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The following reportedjjkilled in ac.tion : . . .... ...,. .'. ' . Private K. O. Atkinson. ; Private F. 1L Haste. Private iD. T. McGuirc. Private P. J. [Martin. Sergt. T. Smith. L.-Corpl. J. Williams. Private J. Brennan. Private H'. F. Cobb. Private E. J. Mullany. Corpl. E. H. Wood. Private F. J. 'McOammon. Private A. (lower. Private T. N. MeFarland. Private J- E. 'C. Marsh. Private P. Pearee. Private J. Thomson, i Private G. W. Davi'es. Private J. L. Campbell, i Private J. •Drummond.i Private R. B. Hooper. Corpl. J. R. Goodall. > . Private J. F. Ward. Private J. A. Ferguson. Private T. T. Olson. Private C. ■ Private J. A. McKay. Private G. E. McLe'od. Private. W. Scoltock. Private. K. W» Teiment. Private P. Q,.,H, Weir. Private E. tLuker.. Private W\ Roud. Private P. P. Whitfield. L.-Sergt. E. TL Beaumont. 'L.-Corpl. F. Boucher. Private.El W r . Dalle v. " L.-Corpl. A. F:-Candy. Private W. D. Tunks. Private H. Glendining. Private A. Maitland. Sergt. j. Proctor. ' Private G. Smith. PHvate\J." C. .Tulloch. - Private P. H. Jackson. Private.. W. Parkman. | Private, A. Sturgess. A. -CI, Airiyes. Private H. W.'Curtpitt. "' Private. J. F. Devereuis:. Private C- Dins dale. £ CWpl. A. T. Donogßue. Private J. Finlav. Private A. J. Hjnsby. j , Private A. T. C. 'Henery. I L.-Corpl. C. J. Hawke. \ Private J- A. Kitching. \ Private G. McAdam. j i Private E. R. Mainman. i Private R. W. Martin. Private E. "Nfewlove. Private W. H. Oates. Private J. R. Page.. L.-Corpl. T. L, iDixon. Private J. M. Eaglesome. Private W 7 . 'H. Gason. Private J. H. Harris. Private H. W. Hare. / Private M. D. Julian. 1 Private J. R. Logan. L.-Corpl. W. McKenzie. Sergt. P. MaDning. L.-Corpl. H. Myer. Sergt. G. <Newton. Private A. B. Olsen. Private A. J. T. Peld. Private J. Petersen. Corpl. . Ricketts. -~. Private R. E. Robinson. L.-Corpl. S. -i. Townsend. Private A. TTOtt. Private F. J. W. Waine. Sergt. Alexander. Private C. L. Watson. Private A. Moffat t. Private J. E. Beale. Private P. Casey. Private W. J. Cowes. Private J. C. Crutchley. tiergt. G. Dackford. Private E. FitzPatrick. Private G. Genge. 'Private P. N. Radcliffe. j. rivate W. J. Robb. Privat e A. H. S. Tan-ant. L.-Corpl S. V. C. Vincent - rivate Warner. L.-Corpl. P. Watkinson, Corpl. L. G. Winter. Private- E. E. (Barnett Private J. Beattie. ' Private W. T. Clarke. Private J.'.'S. Cook. ' Private V. L. Dickson. 'Private R: FaWbairn. " Private T. Eraser. Private H. Gray.' Private H, King. Private G. 'McDonald. ' Private W: R! Mclvor. . \ Sergt. I. MoKenna. ) Private J. Mcpxiire. j Private J. : S. 'Mulholland. , I L.-Corpl. W:J.aParker. j ■ Private W. J. Peters. ~ i Private DC-Tetter. Private'D. Hi' Sutherland. v i , • 'Private' H.x "Wilson. j Private F. .Bird. ' Private j. H. Patterson. Private J. TJ. 