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When Mr W. E. Caldow, secretary of the Wellington Choral Union, left Lon don in November, the, hotel bars were still observing war time hours, and there was no sign of a reversion to the old hours. The bars are permitted l to be open only I'iorrt noon until 2.30 p.m,, and from 6 p.rn. to 9 p.m, “Invariably,” said Mr Caldow, “there wa*s a queue outside each hotel at noon waiting patiently for the doors to open—and 75 per cent of those in the line were women.”

Thursday Next! Huge Sale V-f Auckland wholesale stocks commences. Thumping bargains in Clothing and Mercery. Men’s 4-fold Linen Collars Is each ; 3 only Men’s Tweed Overcoats 30s.—Auckliand) Clothing and Drapery Company.*

“My firm lost £lO a week through pilfering and had fruit dxirin’g the season,” slated an aucioneer in evidence at the Auckland Supreme Court. Mr Reed, K.C., remarked that that was one_ of the things' the public did not realise.

A streak of luck! Up North our buyer bought a Manufacturer’s sainnle range of Ladies’ Smart Coats at a big discount. Same lare fur-lined, and fanny have five collars. All to go at half usual prices o„, Thursday.—The Auckland Clothing and’Drapery Co,*

A« the public schools have now reopened, the Sunday Schools of Nelson will also reopen tomorrow afternoon.

The acute shortage off cement i» stilf seriously hampering building operations in, ( hiis(,church, and many jobs have hadl to be suspended Oni account of its scarcity. The coal .shortage is largely responsible for the present pitim-twiT, combined with the difficulty of securing shipping from 1 , the North. Until the coat ishortage is overcome there is little hope of obtaining any (satisfactory m-eaetrore of relief.—Press Association.

The Government 'Geologist (Mr J. Henderson.) has reported: •regarding land in the Cheviot district believed to be oil-bearing.; but that, in his opinion., the strata arc net favourable to the accumulation, of the oil in pools. Several residents of Canterbury are engaged in a movement to thoroughly test the prospects of the oil-bearing la' dvs.- —Press Association.,

Delegates from Borough Councils and local bodies at F'eilding discussed a. scheme of scholarships for soldiers’ children, andl recommended that Feiid i ng Borough. Connell and l Kiwitea land Orona County Councils bo asked to provide £2oo' each per annum to provide two scholarships each, for the nufi'po'sc. of sending koiidiens' children to secondary schools. —Press Association*

Tliere should be a good' living for experienced rabbiters in 'Marlborough at the present time, judging by the prices being paid, for skins' and; the number of rabbits in certain localities. Marlborough skins are in. good demand on the Dum'dip marker,, although they do n;ct always realise* finch, high prices as' the Centra 1 ! Otago product. The representative of a souther,* firm informed an Expre-s reporter on Saturday that several Otago trappers last season had made cheques exceeding £IOOO. These men, of course, knew their task thoroughly, and marketed their skins in first-class order. Heavy racks now realise up to 5s lOd pei’ pci..7id'. and light racks ss. At a meeting of retired rail way men at Dunedin it was dteeded to form an association to protect their interests and 1 particularly to secure an increase in the superannuation allowance in order to meet the increased 1 cost of living. The secretary .was instructed to communicate with .the other centres with a view to combined' action. The meeting was strongly j n favour of a. flat irate irrespective of length of service.

The new regulations dealing with hides are being issued. These are on the lines of the Australia.,* scheme, pro viding practically a free market a,s hi as prices are concerned, but ensnaring adequate supplies to local tanners. They provide that the tanners are to have the right to take any lot of hides at auction at the price at which it is knocked down. Hides not sold by auction, are to he offered to tanners before being sold or exported. The Government retains the control of export in 'order to enforce these conditions. —Press Afisccia tion.

The services at Trinity Presbyterian 'Church iomoiTow will be the Rev. W. H. Holloway. Mr Holloway was the pioneer representative of the Presbyterian Church in the far roadless, uubricfeed North. He wiR have a wonderful story to tell of the expansion of the Presbyterian Church in the north of Auckland districts. For the, excellence of his services Jte wa& recently ordained a minister in full standing of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand.

