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Shipping Intelligence.

ABRIVED. April 13, barque Malay, from London. i — steamer Otago, from Melbourne, via Hokitika. — steamer Egmont, from Sydney, via Greymouth. — cutter Ann, from TVaitapu. 15, steamer Storm Bird, from Westport. — ketch Fawn, from Wanganui. — H.M. steamer Brisk, from Pic ton, BAILED. April 12, schooner Rapid, for Westport. 13, steamer Taranaki, for Greymouth and Bluff. — cutter Thames, for Havelock, — schooner Sisters, for Pelorus. 15 steamer Egmont, for Wellington. — steamer Otago, for Wellington. ENTERED INWABDS. April 13, steamer Otago, 457, Symons, from Melbourne, bio Hokitika. Passengers : saloon — Mr. and Mrs. Alcorn, Mr. Macguire, and fourteen for South; 2nd cabin— Forty-two for South. 15, barque Malay, 328, Peters, from London ; one passenger. — steamer Storm Bird, 68, Holmea, from Weßtport, in Ballast. — cutter Ann, 18, Eure, from Waitapu. — steamer Egmont, 308, Hall, from Sydney, via Hokitika and Grey. Passengers : saloon — Mr. Morey and two for South ; 2nd cabin— Five for South. — ketch Fawn, 32, Baynton, from Wanganui. Passengers — Mr. and Mrs. M'Roy. OLBABED OUTWABDS. April 13, steamer Taranaki, 299, Francis, for Greymouth, &c. Pasaengers — Eight original and nine from Airedale. — schooner Sisters, 12, Taylor, for Pelorus, in ballast, — cutter Thames, 17, Games, for Havelock. 15, steamer Egmont, 308, Hall, for Wellington ; five original passengers. — steamer Otago, 457, Symonß, for Wellington. Passengers : saloon — Mr. Day and fourteen original; 2nd cabin — Messrs. Wilson, Speon, Cullen, Sampson, and forty-two original. — brig Ellen, 243, Law, for Newcastle, in ballast. EXPECTED ABBIVAIfi. Steamer Ly ttelton, from Blemheini ; to-day. Steamer Nelson, from Buller, Grey, and Hokitika. Steamer Airedale, from Tarauaki and Manukau. Steamer Wellington, from Southern ports, via Hokitika; April 18. Steamer Kennedy, from Buller, Grey, and Hokitika. Steamer Wallaby, from Buller, Grey, and Hokitika. Barque Dona Anita, from London. Brig Alarm, from Newcastle. PBOJEOTED DBPABTUBES. Steamer Murray, for Buller, Grey, and Hotitika ; to-day. Steamer Storm Bird, for Buller and Hokitika; to-morrow. Steamer Ly ttelton, for Blenheim ; April 18. Brig Ellen, for Newcastle; to-day. VESSELS IN HABBOUB. H.M, steamer Brisk, from Picton and Wellington. Steamer Storm Bird, from Buller and Hokitika Steamer Woodpecker, from Motueka. Steamer Murray, from Greymouth. Steamer Lady Barkly, from Manukau. Barque Nereid, from Mauritius. Barque Malay, from London Barque Kate Waters, from Queensland. Barque Leonidas, from Newcastle. Barque Fairy Belle, from London. Brig Ellen, frem Newcastle. Schooner Ada, from Ha\elock. Schooner Diana, from Havelock. Schooner Emerald Isle, from Pakihi. Schooner Mount M'Laren, from Croiielles. Schooner Necromancer, from Collingwood. Schooner Waiotahi, from Havelock. Cutter Supply, from Collingwood. Cutter Eliza, from Motupipi. Cutter Ann, from Waitapu. Ketch Fawn, from WaDganui IMPOETS. Malay, from London — 199 cases, 2,263 pkgs, N. Edwards and Co. ; CO cases, 286 pkgs, Hooper and Dodson ; 2 cases, Darby ; 1 case, Seymour ; 1 case, Jennings ; 14 cases, H. Frost; 951 pkgs and pieces, Braithwaite and Morton; 50 hhds, 1 case, 15 pkgs, Fisher; 1 cask, Thomson; 5 pockets hops, Field ; 123 bate, Richardson ; 7 kegs, Dr. Renwick ; 51 pkgs, 1 hhd, Buxton and Co. ; 316 pkgs, 2 cases, Beit ; 1 case, Provincial Secretary ; "iO cases, 1 cask, 392 pkgs, Morrison, Sclanders, and Co. ; 1 case, Sunley ; 4hbds, W. Hale; 3 pkgs, Wilkins; 1 cask, Lightband ; 1 case, E. Hooper : 27 pkgs, Hodder and Talbot : 1 case, Black, Campbell, and Black ; 2 cases, Roger, son ; 2 boxes, Mrs. E. Harris ; 1 case, Dr. Irvine ; 2 cases, Thornton ; 1 case, Dutton ; 12 pkgs, Milner; 1 case, Suteliffe ; 50 cases, Rentoul Brothers; 2 cases, Austin; 100 cases, Fisher, Booth, and Fisher; 3 cases, Cann; 1 case, Suiter; 2 cases, Waterworks, Provincial Government; 