'Harvey. Sergt. E. L. L'imbrick. _, _ Private G. Maclridoe. ; " OPfiyate G. ; '■ Pri"vat e ' P;. McKone. * ' Private M-. Mbrrfson. , Coxpl. S. (D.'Murfitt. 'Private L. Pawlett. Private F. <L. Somerfield. 'Corpl E. A. S.toneham. L.-Corpl. W. \V. Wardrop. . , I Private J. McTaggai-t. ; "- PHvate\V. F..;,Finn. Private A. J.' Bowden. Correction. ~ Previofesly reported ■wounde'd;,': now i-eported killed in action:— „ ['] Sergt; E. G. Campbell. 5 ' Private J. J. Kettle. s *'■ Corpl. A. E. I>rummbnd. v. •; Private, D. EL Wilkie.'.' ; The following reported died o£ * v\-ouiids : . 2nd Lieut. P. Howden. Private S % Beahland. Private F r " D." T>iprose. Private J. B. MoManns. Corpl. J. T.; Pluck. Private J. Mitchell. Private J. A. Burns. / Private R. Buchele. L.-Corpl. ,D. iD'avenport. Private W. S. Church, Private A: Bolton. Private J.' McAillan. Private M. Nicholson. (Private M. H. Kilkipny: Private ;S. L. Cosgrove. Pi-ivate H. C. Pearse. L.-Corpl. E."W. L. Mead. Private W. Mailings Private J. Kirkland. * - Private A. P. Mitchell. Private T. Probert. ; L.-Corpl. C. R. Barrett. ! Private E.' Sanderson. Private F. J. Brindle. Private R. J. Speir. (L. -Corpl. T. J. Gorton. Private A. V. Wilkinson. Private L. {P. Donaglfue. The following reported died of sickness : I Private R- W. Napier. SUVBftKLT CHAPFKD HANBS. FIRST APPLTOATION OF WEXOTSfA G-AVTC SELmP. **l soSFersd tor some time with severe ly chapped hand*." writes- Mrs Bird. 602 King st.rees, "Onneiim Nirfch, New Zealand. "I am in a refreshmeat and confectionery business, and am eoafltant-. ly washing glaasea and dishes, 'nfe* eutV. open almost to tne Done,' and i nothing I nsed seemed to give relief. A friend, seeing the terrible state Of my hands, gave- me a little of yonr Rexona Ointment to try. The first ap- . plication gave me instant relief, it took the heat completely away; and in a week's time my hands were quite healed. I would not be without.your omtiment <er the world," RexoW w sold »t la €d and 3b. Obtainable •Verywbere.

ADMITTED TO • HOSPITAL. • Corporal H. Thowern. . Private H. Nelson. ■ Lance-Corporal D. C.' Robertson. Private G. W. Snowden. Rifleman F. Nicholls, . : Rifleman W. A. Paterson. Lance-Corpora,l A. Scott. Sergeant P. P. O'Mallev. Private A. Gold. Private A. S. Dvmock. Private R. Stuart. Private B. Stuart. Private P. J. Young. Rifleman A. Winn. Rifleman G. W. Maynard. Private J. Thorpe. Rifleman R. Route. Private J. B. Woodhead. Private A. W. ,Gep. Private J. Cairns.; Private J. H. Brady. Rifleman J. Calder. Sergeant H. Anderson. Lance-Corporal J. F. Keddell. , • Private H. Hall: Private O. D. Pearee Private A. J. 