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REVIEW OF THE SEASON SOME nmsltßSTErfa !riGU«»S As us'.i.vJ. ws publish tua pi inctpftl avcf ages in 1 !iO senior cricket teams. '•* *)t> appended averages cover championship matches only. Tho highest. score of tin- series was 416 ljy Oid Hoys against Athletic. in the Second round, I ill 1. it is interesting to note that the lowest seuiv was also hy Old Hoys against Athletic in the lirst round (51). In successive innings Oid Hoys scored 325, -116. and 355. Apart, front championship games the representative team stored 459 and 453 against Motueka am! Waimea respectively m its only Newman Shield matches. There were altogether live century partnerships as follows: 2nd wicket: 128. 'laylor and Kemnitz. Athletic v. College : 106. Neale anti Kemnitz, Nelson v. .Motueka. srd wicket: 156. Neale anil Langbeiu. Nelson v. Motueka. Cth wicket : 127. A. Newman am! fi. Newman. Ctrl lege v. Old Hoys. Bth wicket : 169. Neale anil Dalglish. Old Bovs v. Athletic.



Others whose figures wen* good hut who took only few wickeds wen* Higgar (O.B.) six for 87. Chattel-ton (C.) eight for 105. Hull (A.) eight for 123. CENTURIES

Seven centuries were hit during the season as follows: Neale 20l not- out. 200 not out. 151. 102 : Taylor, 125. 105 riot out (lie also scored 127 in Wellington for the country team) ; and Kinzett 142 not out. Coombs 90. Kemnitz 39 and 85 not out, Fowler 87. J. Newman 96 not out, Neale 94 and 84. Taylor 83. were also other close approaches. Hope's 30 wickets were secured in 4 matches, and Taylor's 27 in 5. Hope also took 15 wickets at 7.6 apiece in the two Newman Shield matches. FIGURES ANALYSED There arc several interesting points in the averages. Last season 18 plovers averaged more than 16. but the number this year is 16. Langbein drops from second to 7th with a drop of 18: Letts from 31 to 14; Kemnitz goes from 27 to 46. and has been in the lirsl six for six years; Shuttleworth from 28 to 9; Kinzett jumps from 12th to 4th with 44 against 23; and Fowler from 14th to 6th (19 to 30); Coombs from 18ih to 10th (16 to 23). With the ball R. Newman drops Irom equal fust, in 14th. 20 at 12 against 19 at 22; A. Newman trom 3rd tn 12th (11 at, 20 against 21 at 13); .1, Newman 4th to lltii (28 at. 13 to 19 at 20;; Fvmzett sth with 24 at 14 against, 13 at 25. PREVIOUS YEARS’ STATISTICS The figures for past, seasons are very interesting, and the records available go back 26 years. Many old names will he noticed. Some players have moved on while others will he followed through a number of vears.

BATTING 1902: W. B. Oi ifrin 30. 1904: W. .7. Bamiehr 34. 1905: C. H. Uroail 40. E. IT. Neale 21. 1906: T. Neuth 42. .1. Blinooe 29. \V. Chisholm 26, Neale 21, Broad 20. 1S07: Dr. Or lord 35. Broad 34, L. S. Jennings 33, 'l'. 15. Konisson 26. Newth 25 1908: W. Chisholm 33. Broad 24. IT. Miller 22, Nc-ah* 20. 1909: Broad 39. Neale 33. A. Snndel 30, B. Chisholm 26. J. G. McKay 23, R. Mead 23. 1910: Broad 52, Neale 39. 3911: A. Stratton 50. Neale 25. \Y. King 25, G. .Richmond 23. 1912: .7. ‘C. Pope 44. Neale 40. K. S. Saxon 38. __ 1913: Broad 54. Pope 40. R. Haycock 36. Stratton 35. Neale 34. N. A. Vercoe 54! R. Eden 32. 1914: Neale 64. Saxon 62. Broad 44. 1915: Saxon 81, Neale 40. Yercnc 36. Louisson 27, V. Thomason 26. 1921. Neale u2, Vercoe 56. 1922: 127, R. Papps 40. 192.5: Neale 44. Kemnitz 43. Saxon 40. 1924 : Saxon 96. Kemnitz. 36. A. Bisgar

