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Miscellaneous, UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS will be received for the ERECTION of NEW BANK PREMISES in Nelson, according to plans and specifications to be seen at the Bank's office in Trafalgar-street. Good security will be required from the contractor for completion of the contract. Tenders to be sent in on or before the 10th April to the Manager, who will forward same unopened to the Inspector's Office in Melbourne, but the Bank will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender, nor be responsible for any expenses incurred by parties tendering. Thos. W. Antill, Acting Manager. Union Bank of Australia, Nelson, March 2k 375 TOSEPH SHERRATT, Blacksmith, d having just arrived per Ravenscraig, begs to inform the public of Nelson that he has TAKEN the BUSINESS lately carried on by his deceased brother, Geoege Shebbatt, and trusts that his attention and economical charges will secure to him a share of their patronage. 406 SUBURBAN NORTH ROADS. NO satisfactory Tenders having been received for the following Works, namely — For keeping in repair for six months, from the Ist May, the following lengths of road :— From the Cemetery to Selmes' Bridge From Selmes' Bridge to the Salt-water Bridge at Todd's Bush From the Saltwater Bridge to Mr. Collins' gate From the latter point to the Bridge at the Ludd, Specifications can be seen at the Black Horse Inn, and TENDERS will be received up to FRIDAY, April 11, addressed to R. Pollock, Chairman. March 24. 387 NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY. FOR FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Head Offices: Fbaseb's Buildings, corner of Queen-street and Shortland-street, Auckland. CAPITAL, £100,000, With unlimited liability of the Shareholders. Directors : Chairman— Thos. Hendebson. Deputy-Chairman— S. Bbowning. Alfeed Buckland, John Geaitam, William T. Buokland, Geobge Bttbgoyne Owen John Heney Btjbnside, Thomas Russell, Hugh Coolahan, C. J. Stone, William 0. Daldy, William C. Wilson. Ex-Directors : David Gbaham, James Williamson, John S. Olives, WaltebKnottGeaham, Auditors : Thomas Cowton Law, | Richabd Ridings. Marine Surveyor : William Cbush Daldy. This Company is now prepared to grant Policies and effeot Insurance from loss or damage by fire upon Houses and other Buildings, Goods, Wares, Merchandise, and Manufactures, and Farming Stock of every description. The Company will also take Marine Risks, both in Coasting and Foreign Trade. The Directors respectfully request public support for this Local Institution. The rates charged are the same as those charged by other Companies. Whilst Insurers have the security of a capital more than equal to any contingency which may arise, together with the unlimited liability of a large body of wealthy shareholders, the profits of this Company are retained in the colony. Tables of Rates, Printed Forms of Proposals, and •all other information may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. Cubtis Bbothebs, 7430 Agents. "TOSEPH PORTHOUSE takes the present O opportunity of thanking the public for their patronage while at the Miners' Arms, and begs to inform them that he has now left those premises, and, having TAKEN the ROYAL HOTEL, lately occupied by Mr. Weight, be trusts that the superior accommodation which he now possesses will ensure him a continuance of the support hitherto enjoyed by his predecessor. 178 DANIEL MOORE, Auctioneer and Commission Meechant, Trafalgar-street, Nelson. 7226 ALBION HOTEL AND TAVERN. E STOCK takes this opportunity of thank- • ing his friends and the public generally for the support he has received since opening the above. Being free to draw English and each description of Colonial Ale, it will always be his endeavour to sustain the high name he has acquired for these articles. Wines and Spirits of superior quality always on hand, at current rates. 3657 COMMERCIAL HOTEL, TRAFALGARSTREET. rpHE increasing repute of the above Hotel JL for supplying its visitors with EVERY REQUISITE AT MODERATE CHARGES, warrants the Proprietor in directing the attention of diggers, miners, road contractors, and others newly arrived, to its numerous advantages. The Proprietor, while returning thanks for the liberal support that has hithesto been extended to him, begs to say that no effort will be found wanting to insure the comfort and accommodation of those who may favour him with their patronage, and that all articles supplied will be of the very best quality. J. Jebvis, Proprietor. N.B. — Visitors may depend on their horses receiving good stabling accommodation at most moderate charges. 7387 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. IVTOTICE is hereby given, that the PART11 NERSHIP subsisting between CHARLES ELLIOTT and JAMES ELLIOTT, of the City of Nelson, New Zealand, as Printers and Stationers, was DISSOLVED, by mutual consent, on and from the Ist day of January last. And Notice is hereby further given, that all DEBTS owing to the said Partnership, up to the 31st day of December now last inclusive, are requested to be paid to Mr. Robebt Powell, at the Nelson Examiner Office, who is duly authorized to receive the same, and to whom, also, the particulars of all Debts due by the said Firm, up to the last-men-tioned date, are requested to be forwarded. And Notice, also, is hereby given, that the said Business, since the Ist day of January last, has been carried on solely on account of, and will for the future be carried on by, the said Charles Elliott, who will also pay all Debts owing by the said late Partnership up to the said 31st day of December last. As witness our hands, this Seventeenth day of March, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-two. Chables Elliott, James Elliott. Signed in the presence of Donald Sinclaib, Solicitor, Nelson. Jno. W. Wigzell, his Clerk. 361 DIGGERS FOR WANGAPEKA. PARTIES ARRIVING at NELSON, on their way to the above DIGGINGS, are respectfully direoted to the superior ACCOMMODATION of the COMMERCIAL HOTEL j J. Jebtis, Proprietor. Good Stabling. Traf»)gar-»trcct, 6828

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Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXI, Issue 26, 5 April 1862, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXI, Issue 26, 5 April 1862, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, Volume XXI, Issue 26, 5 April 1862, Page 4