'Harris. •-- "Private C. H. Church. Sergeant R. H. Burt. Rifleman T. Enright. Rifleman C. W, Batty. Rifleman, H. McLauchlin. Regor.ted slightly wounded. Remaining with unit: Gunner D. G. Adam. . Private A. R. Kemp. LaneeCorporal, A. Holder. ' " . - />■- <* »--§;;• jrp , The following reported missing: . Private T. R. Anderson. '." -Private H. V. Filf. . Private W. Herman. Coi-pi".. B. E.. Redstone.Corpl. W. W. Thompson .iPrivate J. Ryan. ' Private W. J. Thomas. i-rivate W. Weetman. Private F. : Pattell. : Private R. Gough. ; Private C. F. Stokes. Private F. G. Doyle Private J. A. Bolstad. Private J. Freeman. Private 'O. Mc'Cowenk. (Private B. Vvhitwei. Private G., J. W. 'Gihson. RBPORTFuD- WOUNDED. 2nd Lieut. A. C Fulton. Private A'. T>olan. , Rflmn. C. J. Atkins. Private W. Cumsing. ; fPriyate R. D. j-attie. Private C Callaghan. iGorpl. J. R.,»«Gunson. Private C. L. Hanson. Private ,F. E. Mac Donald.. Corpl. L. E. TucTcer. Private S. H. Boldstand Sergt. C W> Clark. 'Private 'C- S. T>ixon. Sergt. A. Edwards. Private J. K. Goodley. Private J. Hovvse. Private G. McCandlish. Vosbe W. E. Martin. 'Private R. M. Middlemass. Private J. W. '€. Moore. Private J. Noblitt. frivate E. F- Poleriski. Private A. Stuart. Private H. H. Hill. Private CD. McPherson. Private T. H. Baker. Private W. S. Burt. Private H. H. Cook. Private V. A. Dpria. Private W. P. Eraser. Private C W. Private F. H- Legge. Private J. M. McEwan. L.-Corpl. F. F. Tlaynard. Private H'. Milien. Private R. J. Moore. Private A. J. O'Keefe. L.Corpl. W. P. Parker. '-Sergt. J. Stuarts ' ,-' : Private D. L. Trotter. Private N. Hamilton. Private F. J. Merry;" ;'- L.-iCoTpl. A. S. Mryfey. ' "• Private C- A. J. IBorwning L.-Corpl. F. H. Dobbeyn. Corpl. R. V. Manson. Priv-ate C. H. Reuniß CorpL F. V. ig"enn. Private M. M. Sullivan. Private D. Bell. 'Private J. F. Eumbranch.. ' • Private E. H, 1 Goodwin, i Private A. Juillert. ? 1 Private R i; Gj Vivian. Private R. O. Whitten. Private A. Acton.. . Private-W. V. Beattia '■' Rriva'te A. 5. Galvin. Private W. G. Saie. Sergt. J. S. Straclc. Private E. M. Morriiern. Private V. Ballingham. - Private W. Fleary. '.'• Private W. J. Jacobs.. , Private W. Murlahd. Private' W 7 . J. Simpson. Private A. F. Heer. Private L. Booths h Private R. A. Wale. Private J. H. Bishop. x ■I" 2nd Lieut. D. C. Griffiths. , Acting-Captain A. W. Wellstead. Private D. OU>onaghue. Private A. E.'Wis'bey. Private E\ C. Bradley. : Private V. Windle. _ . 2nd Lieut. R. Tapper. Private M. Mark. > 'Private E, B. Fitzgerald. y Private Eiß^-Latimer. h l : L..,C.brpir f ,C. iJ.',WWte.' ■-=- Private 'J> Wj, St. Paul..': '. .; ' Private"W.rL ; . AlcKenzie. - « Priy.afie rF 1 . W. Knowlea. Private 0. C. Laurie. Private-iB. A. Shepherd. i'TiYate H., J. Willaco. \ Private A. E. Kraigen. '< 2nd' Lieut. L. M. -Fairbrofcheiv ' 2nd Lieut. J. M. Bbyhe. Private W. A. Studholme.. Private W. T. Ford. -"" Private J. :Sprott.. Private: A. H. Sutton. Lieut..-.-. 1 Lieut.', G. Jamieson. 2nd Lieut. F. -J. Baker. ' 2nd Lieut. F. S. Goulding. l 2nd Lieut. E.'S. Smith. r'rivate R. MGCurdy. lj Piivatie'J.ViLenr»ie. Private J. MoKee. Sergt. A. J. Steer. Sergt. F. R. Woolbridge. Private F. T. Clark. Majpr A». I. Wal&ei. Lreu't. R. 3"amieson. 