Showroom Snips at Huge Sale on Thursday! One (only) Lady’s Raincoat 7s '6d; one (only) Knitted Silk Sports Coat, usually 90s, for 15s; Ladies! Smart Dplainette Blouses. 6s 6 each.—Auck'and Clothing and) Drapery Co.*

■Season. Tickets for Chautauqua on sale at business houses at Motneka for season at 'Motneka..* They’ll. he snapped in a flash Dainty Hand-made Chines# Lade Insertions fid yard, at Huge Sale of Auckland Wholesale Stjpcks on, Thursday; 4 hole ’ Pearl Buttons, 12 dozen for Is.—Auckland Clothing and Drapery Co* See Window Display of Nelson College Grey Hose. Caps, Belts, Straw Hats and College Hat Bandk—New Zealand Clothing Factory.* Ladies! Now' is your chance. The latest Season’s ;M;iJilSnei*y Jus* unpack ed.—Nelson Farmers’ Co.op. Ltd.* Household Drapery Slaughtered! At Huge’ Slate .of Auckland Wholesale* Stocks on Thursday. Big bargains in, Sheetings, Dlvniasks, Marcella. Quilts, etc Pillow Castes Is each, Tea Towels Is each.—Aiiicklandi Clothing and Drapery Co.* ■ •• . , . Music by Lyric Quartette, of Auckland, and the Zedler Symphonic Quintette Lectures by Dr, Carpenter and Judge H/oldeni at Chautauqua. 1 Motneka 23rd,, 24th, 25th February.* Ladies, do hot miss them). Out smart new Season’s Costumes now on show'. —Nelson Fanners’ 'Co.op. Ltd.* College Outfitting! Straw Hats, College Bands, College Ties, College Hose —Complete Col'ege Outfitters : New Zealand Clothing Factory,* Hosiery Scattered at Thursday's Huge Sate!, Silk Ankle Hose 2s lid pair; Women’s Black Ribbed Hose Is 9d; Lovat Cashmere Hcse 2s fid.: ■Get in early. Auckland Clothing tend, Drapery Co.*

Ladies, bo sure to see them. The smart New Coats just opened'.—Nelson Farmers’ C0.0p., Ltd., Hardy St.*

Don’t mufc 'attjndiimg Chautauqua lectures on 23rd, '24 th, and' 26th Feb., at Motueka.*

Serge Snips ! Next- Thursday at Huge Sale. 40-inch Serges Is Ud, 2s lid* 4s 6d yard; 54 inch Navy Serge 6s 6d laiiidl 7b 6d< yard; 52 to 58 inch. Tailors’ High-grade Navy Costume. Serges, 10s 6d, 12s 6d, 14a 6d, and! 19s 6d yard.— Aiicklatwl Clothing and! Drapery Co.*

Nelson College Grey Hose —the correct shade and style for now uniform. Full stocks in all sizes.—New Zealand Clothing Factory*

Dee and Sons’ old Scotch house are again to send tegular shipments of Suitings. For 70 seasons they served ns well. Our Tailoring System is worth vour consideration.*

Wo never had: such a big showum of Boots and Shoes. We saw the shortage coming. You’ll save money here : our prices are six months old. Come and see at Dee and 'Sons’.*

Those who buy Men’s and • Boys’ Clothes now at Dee and. Sons _ will save money. Prices are going higher, so wo advise you to get in now on our old prices; later goods will .be scarcer and dearer.* ’ ,„ , “Thinker” Brand Writing Tah-V*. “Thinker” School Exercise Books, a.#) ’Thinker” Pictorial NnL Bonks—ldeal stationery for every home and child. All storekeeper? and *tationera,*

A Dunedin Press -telegram states that John Ira, Fraeor, solicitor, of, Naseby, was fined) £SO for not haying trust accounts audited within, the time. Mv Bartholomew, ;S.M., said it appearedl to bo nothing but dilatoriness on defendant’s part; hut he had no option but to inflict _ the maximum penalty.—Press Association.

A ‘well-merited rebuke was given by Judge Alden at the Chautauqua session last night to individuals outside the tent, who kept up an annoying ooversation in loud tones during the time the lyric quartette were performing. He 'pointed out that while considierable annoyance was caused to the singers, it was really tire audience who were the sufferers. The judge’s remarks evidently appealed to the good sense of those creating the disturbance, for nothing more was heard, and the remainder of the evening passed off "■i<hou r interruption

The Contest Band of .the 12th (Nelson and Marlborough) Regiment will give a concert in the Theatre Royal to-morrow night, commencing at B.IS o’clock. The programme will include test selections-, quartettes, trombone trio, and solos, to be played by members a*b«the forthcoming Dunedjn, contest, which commences on March 2nd. A solo will also be given by Mr. J. Parker, one of New Zealand’s champion cornetists. A silver coin collection will be taken up on behalf of the Band’s contest fund. The dress circle will be reserved for ladies and tileries cor t«.

