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"■Bolling for the election of members of; iocoi j tbodio® /took place yestorday urvdor fine weather Loa public did not display a great deal of interest, as the poll was. a very small one. It’was expected! that- the contest for the Mayoralty would bo a close one, and this .proved to be the case, as when the provisional announcement was made Mr Snodgrass was leading hi® opponent by only three votes. By 8 o’clock there was'a large crowd otttside the Municipal Chambers; but owing to a delay at the Oddfellows' Hall, it wa© 8.30 Before' Mr , Mansford, the Returning - Officer, was able to make an announcement. i

Mr. ShbdgraSvS, who was received wdh cheers, said he had not won, nor was he beaten, but ho was leading by three votes. He thanked those who hau worked and voted; on bis behalf. In, the-past two years he had bad to or some unpleasant things, and thi® had cost him some popularity; in the next two years, if elected, he would have jess unp!©a-a,nt thing® to do. Should it turn out'that Mr Lock was elected, he wished him; a successful. terra of office. Cheers were given! for Mr Snoctgrass. Mr. Lock, who wa® also received with cheers, thanked 1 his committee and supporters. He could say that the contest had been a clean one so far as his side wa® concerned. (A voice: What about'Gibbs?). Never mind about him. If beaten he would take his defeat like n, man, 1 and would come up smiling again.- (Cheer's.) He remarked that -tne press had been modest ini its criticism—ho was On good) terms with the pres®. Who press was entitled to its opinion (A voice: The opinion of one man) —but it was the opinion l of only one man. The pres® had l not the influence it had at one time. -Since the schoolmaster bait

been abroad—(A voice: Gibbs?)—domooracy had become educated and tho p rees did not have so much influence, It was good, of course, for advertising and distributing news. No business would 1 succeed! without advertising. Mr. Lock said that in view of the elounicss of the voting he would_ not cav much r.hcut Council matters. In a residential ci.ty_likio Nelson tim i«tcs> should be as'low a® possible, and there should bo good water supply and drain acre. Tire rates at present were 100 high. He considered it a waste of money to holds public meeting® in Nelson, as so feu attended them. Mr. Lock, dealing with hospital matters said ho was in favour of the nationalisation of hospitals l>nd a free doctor icr -everyone. Ho did not approve of the present p olic '>' of the Hcwpitai Board in charging every patient 4>2 2s a week, thus making those who could not. afford that amount feel that ii/ asking for a reduction they were receiving charitable aid. If elected he would” vote for retaining the present Hospital site, and against going to istoke. (Cheers). The Melbourne Hospital site was not as large as the present Nelson Hospital site. Mr, Lock was again cheered bn concluding bis address.

LATEST FIGURES. MAJORITY OF 94 FOR MR SNODGRASS. A recount of the Mayoral votes took place to-dav, when it was discovered that at one"of the booths 60 votes cast for Mr Saadgrass were credited .to Mr i Lock. With the addition of these 50 votes Mr Snodgrass’s majority has gone up to 94: Mr Mansford gives the result of the recount as follows:W. W. Snodgrass 1283 i W. Lock ... HB9 i ; Majority for Snodgrass 94 | There were some slight alterations at three or four of the booths.



Messrs Stringer, Hampaon, Harley, Pettit,/ P.aigent, Watson, Edwards, and Plum are elected in thjit order. HOSPITAL AND CHARITABLE AID BOARD.

Mr Lock, Mrs Watitan, and Mr Neale are elected in that order. HARBOUR BOARD.

Messrs Duncan, Washbouni, Gould, and Hamilton are elected in that order. SCHOOL COMMITTEE.

least's; Stringer, Coltman, Boyos, McConchie, Eaadale, Treacher/ Mrs Graham, Messrs Winn and Wood are elected in that order.

BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. MR WILKIES RE-ELECTED AS 1 MAYOR. The Richmond Maypral election resulted in th© return of Mr W. E. WilkeS, the retiring Mayor, who polled 292, as against 74 cast for Mr James Hunt.*, The following were elected as the Bdrough Council: —J. A. Haycock, 293; Francis Lusty, junr., 258; t. H. Holland,'2ss; E. W. Win, 234; E, W. Cross, /220; C. B. Webby, TB7. The unsuccessful candidates polled as follows: R. Hart, 153; L. G. Sutton, 139; Walter Thorp, 130; ; Inhere were 17 informal Votes, Messrs Hart and Thorn were members of the old Council.

BOROUGH OF MOTUEKA. Mr Jas. A. Wallace wag re-elected as Mayor of Motueka, unopposed. The voting for the Borough Council was as followsC. L. Jackson, 258; J. A. McG-lashen, 255; C. Primmer, 228; G. T. HeatJu 218; P. B. Lomax, 181; W. Mclnnes,-174; C. R, Trewavas, 166; W. Bridle,. 121; J. C. Kirwin, 105. The new Council consists of Messrs Jackson, McGlashen, Primmer, Heath, Lomax, and Mclnnes. MOTUEKA HARBOUR BOARD. •For two' vacancies'oil ther Mbtueka Harbour Board the polling was. as follows: —R. P, Hudson, M.P., 248; P. ( B. Lomax, 211; J. C. Kirwin, 87. Mr Hudson was a sitting member of the I Board.

OTHER MUNICIPALITIES. (United Press Association.) DARCjAVILLE, April 30. The Mnvoral election resulted in R. E. flornblmv defeating A. J. Stallworthv by 241 votes. GISBORNE, April 30. The result tor the Gisborne Mayoralty was: G. Wildish, 1286,* G. G. Manns, 780. NEW PLYMOUTH, April 30. Tho New Plymouth election resulted: C. H. Burgess (sitting Mayor), 1557; G. Blanchard, 489. For the Harbour Board, G. E. Bellringer and W. S. Connctt wore re-ap-pointed Tho unimproved valuer, poll was carried by 780 to 693, Inglewood Mayoralty: Cr. (Sutherland 194 ; ' Cr. Buckley, 188. Stratford Mayoralty: J. W. McMillan, 615; J. W. Boon, 594. ■ Eltham Mayoralty: G. W. Tayler, 290; T. B. Crump (sitting Mayor), 247. j Incomplete figures in connection with I the New Plymouth harbour loan of £30,000 show that it wifi be carried . bv an overwhelming majority. HAWERA, April 30. Thel Mavotfal election resultedE. Dixon, 603; J. McNeill, 399. WANGANUI, April 30.

The Mayoral election resulted: C. E. Mackay (sitting Mayor). 1792; L. J. Sigler,* 1497. There is one small return to come.

The Borough Council proposal to raise a loan of £45.000 for water was lost by 915 to 949. The proposal to raise £22,000 for street improvements was carried by 1168 to 711. The Harbour Board proposal t-c raise a loan of £150,000 for harbour improvements was can led bv 1367 to 226. FEILDING, April 30.

The only matter upon which local electors were called upon to vote was the half-holiday finest ion, and .Saturday was chosen.

PALMERSTON N.. April 30. The Mayoral election- resulted; J. A. Nash, 1664; W. Thomson, 954. Council: Reale, Broad. Bryant, Crabb Graham, Hodgens, Lancaster, Spooner, and Hoddeiv