2nd Lieut. J. B. Awstin. 2nd Lieut. F. Bennington: Temp.-2nd Lieut. A. F. Landsman. L.-jCorpl. D. Hombrooß. L.-Corpl. H. Jackson. Sergt. (L. -R. Mace. Private E; Rollihson..- > 'Private R. Tuck." • Private L. Dickison. Corpl. L. Green. 'Corpl. R. Henderson. GPrivate A. Wrlkinsoil. Private W. Hinchliffe. Private E./H. Wilton., Private vA. Anderson. Private S. J. Dawson. 4 Private F. King; Private R. Stone. Private N. L. Williams. Private C. H. ( Wood. "! Private H.'M.' iDavis.. , DRINK -HABIT CD-«EB. "Kindly pest me two-more packets of 'Drinko.-' I- can see a- ehange- already." So writes a Napier mother. We have Kundreds of similnr'testimonials!. Write ; fer free boo Wet in sealed enyelepo. de T spribing this wonderful secret drink eiire. State if Mr,; Mrs";' or Miss. Address, lindv Manager, Drinko Pronrietiry, 212E Lambton Chambers, Wellington. ■-, ■

Private-F. Thomson. ■■-.■■ Private W. E. A. Oibbs. Jfrivate A. Amber. : Sergt. JL. Burha-m. b Private H. Christie. .;' Private i>. Cruiokshanks. -' Private A. E, "Didvins. '" Private .M. Fa-he v. Private C. H\ Millett, Private Tj£. \V. Hayes. Sergt-. R. H. Hennah. Private J. F. Johnson. (Private J. .7. MacSweenev. F. Horton. Private F. Palmer. \V. Thwaite. E. West worth. J. J. Inglis. S. A. Strawbridge. J. Mcßride. , P. i J . F. Albrecht, J. L. Cock-burn. O. W. (Tar-diner. Corpl. E. A. Ha ugh, A Laurie. F.. G. McNight, O. A. 'Milne.' M. Pagan. Vv. Range. T. Strange. , J. Veint. - J. A. Watson. C. Irving. O. E. Sampsun. W. A. Eggleston. C. J. Rickeby. R. L; Summer. E. S. Atkinson. Sergt. P. A. 18-rcwn. J. R. Campbell. W. A. Cook. O. Egganton. M. Hanley. N". A. McDonald. \V. McXeish. ' A. Marshall. D. C. Nicholls. -L.-Corpl. W. A. Orr. H. Reddington. Sergt. H. G. Rodgers. F. Back-holm. Sergt, P. H. Doidson. j Tj. Donohue. ) Private W. Hay. ifrivafce JL. Button. Private W. Fleming. Private E. Wood. Private 'S. L.. Cossrove. L..-Corpl. F. G. Chesham. Private W. F. Harrison. Private X>. W. McOorrriick. Private W. T. "Wakelin. Private W. F. Campbell'. Private F. Herri es. Private J. Beaton. Sergt. C. Clarry. Private J. N. Kerr. Private S.'F\ Strange. Private A. S, Bismar. Private W. E. A: Clement*. ; Private W. H. Darby. \ Private R. H. Eggleston. » .li.-Corpl. C. E. Farley. Private J. M. Gregg. Private J. H. Heney. Private E. J. R. Hill. Private H. Josephs, Private H. Miles. Private, T. O'D-wyer. L.-Corpl. C. W. Sigglekow. Private I>. F-.Ticlsdall. Private R. W. Wornali. Private C. R. Julian. Private J. R. Tulley. rrivate A. H. Deariove. Private A. H. Redd. Private W.' T. Cook. Private, T. W.' Gordon. Private R. F. Kelly. Private P. Leonard. Private IX Mahoney. Private W. Moore. Private N. C. Palmer. Private T. D. Robertson. i Private J. Todd. Private A. Wearing. Private'.:A. Watt. > Private li. Lyons.Private G. H. -Collins. Private W. A. Hobbs. -Private T. Ryan. Private A. Turner. - Private R. L.; Best. Private J. 