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BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETING 'i f. In: dnigiilly meeLu g of the Uk<:i : i !)■!: ': ijh L>iwn: ! wiirt hold jn t.;O P :;•!*" PresentThe' Msyw '(Mi Get . !C- I ! C,s. K(‘ii\, Cross, ‘Lusty. Mum/ .uni i’rh e. Accounts v;nv passed lov I,:i'.nil'll! is follows : (D -1 ii-l; 1 1 Account .Lof) 4- 7il ; Water Supply Account L\>s as 1 ?;<!. Accounts reipiirmg .it tciitmu previous Si i!ic dill nf the uu,nth were | l t n in the ini nils nl I lie Fi n:i ini ! mu mittvc ii li pn\\i i to in !. ( ii, i; sp< iin Ii ■itt-i- tt as ihaii with :.s ml I rum lie I leallh I lepai t men! in re. i'eretlee 1.1 the t rrms on tt llicli I lie si r- | \i, t s Ml I !ii* I )epa i t tnelit s I lisped i il' i'l| lleallh ill i\ he obtain'd. llcsolvcil (hill j I lie t'liltliill engage the services "I the (!i iseniiili lit 11 ea II h I lisped i >r. tin- ei m t I eel In I . terminated lit' llllee mouths enl lee , hi either side. i-'j i m •!,. same ilejttii tment |Tn ttnruing'ax ! hinders as ordered by ihe Council v. ilh the regulations ol the i)ipa 1 1 nidit inclosed. Resolved thai a • eplv lie sent 1 tint t lie Cnllllcil are (plile s. with the hinders, hut would he heller pleased it they Were nl IhUisli Ilia lillltu I lire. From ti.e Public Works Department in lefer-nce I" vesting the are a coinpris ■ng 1.b4 perches in the being ' nor! ion nl I lie sect inn on which Ihe post 'Mice stands. Received Eri m tee same reipiirmg the owners it i vi rv motor lurry, to furnish ai such ml ci v.ii- as lln licensing alltliorit v mas riipme, pari icitlars o| the dislaliees tr.iVelled 'ird the name "I the inn! rolling aut hunt ii s in the mens i/pern led in. m aceordanee with Form D. nl the reguln ; a o'-'. The i. purl stated that work in transferring the 4 i ll . water main t)"m its pro sent position to William Street is in progress. Complaint has reached the min e of sirav stock liei; ninii'.g a nuisance ;u luttir ( t luecu Street and Water Street. ! ledges at the corners ol the intersect ton if Wavcrlcv Street with Wonsloy Road ha\ e li'' ll l ilt down to the reiplireil height. Repoi i received From the W a mien Electric Supply to. giving notice of ilmir proposal to extend lie electric sci vice to William Street.— iieS' lved the Cdllieil approve 01 the ex i. 11 sii : and that application lie made tor . s t red lamp at the corner of W illitim •■ml Ge rge Streets. From tlie lE-strict Lands Oflire re .lavel reserve in part seetioi. .'0 and asking that the amount received lie relanded t" tin Department. —Resolved that the matter!' lie referred to the I'd name Committee of the Com oil. From the Secretarv Waimea Football Ciuh. applying h r the use ol the recreation ground.- Resolved that the elub I iic granted the use of the i'eerention ground on the same eoiiditiu-iis and t. I'ins as last season. From Mr Rat cup re rates. That, the totes on piopcitv in Salisbury Road lor 1924 25. Fn m the Prime Minister s office in cnr.neetmn with the raising of £SOOO as iht' Dominion's share of endowing a bed n the University College Hospital. Lon-don.--Resolved that a subscription list he opened at the Council Chambers. Fn m the Town Clerk. Nelson, giving particulars of the cot:fereitee ol delegates .n No. 11 Highways District, to endeavour to allocate the heavy traffic lies colin led. tlie main decisions being that the mousing aullmritits deduct 5 per cent i;. ui ti •, - ami nuts collected, that- 15 per cent I i deducted I'ruin the balance ol lees ami after the deduction the balance be divided proportionately amongst counties, boroughs, and town boards. ;.< cording to the mileage of the main m i eri:!l funds. Cr. Kelly, being one 01 the delegates to represent the Council at the eonferi in e. rep 1 ried more lilllv "ii what Iran spired, h was resolved that the matter of further dialing with tlie alloeatin.", of ■ is he left in the hands of the Council s ■ h !"gat' s and tlie town clerk. From I lie Minister of I menial Affairs re the issue ol motor drivis' licenses during the month of March to persons '•..hi,- a I reads Imi-i licenses, such licenses siiail not t.tlie effect till the Ist April lor ihe venr 1926 27.

