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NELSON^SSOCIATiON UNITED V. COLLEGE UNITEJD--M Inning!, MeEwan, c. Saxon, b." Young 34 .(.'• Thomason, b. Harford 5 Burn, b. Harford • 0 V. Thomason, nob out 27 Knapp, b. Young 0 Pike, b. Young 15 Milroy, c. Knyvett, b Young 0 Crawshaw, b. Young 0 Bagot, c. Young, b Lloyd 0 Woolf, c. Young, b. Lloyd 0 Blincoe. c Dalgteish. b. Lloyd 0 Extra 1

Total _ , 82 Bowling analysis: Harford 2 for 14; Sadlier, 0 for 17: Dalgleish, 0 for 16; Young, 5 for 17; Llovd. *3 for 3. COLLEGE—Ist Innings Saxon, b V. Thomason 9 Harford, b. V. Thomason 16 Rowe, e G. Thomason. b.

V. Thomason 17 Adams, c Blincoe, b G. Thomason 4 Lloyd, e. Blincoe, bY. Thomason 9 Air'ey, b. V. Thomason 16 Sadlier. c Blincoe, b V. Thomason 10 Young, cG. Thomason. b .Milroy 49 Dalgleish. b Milroy 30 Biggar, not out 4 Knvvett, l.b.w. 7 Extras 18 Total 189

Bowling analysis: V. Thomason 6 for 27; G. Thomason. 1 for 28; MeEwan 0 for 29; Knapp 0 for 22; Pike 0 for 23; Bagot. 0 for 11; Milroy, 2 for 24 ; Crawshaw 0 for 6. (Kuweit's wicket not credited to bowler in score bonk).

UNITED—2nd Innings G. Thomason. b. Sadlier 3 Knapp, run out y Pike, lbw, Young l V. Thomason, c Rowe, b Young 25 Milroy, <• Knvvett, b Sadher o MeEwan. b Lloyd 44 Wolf, lbw, Young J* Crawshaw, lbw. Sadlier 16 Blincoe, not out 12 Bagot, b Lloyd ° Extras '

Total HI Bowling analysis: Sadlier., 3 for 25; Young, 3 for 41; Biggar, 0 tor 19; Lloyd, 2 for 23. , COLLEGE—2nd Innings Biggar, not out ~,„,, 1 Knvvett, c. (Saxon), b \ . Ihomason 2 Dalgleish. not out ''

Total 7 n/r .,' Bowliii" : V. Thomason. 1 lor ,>; .Mil rav. 0 for 10. "College won by 9 wickets.

JUNIOR COMPETITION The Athletic juniors met the Mental Hospital team at the Victory Square on Saturday last, and won on the Ist innings bv' 129 runs. At. the call of time. 'Mental. Hospital, in the.r 2nd innings, had 8 wickets down tor 05. lne following are the scores:— Athletic (Ist innings): Biggs 6 Tnwood 5, Coleman 62, Fox (retired) /4. Stringer 0, Harmnn (retired) 22 Lewis (retired) 0, White 0, Cassells 21 Stewart 3, Babbington (n.oj 3. extras 4, total '217. Bowling analvsis: Dickson 4 for 36. Hurst 0 for 56. Sinclair 2 for 54, Ougliton 0 for 45. Sband 1 for 21. Mental Hospital (Ist innings): Dicksou, not out, 47. Clarke 4, Hurst . Denton 1. Longworth 3, Suiclair 10. Oughlon 0. Smith 3, Shand 8 Dunedin 0. Wolfe 3. extras 3, total 88 Bowling analvsis: Fox 5 for 47 In wood 2 for 8, Biggs 1 for 18. Lewis 2 for 14. ■Stringer 0 for 8. . . , Mental Hospital (2nd innings): OickS o.. 20. Sinclair 2. Clarke, not out, 6. Smith 0. ricnton 1, Shand 6, Wolfe 0 Longwor.h 1. Hurst 8. Oughton not out 0 extras 1. total for o wickqts. bo. Bowling analysis; Inwood 2 for 2H. i««\ 6 for 22, Stringer 0 for 4. Wakatu defeated Post and Telegraph 'bv 7 wickets and 7 runs Posi and not oat, Maywra U. ~n * ™J'v ' r , ickons ll. Howling--• »'«l !■•>■;> 5 for 9; Maddieon, 3 for «»• . ak..t u ■ | Milt, f f«r 20; °- ■M«^ w '""'"!- 3 f(,r i 9 and 3 for 13.