'Cailaghan. :, Private <A. M. Clarke. ' ■ ' .Private;H. B. ©ell., " -4.'. , P..Graham, ]';;.-■:.. Private G. Ho\vood.\ '■"*.■■■ I Private F. McKay. 1 Private J.- -McT'aggart. | Private E. G. ; Murphey. Private W. Nixon.. " --. Private O. W.. Palnjer. Private'J.\A., B,eid.! 'Privatev A. Rijuse. '. : L.-Corpl. FV Brown.. Private D. Gregg. ' " '• Private A'. Freeth. r Private R. Hopkins. Private R. Keene. . " ' / Private N. Marcussen. ' . f Private A. Browne,' ' . Sergt'. A. E. Savory. . Private. A. H. , Cli£ton. Private A. Hecloe. ' _ x-rivate D. M. Morgan. 1 :. 'Private "S. A. Carter. ' .' Priyat'e J. GVT. Herhpill. . ~ 1

Private R. Temeron. j.- .. Corpl. D. R. Corlet. Private Cummingham. • Private— A. Norton. Private C. S. Bennett. Private H. S. Chiug. Private A. Collins. N Pi'ivat (J. I>eiu. L:-Cor,pl. E. \V. Evans. Private T. T. Fisher. Private E. Harkers. Corpl. . Henderson. Private F. Hudson. - rivate lv. A. McGernon. Private F. Nogi'ord. Private <Li. O'Loughlin. h.-Corpl. C". N. Sowman. Xi.-Corpl. M. Wemyss. Sergt. A. J. Crig'ley. L.-Corpl. A. A. Mitchell. 'Private F. G. Wickens. Private J. Aitken. Private S. A. Clark. Corpl. J. R. Delaney. Private A. V. Heaps. Private E. IX Kennedy. Corpl. A. F. McKenzio Irrivate C. Miller. Sergt. W. P. Morrin. Private J. Power. , • iTi. -Corpl. E. VS. Skijpworth L;-€orpl. J. \V. Todd Private iJ>. A. WatsonPrivate F. Young Private E. Pyroi*. Private H. Decent. Private 'M. McPhersoi:. Private F. Stanley. Private N. G. Anderson. Private A. L. Burkett. Private B. Coron. Private O. Condon. 'Corpl. 0. D. Durrant. ; Private O. H. Groves. , Pri.vate R. J. .McDernibtt- ? ' Private.R. McLean. . Private G. N. Marker " Private W. R. New. L.-C6r»l. IX >C. G-onld. Private M, H. West. ; i .Private W. A. Richard. ' J Private R. J. Tremain. Private F. Colliss. Private A. C. Hand's. Private J. Pa'terson. Private J. J. Tallant. Private W. Weir. Reported slightly. wounded, remaining . •with' unit:— | fcorpl. E. E. Pope. , . Private M. Dalley. Private J. Kelliher. Private C. J. S. ; Bennett. Private J. H. Russell. 'Private J. Sullivan. Private J. Bishop. Private. W. W. Gienn. Private M. "McKillop • Private J. T. P. Dobson. Private R. 'Connolly. Private/A. T. Hiawlock. Private S. Simpson. Private J. W. Snikemaiv . £ Private J. H. Private G. K. Neill. , Private T. Bronin. Private F. J. Fahey., 'Correction. — r Previously reported slifrhtly wounded, remaining with unit: Acting-Captain T. W. Welsted. Now reported admitted to hospital, wounded: private C. Walsh.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume L, Issue 175, 26 October 1917, Page 2

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ROLL OF HONOUR Nelson Evening Mail, Volume L, Issue 175, 26 October 1917, Page 2

ROLL OF HONOUR Nelson Evening Mail, Volume L, Issue 175, 26 October 1917, Page 2