I'n,iii residents Queen Street applying P i iii'i iiii.-'?iiifi In const l not a concrete i iii.'- 'i; up—-Resolved that pel'mission he gi ante, I I'iii- Mayor. ns trust re of tin l estate floougli which tin 1 new pipe lint- is he . 11 l" laid, liatidi'i] the Council a deed. i ii.-'i tin a. tin- right to- thr land. Ini' wi nli Cr Kadis wished to express the i.'niini-ii’s tbankc. -Hi-solvo.l that. the Waterworks ('i iiiinitti-i- sign tin- deed. I’iii- finance i-ommitt <•<* roc-ommeudeil tin- opening i f ;i hank account with the ('iiiniiii-ivia 1 Haul; of .Australia, with a vu-w it tra nslcrring tin- wlioh- uf the l'i ii.-a il s littsin-.'ss from tin- Hank of V-w Zealand to the Commercial Hank. I'ii >lll .In- Hospital I'oaril, inviting the ,'l:.\i r and ('minrilli is to tin- i,-polling o! tin- i: i\\ I lospdal tin tin- l(>t|i April. - ilia! tin- invitation In- accepti-i'l. t'r. Kelly reported having' li.-ul an in lii->. ii-\v with tin- secretary of the- Wai men I-'i.'dl h ill ('lull and explained the tit-ins and •onditinns on which the use of the ground had been granted, also that tin- now 4in. valve luul been placed at tin- cornor of Kdward and William Streets, and trenching between Kdward and (ioorge Streets opened up. and the pipes laid; a 4 in. faucet end arrived and tins been fitted to the valves. The trench i:: the cross paddock is now ready for the pipes. 'File agreement to lay the pipes on t Ills piece of private land lias In on gencrncislv given by the trustee of tin- properly, without charge. Water in tin- reservoir on 21st. March was 3ft. from overflowing.—Kepori received. t'r. I'riee reported that tile committee to revise flies building by-laws iiail met and the report will he ready for next meeting, also by courtesy of the County Knginner. Crs. Kelly and himself had hecii motored in to the country .and saw tiie Com cil s road machinery at work, with tie- result that the Western Aurora Cruder was doing by far the most satisfactory work. This machine has several oust,uiiiling advantages, suitable for the work to la- done by this Council. These were duly stressed liv Cr. I’riee. —Report men ed. It was resolved that application he made to 'ln- I’oslal Department to have tin ferciiia o's house eoimeeted with tieI i-ii-p1 l oiie Kvelini'gc. That a plan nl the \va I i-i'iim ins of the Rorough he prepared: licit the act mg I nspcct or of buildings he notified of the termination of his engagement : that t'r. Price's notice of motion re a revaluation of the borough he allowed to lapse; that the transfer of insurance polices lie deferred until next meeting; that the fireman report on tin hand rail at tin- Appleby Splash: licit Dr (!'bl>s he iha liked for giving evidence on behalf of the Cnureil : that 'be foreman n-porl on all hedges m the corners of .-m-rts in the borough l lie Council then went into committee after which d adjourned at 10 p.m. i’T.rXKF.T SOCIRTY A spin la I meeting (.if the bllUlki-l So roty v. a held in the M.C.A. of Miir-li 30tT. There was a very good alli-ndain c and milch inteiesl eviru.-i.-i.l ■ri tin* business brought forward. The freuderd. Mrs H. Wilkes, presided Myrtle: "Has Dr. Vororioff grafted tdo Fret Id ie one of Jiis monkey glands: lie seems so young and sprightly.” Ksmc: "Hasn't be told you? He got rid of bis rheumat ism by using Rbeumo He bought, one of those huge bottles a! 4/6 from the cbwnist's,"

Till - 'iii :lAM U 0.1 V :i- ,• 1 I. :■ pa\ mi-11i i'll.- si'c: .'! at V submit 1.-i! ill.- ytMl-.V I,pm i whit It \V:IS Mill pt.- l | (,'m r'-Mponili'iK'r ill c ■!'. i. 1<• ■I a I**l >• t . I ' lll > 1 Mis Haurerman re PluiiUet books iv (i>ivi'il; also a letter from Mrs lot chnu&n .with instructions t.-n.■ 111;:t o (!..• .iimm 1 report, i.-aH;-., u::i Lie up no• ati: 1 c of ;i il .to Mi - I’lnr;;,! J •; I" ti.v.oCtl to send ,1 delegate L- I ” it v.;| : ;.lso (In idl'd il ' I'lpli’s' ill'' ■ Ho-rough (niinrilioi's for jint miish< n l< • pi;. or a framed piiia.ilii will dales of Niirsi's visits mi Mu- d' - pi i if Mm Mutimil ('li;. IM I »i-li"i' Mu- ro;.\i-liii-iiM' of loot hol s. ' I 1 lisellssitin took plan- t 1 III! Ms '> ' I raising money to niiguu-ni tin- fnii'ls. It was ileildcd |o make a house io-nous.- \ is,iia i iihi similar )■ last year. to IniII;J11 "I I , .\illl as V, Mill It Still. . 'l'll roll i hided tin- liiisiin-'S anil tin- nii-ntit g ltd|i ill rni-i I

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 3 April 1926, Page 5

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RICHMOND Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 3 April 1926, Page 5

RICHMOND Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LXI, 3 April 1926, Page 5