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«w mm a *i iff • Jf*i * ff« df "I 11 "W WHT W • *H A V dl s •annul • are fust the oest yet money away to pay high prices elsewhere for goods, when we're offering such money-savers. ■ Make the most of this opportunity. Get In early anil watch your money do double work. v t&4i l tMMmMa§isiiatii»ttMmio!&t)k»m!mai HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS AMO CLOVES AT SPECIAL PRICES. For Christmas nothing could hi- more suitablc_ than ILuidkerehiets.'Hosiery or Gloves. Hero is your opporl unity of milking your money Imi.v more "if: yoods than you could else whore. Black Cat Silk Hosiery—famous the world over for smartness and lony wearing qualities—in black, while. .U'rey. mole, champagne, luh and brown. All pure silk, with lisle tops anVTfeei. Willi, sen m at" back of leu- 10/8 and 13/6 pair, Black Artificial Silk Hose-cotton fops and feet: seam at baek. 6/11. .pair.? Black Pure Silk Hose—J3 inch silk !(><••. cotton tops and feel - - 5/6 pair. * Silk Ahkle HOSe —\uiiie, tali, iriey, tussore,, black -3/11, 4/11, 5/11 and 0/6 pair. - Cotton and Lisle Hose —white, black, navy; irrey. lawn, chain--pa^ievW.—l/6, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 and'4/6 pair. White Washing Doeskin Cloves—ll/6 and 12/6 pair. Long'White Kid Gloves—l7/6 pair. Sfdome Fabric Clowes —w.hite, beaver, black. <>-rey, brown, ebv 1/-, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 and 4/6 pair. Heavy imitation Washing Doeskin Gloves "Siitopl.ex" brand; while only—6/11'pair. Imitation Suede Cloves—lemon shude—4/11 pair. White Embroidered and Lace Edged Handkerchiefs—6d, 3d, 1/-,: 1/3, 1/6, 1/11, 2/3 and 2/6 each. White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs—3£d, 4d, 6d, 9d and 1/eaeh. White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 3£d, 4d, 6d, 9d and 1/- each. Mercerised Handkerchiefs—coloured boiylers—4 for 1/6.^^ Boxed Handkerchiefs —daintv handkerchiefs. 3 and 6 in artistic hi>x—2'/.-, 2/11, 4/6, 5/11, 7/6, 8/6, 10/6 and 11/6 box. For the Kiddies! 3 Picture Handkerchiefs in Booklet, with in-M-riptioii oil. rover .-"A. gift from Glaus"—l/- booklet. Special J Women's White Cotton Hose—l/6 pair. SHOWROOM SURPRISES. Stylish Untrjmmed Straw Shapes—4/11. Smart trimmed Ready Wear Hats—7/6 and 10/6. Women's Bathing Gaps—aborted shades and si vies-2/11, 3/6, 3/11 and 4/11. Maids'/Bathing Caps—red, blue or green—2/6 each. Coloured Fruit Sprays—2/6 and 2/11 a bunch. "Lily" brand Sports Corsets—2J it, 2!.)--7/11. White.. Cotton Vests—sleeveless—2/6 and 3/3. White /Cotton Vests—short sleeves—3/3. Women's White Crepe Nightdresses—l2/6, Women's White Pique Skirts—7/6. A snip for girls! 50 dozen Children's Woven Cotton Bloomers, 10 and 14.inch—1/9 pair;-Hi, .18, and 'JO inch-1/11 pr. SPECIALS IN SOAPS, PERFUMES, ETC. Levels Savon Palais Soap— > cakes in fancy box—3/9 box... My lady Toilet Soap—:) cakes in fancy box -4/9 box. Vinolia Toilet Scap—niiisiir boxes, c.mlamiujj- 3 cakes oi beautiful soap. Losaria, Violet and Wallflower 4/3, 5/- and 5/6 box. Lever's Sweetneart Carnation —3 cakes in attractive box ■2/11 box. Glycerine and Cucumber and Royal Bouquet Soap—3 cakes in artistic box 1/9 box. Cashmere Bouquet Soap—huge size —1/11 cake, 5/6 box of 3 cakes. .•Perfumes—lnure stock, including Hristows, Briedcnbaeks, lijondeau,' .Itoyer alid Gullets, <!,-.„. -1/11, 2/6, 2/11, 4/-, 5/6 to 8/11. Brietiehback's Rosuria Face Powder—l/- box. Vinolia Losaria Face Powder —handsome box- 2j- box. Swansdown Face Powder—l/8 box. Cashmere Bouquet < Talc Powder—l/- and 16 tin. Lavender Bath Salts—2/11 bottle. f*3ai Ebony Hair Brushes—s/6. Hair .Brushes—l/«, 1/6, 3/8 to 12/3 each. Baby Hair Brushes^.