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C.J.C. MEETING (United Press Association) ' IiULSTI ill IS 11. Aptii ... ): ,- CJ O re ■'.•;:,, v e, !i.-H .' fill" \> • ,.;!-'•■- r i'ho L'i. '•• *' I-. |v'' iV ' '"••'■' ' ■' ' ',',.'-■'•• pi it ■ '■■ ■ ■. • ' Note, Paper Boy. Lady Swinton. 'A on bv three lengths. Time. LI. ' Kildare Hurdles: Man;. Colours 1. Kajuiia 2. Scratched. Projector. Won bv a length and a half. Tiiiii . 3.17. GHRISTOHURCH. This Day. There was fine weather for the races. Results: - Hilda:,, Hurdles: Many Colours 1. Ka jjuii.i 2. Only starters. Won by a length and a bail'. Time. 3.17. Champagne Sialics; Commendation 1. Limerick 2. Serin 3. Seven starters. Won by .i length." 'I ime. 1.12 25. Am iiiiiii I i:-'e : Piiilliair I. l 'orini in 2, (lav Queen .3. Eight starters. Won by half a length. Tune, 1. ,0. ErussJeV Plate: Loiing Lochinvar I. Alyson 2. Miss Flighty 3. Eleven start tv:-. Won by three lengths. Time. 1.1. Great Easter Handicap : I Ira ml Knight I. Civilitv 2. P.aldowa 3. Sixteen startms. Wo',, by a length. Time. 1.25 1.-5. Oimeraek "Handicap.: P.n0,.,-ler 1. Receijit 2. Cold Prick 3. startrrs. Won by a length. Time. 1.12 15. Sockburn Handicap: Los Ambus !. Tommy Dodd 2. Rivalry 3. Eight start vvf. Won by half a length. Time. 1.53. Courlcnny Weber: Footfall 1. Centre piece 2. Zarago/.a 3. Seven starters. Won bv a length. Ti 1.39 15. Totalisator: £50.153. NOTES ON THE RACING CTIR.rSTCm'RCII. April 5. At the 0..T.C. races in the Groat Easier Handicap Sol Sail and Orand Knight were the smartosl to begin, while Corn Money was slow in leaving the mar!;. At tile end of the furlong Set Sail was shewing just clear of Licinius with Orand Knight and Civility in the bunch just, behind them. At the end of the two furlong's Mem his hud taken charge, followed by Set Sail. Civility. P.aldowa and Rosenor, with Orand Knight in the next bunch. Licinius was still showing the way to Set Sail when they reached the straight, where Grand Knight. Civility and I'aldowa were all handy. There was not much to choose between Orand Knight. Set Sail. Civility and P.aldowa at the distance, but ' Grand Knight then drew away, winning by a length from Civility,'who beat P.aldowa by half a length. Set Sail was a length further back, iust in froi I of Licinius and Fool's Paradise. Tn the Sockburn Handicap. Teuuiy Dodd. Los Ambus, and Mount Maria were first, lo show out. Half a mile from home Los .Ambus drew out well clear of the nexl bunch. Gold Light was beaten at. the entrance to the straight, where Count Cavour and Rivalry put in an 'appearance. Los Ambus heid a lead of over a length at the distance, and he lasted long enough to heal Tommv Dodd by half a length. Rivalrv was'a good half a length away third.".'! neck in front of Fresco, with Count Cavorii at the bead of the ethers.

C.J.C. MEETING CHBTSTCHURCn, This Da v. The C.J.C. Meeting was continued in dull weather, with the course in good order and a large attendance. Peerswiek Hurdles: Many Colours 1: His Majesty 2. Scratched: Projector. Won by 12 lengths. Time 3.3 3-5. Autumn Nursery Handicap : Young Lochinvar 1: Assurance 2: Paper P.nv 3. Scratched : Front Lank. Won bv I.', lengths. Time 1.13. Yaldbursl Handicap: Centrepiece 1: Zaragoza 2: The Harp 3. Scratched: Corinthic. A length. Time 1.27. Addinglon Handicap: Rapier 1: Gav Life 2; Corinthic 3. Scratched: Miute. Hair a length. Time 1.40 3-5. Great, Autumn: Grand Knight 1. Roval Divi roe 2. Listening Post 3. Woe bv a head Time 2,31 4-5. Scratched. Deucalion. Haze. AUCKLAND MEETING AUCKLAND This Day. Light showers fell during the day. Results were: Nelson Handicap: Whits Fang 1, Patatu 2, E i Timi 3. Twenty-eight starters. Won bv three-quarters of a length. Time. 1.40. ' Victoria Handicap: Threadneedle 1. Aussie 2. True Blood 3. Thirteen starters. Won by a neck. Time. 1.15. Autumn Steeples:: Mahgslcrie 1. Kawini 2. Explorer 3. Nine starters. Won by half a length. Time. 5.58. Autumn Handicap: Tnoome 1. Rapine 2. Desert Clow 3. Thirteen starters. Won bv a head. Time, 2.25 1-5. St. Leger Handicap: Mask 1: Star Stranger 2. Catcall 3. Six starters. Won by a, neck. Time. 3.5. "lluia Handicap: Shirlev 1. Sunup 2. Deluge 3. SlX<e*J starters Won bv 2.', lengths. Time. 1.13 3-5. Islington, Welter: Thorn 1. Srni 2. Tall Timber 3. Totalizator: £99.139.