29 tons coal, 175 pkgs, 1 bale, 1 case, 1,450 pipes, 1 box, Order; and cargo for New Ply. mouth. Faw>-, from Wanganui — 22 bags barley, 30 pigs, Hooper and C<>. ; 7 boxes soap, Lockhart and Co. Egmont, from Sydney — Ipockets hops, 38 gunnies sugar, Bentley and Co.; 1 case, Hounsell; 2 sacks seed, 31 pieces cedar, Order ; 4 cases, sewing machine, 2 propellers, N. Edwards and Co.; 12 stones, Mills; 1 case books, Watkins; 3 pkgs machinery, Cross ; 1 case, Merrington and Co. ; 3 cases plants, Hale. Ann, from Waitapu— l,ooo feet timber, Order; 18 sacks potatoes, 2 boxes butter, Webster ; 16 sacks potatoes, Lockhart; 4 Backs potatoes, 1 box butter, Jones ; 2 kegs butter, 1 case apples, Walker ; 12 sacks potatoes, 6 pigs, 1 box butter, 20 ozs. gold, Order; 1 keg butter, Btock; 1 box butter, Order; 4 boxes fowls, 1 case, Wilson ; 12 sacks potatoes, 2 sacks wheat, Gibbs. Otago, from Melbourne — 3 cases, Stanton ; 5 cases coffee, 700 drain-pipes, Bentley and Co. ; 20 cases kerosine, 8 pkgs, Order; 3 pkgs, Buxton and Co. ; 6 pkgs, M'lntoshj 9 pkgs, Lightband ; 7 cases aud 1 half-tierce tobacco, Fisher and Co. ; 2 cases, Order ; 5 cases drugs, N. Edwards and Co. ; 6 pkgs, Lockhart and Co. ; 15 cases kerosine, 4 pkgs, Order; 1 buggy, 1 horse, Cawthron; 1 pkge, Dee; 1 pkge, Buchholz. EXPOBTS. Thames, for Havelock — 2 qr-caskß rum, 1 case coffee, 2 cases porter, 2 cases geneva, 11 pkgs sundries, 1 ton flour, 6 casts ale, 6 sacks potatoes, Fisher and Co. ; 1 cask spirits, 4 casks ale, Hooper and Co. ; 11 cases spirits and wine, 2 oases glass, 1 carriage, 4 bags grass seed, 1 bag onions, Lockhart and Co. Nelson, for Buller, Grey, aud Hokitika, &c. — 5 qr-casks brandy, 20 kegs butter, Fisher ; 1 barrel rum, 4 bags and 1 pkge sugar, 2 cases cheese, 3 cases uud 1 qr-eask brandy, 80 bags flour, 1 cases hams, 16 pkga sundries, N. Edwards and Co. ; 34 sacks potatoes, 5 kegs butter, 1 cask cheese, 6 sacks oats, 1 plcge seed, 2 kegs butter, Firth and Co. ; 4 eases eggs, 1 case butter, King ; 1 box fruit, Gapper ; 15 bars and 1 sheet iron, 1 case, 6 bag 3 coal, Clark ; 1 bale tents, 1 bale calico, Rowlands ; 16 cases bacon, 1 qr-cask brandy, 10 half-chests tea, 10 cases geneva, 4 bdls shovels, 35 bars iron, 7 pkgs sundries, Bentley and Co. ; 100 bags flour, Uounsell ; 2 pkgs bacon, Order ; 2 cases bacon, 3 cases porter, 10 pkgs sundries, West; 1 pkge, Wadman; 1 box, Order; 1 pkge, Walker; 2 hhds and 2 qrcasks ale, Hooper and Co. ; 1 hhd ale, Gibbons ; 3 hhds ale, West ; 4 half-hhds ale, Harley and Sous ; 8 cases fruit, 3 boxes eggs, 1 box fowls, 2 cases, Craik ; 2 pkgs, Lucas ; 14 cases apples, Webster ; 12 bag 3 pollard, Jones ; 18 kegs butter, 1 case, Max ; 2 sacks oysters, Parsons ; 2 bags oysters, Crawford ; 75 boxes candles, 4 casks currants, 10 kegs butter, 3 kegs oatmeal, 2 cases, Order. Aibedalk, lor North — 2 bags hops, Hariey and Sons ; 20 bags lime, Order ; 11 sacks seed, 2 cases fruit, 1 case trees, Hule ; 3 baga bacon, 3 casea cheese, Lockhart and Co. ; 12 hhds ale, Field ; J9 pkgs fruit, Jackson ; 1 pkge cigars, Wiesenha\ern; 6 cases kerosine, 4 pkg3 boots, Lighlband; 3 boxes apples, Holder ; 1 box, Gillibrand ; 1 case, Bunk of New Zealand ; 1 box coin. Union Bank. OrAqo, for Southern ports — 2 trunks boots, Lightband ; 10 pkgs, Burn; 1 case, Darby ; 5 pkgs, Canthron. Stbaiikb Egmont. — The Panama Company's s.s. Egmont, J. V. Hall, Commander, cleared Sydney Heaiu at 1, p.m., of the sth instant, and anchored off Hokitika on the 11th, at 10, a.m. The Tarra could not cross the bar on "account of the heavy sea till the following day, when she transhipped her mails and passengers, and left at 3 - 30, p.m. Disembarked passengers off the Grey, at 5"30, p.m., and started full speed for Nelson, at 6*45, and arrived here at 530, on the 13th instant. Steaueb Otago.— The Panama Company's s.s. Otago, W. J. O. Symons, commander, arrived from Melbourne ana We»t Gout at 1-30, p.m., on 13th. She left S»ndridgt Bulimy Pier