*ink, blue and while--3/11. Photo Frames—2/3, 2/11 and 2/6. HOLIDAY APPAREL AT BARGAIN PRICES. Women's Cream All Wool Knitted Sports Coats—ls/6. Women's Rubber Coats!TO\\ lawn a Women's fawn Gabardine Rain Coats—49/6. Tailored Costumes -exdm Ser.ov .-£5/19/6. ]<■>: in fine All Woo! Navy 2 (only) Tailored Costumes —line All Woo! Serge, in law brown- -i'o o -. 2 (only) Tailored Costumes—brown or navy cheek—£s/5/-. 3 (only) Brown Gabardine Costumes—9o/-. 3 (enly) Assam Silk Costumes—£s/5/-. 1 (only) Green Serge Coat Frock—49/6. Ladles' Crepe Frocks —plain colours and strips and 17/o'. Black and White Check Costumes—29/8. Floral Voile Dresses—-35/-. Knitted-Silk-Jumpers •-cupper, e-?vy. peacock ai Accordean Pleated Skirts—in <rvj,v, striped .!•' 45/-. *>d elVe.ei.s~" 15/6 —29/6. Knitted Silk Sports Goatsselecl ion---59.3» White Jan Silk Blouses—l2/6 and 15/6. Crepe de Blouses—• whip CiWf&Ctte BIOUSeS —hlaek and nlours--27/6. - ~2S,G. Whiie embroidered Voile Blouses—lo/6, 12/6 and 17/6. IN THE FANCY DEPARTMENT. , Splendid Workbaskets—9d, 1/- and 1/6. each. Beautiful Silk Lined Work Baskets—l/11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 to 7/6 each. Hand Made Ceylon Lace D'oyieys—l/-, 1/11, 2/3, 3/6 each. Hand Made Ceylon Lace Tray Cloths—l 9 by 27 inches—ll/6* Maltese Lace Ties—7/6 and 12/6. Infants' Hand Made Lace Bonnets —7/6. Traced Linen Tray Cloths and Table Centres—2/11 and 4/6. Hemstitched Traced Linen Pillow Shams—B/6 and 10/3'each'. Traced Supper Cloths —30 and 'ls inches square: p'-iin and hemstitched—9/11, 11/6 and 18/- each. Traced Madapolam Camisoles—l/9, 2/11 and 3/6. "Star" Pattern Hand Made Lace —10£ yard. * Hand Made Lace—huge range of all widths and designs—7£d> 9d, 1/-, 1/3,-1/6, 1/11, 2/6 to 3/11 yard. 40 inch Silk Georgette—blank and colours—6/6 yard. 40 inch Sjlk Ninon—2/11 yard. MONEY SAVERS IN HOUSEHOLD DRAPERY. Tea Cosies—generously filled: covered with artistic cretonnes _2/ll each. Art Linen Ware! 1 II iter selection Trav Cloths, J{miners, Duchesse Sets, Supper Cloths, ete.--1/11, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11, 4/11, 6/11 and 8/11. Hemstitched Satin Damask Supper Cloths—sS inches square--10/6 each. Strong Pillow Cases—l/3 each. 42 inGh Madapolam —free from filling—l/9 yard. Tahuna Towels. Very heavy quality Brown Striped Towels—1/5 each, ((other quaiitiesl/11, 2/3, 2/6 and 2/11 "each. V*htte~ Towels 1/6, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 each. See the Monster thick white bath towels at 5/11 and 6/6 pair. Forfar Tea Towels—hall' linen. 30 inehes square, red borders'l/9 each. Voite Casement —double width, cream with coloured borders--1/3 yard. 36 to 52 inch Cream Curtain Nets—l/9, 2/6, 2/11, 3/6 and 3/11 yard. 36 inch Casement Cloth—tussore colour—l/--yard. £4 inch White and Unbleached Sheeting—2/3,' 2/6, 2/11. and 3/6 yard. 70 and 80 inch White Twill Sheeting—2/6, 2/1.1, 3/6, 3/11, 4/6 and 4/11 yard. 54 to 72 inch White and Unbleached Table Damask—3/6, 3/11, 4/6, 4/11, 5/6 to 7/6 yard. 33 dozen Damask Serviettes, all to go nl 1/- each. money-savers m household drapery. Satin Damask Supper Cloths—red borders—36 bv 36 -inch 4/11, 50 by 50 inch 8/11 each. Artistic Cretonnes—big selection—l/6, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6 and 2/11 yard. All Wool New Zealand Flannel—l/11 yard. C/hite and Striped Flannelette—l/?, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/11 yard. 36 inch White Calico —1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/11 yard. 29 inch White Calico—loid yard, 9/11 dozen. Unbleached Calico—B/11 dozen. White Blankets: Single bed 19/6 pair; f-bed 25/- pair. Limit" ed quantity only I' Coloured Bush Rugs—6o by SO inches—lo/6 each, 2 for 20/-. Double Bed White, Marcelia Quilts—beautiful qualities— 21 ■/-, .25/-, 27/6, 30/-, 32/6 and 37/6. 