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Satisfaction was expressed ar yesterday's mee'ing of the provincial executive iyf the Farmers' Union at the fact that a. veterinary surgeon had taken up Ins residence in the Waimoas. 'J he Union had ben endeavouring for some time to induce a veterinary surgeon to come to Nelson, but no guarantee could b" given as to salary*. The hope was expressed that farmers w'Siild make full UKe of tlip services of the qualified man.

"Members of the Government party occasionally harass the < iovernment," said the Hon. 0, .). Anderson in a speech nt Auckland, "but w c don't potter about living to deal with them. iV..- simply go straight ahead." The audience of commercial men laughed heartily at the allusion, apparently forgiving Ihe two egregious puns. Mr A. Harris. M.l'., was present, silting in the front row, bill his fellow champion of the motor bus, Mr V. 11. Poller, M.P.. had sent an apology for absence.

Under the Destitute Persons Amenduie/n Acl of last session Ihe powers of the maintenance officer, in conducting cases in the Magistrate's Court, were considerably widened, and the first appointments were announced yesterday. vVhereas prior to the Act of last session tho maintenance officer only conducted maintenance cases with the consent of the parlies concerned, followed by an appointment by an S.M. to act, now ho is freely authorised to conduct all cases without consent of party or Pencil. Under the new Acl if there is any abjection raised regarding the maintenance officer acting in a certain case it is incumbent upon the parly concerned to lodge a complaint.

The second poll of Hamilton ratepayers within a few months on a proposal to raise a loan I'm- building municipal offices was rejected yesterday bv 25 votes . The original proposal provided for the expenditure jnf £IO,OOO, and the amended proposal submitted was .for I'lo,ooo. Press Association.

The Government, is lo he again approached by the provincial executive of the Nelson Farmers' Union to appoint two additional instructors for the district.

"Is pillion riding prohibited in tho Porough of Palmers!on North?" asked Mr A. M. Mowlem, S.M., in the Magistrate's Court last week. "Then I must say Palmerslon North is (he only sane place," he commented upon receiving an affirmative reply. 11,. went on to say thai when he went about the country in his rnvn district and saw Ihc extent to which the practice of pillion riding was indulged in, he marvelled that there were not serious accidents resulting "There, seems to be a special providence over their heads," said Mr Mowlem. "How young ladies can make up their minds to gel- on such a clattering mass of machinery puzzles me. Von should have known better after the first lime," he continued, addressing the defendant in tin.' case before the Court, who was making his second ap{Jfiat'i'nee. "1 did il as a favour for a lady, replied (he wilier. "Whenever we do favours for ladies wc gonerallv get into trouble," said the Magistrate. "It is quite, understandable, but il is not a legal excuse." A fine of 30s wilh costs, was imposed.

Ihe evangelist, Gipsy Smith, apparwilly disapproves of nil dancing that is no! solo dancing. Ua sialyl nl his mis. sum meeting in Wellington that ho did not mind peoplo dancing provided thcv danced on a table by themselves "Do you know what your modern dancing is.' he asked. "It's cuddling. If your husband or your wife came upon'vow in your drawing-room with ; , person' in the attitude assumed by a couple who are dancing, you would be sued for divorce. Vnai tolerate in a jazz room what, yon would not tolerate anywhere else.

For fifteen years past the annual re""""i. ol' l he Auckland Old Colonists' Association has been brightened by ;) little presentation ceremony, to all look forward with interest, wires "The Mail's" Auckland correspondent, Nils is the handling of n cheque f o| . £4 under the terms ~f (hn will of f|„- 1,,t0 ■Mr dames Mcl.achlan. to lite oldest surviving descendant of passengers bv ibe ship "Brilliant," wlii.l, arrived at lie Manukau in RMJ. This honour has tnHen year by year 10 Mr .lames Ham, who- was born at Cornwallis in H-tiand is now in his (J4lli year Tlie presentation took place in Hie, limehonotired way at yesterday's reunion

'■''C.Vnloiired ! uji. All Sill;, double ilycd. This is a particularly good qual ily ; 30 shades to choose from, 'l6 yard Tralhen's.*

Hy advertisement In today's issue ratepayers are reminded thai the indiee in town for the collection of harbour rales will be definitely closed nri Satnr day next, lfith October.

"Lingerie Fuji." All Silk, self bimbo, in shades pink, sky, helio, jade, cream ami while., 20in. wide. A II 'yard. Tra tlu'll'.S."

The Workers' Co op. Ladies' (iuild are holding a eiiehre tournaine'ul and dance in 1 !u- Oddfellow*' Mall on Friday night. •Sniped Fuji." .\ll Sill:, show in;; In all the latest and smarlesl shipes, <l II verd. Trillion's.*

Through lie- simple process of toast, in;; his tobacco lint modern manufacturer lias been able lo effect an enormous improvement in the smoking quali ly. Ii is a well known I'acl that cooked lend is wholesomer and more digestible, than raw food, and the same principle applies in lobaci'O. Wo do not eat raw meat or fish or drink raw coffee, why should we smoke raw lobacon. Il is woridert'ul how the llavour of lobaeco I;,n bo developed by blasting. Try any of the local brands and you will notice a marked improvement and what is also important, as a result of the toasting process lb'' tobacco loses all deleterious properties. Smokers who study their health should therefore give this matter their attention, anil avoid strong foreign tobaccos heavily charged with nicotine. They are sure to undermine even ihe most'robust const it ut inn. Not only is the local article purer and more wholesome I ban most of the imported biands. tint it > s cheaper too. Riverhead Hold is mild and aromatic ; Toasted Navy Cut (Bulldog) of medium slrength, but if vou prefer a full body try Cut I'lug No. 10.'