Hospital Board: Dr. Whitaker, Mrs Gill, and J. A. Nash. Half-holiday: Wednesday, 1532 ; Satudray, 1110. MASTERTON, April 30. The polling for the Mayoralty was as follows: W. H. Jackson, 1427: Pierce Cotter. 597. WELLINGTON. April 30. The Wellington Mayoralty resulted: J. P. Luke (sitting Mayor), 7266; Reid (Labour), 6343; Barber, 3615. The present Maypr was successful at Petone, (lie voting being: McEwan, 1179; Loudon, 1051. Miramar Mayoralty; S. M. Stone, 699; Frederick Townsend (present Mayor), 207. The Wellington City Council returns are still incomplete, but, according to the. latest report, most of tho old Councillors who sought re-election are likely to bo returned. Eastbourne Mayoralty: F. H. Mather 315; P. Levi. 206; C.‘Russell, 72. Carterton Mayoralty: W. Howard Booth, 378; David Reid, 164. _ Tho Karori Mayoral election resulted in a victory for the present Mayor. The polling was: B. G. H. Burn, 255; W, Skegg, 228. BLENHEIM. April 30. For the Mayoralty,, J. J. Corry, the sitting Mayor, defeated A. McCallum, cx-Mayor. The retiring Council was elected with the exception that G. Mosley was elected in. place of E. Parker, who did not stand again. WESTPORT, Apr.l 30. Tho municipal elections excitsd keen interest. Harbour Board (two members required) : W. Slee, 871; Donald McKenzie, 572; A. W. Henley, 445; T. Shaw, 348; F: Knight, 245: Hospital Board (three members required): Arthur Leaves, 932; J. W. Shanks, 658; A. C. Cottrell, 651; W. Caldwell, 503; F. Beirne, 409; T, Shaw 352. Borough Council (nine members wanted); J. Menzies, 996; E. Fair, 811; Enright, 800; F. S. Wood, 770; D. McKenzie, 751; H. T. Parry, 726; F. Roche, 663; S. Jenkins, 646; R. Wickes 632. There were six defeated candidates.

Mr Arthur Leaver was elected unopposed as Mayor, and enters on his seventh year in office. For the weekly half-holiday the polling was: Thursday, 829; Saturday 644. CHRISTCHURCH, April 30.

The Christchurch Mayoral election resulted: Dr. Thacker, M.P. (Canal League), 5948; J. J. Dougall (Citizens’ Association), 5747; J. McCombs, M.P. (Labour), 2306. The following were elected for the Christchurch City? Council: —Central Ward, Nicholls, Harper,. McKellar, J. 0. Jameson, Agar, and Flesher (all Citizens’ Association); Sydenham Ward: Burgoyne, Armstrong, Langley (all Labour), and Peek (Independent); Linwood Ward, Herbert, Sullivan, and Hunter (all Labour); St. Alban’s Ward Beanland, Andrews and Williams Citizens’ Association). The Labour Party gains one seat on the Council. Mr E. J. Howard, one of the most prominent Labourites in Christchurch, was defeated.

Woolston Mayoralty: C. Hill, 324; D. Rowse, 252; G. S. White, 301. TIMARU, April 30. The Municipal elections Were 'given unusual inteisest, a,, six Labour- candidates asked for a ticket vote. Of 19 candidates only five are present councillors, while three are former members. ...

Mi’ W. Raymond, solicitor, tho present Deputy-Mayor, was elected as Mayor unopposed, the sitting Mayor (Mr J. Maling) not, standing. The poll on the proposal to change tho half-holiday from Thursday io Saturday evoked great interest, employees opposing the change, in the interest of country customers, for whom Saturday is market day. Tho results are likely to be very late. At Geraldine the sitting Mayor (Mr B. R. Macdonald) was re-elected. At Wairnate, the Mayor (Mr G. Dash) 376, was defeated bv Civ W. E Evans, 478. , *

. OAMARIT. April 30. Mayoralty: James McDiarmid (exconncillor), 848; W. H. Firth, 484. Councillors elected: W. Clarke. 1607; J. M. Forrester, 1096; J. T. Calder, 1042; D. Miller, 1041; R. Mahan, 1040; A. W. Woodward, 1029, D. Sinclair, 1021; H. G. Deal, 991 J. Rodman, 954; : C. Swinnard 908; M. F. Cooney, 899 R. Snadden, 870. DUNEDIN, April 30. The city Mayoral election resulted: Begg, 4804; Black, 3626; Gilkinson, 2699; Macdonald, 788. Mr. Edgar, the retiring Mayor, was returned for St. Kilda, and Mr Stevenson for Port Chalmes, ' GORE, April 30. May oral tv : Andrew Martin. 511; J. C. Ray. 415; D. McDougall (sitting Mayor), 257: Thomas Rhodes, 56. INVERCARGILL, Anril 30. For the Mavcralty. John Stead was re-elected. The nollintr was;— Stead. 1673; T. D.: Lonnie. 1539. Tho loan • of £135,000 for electricity extensions was earned by a large maioritv. HAMILTON. This Dav. At Hamilton, the Saturday halfholiday was approved by a large ma-

