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NELSON CITY COUNCIL FORTNIGHTLY MEETING LAST NIGHT REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE The fortnightly meeting of the Nelson City Council held last evening was attended by the Mayor (Mr G. L. Page), and Councillors E. R. Neale, J. FitzGerald, J. Glasgow, -L. C. Pettit, S. A. Gibbs, H. G. B. Hurst, S. H. Moynagh, S. McArthur, and G. P. Russell. PAYMENTS The following payments from the various accounts were authorised :

CORRESPONDENCE The Nelson Ladies’ Swimming Club was granted the use of the baths for a carnival. A request was made for the remission of the Council’s percentage of .the takings in view of the fact that the carnival was held to defray the expenses of the team attending the New Zealand championships. Councillor Hurst moved that the percentage be charged, but that the amount of the Council’s share be refunded as a donation towards the Club’s fund. The motion was seconded and carried.

The Methodist Bible Class Union-ap-plied for permission to hold its annual camp at the Maitai Reserve during Easter. The request was granted. Mr S. Field wrote resigning his position as cadet on the. Reserves staff in view of an appointment at Christchurch. Councillor Moynagli moved that the resignation be accepted and that the Town Clerk write to Mr Field expressing appreciation of his services. The motion was seconded by Councillor Pettit and carried. Mrs M. J. Robertson renewed a request for the Council to effect improvements to the entrance of her property in Beachville Terrace. It was decided that the Committee of the Whole Council visit the property. Mr W. U.'H. Cole'wrote asking that gorse and an old fence be removed from the, middle of the road in Queen’s Drive.

The Committee of the Council is to visit and report. A petition signed by ratepayers in Locking, North-Esk and Mount streets requested that the right-of-way from Locking street to North Esk street be properly formed.

The matter was referred to the Works Committee with power to act.


The Nelson Fire Board renewed its request for the abatement of the nuisance created by the ejector and sewer outlet in Halifax street.

The Mayor said the Fire Board suggested that the vent pipe be raised. Com. plaints had been received that when the ejector operated a foul smell went into the Fire Station. He said there was a stench in the vicinity which the Council was trying to abate by taking , all the old sewer connections off the Waimea street drain. If -He .Council could remedy the matter in the meantime it should be done.

It was decided, on the motion of Councillor Gibbs and Councillor Moynagh, to instruct the Engineer to investigate the matter and report to the Council.



Mr G. A. Edmonds wrote asking that Tory street and Nile street East be tar sealed as soon as possible. The writer drew attention to the dust nuisance caused by the heavy traffic, particularly by the City Council’s lorries carting metal from the Maitai Quarry. Councillor Neale agreed that Tory street and Nile street East should have preference in view of the fact that the Council’s lorries used its considerably for the cartage of gravel from the quarry.

It was decided to reply that consideration would be given to the sealing of Tory street and Nile street East in the next year’s estimates. The Mayor said the Council had not much more to do to complete the 50 chain radius from the centre of the city under the zoning system. It would bp impossible to do anything until after tlie 31st March.

Mr F. H. Sharland wrote offering to carry out the drainage to his sections in Cleveland road at liis own expense if the Council Would refund £2O in respect to eacli house connected therewith. The offer was accepted. Mr R. G. Strange notified his intention to test in Court the Council’s liability ill respect of a fire which destroyed his fence. Tlie letter was received and referred to the Council’s solicitors.

Application was made by Mr F. I. Ledger for approval of plans for the subdivision of part of sections 706 and 707 fiil; Mrs E. M. Thompson and, for part of section 106 for Mr G. A. Norriss. Both applications were granted. REPORTS RESERVES COMMUTEE A meeting of the Reserves’ Committee held on 17th January was attended' by Councillor Neale (chairman), the Mayor, .Councillors Moynagh and Hurst. The Committee reported and recommended :—•

As to the Cattle Market Reserve: (1) That instructions be given for the preparation of a suitable area in the north east corner as a nursery with a view to the transfer of the seedlings from the present nursery which is considered te bo unsuitable. (Si That l lie Town Clerk he instructed to write to Mr York informing him that as a result of an in spec-lion the Council does not require any services from him in respect of the nursery. (3) That Mr York be given permission to continue (fer the present) to use (ho Reserve for the grazing of sheep, (d) That the Engineer he ir.

Prevent them ! Relieve them 1 £tn- ( ? them! If you have a cold, or feel the first dread symptoms, get a tin of Pulmonas. As you suck these pastilles, tonic, lie: 1 ling vapours are released which penetrate the entire respiratory system — acting directly upon the chest as surely as upon the thrdat. Keep I’ulmonas handy. From chemists 1/-, 1/6, 2/6.