FETLDING RACES FEII7DING. This Day. There was fair hut cloudy weather for the Foildim: races. Results were: — Kmibollo'n Hurdles: Soitano 1. Pentlennis2, Mn'u 3. Eight starter?. Won l.v Uime lengths. Time 2.42. 'Bega Hack: Dobbin 1, Mnnogbau 2. Rillikins. 3. Twelve starters. Won by a neck. Time 1.7 3-5. Raster Handitap: Imperial Spark 1. Vaward 2. G ion gar iff 3. Seven start era. Won by a length. Time 1.55 2-5. Awaburi Hack: Great- Dav 1. Lieut. Rill 2. Roval Elm 3. Ten starters. Won by half a 'length. Time. 1.23. Denbigh Handicap: Rational 1, Cold Rnx 2. Lady Rep.t.inek 3. Seven starters. Won bv a length. Time. 1.16. Waiuta Stakes: Merle 1. Moon Face 2 Awn 3. Nine starters. Wen by a neck. Time. 1.16. Orona Hack Cup: Renznrn 1. "Wiltshire 2. Inoe 3. Fourteen starters. Won bv n length. Time. 1.48 1-5. ' Welter: Riigh' Knight 1. Srnlnnio 2 Star Area 3. Ten starters. Won bv a hntstli. Time. 1.27 2-5. Tr.tal'isator: £40.979. tli ■ I'tal foi (he meeting, a decrease of £3OOO. KXMARA MEETING KUMARA. This Day. At the Knmara races results were :-- Pioneers' Handicap: Hallowmoon 1: lord Leslie 2; Marble Bar 3. Six starter. No Lime taken. Rorleyrnrn fell Mud sprained a fetlock. Discovery Handicap: Rig Push 1: Deep Drive 2; Uleabore 3 Seven ran. \ head. No time taken. Goklfields Jubilee Handicap: Gnoecslen 1; Para 2; Prince Feroiiz 3. Five st:>rtcrs. Won hv U lengths. No lime. Borough Handican Trot: Trimmer 1 : Seclrnere 2: Glide 3. Nine starters Five lengths. Time 2.35 35. Dilloan's Handicap: Hallowmoon I: Prince Charleroi 2: Flying Master 3. \lso ran : John I»i\. A lenglli. Time J. 27. ('ashman Ifandicap: Rig Push 1 : Marble Rnr 2: Calm Eve 3. Five startera A length. Time 1.20. Miners' Handicap Trot : Trimmer I ; Kreisler 2: Glide 3. Eight starters. Five' lengths. No time.