25. Neale 24 S. N'ewinan 25. Hull 25. Yercoe 22 1925: Kcnmiiz 44, Neale 59, Sa\.m 3u. 1926: N.'alc 57. Ihggar 42. .17. \\ . lOitherford 54. Airey 29. .1. XVw man 28. 11. C. Fletcher 27. 1927: Xeale 83. Laiighein 48. !>. (Hot it 55. A. <8 I »el ! s 51, SliUtt li'WOl'l h 23. Kemnitw 27. a Newman 26, •] 26, UuH. 26, 9. Nowm.ui 1 Jefcdier 28, O Kiir.’fi-I 22 1928: Np'tlo rCH, .1. 5 Taylor 74, 1 ler.i iu(./. 46, KjnzeU 44, A.. Mfwnmi 55, U 8. Fowl?:* 33, l.ntigbeiu 30. J New::: .t:: 2t-, il. VV. Hope 26, Coombs 23. now i.i xi; 19U5 9 I!. I’miler : 191)7, K Knapp: 1909. O. 16m.-v: 1911. 11. Kin/.tt . 1912. T. Xewt h ; 1914. A. 11. I.:iii<‘ : 1915 A. 11. : 1916. A. K. llrockelt: 1921 ; T. 11. I.nuisson ;iiul J'. .Smith: 1922. K. H. Xt>:il(*: 1925. 11. C. Fletcher; 1924. Xe:.le: 1925. A. X. (iihliii: 1926. 11. 1. illainires. 1927, Met.hei aml 11 Xe\. man : 1928. XV:.h-. ini: xi:w.\iax sniKi.o X.4-..m, who n gained tla- 51ii.4.1 hum V.aime.i .it \\ akeliel.l lasi sue e. ssfully defended it against linth .Motueka. ati.l Waimea this \ear. winning belli games by an innings an.l pulling up over 400 against In.lll opponents, the 459 against. .Moiueka being I lie reeor.l total for the competition. The total against. Waimea was 433. The reioril inrlividnal score for file .series was also (.•lit. up this year. Marlborough were evJieeteij to play for the Shield this year, but their trip north, after the Hawke Cup. prevented this.

Till-: Kl IJKIWTiUCK Cl'l’ (Junior)

This compi'tit ion. in:. u.iiiir:»ll last war with finals It'tt- l>y tin* Inin Mi' S. Kirkpatrick. pruu'iitcil :: must unusual serins ill' names. T;i|ia\vt‘r:i anil Takaka.

wiiu wen- formerly included 111 lilt* New man Shield group. Were at, then rei|Uc-l allowed in the K Cnn (junior) grade this year. 111 a Ulll li live teams-in all. and as a result nf ihe names im fewer than four i-f ihe districts have held the Cup in this one season. Waintea became the lii-si holders last year, and were sultse fluently the holders at I lie hegillililig ol this season, hut .Mntuekn. succeed<-d in lifting the Cup from them in December. Their triumph was short lived, however, for Nelson relieved them of it at the first- attempt. Nelson did matinee to successfully defend it once (against Tapawera'. only to lose it to lalcaka last, week after bein'' well in the lead. Inpav. era had not played m town tor several veals, while a. Takaka. cricket, team had not. been seen ill Nelson for over 30 vears. so that m practically the lirsl. year the competition has treated consider;!h!o interest in tin junior ranks (all hough probably the average, age of the "junior" teams would exceed that of Soltle of the st niors). hi.M.S. VERONICA V. NELSON TEAM