at 12-15, p.m., on the 6th, passed Williamstown at one, p.m., and cleared the Heads at 3*50, p.m., with a strong southerly wind and thick weather; passed Swan Island at two, p id., on the 7th, and from thence experienced moderate S.E. and southerly winds ; sighted Mount Cook at eight, a.m., on the lltb, and anchored off Hokitika at 2 - 30, p.m., the same day ; landed passengers and cargo at noon the following day, the 12th ; transhipped Greymouth passengers to the Egmoiit, nnd left at fl'3o, p.m. ; had "fine weather and arrived as above. She brings sixty passengers. The Maiat.— The barque Malay, Captain Peters, arrived here from London on Friday night, after a passage of 103 days. The Malay left the Downs on the last day or the year, crossed the Equator on the 4th of February, the meridian of the Cape of Good Hone on the 4th of March, and sighted Cape Farewell on the 10th instant. On, leaving the Channel she experienced very stormy weather, and after passing the Cape found the weather very unsettled and boisterous, with fluctuating barometer, and encountered nasty cross seas. The Malay spoke the following vessels :— On January 30, in lat. 5 N., long. 21 W., the County of Argyle, from an Eastern port to Rotterdam ; on February 2nd, in lat. 2 N., long. 20 W., the Mahra Lukesmi, from Liverpool to Bombay; on the 4th of February, on the Equator, long. 22 W., the Star of Scotia, from London to Calcutta; on the 17th of February, in lat. 31 S., long. Xl\ W. ; the True Briton, from London to Melbourne. The Malay has another portion of our Waterworks plant on board. She had only one passenger, Mr. Rodgerson, governor of our gaol, who has returned from a visit made to the home country. Boat Accident at Chablestoit. — The Qrey River Argus, of the 11th instant, states : — "A narrow escape from another fatal accident occurred on the 3rd instant at Charleston. A boat was conveying passengers from the p.s. Southland, when it was capsized by a sea and precipitated them all into the surf. But for the brave conduct of Captain Bearidge, harbourmaster, and several other men, who plunged into the surf to the rescue, it is probable all would have been drowned. Several women and children were amongst the passengers." Supposed Discovekt ob a Sukkbn Rock. — The Melbourne Argun, of the Ist instant, says :— " Captain Renault, of the French barque El Dorado, states that on his last voyage from this port, while the barque was running, late one evening before a gale of wind, she shipped a tremendous sea, and, soon after righting herself, he described a rock or island in dangerous proximity to the vessel. Its position, as well as could be determined, was fixed by Captain Renault in latitude 38 - 30 S., and longitude 12730 E. These points agree with what is laid down on the chart as a doubtful island." The Panama Company's s.s. Egmont, made a fine run of four days twelve hours on her last passage to Sydney from Hokitika. The ship Pareora arrived^ Port Chalmers, from Glasgow, on the 13th instant.

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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXVI, Issue 46, 16 April 1867, Page 2

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Shipping Intelligence. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXVI, Issue 46, 16 April 1867, Page 2

Shipping Intelligence. Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXVI, Issue 46, 16 April 1867, Page 2