WAIME'A ASSOCIATION WANDERERS BEAT WAKEFIELD The Senior Shield match between Wanderers and Wakefield was concluded on Saturday last, Wanderers winning .iti first innings. The batsmen appeared to control the bowlers throughout. M. Eden helping himself to 147 runs for once out. Scores: — WANDERERS—Ist Timings T. Knapn, b. Lawson • 57 M. Eden," c. Eden, h C, Houlf 67 T. Eden, c Cole, b C. Honll 0 W. Doidge, I>. L. Baigent 18 J. Newman, not out W. Fowler, b.'Da vies lo G. Eden, b, Davies 6 A. Baigent, b Davies 0 Extras " (Declared, closed! 226 WANDERERS—2nd Innings H. Knapp, b W. Batt 23 J. Newman, run out 1-v M .Eden, not out ™ R. T. Eden, b Griffith J A. Baigent. b Thomason 2H Trav Knapp, b J. Hunt 14 '■(}. Eden, cL. Hoult. h. J. Houli 4 ; Extras J

For 6 wickets 'Bl WAKEFIELD R, Davies; b Newman 31 C. Eden, b Newman r <*" H. Griffith, c Fowler, b Newman 2* 0. J. Hoult, b H. Knapn 0 L. Thomason, b. IL Knapp ]f G Cole, v. T. Knapp. b R. M. Eden 25 L. Hoult, st. Eden. c. Knapp o W. Batt, b: Doidge 6 L. A. Waterhouse, b. Doidge L. Baigent, c. G. Rden, b. Do.dge 2 B. Lawson, not out ' Extras '

Tola? l M TAPAWERA~ association Matches plavod. Oct. 28th : Tatlmor v. MoUipiko-Korere at Tadmorj lapa. wera v. Sherry, at Tapawera. Both matches wore played in rather .dull weather, and ended in sweeping victories for Tadmor- and lapawera t is regretted that Sherry wove only able to field nine men through some untovseen circumstances. The l«<«mor team gave a Hue all-round exhibition, particularly J. Bearde, F. Hodgln.ison and 1. .Cantin with the hat. MotupikoKorore and Sherry suffered the ignominy of having to "follow on." Mie scores are as follows: . , ■ 'l'odmov (Ist innini-'s): lH'nunoro, b. Coleman, 11; Bearde. b. Mead 46: Roy Hriffithß, b. Coleman. 0; J. Hodgkinson, not out, 63: Faweott. b. Harmon. 2; H. Hodgkinson. e. Coleman, b Vercoe,6; ITiKg'iiiß. run out, 0; R. Griffiths b. iVercoe, 14; Cantin, b. Vereoo. 50; Cbf-l-ford. 1). Coleman.. l; Anglesey e. Pope, b. Vercoe. 4; byes 0; total .197 Bowling ansilvsis—Vercoe. 4 for 54; Coleman, 3 for 66: Mead. 1 for 29; Haiinen, 1 ior 34: Pope, 0 for 14. Motupiko-Korere (Ist innings) :Vercoe. e. and b. Higgins. 26; T. Mead, c Clifford, b. Bearde. 19; A. N. Coleman, c Griffiths, b Tliggms, 7; R. Colerean, h. Cranio. 2: M'. & Mead, b. Higgins, 0; Cpxhill, b. Hicrgins, 6; W. Coleman, b. Fawcetfc, H:. Gibbs, 1). Griffiths, 7; Hannen, b. FawofiU, 0. l?opo. not out, 12: ('orney, b. Fenimore. 2; byes 6; total 98. Bowling analysis: HiCKins, 4 for 21; Fawcott, 2 for 7; P«Sxdß, 2 for 24; Griffiths, 1 for 22; Fenimore, 1 for 1; Cantin, 0 for 3; F. Hodgkinson, 0 for 14.

M.otupiko-Korere (2ml innings): Vercne. 1). Gaiitin, 8: T. Mend, c. Higgins, b Fem'moro. 1; A. N. Coleman, c RIfodgkinson. I), Cantiu. 28; H. (.'oleman. b. Fenimore. 8; M. ,i. Mead, b. Cantm, 1- Coxhill. b. Kcniniore, 3: W. Colemati. c. Griffiths, b. Fenimore. 2; Gibbs, b F. Ifodgkinson. 1 ; Hanneii. b. V. Hodgkinson. 0; Pope. h. Keniinure. 0; Corney. nob out. 1; byes 0: toial 53. Bowling analysis: }<'. Hodgkinson, 2 for 0: Fenimore.*. 1 ) lor 22; Cantin, 3 for 31.