Till- return lli;i!cli between ;i team I »<"' J 1 Yiioiinii mill a lorn I «*lt*vt»n was played at lilt Park tin 4 ms-day alt el'lioon on a, damp litii lit:iit 1 wit kt l. and resultc<l in ;i win Itii' iiif Nelson 11 •;ihi liv H.'-i runs. IJ..M.S. Veronica lull toil lir> l. making o i> runs, tu wliicli llu- Nelson team if plied witli 180 I'nr 7 wit-kels. J-ull semes were lI.M S. YELONUA Thompson. e Shepherd, Ii I. O -Maliey 0 iiandlev. e Satln-rlev. Li .Neale 8 Morris.' Neale. 1> 'C. O'.Maliey ... 7 Mascall. 1> A. Newman 10 Welling, It .Slieplieitl 29 i.1.-Com. Murray (Cap.), li Ik I liomas 10 1 lalitleock, li (iril'fell - Tasker, not out 10 Wal'd, b Slieplieitl 12 fi vine, run out 2 Hook, c Lewis, l.i P. 0 Maliey 2 Extras ' 4 Total _ ......... 9.1 Howling: Exton no wickets lor 7 runs. (.1. O’Malley two for 8. Neale one lor 14. A. Newman one for 7. Thomas one iVn 17. Griitin one for 10. Satlierley none for 16, Shepherd two for 12. P. 0 Maliey one for 0. NELSON TEAM Neale, lliw, li Tlionipson 16 Thomas, h Thompson 11 11. (!uy. e. ’I hompsoii. !i Morris SO A. Newman, relired 4o Satlierley. retired .. Shepherd st 11 ain 1 ley, It Muni .. .. U Exton. li Tasker ‘ Or drill, e J Injinpsi .'n. h T.etkei 4 0. 0 Maliey, ietin ti 19 I*. (I Maliey, li Thompson . 2.7

I. not rail !. Kxtras ' Tut a I I’.uulinn: I 1 11>11111>11 11t ii-f i'>i -At i Muni:- i•m’ l'ur On. Maseall um> Ini' |‘ J - I iaiidrurk limit' l'ur 20. W.-llimr nuid i"i' !5. *!'a tv." l'ur 'h. Wan I u’d Mr o. !•' Ii I Uf wh'ad.s- 'I M S VU".UU;U. .5 -0, 2 10, i.V Ml, a (>-&:-! 7 7h. 0 00. 0 Tl. 1.0 T 5. Nulson ! ’.S, 7 r j 'i im,i/ i ’o, o iu; vi oo VISII Uf A 'L*S 1 K M.l AM 11; A.M I*l. \ vim: MI.NiM: M A'IVIIKS (lly 'lVlvtira i'll. Trias AssodaliutA CllHlSTCin iJCn. full -AprillldV.iv lt>aviim l.v tin 1 li'i i v stdiind' thi: ~v , .M1- \v. L . Hall'. niann.ud ~i ili,. A asl i a l.a i: raided tram. liainl.-<l 1 1 , [1,,. | 'i>" iiii- 1..1 li.wins'; : 'I hanks In ili,- ,\,■ r. Zialaml t'uan-,-i j. ui • |,: i v,. 11: i. i a truly will, i.-i In I nnir an,l liavf all di.ji.y.'.l ntiisi-hvs nnnidisr|v. Tli,. aim lias , dial ill V lirdi a sirdinuiis 11111 * as tar as li a \ .‘I I inr’, is , un.-d in’,l. in:: an Australian ti'ani is alwavs v. illiny .In its fair si,am ul ; i-a'. ell in.v, | n nviiliinj n is ruin" in In' 1,, ualii-ia I In N,'\v Xmlnnil ,r i. I:»■ t. W■* ait ail ndiVi'ily Itnpjiy ami « li-liylit >«l with MU' stay in Nmv Zralan,!. "In an intd'vit'W uivdi tu a piyss-

mi'ii In I) 17 111 1 > lin ;! I! i'!' ill' 1 iii::i I I '' SI m.ilch I si ;ii i'll 11 i;t t I I Inill' ' ll " -lii mine w.'is li.'iillv |: l:i nll<•< i. ■ <n! in ii",nu si i 1 iliii in;i ;i in :niy vv;iy n> 'lt'--tnilii ill- New Xrn l:i ;nl (/riclcm Omn[i ; | mi'.v n 1 :'! ist * tin' iliiiir'ill i'*s |il.i»'-

