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WHAT DOES PROHIBITION IT MEANS PERSECUTION, NOTE! YOU WOULD LOSE THE RIGHT OF DETERMINATION. IT WOULD COMPEL THE SUBJECT TO USE DRUGS. IT WOULD ENCOURAGE SLY GROG SELLING. IT WOULD MAKE CRIMINALS AND LAW BREAKERS. IT WOULD DESTROY THE PRIVACY OF T«E HOME. Roa4 latest move by Prohibitionists in America, taken from New York Journal of Commerce,” dated February 24th, 1919: “At Prohibition Conference hold at Albany 23rd February, 1919, it endorsed a Bill that is now before the Senate called “THE WALKER SEARCH AND SEIZURE BILL,” “which if carried gives power -to the State to SEARCH every PRIVATE HOME and confiscate all alcoholic beverages kept for private consumption.” ARE WE NEW ZEALANDERS INEFFICIENT? FACTS AND FIGURES FROM GOVERNMENT RETURNS TO SHOW WE ARE NOT. TIMATED WEALTH PER HEAD ofTotal Population, £303., Adult Population, £469. [OOPS RAISED AND TRAINED IN NEW ZEALAND For War Purposes: 124,000 INKY SUBSCRIBED FOR PATRIOTIC PURPOSES; £12,000,000 ►TAL AMOUNT WAR LOANS RAISED IN THE DOMINION IN DEFENCE OF LIBERTY, DEMOCRACY. AND THE RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION: £41,000,000 THE ABOVE ARE SOLID FACTS, mpare fchcae figures with the achievements of other countries, and SHOW US ONE THAT IS MORE EFFICIENT THAN NEW ZEALAND. Before: why should we throw away £6,000,000 this year increase the already heavy burden of tha Taxpayer by £1,500,000 each year indefinitely? )NT BE MISLED OR CAJOLED by the shibboleth ol FOREIGN PAID AGITATORS wbo have no stake in the country, and will not have to bear their al»aw of The DURDEN THEY ARE TRYING TO HANG ROUND YQ]DB NECK, > YOUR OWN THINKING; AND DEMAND THE RIGHT OF SELF DETE RMIN ATION IN THIS MATTER. IT MEANS INCREASED TAXATION. TAXPAYERS: What would Prohibition with Compensation Cost You? SIR JOSEPH WARD said £4,500,000, perhaps £5,000.000 or £6,000,000 the first year. LOSS OF REVENUE, INTEREST, AND SINKING FUND £1,500,000 each following year. £6,000,000 would mean approximately £6 per head for every man, woman and child in New Zealand; or for a man with a wife and four children £36. HOW IS THE EXTRA TAXATION TO BE MADE UP? Either by increased Customs Duties, or Increased Land and Income Tax. INCREASED CUSTOMS DUTIES OR INCREASED TAXES MUST MEAN Increased Cost of Living. ‘ • * WHO WILL HAVE TO PAY THE EXTRA TAXATION? The Farmer?. Ye»! The Importer? Yea! The Manufacturer? Yea! The Merchant! Yea I The Retailer? Y«|| YES! They will all have to pay, but they can all pasait on to YOU! WHO CAN YOU PASS IT ON TO? NO ONE! You Will Hava to Foot the Bill! Local Bodies’Rates MUST INCREASE IF PROHIBITION IS CARRIED. £ISOO per annum in License Fees will be lost in NELSON and MOTUEKA Electorates. - A LOW ESTIMATE OF £IOO,OOO DEPRECIATION IN PROPERTY VALUES This will iffean a rise in rates of 4d to 5d in the pound to make up the above losses. , National Debt Increasing. FIVE TIMES MORE TAXATION THAN IN 1914. New Zealand’s Debt is now nearly At 5 per bent., this means taxation to the amount of £10,000,000 a year. Our Soldiers’ Pensions, nobly earned, will be at least £2,600,000 per annum. In 1914 the interest charge for the National Debt was less thap £3,000,0(30. Thus, £9,000,000 is being added to the burdens of taxpayers and the cost of living has increased out of all proportion .to any increases in wages or salaries. Now, Prohibitionists ami Efficiency Wen want you to gm> your vpte to add £6,000,000 more this year to the Debt, to make you pay £1,500,000 in further taxation for all time, thereby raising the annual charges upon'the people tot debt alone to £13,500,000. Besides increasing Taxation Prohibition will throw out of work 12,000 {twelve thousand) Bread-winners with 45,000 Women and Children dependenta. , ; , , ' : UNEMPLOYMENT MJ3ANS HARDSHIP. INCREASED TAXATION MEANS INCREASED COST OF LIVING. DO NOT BE MISLED BY PROHIBITION THEORISTS. IT MEANS >- Prohibitionists Say (1) “Alcohol will be available tor medicinal purposes.”' (2) “Alcohol is utterly useless in any form and tor *«y pttrpose, and must be abolished.” DO YOU KNOW. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN(I) Chemist’s Medicinal Alcohol? v (2) Beverage Alcohol? The first is supplied in a small phial or bottle by the chemist. The second is supplied by licensed houses in the form pf Brandy, Whisky, Wine,-Stout,,:.and Ale..-' v'-■ -\ . v - - .. Think seriously before depriving - yourself and your family of tberight'to purchase BEVERAGE Alcohol, and do not 1 be misled by Prohibitionists «bp say ypu will get supplies from, chemists. ~ . ; /‘i. “•{ - How many thousands owe their lives to-day to the combination of the value ,of Alcohol and food properties as'contained in Brandy, Whisky, Wine, Stout, and Invalid Ale! ' What Great Doctors Say A GREAT CONSENSUS OF MEfoICAL AU HORITY. a described nervous I “The Lancet/l the object of putting the Public right oh'the' Question, asked the highest medical authorities for a pronouncement. . is what “The,Lanck” published':— “In view b! tkestatements f^uentl^; as » : to'wpaeafe. medipal - opinion regarding alcohol and think’it desirable, to, issue the following toortstatoment. pn tb6;,TSub^|(^ • it statement which, we believe, represents the opinions of/the leading clinical teachers as well as of the great majority* of - ■■ ■ titioners. h' - A RAPID AND TRUSTWORTHY RESTORATIVE“Recognising that,in prescribing .alcohol, the requirementsi>6{i;the * the governing :-iraj», -we * are. ’ conytoce& ol * tba' •> ■ ness of the opinion, so long and generally held, that in'disease •: - ■ rapid ®nd ; icribed as life^ptoseTVmg, - to v its «power to sustain 4 cardiac c and ; , energy, while protecting the existing nitrogenous tisffhesr ■?; **' ' ALCOHOL AS A FOOD-. , . AN ARTICLE TO UNIVERSAL BELIEF QF CIVILISED MANKIND, THAT THE .'MODERATE USE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IS, FOR ADULTS, -USUALLY BENEFICIAL, IS AMPL Y JU STIFIED * ’ . - - v ' ’ “We-deplore-the evils arising from'the abusA ol elcoholu^ffi^'nitges;... But, it is obvious' that THERE IS 1 NOTHING,. HOWEVER' r BEN;E- .f FICIAL, WHICH DOES NOT BY EXCESS BECOME INJURIOUS.” ' (Signed by), / ■ ‘ ■ T. McCALL ANDERSON, M.D., Regius Professor ol : Medicine, University©! Glasgow. l . •. ' ' ALFREDS; BARRS: “ WILLIAM H. BENNETT, K.C.V.0., F.8.C.5.JAMES ‘ CHRICHTON BROWNE. W. E. DIXON: ■ f. . . „■ ... DYCE DUCKWORTH, M.D,,'IJ/<D.i. > . ■ -:l " THOMAS R: FRASER, M-D., F.R.S. > - - ' - ~ T. R; GLYNN; W; R. GOWERS, M.D., FrB.S.; W.D.HAI&IBURTON, M.D., LL.D.; F.R.C-R, F.R.S.*; Professor oftPhyßb ology, King’s Cqllege,. ..London;; JONATHAN HUTCHINSON: 3 Robert hutchisOn ,• edmmd owen, p.b.c;s. ; ; . ‘ P. H. PYE-SMITH’; FRED. T. ROBERTS, M.D. t 8.5 c.,; <f That statement iippartialiy expresses the oipnion of the:, great' majority.’of ■ medial men all over the world, ahd the' view held by all the greas medicaj authorlties. Medical science is opposed to the abuse, and not to the nse A of akohel. Alcohol Is Necessary. LEADING NEW ZEALAND OPINION. DR. T. H. A. VALINTINE, Chief Medical Officer and Inspector-General of* Hospitals, says:— ; ■ ?■’ ‘‘Certainly, from what I have seen during the Epidemic, l am coir vinced that it is necessary that Alcohol sh’diilA' aVailabU'to the people ‘ ’ DR. KINGTON FYFFE, President of toe British Medical “In the epidemic the man who took it (alcphol). in toodenaiton' Aad the advantage.. A man who amount ot alcohol—Jw° or three whiskies a day—-did n6t .get the readily as. other people. I take alcohol myself, and J could not epidemic without it. In my general practice I have (oand'Uiat a‘modet»te drinker does not get thoie ! acute disease in (he same way aara man,who does not touch it. u myexperienca.’* , r v- ■■■a-'f-? j ; " „■ , DO NOT BE MISLED BY DESIGNING PROHIBITIONISTS AND WILY POLITICIANS. ■■ , ■? ■ "SV . .W«»U