Mr A. Gould will hold the following auction sale*:—Tuesday next, ait 1.30 p.m., in the ectat-e of, Rubina Askew, deceased 1 ; Thursday next, at 1 p.m., on account of Mr G. F. .Naylor, Manuka street. The Anniversary Services of the Hope Methodist Church will be held tomorrow, the 22nd inst. The preachers for the day will be Missioner Wearne in the afternoon at 3 o’clock, and Rev. W. Wills in the evening at 7. « Mm M. E. Gibbs has received' per Mrs .S. Busch, of Hope, a donation- for the Barnardo Homes of £4 Is 3d-, being the proceeds -derived from the sale of the property of a dancing class which used to meet in that locality. Harvest festival services will be held at St. John’s Methodist Church on (Sun day, when the church will be decorated: with the flowers and fruit® of the sea"’ son. Appropriate sermons on “The Overflowing Cup” and Measure for, Measure” will be by Rev. E. D. Patchett. At the evening service there will be an anthem by the choir and a esacred solo by Miss Radford.

Judge Alden, in concluding hi& lecture last evening, mentioned ‘the reason, why America had not joined, the League of Nations. .Tie declared that if,, the matter had! been put to a. vote it would have been carried by the. Americans like a prairie fire from one end, of the country to the other. Their President, great ns he was, wonderful as he was, was not as great «s he thought he was. No one mani oouldi play every instrument in a hand l . Had President Wilson taken ynth him to the yersail'os Conference one Republican senator in the hand-picked party that went, things would have been, different; but when he began to make it a party masure, then, and! then only, ■ was opposition raised 1 . In urging the need for Anglo-American unity, Judge Alden pleaded for the joining of the English* speakig peoples—.John -Bull and Unde ■Sam. On the invitation-of the Judge, the audience thenr rose and sang the National Anthem, to the tun© of ‘‘America,’ to the accompaniment played by the speaker.

■Ladies are iixvi'tjed l 'to inspect the belt Autumn Millinery and l other showroom: goodg, at /the Special Show on Tuesday at McKay’s.* A meeting of the Korere Farmers’ Union will be held on Satur day, the 28th h'ist,, Kifciwa. The annual general meeting of the Nelson branch of the Hew Zealand Educational Institute • will be held in ithe Girls’ Central Schoolroom on Satur ■day, the 28th anst., at 2 p.m. All teachers, whether 'members or not, are urged to attend. 1 . Ntew Autumn Hate for the Races. Bee the special early show at McKay’s on Titesday and following days.* . Today Messrs Cann and Walter dist pbsedf of privileges -in # oonnectittn . wMi, the Nelson race meeting as follows r— 1 Inside booth, £lOl, to W. Horrocks;, outside booth, £B6, to J,. Hawthorn. Negotiations are proceeding in regard to the remainder of the privileges. iSpecial early show of Autumn; and Race Millinery, Costumes, Blouses, and 1 ' 'Coats, aßFMcKay’a on Tuesday.* The Telegraph Office advises that the following vessels ame within wireless range .todiay:—Of Awanuf: North- j nmberlnnd, Navua, • Whangape. ' .Of; Auckland: Keht’ Port Chahners, Maheno. Qif Wellington: Mariuoa.' Pn'teeua, WahinOj .Cyrena., Mberaki,. Waimana, Kurow-,v K«nn<i‘., Of. CK^iharms; Mokoia. For .Sunday: .Of 'jwanui: Northumberland, Navua, Maheuo. Of Wellington: Oymia, .Wmmana, Argonne, Kanna,

The signature of aligned letter in yester day’s issue re cabbage fly wa® inadvertently omitlted. It was that of Mv H. Baritrop. ■

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIV, Issue LIV, 21 February 1920, Page 4

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LOCAL AND GENERAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIV, Issue LIV, 21 February 1920, Page 4

LOCAL AND GENERAL Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIV, Issue LIV, 21 February 1920, Page 4