « „ Gate percentage 22 17 8 « [1 n (ions Vice-President 2 1 p c „ Horthlan 1 Pictures 3 7 0 e ~ Set Junior ... 715 6 , 1 yarns rep natch 2% 10 9 . Hukijtiga rep. match 45 16 0 0 tl 131 8 II t< BALANCE SHEET. It Labilities. 0 Cspi - -3 ... 77 10 3 * Less shields 4* 0 0 u 29 10 3 Balance brought for ward .. 22 11 4 V Insurance: Lind . » 21 3 7 gf j iioilc> hire to IT 1 12 0 0 b pouautm * 4nirua d 3 9 6 1k... 228 14 8 L.

Assets. ' t 3alance Bank of Australasia ... 88 o 7 h „ P. 0.5.8 137 13 I! 1 „ Awanui Club I 0 0 j „ WaipunaClub ... tI oj „ Kaitaia Cluu I 0 b ! 228 14 8 | INSURANCE FUND. To Payments 10 players ... 37 0 0 „ Advances Ngatirua 15 2 6 „ Contingent liability Ngatiiu 1 37 0 0 „ Balance carried fot ward 8| 3 7 173 0 1 By Balance 31 324 81 3 3 ' ~ Intelest earned 1 4to „ Ri ceipts for period ... 9° *8 b: 173 9 1 By Balance 31 325 . £B4 3 7 The credit balance for the year as s town a'tove is £22 11/4* Th* repot* and baltnce sheet weie adopted on the motion of Messrs Barriball and Wagner. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:— Patrons Mr. Allen Bell, M.P. and Mr. T. J. Fleming; President, \\. A. Christiansen; vice-presidents, presidents of different Clubs; secretary , D. R. Wood; auditor C. McKinnon; dele- [ s to North Auckland Union, Lett Westotvand McCarrol; selectors F. Banks, A. W. Blucher, C. J. E. Barriball. The secretary’s salaty was fixed at £2O a ytar. In accordance with notice of motion riven Mr. Banks moved “that in the event of any club forfeiting .. ma'cli dining tin eason both teems concerned be exempt fiom insurance premiums for that match.” This was seconded by F. Garton and tarried. The secretary explained that the vari 011 s clttbs are responsible to the Union ho insurance premiums, which was 15 - pet earn per match Mr. Banks suggested that the rale fot nj'ired players he raised from 20 - to 30/ 1 wtek while player remains incapacita■ed. On the motion ot Messrs Garton and -outer it was unanira"tisly agreed that he P and T Dept be allowed to enter a team in the senior competition. Mr. C. R. Switzer said this would not seriously affect existing teams, as only two senior players would be taken from me Kdtaia team and one from Awanui. The P and T’s had every chance of put’ng a strong team in the field. The leant vouid only enter for the coming seasc . Considerable discussion took place with

regard to the teams and grading. Mr. Banks said that although it was loing an injustice to younger players, lie co ild not see that any alteration could be n tde this year. He moved that the junior ;ompetition be tun on the same lines as last year and that the grading committee , e J I Wilson, C. Barriball and L. uiwhinney. This was seconded by Mr. A. W. Blucher and carried. Mr. H. Souter suggested that any player that has not played more than two senior games be allowed to play for juniors, being regraded. Mr. Mclntosh said that undet the present arrangement the younger players were given a better chance. It prevented ‘ scrapped” senior players from filling the junior teams. Last year junior football was most successful, only about one match being forfeited. Mr. Christiansen favoured retaining the present grading committee for this year; th ■ matter could be brought up again next year. SOME SUGGESTIONS. Mr. J. L. Wilson wrote as follows : I take the liberty as a keen supporter of Rugby football to make the following suggestions and trust they may be accept, ed, if not adopted, in the spirit of goodwill for a successful season from one who is anxious to see a gr eater progress in the science of Rugby and a more sportsmanlike feeling between the clubs, which to a large extent depends on the efficiency of the Union; (1) That the management committee of the Union be elected by the players by ba'lot, and that no person shall be eligible for election who is a player or officer of any club. That the -ommittee consist of 5 or 7 members as may be decided. The duty of the committee shall be to conduct a 1 business of the Union with the assistance of the delegates of the various clubs wh) shall vote on all matters pertaining to the general conduct of the business of the Union, hit shall have no vole on matters relating to any club or clubs where disputes or d sagreement shall arise, such disputes to be decided by tne management committee whose verJict shall be final, but any club affected may have the right through the Union to appeal to the North Auckland Union. (2) That in the season comretitirn should any two clubs draw (tie) for first place then the management committee shall decide where such game shall be played off and that the whole of the proceeds of such match shall be paid to the Union fund. The selection of the ground where match to be played to be decided on the best gate money. That the names of i referees shall be submitted to the contesting clubs and each club shall select two names of referees under who they ate desirous of playing. The committee shall then elect the referee from names submit, ted always provided that if Only one name has been approved by both dubs such name shall be the name of the leferec appointed. The letter concluded by wishing the union every success for the season 1925, It was resolved that it be a recommendation to the Referees Assn that Mr. Wilson's No 2 suggestion be adopted. Mr. Mclntosh said be felt sure the Association would welcome the suggest, j ion. Mr, Witou’s first suggestion was ad op- ,