Sherrv (Ist innings): Biggs. c. L. Smith, "b. Batt. 42; Griffith, c. Eyle.s.l b. G. Smith, 11; A. Thomas, »•, ( .V Smith, 0: Fowler. e. Kinzelt.. 1). Grit-! fith, 14- Beebv. b. Batt, 5; W. Thomas. not out, 2: ,1. Thomas. .'. Eyles, b. Griffith. 5; Coleman, b. Bait. 1; Hcdg-, kinson, c. Smith, b. Batt. 2: extras 4:| trtal 86. . . Sherrv (2nd innings') : Griffith, c. '■ Eden. b. G. Smith. 27: \Y. Thomas, !>. C Biggs. 2; Snow. b. O. Smith, o : Bh'gs. '<•. A. Kinzctt. b. G. Smith. 9; Beebv. st, Kinzctt; b. Eden, 8; J. Thomas, c. G. Biggs, b. Eyios. 4 ; Tfodg. kinson, b. G. Smith. 1: A. I nomas, not out, 3; Fowler, c G. Smitli. I), Mes. 4; extras 3; total 64 ; Tapawera (Ist innings) . | Griffith, 17; Eyles, b. Griffith. 8; Bat,, i. Fowler, b. Biggs. 74 ; Griffith, b. Griffith. 25; A. Biggs. 1, Biggs. 4; • Smitli e Hodgkinson. \V. Fhomas, 0, G Biggs, c. d. Thomas, h. W. Thomas, 16; Faulkoner. not out, 2; Eden c. .. Thomas, b. Biggs 2; GSmith, sGriffith, b'. Biggs, 16: K. Biggs, b. A. Biggs. 2; extras 15: total 18U.



(From Our Own Correspondent.)

Owing to Brooklyn and Riwaka failing to enter senior teams this year, the Motueka Club lias been considerably strengthened, and when on Saturday last the Molueka senior me! last year s champions at Upper M.outere an interesting game was anticipated. Upper Moutere won on the first, innings. Had the match been plavcd out the victory might easily have been with Motueka. The features of (lie match were T. Drogemuller's innings of 81 not out -he carried Ins bat. right through the first innings of Upper Mouete'iv- and J. Kirwin's and T. Drogemuller's howling (first innings). Rain interfered to some extent with the play.. Following are the scores: — Motueka. (first innings, 124): K. Fowler 12 A. Smith 44. IL Thomason 30. Bowling: Hart, 3 for 41, O. Eggers 3 for 42, T. Drogemuller 4 for 13. Second Innings: 4 for 109 (innings declared) : Boyce 17, Hall 50 not out, A. Smith 7, Thomason 30 not out. N. Holvoake 3. K. Fowler 0. Bowling: Hart 4 for 49, O. Eggers 0 for 19, Drogemuller 0 for 20, R. Sigglekow 0 for 19. Upper Moutere (first innings. 157): T. Drogemuller 81 nob out, E. Sixtus 39, J. Hart 15. Bowling: A. Smith 2 for 26, N. Holvoake 2 for 25. K. Fowler 2 for 29, J. Kirwin 3 for 16, Hall 1 for 8. Second Innings, 4 for'24: J. Hart not out 8, W. Sigglekow not out 3. Bowling Holvoake 1 for 4, Hall 2 for 9. Kirwin 1 for 9.

Upper Moutere won by 33 runs on the first innings. This Saturday Upper Moutere Juniors plav Motueka High School at Motueka ,- and Saturday week the Seniors play Whakarewa at Upper Moutere.

LOWER MOUTERE V WHAKAREWA The Lower Moutere and Wakarewa seniors played their second innings at Whakarewa on Saturday. The scores were as follows: —

Wha.knrewa:— Eginton 1. Elford 0, Parke 1. Elford 0. Holvoake 0. Stevens 248. Bisley 11. Wratt, nol out 27. Delany 0. Fry 3, Di-uning 15. Total 82. Bowlin' ganalysis: Smith 0 for 4; Talbot 3 for 10. Drogemuller. 3 for 25, Allcott 3 for 19, Holdaway 1 for 17. Lower Moutere: Goodall 0. Allcott 9. Saville 0, Smith 1, Drogemuller 9, Talbot not out 21. Funnell 1. Holdaway 2, Limmer 7, Miller 1, Extras 5, total 56. Bowling analysis: fTelany 1 for 8, Bislev 2 for 15,' Parkes 1 for 14. Bruning 3'for 12. Elford 0 for 1. The match resulted in a win for Whakarewa. by 10 runs. Lower Moutere led by 16 runs in the, first innings.

