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W. Mellwain. it t'rciiui'm oftVmW for (Irniikenness. wits itg;iin helnre (lit* Court this wi't'k. wlt 'ii in- was sentcmetl to two months' imprisonment. Mr t>. A. hilmontls ami Mr *■. M. llout. Just ires, ■were mi tho Bench. Tito evidence showed that tin* offence was a particularly hail one.

'I hi' first woman wireless opera tnr I" go i(> sen is nil Malian. Mademoiselle Alalia Harbiori. of Eiume. Sllc is only 20 yin is r.f age. lmt. ;is a pupil of the Italian Naval School for \\ iroloss Upcrali rs at Spr/.ia. recently passed an csamination in six languages. alter a seven months course, am! gained a first, i iass ini emu t iona I diploma. She made her fiist voyage as wireless operator 1 i-oii■ Finnic tn Marseilles, and \ aleneia. in Spain.

While ixenvnling in lie ti mh >1 11: muse, at Thebes, Mr Robert. .Moml unearthed an ancient Egyptian plough, complete with share and coulter. The shaie is made ol hard wood, anil its leather thongs are in a good state ot preservation. The plough bears the Royal cartouche of Pharaoh Akin-oaten nr Amennphis 1\ -. to tvlinn •! in l --~e was vi/ier.

The world is apparently to_ lose its oniv woman diplomat. Mme. IColioritay. tin- Soviet Minister to Norway, says .die has definitely decided to resign, in order to lake part in politics at home.

A| the opening of the Old J'niley sessions (London) recent lv the recorder (Sir Ernest Wild. K.C.) said his experience of women jurors was that they had added considerable to the due and proper admini-stratif-'ti of the criminal law. Sit Ernest- also remarked that lor the first time for at least 40 rears an Old Bailey grand jury of 23 persons had taken their stats without one of them putting forth a-n excuse to avoid public service.

In the discussion on episcopal bouses at the Church Assembly, in England, the Archbishop of York moved that the word “palace should be struck out of the official designation of bis residence— Bishopstliorpo Palace. Me said. 1 modestly disclaim the ancient title of palace for mv cold fortress and prison house. 1 have never given it the title palace. It is purely a popular phrase, and 1 should be sorry it it were sanctioned hv an r.-dieial doettm:-nIT ' e word "palace" was si ruck out m the scbeilnle of the measure.

Postal authorities advise mails which left Wellington on 2nd Man-h per Tahiti, via San Francisco, arrived in London. Ist April. Judge Tehbs complained til Walsall (England) County Court that the Appeal Court, when reversing otic of his decisions, ciiticised his language in language lie could not. understand. ’I he Master of the 1!oils. Jie said, used passage after passage to which he (Judge Tehbs) could attach no meaning.

Parties of prospectors who have travelled to the new gold discoveries at Red Lake; in Northern Ontario, Canada, in the winter adopted a new method ol transit— namely, "snow motor. llns r;e\v vehicle has a bodv like a mol or car. hut instead ol wheels it has two parallel cylinders, one at each side, with projections arranged spirally. These cylinders revolve, and give the car its forward impulse. Attention of members of the (Till Boys' Football Chib in drawn to an advertisement in this issue re a lull practice tit the Park 10-tnorrow (Thursday) evening at 5 p.m. All players are urged t > attend for purpose of classification etc.

At the last British general election the total eost to the 1.12 S candidates was C!)21 .Bln. Mr Baldwin’s eleetion expenses were CPU as compared with .tftilis spent by Mr Lloyd Ceorge. and tififid by Mr Ramsay McDonald. Mr Winston Churchill's light at Kpping involved an expenditure of €1.078, and Sir William Joynso.'i-Hicks spent £lll<> tit Twickenham.

Two Cabinet Ministers—one of them being Mr Winston Churchill--have been filmed while tit work in their departments. Other leading members of the Oovernment are to lie invited to submit to the same process, and the resulting series of pictures. for which arrangements have been made by the Unionist party organisation, will be available for exhibition at party meetings. They will also be shown on the tours of 'the travelling cinema van. which is used in country districts for Unionist propaganda purposes.