joritv. It was formerly Wednesday. AUCKLAND, This Day. The Auckland city electors returned eighteen old members, three labour members, and two ladies. Tho mayors elected were as follows; Devonport, H, H. King; Onehunga, J, Parr; Takapuna, W. Bloomfield; Birkenhead, J. Mcl’hail; , Fukehohe, 11. G. Watson. DANNEYIRKE, This- Day. Tho Mayoral election resulted-: —Anderson, 918; Thomson. 356. NEW PLYMOUTH, This Day. Mr. Burges was re-elected Mayor, All tho Labour candidates for the Borough Council, Hospital and Harbour Boards .were defeated-. Rating on unimproved value was? carried by 730 to 693. A harbour loan cf £300,000 was carried by u huge majority in town and "ountrv.

HAWERA, This Day. At the Mayoral election Mr Dixon was re-elected. PATEA, This Day. Mayoral Election. —-Christensen,. 227 ; Kicks, 136. FOXTON, This Day. Mr J. Chrisall was re-elected Mayor unopposed. Four out of five Labour candidates nominated! for tho Council wore fvtcted. WHANG AEEI, Tin’s Day.

Mayoralty: John Samuel Doiit was re-elected, defeating Donald Alexander McLean by a majority of 100. CHRISTCHURCH. This Day. * The Lyttelton Harbour Board election resulted in the return of; Dr Thacker, Messr*. Holland. Sorenson, ami Kay for Christchurch; Mr Flood Lyttelton ; and the Hon. Moore for Kaiapoi and Rangiora, One return is still to come. For Ashburton Mr Galbraith is returned, but the second is doubtful. WAKATANE. This Day. Mr F. A, Moore was elected Mayor. Rating on unimproved values was carried by .163 to 92. Electric system, water supply and surface drainage loans, totalling £61.000 was defeated owing to the feeling that a more comprehensive scheme embracing the whole district was preferable. WELLINGTON, This Day. At the Wellington city election the following were elected in, this order (subjec to recount): —C. B. Morwood, L. McKenzie, M. Luckie, J. Hutchison,

(.Secretary Tramway Union) J. 0. Shorland, W. 11. Bennett, A. R. Atkinson, G. Frost, P. Fraser (M.P. for Wtd button -Central), J. MrtDde, G, H Chipmen, T. Forsyth, W. J. Thomp.-on ,1. (J'.over. Nino old) members were re* elected. The new me fi 1 )-"” include four Labourites—Messrs Fraser, Chapman, Glover and Hutchison.

net-* SO cL S' • i <1 ' 3 < -Ci to co cm Council Chamber. co S Oddfellows’ Hall. OO CO J. Ki Provincial Hall. - 2 cl g Hampden Street. O On co co Vanguard Street. Cn -o *o CO P-Ook Street. CM >-* o\ Milton Street. CM -t. co co Port. CO H-* i S Total - CM CO