The good work being accomplished by the women's auxiliary of the New Zealand runners' Union \v;is mentioned at Hi,, mooting of I lip Nelson J'ravincial ovoeiilive vesierdav afternoon, It was staled thai Mrs \V. li. North had boon appointed to I lip Now Zealand executive committee, and it was expected that a meeting of women would be called shortly for the purpose of forming a branch in Nelson.

.According to informal ion received by the Nelson provincial executive of the New Zealand farmers' Union, the proposal to form a wool organisation board does nol meet with the approval of Cabinet, It was mentioned that the object of Ih e board was not so much to lix. the price of wool as to endeavour to decrease the handling costs A-reso-lution was carried expressing disappointment* at. the Cabinet's decision anil Imping that reconsideration would be given to the matter.

Suzanne Lenglen and parly, including Mary Browne, the French star l'aul Ferel, and three other players, will leave California for Australia in October. The promoter, Mr Pylo, hopes that amateur players will be perinitled to play against professional stars on the same basis as golf amateurs, ilis representative will leave shortly for Australia to arrange for exhibition matches. Miss Helen Wills has cabled In Mr 8. N. Doust, stating that she has no intention of turning professional

At the A. and P. Association's show at Richmond Park next month there will be ample supplies of hot, water for picnic parties. At the last monthly meeting of the committee the President (Mr A. E Max) referred to the inconvenience caused visitors who brought, their lunch to the ground but found it dillicult, to get supplied with hot. water for making a cup of (en. Arrangements are to he made whereby hot water will bo supplied free of charge throughout the day. '

The South Cnnterbury Hospital Board has decider! to appoint a dispenser at Ihe Tiinaru Hospital, following the recent fatality resulting from a poisonous chemical being given to a patient in mistake.

When a case was •opened by the Customs oflicial at the Chrislchuivh railway station last week il. was found that several rolls of moquolle had been removed and granite blocks substituted. The. stolen Was valued atabout £SO. The case was discharged from an overseas vessel, and the granite was similar to that used for street paving in Continental towns.

The ever increasing part being played by nice trie power in dairying activities was evidenced by a statement furnished by lb., engineer,"Mr W. A. Waters, at n meeting of the Manawatu-Orona Power Board Mr Waters mentioned that the total number of milking motors now being served bv the board was approaching the 500 mark. It was fur-

or slated that, the maximum demand of the Manawatn County for power was ihiw larger than thai, of the Feilding borough, with every indication of a still greater demand.

An intimation that, the Education Depart merit might not be in a position to carry out its policy of replacing one school in each district during the present year was received by the Wellington Education Board to-day, tho matter coming up as a result of a protest against the department's decision not to proceed at present with (he erection of a. new infant school at Mount Cook. Tnler alia the department's letter states:—"ln all probability it will not bo possible this year to> undertake rebuilding in the four centres. The department has had many more calls on the funds at its disposal (ban anticipated. Strictest scrutiny of all applications for soma time to come will have to be made." Tho. chairman remarked that it was understood they were going to have one building replaced every year. Apparently that policy was going to be departed from for one year, if not two. The letter was received.— Press Association.

An assurance [hat rumours to the effect that inllucny.a was again becoming prevalent in Christchurch were unfounded was given bv Dr. T. F. Telford, Medical Ollicer of Health. He .stated that he had not heard of any cases and io had not been told of any by the medical men of the city.

Following on legislation passed' last session regulations have been drafted declaring the beds, of rivers and streams flowing into Lake Taupo to be Crown land, and reserving a right of-way over th e kind on each bank of these waters. The regulations, which will come into force on Ist November, provide, that fishermen may obtain a whole-season license, a weekly-license, or a daylicense. Tin: cost of the license varies accordingly as the fisherman is a district resident, a resident, or "another person " For a. whole-season license district resident must pay CI lUs, a re* siderif \£3, /ind others £(>. Theso are the rates for adults; for fishermen under lb years of ago there are lower rates. The hours for fishing are from 4 a.m. to 9 p.m. Tilery are restrict iens on the lures ibid- may be used by the fisherman, and on the size of fish that be may catch. Permits to use campingsites will be issued at Ids per month.

A denial that the Reform Party had J lapsed into a state of lethargy, because of its long term of office, wits made by the lion. (!. ,1. Anderson, Minister of Labour, when upcahing at the opening of the new Kaukapa.ka, post office. Mr Anderson said it was often contended by the Government's opponents that 'he party had been iu power 100 long, Ibut that was not* so. No member of the House laid held a seat before 190 l! and sat in the House ever since. The I'remier bad entered politics in 1911, UlO samo year as the. speaker. Mr Coales was a, young and capable man, leading a, young arid virile party. New Repp Coats in smart- styles and latest, shades, 75'- to 5 guinea's. Al M'Kay's.* Fiisemble Suits in the very smartest designs. Shades of rosewood, raisin, giceii and tirfoif-e blue, from £8 15s, M'Kay's."

Coat Frocks in summer Weight wool repp. We have a large .assortmenl of various si vies and colours, reasonably oi'iced, from 75' .- - M'Kav's."

Mrs Cowie, permanent waving specialist, arrived in Nelson ibis morning.'* Kmms' Motors are advertising a revised service for the coming season. Their midday car and also weekly orvy service will prove a great benefit botu to the local residents .and tourists, going ;is it does a surer .means of transport between these pliers *

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 13 October 1926, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 13 October 1926, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 13 October 1926, Page 4