e.l in its \v:iv in try t" please every 1,, ,|ils t!if!i• i■ 1 i task m a rrn iiemu ;i !,ui";I mine wilietl i 1! Ill'll "lasll wii II ti,e 1 1 i I'ferelit meal events. ;unl 1 i >*l i»*\ <-• ilie (Oiiiisii. inking eryl!iins iiii'» *-<wisi< ler:i ii< i. li:.s <i lie- liesi |i'.ssihle. \ s I', r |„\ slateliielil ! iIHI tin- Uliieir .i. ii- -1, 1 lie el iin ilia t e.l in I'"line mill-, lliis -.uyeeM inn was ininle >•> t ini I I nr lime -!r"".u.e, nmlil lie iiim'ili'l 111 •In* |H ey in linin'. Iml. NS |mill!eil Hilt -IV All li’eesi' 111 II I re-- 111 lerview. tile millin' assneia I ions prnvi.le imelii ili I uf tile ni'iisey iienssaiy Ini' limiin me 1 1 miS til till New Xealaml ; , n ,i -He llie mi I v assnciat inns wliieli will tiike mill week lll.'lti lie-. All A list 111 1 ill !1 ten in wmilil always lie \v\lliii.e ti> play ii cert ain immlier "f tlie ntiiK'i assneia lii ills’ matelies ainl weillil take pleasure in .s<.ill_r if tin* playing ni' stieii matilies were assisting the New /ealaml I'rieket (.'"UHeil ina I pria Ily In liiiame Inins.

"In (i.[illusion. I wish sincrri'ly to thunk jin' New Xe.'ilrmd tl*rnl:»*t Conned, which is composed of ;i body of men who mi- doiiiu; wonderful work for the erninl i,M filin' in New Zenhind, tor the most enjovnhle niul excellent time uv have |,nil in New Zealand dnrine; tlm |i;im two months."

Name In N.O 11.s T.l . Av. Xeale (0-1#.) il o 231 608 101.3 Taylor (A.) a 5 125 470 7il3 Kernnilz (A.) 1 i 89 277 46.1 Kinzett (A.) g 2 142 310 44.2 A. Newman (C.) i G 0 7G 210 35.0 I'nwlcr (0. M l 1 87 ]92 33.0 '.nTlghein (\V ■ ) 12 i 72 335 30.4 .1. Newman ( ) G 0 G9 159 26.5 Hope ( 5 0 131 26.2 Coombs (W l J2 0 90 28G 23.8 Chattel-ton (C.) 6 u 50 137 22.8 '(lull (A.) 8 u G9 160 20.0 Griffin (C.) 8 3 41 91 18.2 Son re) 1 (W.) 12 0 56 200 16.6 11. Newman <c.) 11 0 03 181 16.4 Hawks worth (C.) 12 1 47 179 16.2 llurlev (A.) G ] 39 80 16.0 Biincoo (O.H ) 9 1 59 123 15.5 Jliggar (O.B.) 7 1 34 91 15.1 Wells (A.) 8 1 27 100 14.2 Letts (O.H.) 8 0 32 112 14.0 O.B. (Old Bovs). \. (Al111 elle). \Y. (Wnkatu). C. (College )-

Name Wirk. Buns. .Aver. Neale (O.B.) ... 20 196 9.8 TnvJor (A.) ... 27 289 10.7 Hope (O.B.) .. 50 350 11.6 Wells (A.) . 11 140 12.7 Ivinzett. (A.) .. 24 338 14.0 Shuttle-worth (C.) ... 28 458 16.3 Hnrlev (A.) .. 18 321 17.8 Louisson (A.) .. 10 183 18.3 AfcTl wraith (W.) .. 18 332 18.4 Sea roll (W.) .. 25 503 20.1 J. Newman (O.B.) .. 19 393 20.6 A. Newman (C.j .. 11 229 20.8 Blineoe (O.B.) 15 316 21.0 B. Newman (C.) ... .. 19 428 22.5

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 11 April 1928, Page 6

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CRICKET Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 11 April 1928, Page 6

CRICKET Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 11 April 1928, Page 6