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ANNUAL MEETING REPORT AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS YEAR’S WORK REVIEWED The annual mealing of the Nelson Provincial Progress League was held yesterday afternoon when there wore present Messrs E. I. Ledger (chairman), the lion. W. W. Snodgrass, 11. Atmorc ALP., M. Grace, 11. R. Duncan, 11. W. Kell}’’, E. Thomson, W. Lock, F. G. Gibbs. P. Best. W. J. Moffatt, and G. Manson, and the secretary (Ah’ E. 11. Neale). Air Ledger welcomed the Tahunanni Town Board's new delegate, Air AT. Grace. PRESIDENT’S REPORT The president submitted his annual report on the work of the year, as follows : The past year has not been an easy ono for the great majority of individuals or for organisations of any kind, and for a body such as the League it has been very necessary to consider carefully any works to be urged and any actions to be taken There has, however, been ample scope for careful watchfulness to see that our district does not suffer unduly at a time when every possible avenue is being explored to reduce expenditure. It has not been necessary to call the full executive together so frequently as usual, and in most cases the Emergency Committee has been able to deal with

such matters as T have not felt justified in deciding myself in collaboration with the secretary. As our meetings are of

necessity held during business hours, 1 feel the members of the Executive will approve of this. RAILWAY As members know, there seemed to he. a danger of the closing of the Nelson line, and the matter of the position of the section has engaged our earnest attention. Following the large public meeting of representatives drawn from the whole district, we have been in constant communication with the Department on the matter of the adjustment of freights with a view to improving revenue and removing anomalies. As long ago as November the Department promised to again send over a representative of their Commercial Branch to discuss the whole position with us and delegates from Murchison and those interested in various industries. We have made repeated application since then for the visit, which has been delayed from time to time pending investigation of certain aspects of the matter. I understand that the loss on the section was again very substantially reduced for the year ending 3.lst Alarcli, but its necessity and value must be apparent to everyone, and all sections of the community must he active in endeavouring to prevent t iio possibility of closing doivn. I deal with this matter fully, as T believe a large proportion of the people do not even now realise' the importance of the line, the extent to which it is used and the position which would arise if it were closed.

(Since the report was prepared we have had a visit from the Chairman of the Railways Board and the Assistant General Manager of the Railways on the matter of the Nelson Railway, and the announcement of considerable reductions in certain freights was made. A number of matters brought before the officials will receive attention in duo course I feel that these adjustments should have been made long ago, and it must now take some time to regain lost ground.) With regard to the completed and partially completed sections of the now line towards Murchison, it has been suggested that the feasibility of making the unused portion of the line available as a stock track should he investigated. The necessity of keeping stock off main highways as much as-possible is well recognised, and unemployed labour could bo utilised for the purpose of making the partially constructed portions of the new line available for the above purpose,

nml also for continuing the work on the location of tlie rest of the line.


Following the course adopted the previous year, we have endeavoured to build up our funds in readiness for new advertising publication.,, and consequent ly have not incurred much advertising expenditure in oilier directions. As a result of (his policy, we have succeeded in attaining a fair balance, and with the current donations we may now be abie to undertake liin new publication. The tourist traffic last year showed an improvement, and as our booklet is practically exhausted, the/ matter of the issue of a new edition or of a suitable folder, or preferably both, should now he seriously considered. The existing hook has been widely availed of, and supplies have been regularly sent to various points all over the world, while they are extremely valuable in dealing with the' many enquiries from prospective new residents, settlers and tourists.

Owing to the temporary decline in tourist traffic and to the desire to build up our funds as mentioned, we declined many newspaper advertising proposals for the past year, but in certain cases these might ho seriously considered again this season.

TOURIST OFFICE The mention of tourist traffic brings us to tlie closing of tlie local branch of the Government Tourist Office. As on a previous occasion when threatened closing was successfully fought by the League, we again put forth strenuous efforts to avert this, and there seems little doubt that the office was fully justified, but. we were not successful in preventing tlie closing on this occasion. As it was as a result of the strenuous efforts hv the League and the Chamber of Commerce over a long period that, the original office was opened, it was naturally disappointing to have it closed, but T feel certain that when better times return, there is every prospect of its reopening, and we will lose no opportunity of pressing for it. Meanwhile of course, an official agency is maintained at Buxton and Co.’s, but this is not nearly so satisfactory The necessity for organisation and more publicity in respect of South Island attractions, independent of Government control, lias resulted the formation of the South Island Tourist League, with headquarters at Dunedin. Your League has linked up with this organisation, and during the coming season it will no doubt lie in full operation.



Largely as a result of the activities of the League, access to the Springs by ! quite a good motor road was provided, ' and the Springs Hostel, which is beimj built by private enterprise, is now practically ready for use, and will bo available this summer. The lessees contemplate considerable improvements in the facilities and the provision of amenities. Work has commenced on the Canterbury side of the Lewis Fans Road, and its completion is being strongly urged in Canterbury and on the Coast. We were invited at short ’ the to hr represented at a meeting in connection with the matter at Rccfton recently, but as the League has never particularly committed itself to support the road, I did not deem it either necessary or wise to definitely identify ourselves with it by representation.


The League set up ft special committee to carefully investigate the effect upon tho industries of the district ol the proposed new regulations affecting (he carriage of goods. This Committee took evidence and conferred with tho interested parties, and tho League convened a public meeting at which the Commissioner of Transport was present, when tho whole subject was exhaustively gone into, with, I think, considerable benefit to all concerned, particularly with regard to securing more elasticity in the matter of permits and temporary concessions. 2ZR Radio Station.—The League lias taken an active part in endeavouring to secure better treatment for the local radio station, and ha« been in frequent communication with the proper authorities. The matter is still under considc-

ration, and tlie League will continue to urge the claims of tho station at every opportunity. We are at present co-operating with the Club in the issue of cards incorporating suitable advertising for issue to listeners outside of Nelson.