U 0» rg P a d 13 W ■*» a< <u -3 c n *3 ai <y r/l a> cw <V <v o f* 5 % d ‘o .s a! ns a. T3 d S to rjf} M o *e3 "o H 1 . . 3 O a ns nS o > o u Oh d w d K* O « r**; Pori Baigent, H. Cairn, E. 424 235 177 73 87 115 56 125 1291 293 275 168 69 89 92 50 100 1116 Carlisle/ F. A. S. 230 171 107 61 43 52 56 60 780 Edwards, T. S. 290 284 163 75 76 99 90 116 1193 Gibbous; F. 225' 182 130 49 43 70 54 77 830 Hampson, W. S. 441 287 200 81 106 104 71 148 1438 Harley* W. C. Harris,’ H. J. 442 278 185 92 108 96 65 142 1408 260 161 112 64 54 68 44 77 840 Marrisj W. 364 229 147 105 85 . 74 61 118 1183 T.v 397 262 184 99 91 99 80 136 1348 Pitt, F. A. 264 153 124 47 92 70 46 79 875 Plum, F.' 290 255 164 79 93 115 70 100 1166 Stringer, J. A. Taylor, J: Vercoe/ 4 N. A. Watsoh, R. 435 328 214 99 95 118 91 148 1528 84 95 . 52 , 25 26 41 24 54 401 222 145 ’ 77 35 41 47 40 60 667 358 240 160 91 83 77 76 118 1203 Watt, * J. 231 241 130 62 62 80 65 89 960

' U & & 2 A O IS W “f % W ■ IS •6 P o> V 4^ 02 fl -P o u -p 02,. tT p £ -P O O ) -p CO P $> 0) P CO T3 3 O £ P-, 3 S , * a s •5 T3 O > O I GD £ O o o p t A o £ P 6 "£ w > « <1 & « H Cann, E. 260 202 127 53 47 70 85 93 29 956 Fell, C. R. 383 223 153 76 52 84 73 102 78 1204 Haycock, J. A. 127 110 49 45 . 27 20 38 50 327 793 Lock, W. 343 344 218 72 88 103 126 146 55 1495 Neale, T. 376 225 144 83 69 77 84 115 78 1251 Watson, A. 374' 265 171 104 79 95 99 125 81 1393

U a s ' 2 o ctf w i? o w 2 o <y S <p GQ rp 3 0> V u* (n .*2 <U 55 u C 9 *■0 *> o a. bp M o o S S-4 3 O o k*H HH > M % Ph &-• Campbell, C. 65 60 36 21 ii 18 16 30 257 Duncan, H. R. 455 293 192 95 63 125 105 159 1487 Edwards, T. S. 247 265 122 77 85 68 93 117 1074 Gould, A. 394 287 181 84 78 107 94 122 1347 Hamilton, F. 0. 419' 232 187 72 63 104 92 126 1295 Pettit', F. C. 213 182 105 67 56 44 61 69 797 Tasker, A. E. 252 175 89 SO 42 38 51 79 776 Washbourn, H. P. 380 314 194 112 83 97 116 145 1441

\ Ch 43 • 1 f rO s « X! li w "ft o *c3 w 4) 4> >4 43 ca 4! Si ■43 Cfi 43 % 4> o 3 d ■V *a a S ’P s tn 35 'f r4 B o t 4) 'S T3 p o u to o o ; i r* p -p O 3 o Baxter, J. F. F. u O Pm H4 h-i !> P3 Pm H 207 186 120 55 41 49 76 96 830 Boyea, E. E. 427 366 203 116 107 94 122 159 1588 Coltman, H. 459 335 211 107 85 113 129 151 1590 EasdaJe, J. N. 355 303 210 74 79 80 115 164 1381 Gibbohs, F. 222 216 128 51 60 60 85 96 918 Graham, M. (Mrs) 341 271 158 90 76 89 107 119 1251 McCohchie, W. 361 346 190 101 98 81 108 153 1438 Stringer, J. A. 471 375 234 105 99 119 136 175 1714 Tilled W. G. 235 206 102 77 51 42 56 64 833 Treacher, J; W. 351 265 184 88 76 76 123 134 1297 Redgrave, K. E. (Mrs) 312 238 158 95 61 81 81 117 1143 Winn, S. 338 262 164 85 60 71 92 146 1218 Wood; E. A. 285 270 160 92 67 79 94 124 1161

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIII, Issue 102, 1 May 1919, Page 5

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LOCAL ELECTIONS Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIII, Issue 102, 1 May 1919, Page 5

LOCAL ELECTIONS Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIII, Issue 102, 1 May 1919, Page 5