structed to arrange for the proper care of the nursery independent of Mr York. The report was adopted. ELECTRICITY COMMITTEE At. a meeting of the Electricity. Committee held on 29th January, there were present: Councillor Gibbs (chairman), the Mayor, Councillors Hurst and FitzGerald. The Committee reported and recommended : As to the application of Messrs Griffin and Sons Ltd. that they be granted the special tariff for electric light fixed in respect of hotels, offices, shops and places of amusement: That the application be refused on the ground that the applicants do not come within the scope of the special tariff. As to the application of the Nelson Club that it be granted the special tariff for electric light fixed in respect of hotels, shops, offices and ■ places of amusement: That the application be refused on tile ground that the applicant does not come within the scope of the special tariff. That the committee is of the opinion that it is inadvisable at present to widen the application of the commercial lighting tariff.! , The report was adopted. FINANCE COMMITTEE At a meeting of the Finance Committee held on- Holiday the G7th January, there were present:, The Mayor (chairman), Councillors Neale, Glasgow, and Gibbs. The Committee reported a s follows : As to tile letter from Mr N. Jones offering to pay the sum of £3B 15s towards the Native Trustee s claim foi compensation in respect of land dedicated for street purposes in Halifax street and Paru Para road: (a) That Mr Joiies’ offer lias been accepted and tile Town Clerk has been instructed to arrange for the completion of the necessary formalities for the dedication of file land to the Council, (b) That the Native Trustee has been informed that the Council accepted his assessment of compensation and will pay the amount claimed though this is not to be taken ns a precedent as Mr Jones is paying a substantial part of the claim, (c) That Mr Jones’ offer of an additional £lO towards the Native Trustee s claim, on condition that the Council extend the drainage, electrical and gas services as required without payment of interest or guarantees, be declined and that he he informed that these services will be extended as required on the Council’s usual terms provided that no reduction in the amount upon which interest is payable shall be allowed in respect of any connection of the services with houses that may be erected on Lots 6, As to the letter from Mr N. G. Harvey asking for an extension of the drainage to his house in Paru Paru road. That Mr Harvey be informed that the drainage will be extended on the usual terms provided that no reduction of the amount on which interest is payable shall be made in respect of buildings that may be erected on Lots 6, 7 and.B. As to the letter from the Plunket Society advising that the. proposed erection of a Plunket and Rest Room had been approved by its Central Committee and that tlic Society was now in a position to proceed on the terms previously submitted : (a) That tlic Council accept Mr Kirby’s offer to sell the seclion in Trafalgar Square Cor the sum ol £3BO provided (lie building thereon is left on the section, (b) That (he terms upon which the land shall be leased to (be Society will be submitted for consideration at the next meeting. The report was adopted.

john) reported for period ending 3CTth January, as follows : Streets and Footways: The tar topdressing of Halifax street is in progress and following that the Port road as far as Russell street will be proceeded with. •

Drainage: One blocked sewer has been cleared.

Reserves : The drainage and plumbing work' at the Ladies Dressing Shed at Pioneer Park has'Lcen completed. The shed will he available for.use next week and the other will be proeceded with immediately. Routine work has . been done oil the other reserves.

Gas: Owing to overloading an extension of the 3 inch diameter gas main in Nile street , east has been extended for a length of $.7 chains. Water: A survey of'the proposed’ pipeline in the Maitai lias been made as far, as Pole Ford.,. ; Relief of Unemployment: 255 men are employed under No. 5 Scheme and 30 men under the Poppy Day Scheme during the present week The report was adopted. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER The Electrical Engineer , (Mr E, Fleming) reported for the fortnight ending 16th January-as follows: Citv applications 3053 (increase 31; city extensions 5235 (14); total 8288 (17). Lighting load applied for 1813 k.w. (increase 2 k.w.); heating load applied for 4628 k.w. (16 k.w.); power load applied for 2155 (5); total 8596 k.w. (23). City, peak load day, 480 k.w. ; night, 640 k.w. Tahuna, Stoke and Wakatu, peak load day. 23k.w.; night, 41 k.w. .The cost of labour, material and energy for Christmas decorations from 20th December 1935 to 2nd January 1935, amounted to £26 16s Bd. The plant at tlie Power Station is operating satisfactorily and only minor adjustments have been found necessary. The sea circulating pipes have been cleared of marine growth. Satisfactory guarantees have been forthcoming and we are extending the reticulation along the lower portion of Cleveland road. The report was adopted. BYLAWS AND TRANSPORT COMMITTEE At a meeting of the Bylaws, Traffic and Transport Committee held on 29th January, there were present, Councillor Moynagh (chairman), the Mayor, Councillors Gibbs, Neale and Fitz-Gerald. The Committee reported and reconimerfded : As, to the letter from Mrs J. M. Wimsett asking for attention to, Weka street with a view to the abatement of the dust, nuisance: ’Hint the writer be informed that- the Council is of opinion that tar sealing is the only satisfactory solution of the difficulty and that Weka street is included in the next zone to receive such attention.

As to the proposal to move the taxi stand from Trafalgar street and the petition with regard thereto: (a) That consideration of the proposal be deferred; (b) that the Town Clerk be instructed to prepare a suitable circular to taxi proprietors with regard to their use of the stand.

£ s. d. General Account 1 1470 6 1 Water Account 173 16 3 Abattoir Account 56 5 3 Cemetery Account 9 16 10 Trafalgar Park Account ... 13 11 1 Gas Account 467 5 0 Electric Light and Power Account 367 12 8 Baths Account 12 6 9 Mudflat Reclamation Account 29 16 5 Hospital Account 823 5 0 £3424 1 9 Loan Accounts Reserves Improvement Ac. 25 0 6 Relief of Unemployment (Queen’s Drive) Account ... 6 12 3 Electric Light House Wiring Advances Account 21 3 0 Total • £3476 17 6

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXIX, 31 January 1936, Page 7

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CIVIC AFFAIRS Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXIX, 31 January 1936, Page 7

CIVIC AFFAIRS Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXIX, 31 January 1936, Page 7