"Measures for tin* protection of civilians against, poison gas are under consideration as part of llu* general problem of the protection of tin* civil population against air attacks." said the Prime Minister (Mr Baldwin) in Parliament recently. It was not in the public interest for him to say anythin" more, lie added.

it lias been decided to reconstruct the Hovel Indian Marine as a combatant force, to lie known as the Koval Indian Navv. The service will tly the white enshm. and its constitution will mark the first step towards India ultimately undertaking her own naval defenee. Indians will he eligible to serve ns eflieers. India's old navy was abolished in I sink after the Indian Mutiny, on the "round of expense. Smart Heady to Wear l'elt Hats—huge selection —7 '6. 8/11, 96. 10/6. 12/11. to 18/6. —The .Auckland Clothing and Drapery Cn.. Ltd.*

3/11 for Satin .Anglais. the wonder fabric. Looks and wears better than satin. A yard wide. In black, white, and all leading shades. —The Auckland Clothing and Drapery Cn.. Ltd.*

If die average man were cast away (.n a Desert Island and compelled to lend a Robinson Crusoe existence, his first thought (nftrr the food and water problem was solved) would he: "lh w ran I get something to smoke? Ihe craving for tohaeeo' is insistent in the case (,? 10 men out of every 12. and to salisfv the universal demand hundreds of brands of the "weed" arc on the market. They come from many lands, rui. of the latest cn.mi ries in _ produce ihcni (in a perfected form) being New Zealand. Strange to say the barren gum lands ol the North which won I grow ordinary err>p,s grow splendid tobacco. a mailer \>f tin* greatest import - ance to nifll on Pic land up there, be cans.’ the avenge yield of leaf is worth £SO per :i re. and the industry promises 1,, heroine a source of National wealth. The local article is much appreciated by those who had to give up smoking foreign tobaccos because of the ’excess of nicotine. which affected their health. Trv "R.iverliend Cold" (Mild). Navy Cut (Bulldog! Medium, or Cot Plug No. 10 (Pullshead) Full.* 1

Run* white winlies were seen by the Aigarrs< u N.'.tli i’l-e scientific expedition last year according to .Mr Gordon llml. ef ituncdm. who was til if I engineer ( I tin parte. In an interview in Gne din he said 'a shoal of lhe whales was sighted when the ship was returning Ire-11l the Arctic lo Frail/, Joseph I.and. lie believed that white whales had been rarely seen. I lie expedition had endeavoured to kill a specimen for zoological nurnoses. and although men had gone out "in boats and fired rifles, the attempt was not successful. The whale's wetv between 20’ft and 30ft in length.

lie Si vent oen ll|, plications considered by the New Zealand Counci lot' the Milk itig Finn thorn Br< eders Association lor tlie. position of organising secretary ineludtd two from lientenant-colonels and me each from holders of the M.A. and 11. A. degrees. One applicant stated that Ins qualifications included shorthand and typewriting, aid another that he was ‘of good appearance arid over six feet in height." As proof of his judgment of slock a seeker alter the position declared that the .Milking Shorthorn hulls at the last I!oval Show "were the poorest lot ne had seen anvwhcre."

The election of members of the V.’ai men County, the Hospital Hoard and Waimea County reprosen Ia I i ves of the llarhour Hoard will he held on May 12th. Anv ratepayers whose rates or any part thereof are unpaid will not he eligible to vote or lo nominate any nirmher or lie* candidates thcmsi Ivos.

Mr Alexander who although hr.m without hands. gained n eonsidera hie reputation as nil artist, lias died at Kdinbwrgh. On several occasions he had paintings hung at the exhibitions of the Koval Scottish Academy, in one year two pictures being accepted. Since boyhood ho had trained Idntself to hold brush or pencil with his toes When u valuable miniature, about one inch in size, by a famous Italian artist, was defaced, Air Alexander undertook the delicate work of restoration, and completed it in 12 davs.

In making bequests, ranging from .£IOO to £3O to 31 missions and charities. Mr George 11. dildd. F.K.G.S.. of West Norwood (England), stipulated:—l give the following legacies to missions, on condition they are still holding and teaching all the fundamental doctrines of the Christian Faith, especially that the Holy Bible, from page to page, is the inspired Word of God.

Tin? latest style of hairdressing for the modern woman is known as the “Charleston,” and bids fair to replace the Eton crop. A side-parting with a cock's curd) effect over the forehead, and a curl < :i each cheek, is the note of this new stvle.

