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DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S OHLORODYNE. Vice-Chancel lor Sir W. Page Wood stitcd publicly in Court, that Dr. J. Collis Bhowne was undoubtedly the Inventor of CHLORODYNR ; that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to say it had been sworn to. —See the Tunes, July 13, 1861. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Right Honourable Earl Russell communicated to the College of Physicians, and J. T. Davenport, that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any service in CHOLERA was CHLORODYNE.— See Lancet, December 31, 1864. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. Extract from Medical Times, January 12, 1866 :—: — "Is prescribed by soores of orthodox medical practitioners. Of course it would not be thua singularly popular, did it not ' supply a want and fill a place.' " DR. J. COLLI3 BROWNE'S OHLORODYNE is tho best and most certain remedy in COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, &o. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE is a certain cure in CHOLERA, DYSENTERY, DIARRHO2A, COLICS, &c. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S OHLORODYNE. Extract from tho General Board of Health, London, as to its efficacy in Cholera : — "So atroDgly are we convinced of the immense value of this remedy, that we cannot too forcibly urge the necessity of adopting it in all ca«es." From A. Montgomery, Esq., late Inspector of Hospitals, Bombay : — " Chlorodyne is a most valuable remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery. To it I fairly owe my restoration to health, after eighteen months' severe suffering, and when all other medicines had failed." DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S OHLORODYNE. Caution. — None genuine without the words, " Dr. J. Collis Bbowne's CHLORODYNE " on the Government Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accompanies each bottle. Sola Manufacturer, J.T.DIVENPORT, 33, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, London. The immense demand enables tbe proprietors to reduce the price ; it is now sold in bottles, Is. lid., 2e. 9d., 4«. 6d., and lla. Agents for Melbourae—TAYLOß and Co., Collinsstreet, West. Agents for Sydney — M. A. Wobms and Co., Wyn-yard-lane. 1686 THE BEST REMEDY pob INDIGESTION, &c. NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS are confidently recommended as a simple but certain remedy for Indigestion. They act as a powerful tonic and gentle aperient ; are mild in their operation ; safe under any circumstances ; and thousands of persons can now bear testimony to the benefits derived from their use. Sold in Bottleß at Is. l}d., 2b. 9d., and 11s. each, by Chemists, Druggists, and Storekeepers in all parts of the world. 5 HEALTH RESTORED TO ALL BY THE EXCELLENT MEDICINES of Messrs. Grimault & Co., Chemists to H. I. M. Pbince Napoleon, 7, Rue de la Feuillade, Paris. Why do the medical profession and the public so extensively patronize the different medicines prepared by Messrs. Gbimault and Co. P 1. Because this house, being indisputably the first in Paris, honoured with the patronage of the Court and of Prince Napoleon, is careful never to offer any preparations of doubtful efficacy. 2. Because their medioines embody all the most valuable and most recent discoveries in chemistry and therapeutics. 3. Because they are all most agreeable to tbe taste, pleasant to the eye, and may be taken without the least danger as well by children as by adults. 4. Because they are altogether different from those remedies, English, French, and American, prepared by manufacturers equally unacquainted with medicine and pharmaceutics, never having made either of them the object of scientific study. 5. Because these medicines are each of them specially intended only for a limited category of diseases arising from similar causes, and are not offered as a universal panacea for all the ills that flesh is heir to. We therefore think we shall render great service to the public by briefly enumerating the principal medicines prepared by Messrs. Gbimault and Co. IODISED SYRUP of HORSE RADISH, employed with constant success in the stead of CodLiver Oil, which is bo nauseous and difficult of digestion. It is the must certain specifio for scrofula, lymphatism, flabbiness of the flesh, humours in children, goitre, rheumatism, scurvy, skin diseases, and affections of the chest. All the Paris physicians recommend it as the most powerful depurative, and constantly prescribe it as the best means of correcting acridity of the blood, and for restoring to that all-im-portant fluid the vital principles which it may have lost through excesses, or lymphatic, or scrofulous affections. LERAS' PHOSPHATE OF IRON, the best of all chalybeates, adopted by the whole medical world for the cure of ohlorosis, leucorrhoea, poverty of blood, and the other terrible diseases to which females are subject. This excellent medicine rouses the appetite, imparts strength to the system, and is especially suitable to protect persons of either sex against the effects of hot and unhealthy climates, to enable them to bear fatigue, and restore to the body whatever strength it may have lost by fever, or the abuse of quinine. DIGESTIVE ELIXIR OF PEPSINE, a delicious liqueur, which stands in the foremost rank of the new discoveries of science. Pepsine, indeed, possesses the wonderful property of effecting the digestion of food with scarcely any aid from the stomach. It is the sovereign remedy for gastritis, gastralgia, inflammation of the stomach, liver, or bowels. It promptly relieves eructations, nausea, distaste for food, and iB invaluable for its unfailing aotion in preventing vomiting during pregnancy. Persons suffering from cancer in the stomach or intestines may long arrest the effects of that fatal disease by using the Elixir of Pepsine. Elderly persons and convalescents will find it an effective corroborant ; for good digestion iB tbe source of health and strength. SYRUP OF HYPOPHO3PHITE OF LIME.— For centuries past physicians and chemists have been exerting their ingenuity to find a specific for diseases of the lungs, but till quite recently ail their efforts have been fruitless. Recent discoveries however, submitted to the Paris Academy of Medicine, and the most satisfactory experiments made in the hospitals especially devoted to consumption, in Paris, London, Berlin, and Vienna, have proved that this terrible scourge finds a powerful specific in the Syrup of Hypopbosphite of Lime, if taken before the disease has reached its last stage. Coughs, Colds, Catarrhs, Bronchitis, Influenza, Hooping-cough, are immediately relieved by this Syrup, as are alao persons suffering from asthma. Agent for Nelßon— F. B. HADFI EL D, Trafalgar-street. 153 DOWN'S FARMERS' FRIEND for PREVENTING the SMUT in WHEAT, ami the RAVAGES of the SLUG, GRUB, and WIREWORM. It will also PROMOTE the Germination and Growth of Seed Wheat, and increasea the produce ol the Crop equal to a Change of Seed. G. BONNINOTON, 1513 Agent for Nelson.

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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXV, Issue 82, 5 July 1866, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXV, Issue 82, 5 July 1866, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXV, Issue 82, 5 July 1866, Page 4