Bush Reservation.—l am pleased to report that- in two cases in which tlie destruction of native hush was probable, the League has assisted in securing its preservation. At Bulwcr in Polorus Sound, the area in question has been purchased and the hush permanently saved. At (he head of Lake Rotoiti, representations made by various bodies saved a large area of bush from being felled.

Waiinca Electric Power Board.-—The League was, as a provincial body, interested in the proposals of the Board recently placed before the public, and the Chairman and Engineer of the Board placed tho matter fully before a meeting of the League, with a request that tho Board’s action in referring the proposal to the ratepayers he endorsed if thought fit, and this was done. Alui'chison Coal Leases. —The League also took an active part in overcoming certain serious obstacles placed in the way of the lessees of these coal deposits, with considerable benefit to tlie Murchison and surrounding districts. Salmon in tlie ATotucka. —l'or sonic, years the League has been urging the establishment of Atlantic salmon in tho Alotueka river, and as the Minister named 1933 as a probable date by which certain difficulties might be overcome, we have now taken tlie matter up with the Department again with, 1 hope, favourable results. Aerodrome.—l have been interesting myself in the very important matter of adequate air port facilities for Nelson, and will probably bring certain matters before tlie League hi tlie near future. There arc, of course, many other matters in which the League has interested itself, the chief perhaps being those relating to access to various parts of the district, notably tlie Wangapeka goldmining areas, improvement of road conditions and facilities including tlie Hope Saddle, Takaka Hill, Collin’s Valley, etc., and I am sure 1 Hero is plenty of scope for much useful work during tlie coming year.

The report was adopted. The President stated that he l had had a visit from Air L. Higgins, of Bclgrovc, who was concerned regarding the position of tho Nelson railway and had a proposal for a subsidy to farmers using the rail most proportionally for the carriage of their goods. That matter would be held in mind.

NELSON AERODROAIE. Referring to the Nelson aerodrome the chairman said tho possibility of a larger ground than the present one at Stoke Was being investigated, and it was probable something more definite could be announced shortly. The property which had attracted attention was tho one at Wakapuaka near where tho Motor Cycle Club has its track. He considered the' public would ho against the forming of an aerodrome at 1 alluvia. and as at present the area was not suitable in view of the prevailing winds. Air W. J. AToffntt expressed the opinion that Tahuna was not favourably situated.

A,T- 11 R Duncan considered the aerodrome was a progressive mat ter which the League could undertake. It was definite that Nelson would have to provide a suitable ground i. it was to gain the advantage of the growth of air travel. At the present time a company was investigating the possibility of a regular air service. Air F. G. Gibbs mentioned the extraordinary development of the autogyro and he considered with a little more improvement it would soon he possible for ’planes to land almost straight down. Tt was considered that there had been some misapprehension regarding tho situation of the proposed ’drome at Tahunanui.



Mr F. G. Gibbs mentioned Hint there had been some criticism of the League in connection with its attitude in regard to the railway. lie mentioned that representatives of the League went to Wellington on the matter and adopted the attitude that if railway construction was to bo continued, Nelson bad as good a claim as any others, but at the same time Nelson did not see that it was advisable for the Government to continue such big construction works at present, and the Nelson League l agreed with the cessation of work on all lines. Several local bodies forwarded their contributions for the year. The Motueka Harbour Board’s letter expressed appreciation of the work of the League. CORRESPONDENCE The Murchison Progress League wrote pointing out the seriousness of the proposed importation of pine wood to Now Zealand, for use as fruit cases. It was decided on the motion of Mr Snodgrass to send messages to the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Employment- and to tbo Fruit Contro' Board," pointing out that the importation of pine as proposed would have a serious effect on the New Zealand timber industry, and urging the use o i New Zealand timber for cases as much as possible.

The Minister of Marine notified that the Department lias found it necessary to hold over the further stocking of rivers with Atlantic salmon. It was decided to write to the Department requesting the stocking of the Motucka river with quinnat salmon. It was decided to forward the membership fee to the South Island Tourist League. OFFICERS ELECTED The election of officers resulted as follows:—President, Mr lit I. Ledger; vice president, Mr W. Lock; executive, president, vice president, and added officers. Delegates appointed by various bodies were: City Council. Messrs W. J. Moffatt and G. P. Russell; Waimea County Council, Messrs 0. Malison and •T. Corder; Harbour Board, Mr A. Gould; Motucka Harbour Board. Mr 11. Everett; Tahunanui Town Board, Mr M. Grace; Richmond Borough Council, Mr 11. W. Kelly; Rugby Union, Mr .T. Newman ; Automobile Association. Dr. S. A. Gibbs; Farmers’ Union, Mr K. J. ITolyoake- M.P.; A. and P. Association, Mr A. Thompson; Chamber o! Commerce, Mr E. 11. Thomson; Motor Cycle Club, Mr 11. Ibbotson ; laliuna Sands Association, Mr A. Robinson; Horticultural Society. Mr J. Wigzoll; added members, the Hon. W. W. Snodgrass, Messrs 11. Atmorn M.P., P. Ib-st, E. G. Gibbs, 11. 1!. Duncan, and 1.. Baigent.

Emergency Committee- —Messrs Ledger. Lock, Thomson, Moffatt, Gibbs, Gould, Newman, and Dr. Gibbs.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXVI, 19 August 1933, Page 8

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PROGRESS LEAGUE Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXVI, 19 August 1933, Page 8

PROGRESS LEAGUE Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXVI, 19 August 1933, Page 8