As a child. Margaret Ilalstan, an English actress, used to go often to the Lyceum, and her memories contain many happy thoughts of Irving and Ellen ’Ferry. “When I was in my ’teens someone introduced me to Ellen terry.’' Miss Halstan tt*!d an interviewer. "My friend said that 1 was hoping to be an actress, and 1 shall never forget how Ellen Terrv put- her hand beneath my chin and said, \My child, rf the two evils, choose the lesser -••gel married.”

First edition copies of Thaokera v’e works were sold at Si theby’s for £420. A sketch by Thackeray of "The Lord Mayor Killing Jack Cade” realised £3O.

As a rule it is the pedestrian whocomplains about, the reckless motorist, hut a motorist complained to an Auckland Star reporter about his own fraternity. “There is no pleasure.” lie complained. "in driving a car in these days. Yesterday J was out on a quiet- suburban road where there was no excuse for anything but the most careful driving, and was almost run down by a "roadhog." He came round 1 1 1 r> corner at a terrific hat. and nothing but a miracle prevented the hospital being encumbered with several people. More l>v ,instinct. than hv anything etas 1 jammed mv ear hard over on the edge of the road, next a hedge, and the careering madman went by in a lla«h with just ■enough room to clear. It is people like him that g< I motorists a had name, lie is not i.nlv a menace to everyone on the road, hut lie italics mote-ring a positive nightmare. Yon never know when yoM are going to meet this l'i a!her-l.u .nn-.vd kind, and instead of enjiyng a drive, as. we used to. ; <n the old davs when motor ear_nconic had more sense of resnonsihilily. we are now on tenter-honks the whole time ‘Torn when we leave the garage until we get hark thankful we are safe."

A motoring party travelling towards Palmerston North from Dulls the other afternoon (says the Standard) was 'hailed, when on the outskirts of Sat'ison, by a woman who stated that she desired a lift to the township, as she knew ot a good mushroom picking area there. As the mushroom picker took a. seat in the ear it was observed that, she was more than a little under the influence of liquor. When Sanson was reached the now voluble passenger stated that she could see no mushrooms, and that she would go to Bunnythorpe, where there was hound to he plenty! Ihe position was a difficult one for the motorists, and they compromised by allowing her to retain a seat as far as Palmerston North, but when some three miles away from town she declared that she saw some mushrooms, and it was with a sigh of relief that the members of the party permitted her to alight to gather the delectable fungus growths.

The serenity of a Palmerston North Sunday school class was disturbed recently' bv a very young pupil, who had apparently succumbed to the lure of collecting cigarette cards. When handed a text card, lie gravely inspected it and politely handed it back, saying- “No. thanks. I'm not collecting that kind." Women's Stylish Coat Frocks in all wool gabardines and repps, 49/6, 59/6, 65/-. —The Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.. Ltd.*

"Doer, une driver's license entitle the holder to drive a ear. motor-cycle, and a motor-lorry ; or have separate licenses to he obtained in respect of each vehicle?" This question arose at a meeting of the Waimate County Council, when the clerk said lie had heard of bodies issuing u license for each vehicle. The regulations, he stated. were not very clear on this point. As the Waimate Council has been issuing only one license irrespective of how many vehicles the holder intended to drive, the members await with interest the riding cf the Counties’ Association’s solicitor on the matter.

Motueka ! More. Ah/hey Savers for you to-int rrow at the Sample Hoorn. 'Motueka Hotel.—The Auckland Clntli‘ng and Drapery Co., Ltd.* "Special." All Wool Cheviot Velour Coating. 54-inch. 9,6 vd. Latest shades, including hois de rose, cedar, and hoi lie green etc.— .At Tratliens'.*

Motueka ! To-morrow will he another big bargain day at toe Sample Km 'in. Alotueka I Intel.—l lie Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co.. Lid. ::

Ki.r Ladies' smart Winter Coals /n Veil.iir. Tweed, and Fur. conic to 'L'ra tiicii's ftv chc.iceO. Cash discount as usual.*

Emms’ Motors are advertising a redeed service for tli e coming season. Their mid-day car and also weekly lorry service will prove a great benefit both to the local residents and tourists, giving as it does a surer means of transpor' hetwpen these ulaoe« *

Tim Mayor (Mr Lock) and the City Lman-illi/rs have intimat'd to Mr Hayyard that they, accompanied by their wives and families, will he present ai Hie Mamlen Church Hall this evening to witness the screening rf the tine New Zealand picture "Kewis Last Stand."

