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RICHMOND APPLEBY BRANCH FIRST ANNUAL MEETING The first annual meeting of the Eichinond-Apploby branch of the Women's Division of the Farmers’ Union was held at Richmond. Mi's E. J. Thomas (President) was in the chair And there was a good attendance of members and others. The meeting opened witli tho reading of tho W. D. Creed. The president read her report as follows “The brunch was formed in June last and the Stoke and Waimea West ladies decided to throw in their lot with n,s. The membership started with 18 ami it lias gradually increased until the number is now 44 financial and 10 mifinancial. The Stoke ladies have derided to form a branch of theft own, and much regret is felt at losing them, as everyone hero has enjoyed their company, and they, in turn, have enjoyed coming to us. “We wish to thank the Richmond Borough Council for granting us llio use of the Women’s Rest Room together with the use of tho kitchen at a. reasonable rental for meetings. We feel grateful to .Miss Kidd, ‘Tiillcrest” for the lecture and demonstration she gave us on ‘'Home Nursing”; Miss Sigley for demonstration on quilt making; Miss lliggs for demonstration on rug making, and Miss Harford for an inleicsting lecture on Tonga and the Tongaiis, and the Stoke ladies for twice bringing competitions. Wo also joined with sister branches in a fine display of handwork at the Nelson A. and P. Show and tho great' success of this was duo to' our Secretary (Mrs E. J.' Tapiin) who organised the display and worked untiringly for it. lir December wo also held a very successful' soeinl, afternoon and a record number came out to this. “Tho thanks of the branch arc extended to the’Mayor and Councillors, Mr Watt who is always courteous and helpful and to the Press. In conclusion I wish to thank all officers and members of the branch for the support; extended to me during my term of; office. I specially wish to thank Mrs Taplin, our very efficient secretary, whoso loyal help has made our branch the success it has been.” , The secretary read her report, and also the balance sheet, (Miss Robson, treasurer, bbing unavoidably absent). All were adopted. Mrs Hockey thanked the president and the secretary for the interest they liad taken in tho work of the branch and made it tbe success it was in the district. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The election of officers resulted as follows: — President, Mrs E. J, Thomas 're-elected); vice-presidents, Mrs D. Malloch and Miss Kidd; secretary, Airs' E. J. Taplin (re-elected); treasurer; "Miss A. Robson (re-elected); Committee, Mesdames !’• C. C'ballies Kelly, Hockey (re-elcctcd), Mcsdumes Niemann, F. Best and Tanner.; delegates to provincial executive. Mes,lames Thomas. Malloch and Tapbn ; auxiliary member, Miss Kidd. It wiis decided to set up sub-com-mittees to deal with matters of interest to the branch, the first of these being “A gardening Circle,” with Mrsj I* C. C'ballies as convenor. Mesdames ■, Palmer, Poole, Cook and Wallace were also appointed to Ibis committee, It was also decided that as Stoke was to have a branch of its own, and the Appleby ladies wished it, the branch be now named tbe Richmond-Appleby . branch. , ' ' • . The thanks of the branch are due to Mr E. J. Thomas for kindly auditing the balance sheet. I Three new members were enrolled. | The secretary read a letter from the ( Town Clerk, 'Richmond asking if the ladies would be agreeable lo serve afternoon tea lo tbe visititig band members on An zee Day. The secretary was instructed to reply that ladies would be very pleased to fulfil this service. As the branch has not yet given anything to the\ Community Chest in Wellington (whence much goes out m the year for housekeepers’ wages and other good work done by the division) it was decided to hold "bring and buy” afternoon on Wednesday, 9th May, and the proceeds will be forwarded to Wellington.

RIWAKA BRANCH ANNUAL MEETING HELD At the annual meeting of the Riwaka branch of, the Women’s Division of' the Farmers’ Union Mr ,W, A. A. Ryder presided over a- good attendance of members., ■, The balance sheet and president s report were presented and duly adopted. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: President, Mrs W. A. A. Ryder (reelected) ; vice-presidents, Mcsdanics G. Jenkins and Sparks; secretary and treasurer, Mrs A If Smith (re-elected); delegates to provincial executive, Mesdaines Harry Fry and Alt’ Smith ; committee, Mesdamcs H. Trewavas, W. Hickmott, 0. G. Wilkinson and Les. Drummond; auditor, Mr 0. C. Wilkinson. , _ ~ It was decided to lorward a donation to tho Community Chest; also to forward a letter of thanks to the Riwaka Presbyterian Church committee for the use of their room. After the business of the meeting had been dealt with, recipes were exchanged and an enjoyable afternoon tea dispensed, the hostesses being Mesdamcs Ryder and Sparks. „ , . The next meeting was fixed tor Uni first Tuesday in June; and it was agreed that a “bring and buy stall bo held and that the meeting be onen to tho public. ANNUAL REPORT The president’s annual report stated: The work of the branch lor the year 1933-34 has been more satisfactory than for Ike two previous years. In September Mrs Forsyth (provincial president) paid us a visit and gave a brief account of hot’ experiences at the annual comercnee. The birthday party held m the school in 4th October, was quite a success Members of several other branches were present and in return our branch lias been represented at the following places on the occasions of their respective birthday parties: Motucka, Moutc,.e Takaka. and Waimea. Representatives have attended the Nelson provincial executive meetings, and on Win January 1934, several members took part ill the combined picnics at >-Uow lien’s Bush. We. are glad to. have been a,hie to help other organisations at We opening of tho H. N. Cook recreation a round. Our branch look cliargo of a produce stall and helped towards raising funds for the ground. •■At the recent dahlia show in waka, bnskctwarc from the Jubilee Institute was sold. Proceeds Irom that dav’s sale and for orders taken since amounted to about £lO. We have held "bring and buy tables at two of our meetings and, these helped considerably with our funds. Our (hanks are due to

the Riwaka Presbyterian Church committee for allowing us tin* use of the church room and to t lie Riwaka school committee and teaching stall' for I lie use of the school for the birthday party; to Gibbs Motors for a donation and Ilia carriage of goods and to.Mr, Reg. Rowling for carriage of goods. Wo are grata ful to the following for helping witii meetings: Mrs Forsyth, Mrs Taylor and members of Motucka bram-li. . Miss Hakes of Dunedin helped us for three mouths and also donated a beautiful doll to be competed for. Proceeds from this competition want towards the housekeeper expenses. 1 wish to specially thank Mrs R. Cook (former secretary) and Mrs A. Smith present seen*, ta.vy for flic help they have given me. but in conclusion 1 want to thank all lor flic loyalty shown me while 1 have been in office.”

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXVI, 19 April 1934, Page 10

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W.D.F.U. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXVI, 19 April 1934, Page 10

W.D.F.U. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXVI, 19 April 1934, Page 10