A match was played between the Lower Moutere and Whakarewa juniors at Lower Moutere on Saturday, the former winning by 27 nltis.; The scores were as follows:

Lower Moutere: Funnell 8, L. Taskar 49, Oreswell 21, Krammer' 19, Limmer 4, Inwood 31, Smith 8, Everett 6, Wallis not out 15, S. Taskar 1, Wilkie 1. extras 2, total 165. Bowling :F. Brunnen 1 for 26, K. Goodman o for 22, Tnwood 1 for 21, L. Wrall* 1 for 17, W. Goodman 0 for 14. A. Wratt 1 for 13, Shinies 1 for 25, M. Bruning 5 for 23. Whakarewa: Eginton 13, Wratt A. 4. Inwood 30. Goodman W. 3, Bruning F. 51, Bruning M. 2, Wratt L. 8. Fry 19, Goodman K. 1, Starnes 1, Cowin n.o. 3, extras 3, total 138. Bowling: Taskar 4 for 41, Funnell 3 for 31, Smith 0 for 18. Krammer 0 for 13, Creswell 0 for 15, Inwood 1 for 16. The High School met Upper Moutere juniors at Motueka on Saturday, the visitors winnig the match by an innings and 5 runs. Hight School scores were: Ist innings 65; 2nd innings 26. Uper a total of 96 for first innings.

TASMAN A match took place on Saturday between the Motueka and Tasman juniors, at Tasman, resulting in a win for tho home team. The visitors won the toss tnd elected to take to the bat, Tho scores are as follows: Motueka (Ist innings) -.—Glover, c. Hudson, b. H. Slaiter 0; Hogan, b. Austin 0; Kerwin, b Austin 1.2; Hovenclen, b. Vosper, 1; D. Trewavas, c Hudson, b. Vosper, 3; Smith, b. Austin, 1; Boyes. b. Vosper, 1; R. Alexander, h. R. Slatter, 12 ;H. Trewavas. c. and b. R. Slatter, 0; S. Glover, b. R. Slatter, 0; E. Alexander, not out,2; extras 5; total 37. Bowling analysis:— Austin, 3 for 8: H. Slatter, 1 for 8; Vosper, 3 for 11; N. Slatter, 3 for 9. Tasman (Ist innings):—N. Slatter, b. Glover, 2; McHarg, b. Glover. 0; Austin, b. Glover, 14; R. Slatter, b. Kerwin, 2; "Vosper, c 11. Trewavas, b. Kerwin, 1; Hudson, c. Hogan, b. Glover 1; J. Harvev, st. Trewavas. 2; H. Slat--ter, b. Kerwin. 16: N. Harvey, b. Kerwin, 3; Nottage, b. Glover, 0; Ewers,! not niit.O; extras 8; total 49. Bowling analysis:—Kerwin, 4 for 13; H. Glover,] 5 for 22; D. Trewavas. 1 for 13. ; Motueka (2nd innings):—Glover, b. Slatter, 0; Hogan. r. 0.. 0; Kerwin, b. Slatter ,12; Hovewlen, b. Slatter, 1; D. Trewavas, b. J. Harvey. 1; G. Smith, not out. 0; Boyes. b Vosper, 4; R-' Alexander, b. Austin, 4; H. Trewavas, c Hudson, b. Vosper. 0; S. Glover, b. Vosper, 0; E. Alexander, b. Harvey, 4; extras 2; total 28. Bowling analysis: Slatter, 3 for 16; Austin, 1 for 2; Vosper, 4 for 3; Harvey, 2 for 8. Tasman (2nd innings): H. Slatter, r.o. 0; Ewers, c. and b. Kerwin, 6: Austin, not out, 16; extras 4; for 2 wickets. 26. Bowling analysis: Kerwin. 1 for 11; H. Glover, 0 for 12. There's only one "Nazol." Be sure you get it for your cold. 60 doses 1/6. Get a Na.zol Inhaler.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LVI, 31 October 1922, Page 7

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CRICKET Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LVI, 31 October 1922, Page 7

CRICKET Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LVI, 31 October 1922, Page 7