ted, the disputes committee to consist ot' | Messrs J. N. Berghan, J. L. Wilson and i i Geu Rickard. GENERAL. On the motion of Messrs Banks and Souter, the N. A. Union is to be asked to appoint rep. selectors for the North or j i piior !o selecting rep. teams to arrange for a trial match, North v South. 1 Several speakers claimed that players % in the Mangonui County were not getting a fair deal in this respect. • Mr. A. H. Long was thanked for his donation of a medal to the Awanui Club, i and the secretary was instructed to for- i waid same. Mr. A. V. W agener thanked the Union j for assistance given Ngatirua, who was now much improved. Waipuna were granted leave to use blue , and black jerseys for the coming season, it being understood that Te Kao will not enter a team this year. The P and T team will play in maroon jerseys. The following have entered teams: Kaitaia a junior and senior team; Waipuna one senior; P and Tsenior; Oruru one , junior and senior; Houhora junior and senior; Victoria Valley junior. On the motion of A. W. Blucher and F. Garton it was decided (hat all nominations* be in by Apiil 13 1 H a ?l d that the rounds commence on Apiil 27th. J. L. Wilson, W. A. Christiansen and L. Mclntosh weie appointed draw committee. A meeting of the Referees’ Association will be held to-night. KAITAIA T OTBALL CLUB ANNUAL GENL.R A L MEEI I NG. The Klitai.i City Football Club held its annual genera! meeting in ti e hand h.rl on Ihe i6th nit. l* ; r. B.n.ks presided oy* i a large attend nee. The balance sheet showed a credit < I £4 »/-. Mr. T. Sdvu.i• emphasised the necessity of ph yers. being ft for the matches m which they par'itipvreti and Suggestt l that the Club le>-se the A. &»\ Hall o. e t night in each week, and he stated that i e j would be willing to act as instructor t■ • * phys’c'd exercises. !he Club decided to t accept Mr. Salvair’s gcneious offer at< I y see if it was possible to rent the hall, a Mr. Wilson suggested ihrt some “old i. buffers” who had been playing lasLseason - htve hid their share of paying and should r "stand dowi.*’ ..i d allow t«e young* r • players a chance. Ii The following officers weie elected :

President, Mr V. i i Fanimond ; vie - presidents Mcssis \\ ikon, Hu! ■ an d C. - Puckey ; e m u; ee:- Messrs Matthew*?, N. Wilkinson, A. T:affe, D.R. Wood,: W.A- Christensen, T. Gallagher; senior selectors; Messrs Wood, Mawhinney and , field captain ; junior selectors ; Messrs. Wilson, Murdock, and field captain. M/. Flinn was appointed club captain ; delegates to sub-union Messrs Christensen, Banks, anJ Salvair. Mr. Flavell was elected coach. The Chairman stated that two medals, one for the best senior player and one for the best junior, had been piesented to the club for competition during the coming season by Mr. Treacher, the points on which the players were to be judged would be made known at the end of ti e end of the season. It is thought that the Post and Telesragh department will attempt to get the permission of the sub-union to run a team of their own for this season.

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Northland Age, Volume 24, Issue 49, 2 April 1925, Page 6

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SPORTS AND PASTIMES. Northland Age, Volume 24, Issue 49, 2 April 1925, Page 6

SPORTS AND PASTIMES. Northland Age, Volume 24, Issue 49, 2 April 1925, Page 6