"JU. like that Prescription to ANtCEU’S jR DOCTOR’S skid is to restore you to health, his orders roust be obeyed to the letter. The medicine he prescribes must be compounded with infinite care, yet in the quickest possible time. YOUR DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION! Be sure your medicine is just what Doctor orders ; be sure his valued services are backed by eacperiejoocdi pharmacists. Send the prescription to ANCELL'S and be comforted by the knowledge' that your medicine represents the combined skill of your clever doctor and careful, qualified chemists. W. R ANGELS., CHEMIST, BRIDGE STREET. NELSON. -'•r- -s rp / FT FOR AND STOMACH and LIVER TROUBLES It is because Mother Scigci’s Syrup possesses in a remarkable degree ihe power lo tone, strengthen and regulate the action of the digestive organs—the stomach, liver and bowels—that it is' still, after fifty years’ testing, the best known and| most successful remedy fpf indigestion, constipation, biliousness, and the many distressing ailments which are traceable to a weak or disordered condition of .these '.important organs. If you suffer from indiges; lion, and wish to give Mother Seigd’s Syfup a trial, be sure you get. the genuine article. ; ! " -■■■■ THESTANDARD REMEDY.

aw T>. .-w .. ■. ssmn' W’ 1 , Hi' s ?■ ■■■’, - ■ '." »» ; . -u',IS a Comfortable and Pretty Home, with every room TASTE- - This is not so io achieve, as it would appear, even in spite of the 810 PROFITEERING which has beep going on unchecked in this eoimtry.H' ' " ■•*• NOW! It is more important WHERE YOU BUY YOUR FURNITURE,, than how-much, you spend. > If you buy at LOOK’S you get Good Value and aSquare Deal, We have Big Stocks of . Furniture, Linoleums, Carpets, Quilts, House Liuen. Sewing 'Machines and everything to completely furnish the Home. assured. SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO RETURNED SOLDIERS

■ '"*rjrr >0 * l ' ■'% (t *'*? "M. ■ '■>.. > •::-• u SK»ra£'4GUEBT. XM3X>-c-.;. i- -i?' - the way of. taking aoUva : cathartios. It is true they move the bowfels, but in doing so they; weakeft the muscular W tion,*. ahld ias‘titoe goes oni.a stronger dose ie required. Chamberloi n ’« Tab' lets . do - not create a habit. as (hey do not weaken. Instead of this they strengthen the bowels to not naturally Chamberlain'* ’Tablets possess tome properties. that give relief without any of the bad after effects ” which so often ■«<>nU, from cathartics. Sold . everywhere.* ~ 1 •' ■.■>Hij,.;i i i,',i .1 1..- M ir„.«M,j|i.^i..M Sufferers from Hay Fever will enjoy speedy relief by breathing in "*N»zoL” A unique, neverifalling remedy. . 60 doses Is 6d. tlse the Hanoi' Inhaler.

Shar’uvriitl’s Malt Vinegai m#&s delightful salads. Brewed from malt and sag ax. Free from raineral -adds. ■ Con? forma to requirements o! Food and Praga Act. All grocow.* GARB FOR YOURSELF AND OTHERS WILL CARE FOR YOU. Bexona Soap i« theaeoret that makes many a complexion a tMcjj of beauty and a joy for ever. BexoniS&ap.lfe 6d per tablet Obtainable everywhere,* Feeling tired ■ and ran down? Try Kolb-Ktp, It is A splendid toarc ai well m a oeoling beverage. Invigorating, stimulating, refreshing. wholesome. Bay a bottle fco-dey. Hofce!* aftd ttttres.?

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIII, Issue 83, 8 April 1919, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIII, Issue 83, 8 April 1919, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume LIII, Issue 83, 8 April 1919, Page 2