33 inch Horrockses White Flannelette—super quality—l/11 yd. Heavy Forfar: 27 inch 1/11 yard; 36 inch 2/3 yard. 54-inch Black Italian Cloth—heavy, rich lustrous quality—--3/6 yard. DRESS GOODS SCATTERED. 1 piece (only) Sky Jap Crepe—l/6 yard. V » 40-inch White Cotton Voile—l/6 yard. 36-inch Navy Print—l/9 yard. 40 inch Voiles —plain colours and fancy designs-—l/11 yard. -. 3S-ineh Mercerised Poplin—pink, grey and navy—l/11 yard. 36-inch Jap Silks—white, navv and ■ blacdc—3/11, -4/11, -5/3. 5/11, 6/11 and 7/6 yard. 40-inch Crepe de phenes—9/11, 10/6, 11/6 yard. ■> 34-inch Tussore Silk—3/6 yard. Double Width stripes—l/- yard. ~ Tobralco and Riverjna Cloth— plain colours and striped designs, ' 1/11 yard. '.". .'■ i . : " ; '- Striped Tropical Suiting—tussore eolotn—l76 j/ard. 27 inch Striped Ginghams—9d yard. 36-inch heavy Crash—2/6. yard. White Tennis Shirting—l/6 yard. Striped Harvard Shirting—l/6 yard. FOR MEN AND BOYS—BONNY BARGAINS, Here are bargains'for''.'Men and Boys just at the right time. Get in early. .Do your Christmas shopping now Avhile the biggest snips are here. . Men's Stylish Striped Neglige Shirts—s/6, 7/11, 8/11 and 9/1 i. Men's Silk Shirts—white, tiissore, fuji and smart stripes—isytt, ■ , 21,/-, 25/-, 27/6 and 3,0/-. Man's White Lawn Handkerchiefs—9d, 1/- and 1/3. Men's Mercerised Handkerchiefs—with coloured borders—•l/- each.'. ■'"•■' Mercerised initial Handkerchiefs—l/3. Men's Black Cotton Sox—l/- pair. Men's fine Black Lisle Hose—'Mercury'' brand—l/6 pair. Men's Cotton v Sqx— grey, brown and tussore—3 pairs for 2/6. 1/11, 2/6, 2/11! At these prices we are selling the-smartest lot of Wide End Silk Ties out. Huge assortment and nearly all the ''Non-stretch'■ style. Mart's White Silk polo Collars—all sizes—l/- each. President Braces—3/6 pair. Men's Ready to Wear Suits—tweeds and worsteds—ss/-, 75/-, 90/-, 97/6, 105/-, 115/-and 120/-. Men's Smart Felt Hats—B/6, 10/6, 12/6, 15/-, 21/- to 30/- each. Men's Dmm Trousers—6/6 pair. Men's Working Braces—l/6 pair. Heavy Police Braces—2/11 pair. Men's N.2. Heavy All Wooi Knitted I Men's Smart Serviceable Pyjamas—l2/6, 15/6, 17/6 and 21/Carpenters* Aprons—2/6 and 2/11. Men's Grey Flannel Sports' Coats—29/6 each. Men's Smartly cut Fawn arid Srown Gabardine Trousers—--15- pair. Gull' bottoms. Men's Cream Gabardine Trousers—2l/- pair. Men's Qabardine Sports' Coats—37/6.' ' Men's Smart Tweed Sport Suits—4s/- and 60/->. Men's Gabardine Rairt Coats—check lined—37/6. Men's and B6ys« Srill Hats—l/11, 2/6, 2/11 Boys' Dark Tweed Sport Suits—sizes 3to 7 22/6. Boys' Smart Tweed Sport Suits—various designs sizes 4 to .14-27/6, 30/-, 32/6 and 35/.'. Boys' Washing Suits—2/11.' Not. many of these Boys' Wool Golf .Hose—red, ycjlow, "blue or white lops-3/6, 3/11, 4/3, 4/6?and 4/11 pair." '' J "'T Boys' Shirts—4/6. .■ Boys' Grey"«f? Wool Varsity Suits—23/- s 23/6, 24/- and 2s/-. *iHMiii^jai«i^a^. * mmaiat^ i

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIV, 14 December 1921, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIV, 14 December 1921, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIV, 14 December 1921, Page 2