Kuniai'n Welter: Rapid •■'■ ■■■■ 1 I North Inch 2 ; Tciiterlieid • ■ V\ i n b.\ .: in se . Five starters. No time Totalisator JJ8175 . I.EATIIERSTON MEETING i I \ l ii KiiSTt En, Apt i 1 •:- b-.-.iitii'id w.-jl-i ■': '. '.. ■ i:'- .!:.. ii-i lo ::• i-'uciisii! 3. Ek*\Vn :.;..-..-o. Hal; a ~,,,,.; j, 'j j|,„. ] '.'■;_ Slew ardr I ap : Arobeen ! ; Standard 2: Pentuis 3 . Eigiii starters Half a length. Time 1.23. Juvenile Handicap: llvna-nna and Royal (tame, dead h>:;i. 1 • Lucky Days '■',. Eleven starters. Iwo lengths. Time 1.0 4 5. i'liidutea I landicap : Tempean 1 ; i'anuadice 2: (Gardenia 3. Eleven starters. A length. Time 1.13 3 5 Autumn llandii ap: Degage 1 : De i Luxe 2: Menv Da\ 3. Aine si.i.:«■>■« I'll fee lellglhs.' Tim,. 1.56. Tauhereiiikuu Welter: l-Tlleitv 1 : ... sgovern 2: 1!.,yal Diadem 3. Six , Mailers. A Ii ngih. Time 1.27 3 :,. Johnston, the rider oi Diadt in. was i suspend* d for the reinainder of the day | lit striking Misjjoveni with his whip ; R< iotawai Ilamlicap ; Idano.. I ; , .-,,, \ tagrttel 2 : King P.ronev 3. Nin- • larters. Won by H lengths. Tunc 14J I'arewell Handicap: Peggv Ford i ■ Hilculhis 2: l.ady Spalpeen "3." Thirleen siarters. .\ ~,„■!■:. Time 1.14 45. A.J C .MELTING (Auatralian & N.Z. Cable AHBooiation) SYDNEY, April " '"or tiie --< ••< itl ( lii\ ni i:,e \ ,;.C iinUmiui meeting' ihe attiiidame vao 80,00 J There .vas bnllitiiil sunshine :i-'"< the track was in g ( .0,, i ;der. A 1 ature of the .lay was the win of the Cup by Minra-, King after an ex.-ii :,:. 'fee, in which ihe winner led all '!.e way. After i;a«.s:ng the Stan ! in I. i'lrsl round Pil'iewinkie occupied a pio ininent posit ii n. till nassing ; !■, .. ;. ii.rh ngs post, wii: n io- dn ;m J h ; , . Heroic ran a line race He v. ,s '\:.oI'.'indy ail the time and made a gn a" finishing run bin was iinabl-- to "ei through. On the repi : i of ihe -. < terinarv stn - r ' imi tin stewards rejected Roval' Tea's entry for the Easter Slakes, as he was suffering from skin disease. In the Flying llandii ap raiher's Voice and Mar.'- P.alhos wo, neve proniiu.iH. The I- st lamed was sh «.-, leaving Hie barriee. Tlionveop,. ~-::s always ivell back in th. IL-'iiwrigoi Handicap. ftes-rd'ts vv.'re. First St.. plech ise: Prince Arini If) Oi I. Minfirni 12.5] 2. Muminbleborie i ( 0) 5 'IV„ stait,,. Mi:,!:r,e ;<<i only bu' v..i. jumpiii" si.h wav.:. Prince Ai ,'m took ihe lev| -oin- i He bad; and "o ,i elos, finish had a half 'eio'H Ni span Time. \|, i„|j; ;,,,,; i;,, ~-j,,,,., |, ,( i-hr-ii- v\<\.-<. First Xtnsci'v Handicaji (h'rsl division): Quince 16.IO) 1. Military l.aclv (7.5) 2. Kapuka (7.10) 3. Thirleen started. Quince yvas always in Iron! from Snggrnpho. Persuasion and it, ;, close finish won bv a neck. Time 1.15. Firs' Nursrrv Hainlicin (second di vision): Couni Richmond '(6.13) 1. Eboima (6.11) 2. Mooch Along 7.7) 3. Fourmen <-ta,led. A bin, Couth Hi, him ml and Gold, n made earlv running. Count PichriP I led into, theslraighi and won bv th , lengths. Time 1.141. Highweighl Handicap: Gaelic Mai.i (8.9) 1. Night llcn.n 18.12) 2. \\,< v picker (8.8) 3. Twenty f, ur started. Thrwinner was always in the main bunch and wen by ;i neck. 'lime 1.39^. Flying Handicaj): Metellus (9.0) "l i!e turn (6.9) 2. !.< val Merv -7.5) 3. Twentyone ftark'd. Golden Voice. Father's Voice. Valhnt and P.airn made I locally running. Metellus cam,' up rpiicl; ly and wen by half a neck. Time I I.V

Easier Slakes; Rosenealh (8.0) 1 Defy (8.0) 2. Polvangn |7.6) 3. Tea Masted. Calm, si led into the straight -ad in a close finish Rosenealh won bv a. length and a-half. Time, 1.27^. Syrluev Cup; Murray King (McN.s mara) 7.2 1." Caserta (Ton-lev) 8.4 2. Naes (Hunter) 6.7 ,'j. Nop-starters v<,,. Te.noi.auui. Confusion. Virgin Gold. Tibbie. Heroic was i-low to start bin was running second to Murray King passing tile stand. i'llliow inkie ran to second place going out of the straight and maintai led the position till leaving the back. Entering the straight Murray King led from NVrfis. Dion. I'illiewinkic. Tookarby. Sluapnel and Ilorioc. In a verv exciting finish Murlay King gained the verdict by half a reck. Naos was a head behind Caseito Time 3.26. GI! EAT EASTERN STEEPLECII AS'E ADELAIDE. April 5. The Greai East : n Steeplechase resulted: Blount Cooper 1. Me,r\ Mae 2. 3. Twelve starters. Won bv six lengths. Time 6.30 A. SALE OF THOROUGHP.REDS SYDNEY. This Day. AI the sale the English thoroughbred racehorses Golden Gondola and a chestnut fillv bv Golden Mvth-Dollv Strong, realised 200 guineas.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 6 April 1926, Page 2

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THE TURF Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 6 April 1926, Page 2

THE TURF Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 6 April 1926, Page 2