At the ceremony of switching on the electric powei at Waitedi and' Palmerston Mr A. G. Aldridge, engineer-mana-ger of the Otago Power Board, delivered a well timed homily to the schoolchildren assembled. The vmust. remember. lie said, that wires carving electric current were always dangerous, and he wanted to impress on them not- to. touch any wire whether on the pole or lying on the ground. They should km.Av that- behind all wires connected with the Power Hoard's reticulation lines lay a, tremendous power—the power of Waipori, and they could never tell hv merely looking at a wire, whether this power were coursing through it- or not. The speaker also warned the children against using I lie insulators as targets for road metal and pea-rifle or catapult pellets, and pointed out the danger that might ensue from a wire falling from a broken insula tor. 'Flu* rapt attention given to Mr Aldridge's advice by 1 lie children showed that his words had ituilt home.'

Frank criticism may he interesting, nut it is not always palatable. At Auckland, says the Star, an old gen demon stood at a street corner in one of the suburbs closely scrutinising a which is of somewhat unusual design. much to the apparent pride of the owner, hut not the subject of much admiration on the part of others in Hie locality. Seeing a young man approaching, tile old gentleman stopped him and asKi'd. pointing at the edifice with his stick. "Is that a church or a school?'

“A house." replied the other. “What, a private house!" ejaculated the critic, oblivious of the fact that the owner had his head out of the window, all attention. "H looks like the House that Jink Built." The owner hastily withdrew Ins head, and Hie critic. casting another scornful glance at the building, resumed Ids walk.

An analysis of the results of the Auckland primary schools Spurts laxi week throws a rather significant light upon the importance of school games in developing athletic skill, and at. fine same time draws attention to the. fact that tile schools in the more congested city areas have again been outpointed, says the Star. A number of suburban schools figured prominently among the prize-winners. Epsom carried oft the victory with a splendid total ot 147. i’apnt'oetoe coming second with 92, and Kowliai. Bayfield, and Reinuera- close together in the next three places. The larger schools have five hundred or more pupils, and there are few or none that do not find themselves cramped for playing areas. Reference was made to the matter at a meeting of Pa pa to. 1 toe ratepayers last week, when it was stated that the recreation reserve adjoining the school had been thrown open to tlhe children. “A recreation ground near the school is the greatest asset a dislrut cau have,” remarked the chairman of the local school committee on that oei asion.

While sailing yachts have more than mice voyaged across tin* Tasman from New Zealand to Australia, it is not a trip that is usually essayed by power launches. Unusual interest is therefore attached to the departure from Wellington on Saturday last of the 45-foot, 10ton Psyche for Sydney* The Psyche has a 30-horse-power engine, giving a speed of eight, knots, and when using her sails is able, to add a. knot or two per hour more. She is expected to* make the run across in about ten days, but a margin of five days, more lias been allowed for in case of meeting with head weather. Captain Townsend, of Auckland. is in command, the crew being three Wellingtonians, Messrs A. Scott, IL Quinlan, and Thompson, the latter being the engineer.

A full rehearsal for both chorus and orchestra of the Nelson Harmonic Society will he held to-m/rrow owning at 8. Tenors ami basses are specially asked L note Thai' the 'arrangements made at the hist practice are cancelled, and that all sections of the chorus are asked to be present at 8 o'clock sharp.

Model Hats. Prices are lower this season at Tint lien's. Come and see the smart hats.*

Fur Coats at fair prices. See list, on page 3 and then com..* in and try some of them on. Prices front £7 19s 6d. are surprisingly reasonable.—Trathen's.*

5 11 yard for fine All Wool Serges in fawn and mole ; also All Wool N.Z. Dress Tweeds and Flannels in plain shades and novelty checks. All 54-inch. —The Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co., Ltd.*

Flannel and Blanket weather is approaching. Prices are lower at Trathen’s this season. All Wool Flannels from 1/11 yard. Snow white all won! Blankets 25/-, 35/-, 45/-, 55/-.*

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 7 April 1926, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 7 April 1926, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 7 April 1926, Page 4